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Year 2017, , 165 - 178, 22.06.2017


Bu çalışmada
Natsume Sōseki’nin (1867-1916) Meiji Dönemi (1868-1912) Japonya’sında yaşanan
sosyo-kültürel alandaki değişimlere olan yaklaşımı ve eserlerinde görülen Batı
algısına değinilmiştir. Japonya’nın Batı’yı model alarak önemli değişimlere
adım attığı dönemde yaşamış, aydın kişiliğe sahip bir yazar olarak, özellikle
kendi psikolojik dünyası içerisinde yaşadığı sıkıntılar ile bu dönemde yaşanan
değişimleri eserlerinde yarattığı kahramanlarla analoji kurarak
vermiştir.Japonya’da modernleşme, somut alanda birçok yenilik getirirken, bu
değişimlerin toplumsal hayat ve bireylerin psikolojik yönüne olan etkileri
yazarın en çok ele aldığı konuları oluşturur. Sonuç olarak, Natsume Sōseki’nin
Meiji dönemindeki bazı değişimlere ilişkin Japon toplumuna yönelik eleştirel
bir yaklaşımı olduğu anlaşılmaktadır. Bu eleştirilerden en önemlisi, Batı’da
kendiliğinden ve zamanla gelişen ilerleme faaliyetlerinin Japonya’da hızlı bir
değişim hareketi ile gerçekleşmiş olmasıdır.


  • AUESTAD, Reiko Abe (1993). “The Critical Reception of Sôseki's Kôjin and Meian in Japan and the West”. The Journal of the Association of Teachers of Japanese 27 (2): 229-257.
  • BEASLEY, W.G. (2000). The Meiji Restoration. California: Stanford University Press.
  • FUKUCHI, Isamu (1993). “Kokoro and the Spirit of Meiji”. Monumenta Nipponica. 48 (4): 469-488.
  • GOMI, Fumihiko vd. (ed.) (1998). Nihonshi Kenkyū. Tokyo: Yamakava Shuppansha.
  • GORDON, Andrew (2003). Modern History of Japan: From Tokugawa Times to Present. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • HANE, Mikiso-PEREZ, Louis (2009). Modern Japan: A Historical Survey. Philadelphia: Westview Press.
  • HASHIKAWA, Toshiki (2011). “Sōseki no Sanshirō: Inochi no Ne ga Yuragu Toki”. Kyōritsu Kokusai Kenkyū (28): 21-36.
  • HENSHALL, Kenneth G. (2004). A History of Modern Japan. New York: Palgrave Macmillan Pub.
  • HIRAKAWA, Sukehiro, (2008). “The Japanization of Western Thought and Institutions”. The Cambridge History of Japan 5. Kitap. ed. Morious B. Jansen. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 432–498.
  • JAMESON, Fredric (1991). “Sōseki and Western Modernism”. Japan in the World. 18 (3): 123-141.
  • KARATANİ, Kojin (2011). Derinliğin Keşfi: Modern Japon Edebiyatının Kökenleri. İstanbul: Metis Yay.
  • KATO, Şuiçi (2009). Japon Edebiyatı Tarihi. çev. Oğuz Baykara. İstanbul: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yay.
  • KEENE, Donald (1995). Nihon Bungaku no Rekishi. çev. Tokuoka Takao. Tokyo: Chūō Kōron sha.
  • KOGAWA, Tetsuo (1988). “New Trends Japanese Populer Culture” The Japanese Trajectory: Modernization and Beyond. ed. Gavan McCormack, - Yoshio Sugitomo. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 54-66.
  • MARCUS, Marvin (2009). Reflections in A Glass Door: Memory And Melancholy in The Personal Writings of Natsume Soseki. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
  • MATSUOKA, Yuzuru (2011). Sōseki no Omoide. Tokyo: Bunshun.
  • MIYOSHI, Yukio (2012). Sōseki Bunmei Ronshū. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten.
  • MORISHITA, Yasumitsu (2011). “Natsume Sōseki no Byōreki to Seikatsu (1)”. Hiroshima Bunka Gakuen Daigaku (2): 56-63.
  • NAGAHARA, Keiji (1999). Nihonshi Jiten. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten.
  • REISCHAUER, Edwin (1972). Japan: The Story of a Nation. Tokyo: Tuttle Pub.
  • SŌSEKI, Natsume (1927). Gendai Nihon Bungaku Zenshū: Natsume Sōseki 19. Cilt. Tokyo: Shūei Sha.
  • SŌSEKI, Natsume (1975). “Watashi no Kojinshugi”Sōseki Zenshū-Hyakuron Sōhen. (11. Cilt ). Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten.
  • SŌSEKI, Natsume (1975). “Gendai Nihon no Kaika”.Sōseki Zenshū Hyōron Zappen Bungeiron (11. Cilt). Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten.
  • SŌSEKI, Natsume (1975). “Sanshirō”Sōseki Zenshū; Sanshirō-Sorekara-Mon (4. Cilt).Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten.
  • SŌSEKI, Natsume (1975). “Sorekara” Sōseki Zenshū- Sanshirō-Sorekara- Mon (4. Cilt).Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten.
  • SŌSEKI, Natsume (2003). Michikusa. Tokyo: Shinchō Bunko.
  • SŌSEKI, Natsume (2003). Kojin.Tokyo: Shinchō Bunko.
  • STARRS, Roy (2012). Rethinking Japanese Modernism. Boston: Global Oriental.
  • SUZUKI, Jun (2002). Ishin no Kōsō to Tenkai. Tokyo: Kōdansha.
  • TADAO, Yoshida (2009). Manshū imin no Kiseki. Tokyo: Ningen Kagakusha.
  • TIPTON, Elise (2002). Modern Japan: A Social and Political History. London: Routledge Pub.
  • TYUDA, Makiko (1996). “Natsume Sōseki ni Okeru Jiko Chiyu, Jiko Genjitsu no Katei: Sōzō ni Okeru Josei to no Kakawari wo Chūshin ni” Osaka Kiyōiku Daigaku Shōgaiji Kyōiku Kenkyū Kiyō (19): 71-85.
  • VATANSEVER, Habibe (2013). Natsume Sōseki’nin Bireyselcilik Anlayışı ve Eserlerinde Görülen Yalnızlık Olgusu. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Ankara: Ankara Ü.


Year 2017, , 165 - 178, 22.06.2017


In this study, Natsume Sōseki’s (1867-1916) approach
regarding the changes in the socio-cultural area of Japan in Meiji Period
(1868-1912) and the perception of Western culture in his works have been
examined. In the period when Japan experienced important and sharp changes in
accordance with the model of the West, Sōseki with an intellectual personality,
made an analogy with the troubles which he has facedin his inner world and the
protagonists in his works. The education he had received in England was
decisive in his evaluation of the relationship between the Western world and
Japan. While Japan took many concrete steps in social life thanks to
modernization, the psychological effects ofit upon individuals were the
subjects that the author dealt with the most. As a result, it has appeared that
Natsume Sōseki had a critical approach to the Japanese society in terms of some
changes that occur in the Meiji period. One of the strong criticisms made by Sōsekiis
that while modernization took spontaneous and progressive advancement in the
West, Japan experienced a rapid change in its culture and ordinary life.


  • AUESTAD, Reiko Abe (1993). “The Critical Reception of Sôseki's Kôjin and Meian in Japan and the West”. The Journal of the Association of Teachers of Japanese 27 (2): 229-257.
  • BEASLEY, W.G. (2000). The Meiji Restoration. California: Stanford University Press.
  • FUKUCHI, Isamu (1993). “Kokoro and the Spirit of Meiji”. Monumenta Nipponica. 48 (4): 469-488.
  • GOMI, Fumihiko vd. (ed.) (1998). Nihonshi Kenkyū. Tokyo: Yamakava Shuppansha.
  • GORDON, Andrew (2003). Modern History of Japan: From Tokugawa Times to Present. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • HANE, Mikiso-PEREZ, Louis (2009). Modern Japan: A Historical Survey. Philadelphia: Westview Press.
  • HASHIKAWA, Toshiki (2011). “Sōseki no Sanshirō: Inochi no Ne ga Yuragu Toki”. Kyōritsu Kokusai Kenkyū (28): 21-36.
  • HENSHALL, Kenneth G. (2004). A History of Modern Japan. New York: Palgrave Macmillan Pub.
  • HIRAKAWA, Sukehiro, (2008). “The Japanization of Western Thought and Institutions”. The Cambridge History of Japan 5. Kitap. ed. Morious B. Jansen. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 432–498.
  • JAMESON, Fredric (1991). “Sōseki and Western Modernism”. Japan in the World. 18 (3): 123-141.
  • KARATANİ, Kojin (2011). Derinliğin Keşfi: Modern Japon Edebiyatının Kökenleri. İstanbul: Metis Yay.
  • KATO, Şuiçi (2009). Japon Edebiyatı Tarihi. çev. Oğuz Baykara. İstanbul: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yay.
  • KEENE, Donald (1995). Nihon Bungaku no Rekishi. çev. Tokuoka Takao. Tokyo: Chūō Kōron sha.
  • KOGAWA, Tetsuo (1988). “New Trends Japanese Populer Culture” The Japanese Trajectory: Modernization and Beyond. ed. Gavan McCormack, - Yoshio Sugitomo. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 54-66.
  • MARCUS, Marvin (2009). Reflections in A Glass Door: Memory And Melancholy in The Personal Writings of Natsume Soseki. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
  • MATSUOKA, Yuzuru (2011). Sōseki no Omoide. Tokyo: Bunshun.
  • MIYOSHI, Yukio (2012). Sōseki Bunmei Ronshū. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten.
  • MORISHITA, Yasumitsu (2011). “Natsume Sōseki no Byōreki to Seikatsu (1)”. Hiroshima Bunka Gakuen Daigaku (2): 56-63.
  • NAGAHARA, Keiji (1999). Nihonshi Jiten. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten.
  • REISCHAUER, Edwin (1972). Japan: The Story of a Nation. Tokyo: Tuttle Pub.
  • SŌSEKI, Natsume (1927). Gendai Nihon Bungaku Zenshū: Natsume Sōseki 19. Cilt. Tokyo: Shūei Sha.
  • SŌSEKI, Natsume (1975). “Watashi no Kojinshugi”Sōseki Zenshū-Hyakuron Sōhen. (11. Cilt ). Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten.
  • SŌSEKI, Natsume (1975). “Gendai Nihon no Kaika”.Sōseki Zenshū Hyōron Zappen Bungeiron (11. Cilt). Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten.
  • SŌSEKI, Natsume (1975). “Sanshirō”Sōseki Zenshū; Sanshirō-Sorekara-Mon (4. Cilt).Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten.
  • SŌSEKI, Natsume (1975). “Sorekara” Sōseki Zenshū- Sanshirō-Sorekara- Mon (4. Cilt).Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten.
  • SŌSEKI, Natsume (2003). Michikusa. Tokyo: Shinchō Bunko.
  • SŌSEKI, Natsume (2003). Kojin.Tokyo: Shinchō Bunko.
  • STARRS, Roy (2012). Rethinking Japanese Modernism. Boston: Global Oriental.
  • SUZUKI, Jun (2002). Ishin no Kōsō to Tenkai. Tokyo: Kōdansha.
  • TADAO, Yoshida (2009). Manshū imin no Kiseki. Tokyo: Ningen Kagakusha.
  • TIPTON, Elise (2002). Modern Japan: A Social and Political History. London: Routledge Pub.
  • TYUDA, Makiko (1996). “Natsume Sōseki ni Okeru Jiko Chiyu, Jiko Genjitsu no Katei: Sōzō ni Okeru Josei to no Kakawari wo Chūshin ni” Osaka Kiyōiku Daigaku Shōgaiji Kyōiku Kenkyū Kiyō (19): 71-85.
  • VATANSEVER, Habibe (2013). Natsume Sōseki’nin Bireyselcilik Anlayışı ve Eserlerinde Görülen Yalnızlık Olgusu. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Ankara: Ankara Ü.
There are 33 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Habibe Salğar

Publication Date June 22, 2017
Submission Date March 31, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Salğar, H. (2017). NATSUME SŌSEKİ’NİN ESERLERİNDE MODERNLEŞME VE BATI İLE JAPONYA’NIN MUKAYESESİ. Selçuk Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi(37), 165-178.

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