Publication Policy

  1. Journal of Politics, Economics and Management Studies is a scientific and academic journal that publishes national and international studies.
  2. The Journal of Politics, Economics and Management Studies evaluates the studies within the framework of the double-blind refereeing system.
  3. The Journal of Politics, Economics and Management Studies publishes two issues a year, in June and December.
  4. The studies submitted for publication to the Journal of Politics, Economics and Management Research must be original in their field and have the quality to contribute to the literature.
  5. For the studies submitted for publication to the Journal of Politics, Economics and Management Studies, studies with a similarity rate of less than 20% are included in the evaluation process by making a direct preliminary examination. If the similarity rate is between 20-30%, the author(s) is requested to correct during the preliminary review and editorial review. If the similarity rate is 30% or more, the work is returned to the author together with the report attachment.
  6. The single similarity rate of the studies to be sent to the Journal of Politics, Economics and Management Researches for publication should be at the highest level of 3%.
  7. Regarding the studies submitted to the Journal of Politics, Economics and Management Studies, the study should not have any simultaneous processes related to another journal.
  8. Studies submitted for publication to the Journal of Politics, Economics and Management Studies are primarily evaluated by the journal editors or other board members to be assigned.
  9. In the pre-evaluation process, first of all, an evaluation is made in terms of plagiarism percentage, journal policy, journal purpose and scope, writing rules, and if necessary, corrections or returns are made.
  10. Regarding the studies submitted for publication to the Journal of Politics, Economics and Management Research, a preliminary evaluation is made within 5 working days following the day the study is uploaded to the journal system, and the referee process is initiated.
  11. The corrections suggested by the referees for the studies submitted for publication to the Journal of Politics, Economics and Management Research should be made by the author(s) within 30 working days at the most.
  12. No fee is charged to the author(s) or any fee is paid to the author(s) regarding the works uploaded or published on the journal site.
  13. Journal of Politics, Economics and Management Studies publishes on the internet. For this reason, the printed versions of the studies published in the issues are not sent to the author(s).
  14. The studies submitted for publication to the Journal of Politics, Economics and Management Studies are deemed to have been returned to the author(s) if the articles whose evaluation process has been completed are not published in the first two issues following the submission date.
  15. If it is determined that the findings of a research are presented in different work titles in parts, the study is returned to the authors and the necessary notifications to the relevant institutions are made by the editorial office.
  16. If necessary conditions occur in the studies, the ethics committee statement form should be included in the appendix to the article.
  17. All people who contributed to the studies should be added to the authors section. However, "Ghost Writer", who made a remarkable contribution but whose name was not mentioned, "Guest Author", the authors written for the publication of the study even though he did not contribute to the study, "Pseudo-Author" applications, the author whose name was written even though he did not contribute, are not accepted by our journal. Responsibility for the problem arising from any of the three situations stated here belongs to the "Authorized Author".
  18. Journal of Politics, Economics and Management Researches, about the works that are in the publication process or published, will be made by both the author(s) and the readers, under the chairmanship of our Editor, at the first board meeting to be held from the day following the complaint or objection. are examined and necessary precautions are taken and steps are taken.
  19. As the Journal of Politics, Economics and Management Studies, articles belonging to graduate students are accepted, but studies that include their advisors are accepted. In so far as the author rank is, the graduate student should be the first author, and the advisor faculty member should be the second author.
  20. For your complaints and suggestions, you can send them to us at with justification.

Last Update Time: 7/14/21, 11:44:54 AM