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Biçimsözdizim-Sesbilim Arakesitinde Dolaysız Gönderim Yaklaşımı

Year 2024, Issue: 51, 19 - 28, 30.06.2024


Biçimsözdizim ve sesbilimin kurduğu iletişimle ilgili günümüze kadar birçok kuram ortaya atılmıştır. Bütün arakesit kuramları arasında günümüze kadar egemenliğini koruyan Bürünsel Sesbilim, sesbilimsel olarak anlamlı olmayan sesbilimsel sözcük, sesbilimsel öbek, ezgi öbeği vb. kurucuların, gereksinim duyulmasa da çevrilmesini savunmaktadır. Buradaki ilk temel sorun, “yalnızca sesbilimsel sözcüğün içerisinde” gibi kurallar ya da kısıtlamalar olmadan bu kurucuların sesbilim üzerinde hiçbir etkisinin olmamasıdır. Yalnızca sesbilimsel olarak anlamlı olan biçimsözdizimsel bilgi arakesitin çıktısı olabilmektedir. Ayrıca bu kurucular, sesbilim modülünde bulunmayan ayırıcı imlerdir. Arakesitin çıktısı, sesbilimin sözvarlığı olan birimler olmalıdır. Dolaysız Arakesit, Bürünsel Sesbilimin tersine, başka sesbilim kuramlarıyla birlikte çalışabilecek bir yaklaşımdır. Başka yaklaşımlarda SPE tarzı ayırıcı imler (# ve +) ya da Bürünsel Aşamalanma ulamları (ω, Φ ve ι) kullanılırken Dolaysız Arakesitte ayırıcı imler bulunmamaktadır. Dolaysız Arakesite göre, hangi sesbilim kuramı olursa olsun o sesbilim kuramının sesbilimsel sözvarlığı, biçimsözdizimsel bilgiyi taşımaktadır. Seçilen sesbilim kuramına bağlı olarak bu taşıyıcılar çatısal alan, mora ya da ZÜ olabilir.


  • Baturay, S. (2012). Loan word adaptation and vowel harmony in Turkish: A Government Phonology account. Proceedings of ConSOLE XX, 2012, 1-22.
  • Börtlü, G. (2024a). Ünlülerde yetkilendirmeye bağlı uzunluk: Türkçe üzerinden bir açıklama [Bildiri sunumu]. 37. Ulusal Dilbilim Kurultayı, Kocaeli, Türkiye.
  • Börtlü, G. (2024b). ZÜZÜ ve kapalı seslem kısalması [Bildiri sunumu]. 17. Dilbilim Öğrenci Konferansı, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Booij, G. (1983). Principles and parameters in prosodic phonology. Linguistics, 21, 249–280.
  • Cyran, E. (2003). Complexity scales and licensing strength in phonology. KUL.
  • Harris, J. (1994). English sound structure. Blackwell.
  • Hayes, B. (1989). The prosodic hierarchy in meter. P. Kiparsky ve G. Youmans (Yay. haz.), Rhythm and meter içinde (ss. 201–260). Academic Press.
  • Kaye, J., Lowenstamm, J. ve Vergnaud, J.‑R. (1990). Constituent structure and government in phonology. Phonology, 7, 193–231.
  • Liberman, M. (1975). The intonational system of English [Doktora tezi]. MIT.
  • Liberman, M. ve Prince, A. (1977). On stress and linguistic rhythm. Linguistic Inquiry, 8, 249–336.
  • Lowenstamm, J. (1996). CV as the only syllable type. J. Durand ve B. Laks (Yay. haz.), Current trends in phonology. Models and methods içinde (ss. 419–441). ESRI.
  • Nespor, M. ve Vogel, I. (1979). Clash avoidance in Italian. Linguistic Inquiry, 10, 467–482.
  • Nespor, M. ve Vogel, I. (1982). Prosodic domains in external sandhi rules. H. van der Hulst ve N. Smith (Yay. haz.), The structure of phonological representations, Part I içinde (ss. 225–255). Foris.
  • Nespor, M. ve Vogel, I. (1983). Prosodic structure above the word. A. Cutler ve R. Ladd (Yay. haz.), Prosody: Models and measurements içinde (ss. 123–140). Springer.
  • Nespor, M. ve Vogel, I. (1986). Prosodic phonology. Foris.
  • Rotenberg, J. (1978). The syntax of phonology [Doktora tezi]. MIT.
  • Scheer, T. (2004). A lateral theory of phonology: What Is CVCV and why should it be? De Gruyter Mouton.
  • Scheer, T. (2008). Why the prosodic hierarchy is a diacritic and why the interface must be direct. J. Hartmann, V. Hegedüs ve H. van Riemsdijk (Yay. haz.), Sounds of silence: Empty elements in syntax and phonology içinde (ss. 145–192). Elsevier.
  • Scheer, T. (2009a). External sandhi: What the initial CV is initial of. Studi E Saggi Linguistici, 47, 43–82.
  • Scheer, T. (2009b). Representational and procedural sandhi killers: Diagnostics, distribution, behaviour. M. Dočekal ve M. Ziková (Yay. haz.), Czech in formal grammar içinde (ss. 155–174). Lincom.
  • Scheer, T. (2012). Direct interface and one-channel translation: A non-diacritic theory of the morphosyntax-phonology interface. De Gruyter Mouton.
  • Scheer, T. ve Börtlü, G. (2024). Soft g in Turkish: two types and x-slots [Bildiri sunumu]. The 21st Old World Conference in Phonology (OCP21), Leipzig, Almanya.
  • Scheer, T. ve Szigetvári, P. (2005). Unified representations for the syllable and stress. Phonology, 22, 37–75.
  • Scheer, T. ve Ziková, M. (2010). The coda mirror v2. Acta Linguistica Hungarica, 57(4), 411–431.
  • Ségéral, P. ve Scheer, T. (2008). The coda mirror, stress and positional parameters. J. Brandão de Carvalho ve P. Ségéral (Yay. haz.), Lenition and fortition içinde (ss. 483–518). De Gruyter Mouton.
  • Selkirk, E. (1978). The French foot: On the status of "mute" e. Studies in French Linguistics, 1, 141–150.
  • Selkirk, E. (1980a). Prosodic domains in phonology: Sanskrit revisited. M. Aronoff ve M.-L. Kean (Yay. haz.), Juncture içinde (ss. 107–129). Anma Libri.
  • Selkirk, E. (1980b). The role of prosodic categories in English word stress. Linguistic Inquiry, 11, 563–605.
  • Selkirk, E. (1981a). On prosodic structure and its relation to syntactic structure. T. Fretheim (Yay. haz.), Nordic prosody II içinde (ss. 111–140). TAPIR.
  • Selkirk, E. (1981b). On the nature of phonological representation. J. Anderson, J. Laver ve T. Meyers (Yay. haz.), The cognitive representation of speech içinde (ss. 379–388). North Holland.
  • Selkirk, E. (1984). Phonology and syntax: The relation between sound and structure. MIT Press.
  • Selkirk, E. (1986). On derived domains in sentence phonology. Phonology, 3, 371–405.
  • Szigetvári, P. (1999). VC phonology: A theory of consonant lenition and phonotactics [Doktora tezi]. Eötvös Loránd University Budapest.
  • Szpyra, J. (1989). The phonology - morphology interface. Routledge.
  • Zwicky, A. ve Pullum, G. (1986a). The principle of phonology-free syntax: Introductory remarks. Ohio State University Working Papers in Linguistics, 32, 63–91.
  • Zwicky, A. ve Pullum, G. (1986b). Two spurious counterexamples to the principle of phonology-free syntax. Ohio State University Working Papers in Linguistics, 32, 92–99.

The Direct Reference Approach in the Morphosyntax-Phonology Interface

Year 2024, Issue: 51, 19 - 28, 30.06.2024


Many theories have been put forward so far about the communication between morphosyntax and phonology. Among all the interface theories, Prosodic Phonology has maintained its dominance to date and advocates the translation of the phonologically meaningless constituents such as phonological words, phonological phrases, intonational phrases, etc. even if they are irrelevant. The first major problem here is that without rules or constraints such as “within the phonological word only”, these constituents have no impact on phonology. Only phonologically meaningful morphosyntactic information may be the output of the interface. Additionally, these constituents are diacritics that are not available in the phonology module. The output of the interface should be units that belong to phonological vocabulary. In contrast to Prosodic Phonology, Direct Interface is an approach that can work in conjunction with other phonological theories. While other approaches use SPE-style diacritics (# and +) or the Prosodic Hierarchy categories (ω, Φ, and ι), diacritics do not exist in Direct Interface. According to Direct Interface, in any phonological theory, morphosyntactic information should be carried by the phonological vocabulary belonging to that phonological theory. These carriers may be x-slots, morae or CVs depending on the chosen phonological theory.


  • Baturay, S. (2012). Loan word adaptation and vowel harmony in Turkish: A Government Phonology account. Proceedings of ConSOLE XX, 2012, 1-22.
  • Börtlü, G. (2024a). Ünlülerde yetkilendirmeye bağlı uzunluk: Türkçe üzerinden bir açıklama [Bildiri sunumu]. 37. Ulusal Dilbilim Kurultayı, Kocaeli, Türkiye.
  • Börtlü, G. (2024b). ZÜZÜ ve kapalı seslem kısalması [Bildiri sunumu]. 17. Dilbilim Öğrenci Konferansı, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Booij, G. (1983). Principles and parameters in prosodic phonology. Linguistics, 21, 249–280.
  • Cyran, E. (2003). Complexity scales and licensing strength in phonology. KUL.
  • Harris, J. (1994). English sound structure. Blackwell.
  • Hayes, B. (1989). The prosodic hierarchy in meter. P. Kiparsky ve G. Youmans (Yay. haz.), Rhythm and meter içinde (ss. 201–260). Academic Press.
  • Kaye, J., Lowenstamm, J. ve Vergnaud, J.‑R. (1990). Constituent structure and government in phonology. Phonology, 7, 193–231.
  • Liberman, M. (1975). The intonational system of English [Doktora tezi]. MIT.
  • Liberman, M. ve Prince, A. (1977). On stress and linguistic rhythm. Linguistic Inquiry, 8, 249–336.
  • Lowenstamm, J. (1996). CV as the only syllable type. J. Durand ve B. Laks (Yay. haz.), Current trends in phonology. Models and methods içinde (ss. 419–441). ESRI.
  • Nespor, M. ve Vogel, I. (1979). Clash avoidance in Italian. Linguistic Inquiry, 10, 467–482.
  • Nespor, M. ve Vogel, I. (1982). Prosodic domains in external sandhi rules. H. van der Hulst ve N. Smith (Yay. haz.), The structure of phonological representations, Part I içinde (ss. 225–255). Foris.
  • Nespor, M. ve Vogel, I. (1983). Prosodic structure above the word. A. Cutler ve R. Ladd (Yay. haz.), Prosody: Models and measurements içinde (ss. 123–140). Springer.
  • Nespor, M. ve Vogel, I. (1986). Prosodic phonology. Foris.
  • Rotenberg, J. (1978). The syntax of phonology [Doktora tezi]. MIT.
  • Scheer, T. (2004). A lateral theory of phonology: What Is CVCV and why should it be? De Gruyter Mouton.
  • Scheer, T. (2008). Why the prosodic hierarchy is a diacritic and why the interface must be direct. J. Hartmann, V. Hegedüs ve H. van Riemsdijk (Yay. haz.), Sounds of silence: Empty elements in syntax and phonology içinde (ss. 145–192). Elsevier.
  • Scheer, T. (2009a). External sandhi: What the initial CV is initial of. Studi E Saggi Linguistici, 47, 43–82.
  • Scheer, T. (2009b). Representational and procedural sandhi killers: Diagnostics, distribution, behaviour. M. Dočekal ve M. Ziková (Yay. haz.), Czech in formal grammar içinde (ss. 155–174). Lincom.
  • Scheer, T. (2012). Direct interface and one-channel translation: A non-diacritic theory of the morphosyntax-phonology interface. De Gruyter Mouton.
  • Scheer, T. ve Börtlü, G. (2024). Soft g in Turkish: two types and x-slots [Bildiri sunumu]. The 21st Old World Conference in Phonology (OCP21), Leipzig, Almanya.
  • Scheer, T. ve Szigetvári, P. (2005). Unified representations for the syllable and stress. Phonology, 22, 37–75.
  • Scheer, T. ve Ziková, M. (2010). The coda mirror v2. Acta Linguistica Hungarica, 57(4), 411–431.
  • Ségéral, P. ve Scheer, T. (2008). The coda mirror, stress and positional parameters. J. Brandão de Carvalho ve P. Ségéral (Yay. haz.), Lenition and fortition içinde (ss. 483–518). De Gruyter Mouton.
  • Selkirk, E. (1978). The French foot: On the status of "mute" e. Studies in French Linguistics, 1, 141–150.
  • Selkirk, E. (1980a). Prosodic domains in phonology: Sanskrit revisited. M. Aronoff ve M.-L. Kean (Yay. haz.), Juncture içinde (ss. 107–129). Anma Libri.
  • Selkirk, E. (1980b). The role of prosodic categories in English word stress. Linguistic Inquiry, 11, 563–605.
  • Selkirk, E. (1981a). On prosodic structure and its relation to syntactic structure. T. Fretheim (Yay. haz.), Nordic prosody II içinde (ss. 111–140). TAPIR.
  • Selkirk, E. (1981b). On the nature of phonological representation. J. Anderson, J. Laver ve T. Meyers (Yay. haz.), The cognitive representation of speech içinde (ss. 379–388). North Holland.
  • Selkirk, E. (1984). Phonology and syntax: The relation between sound and structure. MIT Press.
  • Selkirk, E. (1986). On derived domains in sentence phonology. Phonology, 3, 371–405.
  • Szigetvári, P. (1999). VC phonology: A theory of consonant lenition and phonotactics [Doktora tezi]. Eötvös Loránd University Budapest.
  • Szpyra, J. (1989). The phonology - morphology interface. Routledge.
  • Zwicky, A. ve Pullum, G. (1986a). The principle of phonology-free syntax: Introductory remarks. Ohio State University Working Papers in Linguistics, 32, 63–91.
  • Zwicky, A. ve Pullum, G. (1986b). Two spurious counterexamples to the principle of phonology-free syntax. Ohio State University Working Papers in Linguistics, 32, 92–99.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Language Studies (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Göktuğ Börtlü 0000-0002-3042-4571

Early Pub Date June 25, 2024
Publication Date June 30, 2024
Submission Date August 15, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2024 Issue: 51


APA Börtlü, G. (2024). Biçimsözdizim-Sesbilim Arakesitinde Dolaysız Gönderim Yaklaşımı. Selçuk Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi(51), 19-28.

Selcuk University Journal of Faculty of Letters will start accepting articles for 2025 issues on Dergipark as of September 15, 2024.