Writing Rules

Sports Education Journal (SED)

It is a "PREREQUISITE" that the articles to be submitted to our journal are written on Word templates. The Referee Evaluation process of the articles uploaded to the system without being written in this template will NOT START.
Top and Bottom Information will be updated by the journal management during the typesetting phase after acceptance and should not be changed by the authors.

Page Layout: A4 Margins (Normal) (2.5cm on 4 sides)

Font: Times New Roman, Vertical,

Article Title: 14 font size, capitalising the initial letter of each word except conjunctions, aligned to the left.

Oral presentations, studies produced from PhD thesis or supported studies are given with a footnote in the form of * in the title. A space and footnote should be given after the title. Footnote 8 font size,

Author/s: 11 font size, Author's Name Surname (Surname, capitalised) Footnote is given as 1 - 2..., left justified, one space and number.

Abstract Title: 10 pt. and bold, left justified.

Abstract: 9 font size, justified on both sides, not to exceed 250 words.

Keywords Title: 10 pt. Bold,

Keywords: 9 Punto, Maximum 6 keywords should be written. (Words that are not included in the title should be used).

Information About the Article: It is carried out by us after acceptance.

CrossMark and DOI: It is carried out by us after acceptance.

Main Headings: Introduction, Method, Discussion, etc., 11 pt, bold and left-aligned, 3 pt space after and 12 pt space before

Subheadings: 11 Point, Bold, Italic, Left-aligned

Paragraphs 11 pt, Justified, 3 pt space between paragraphs

Tables - Figures

In the preparation of Tables and Figures, the information in William G Hopkins' "GUIDELINES ON STYLE FOR SCIENTIFIC WRITING" (http://www.sportsci.org/jour/9901/wghstyle.html) and the following sample Table structures should be taken into consideration.

Table and Figure title and text specifications should be given by considering the structures in the examples in the Turkish - English Article Template.

Tables and Figures should be preceded and followed by 12 spaces. Table titles and texts within the table should be written in 10-point characters.

EXAMPLE TABLE 1 (Independent Groups)

Last Update Time: 4/9/24, 2:00:18 AM

Journal of Sports Education © 2017 by Ibrahim Erdemir is licensed under CC BY 4.0