Writing Rules

  • Studies prepared with the ISNAD In-Text Citation System (2nd Edition) are accepted for our journal.
  • Turkish and English abstracts in the range of 150-350 words should be included at the beginning of each article.
  • Keywords not exceeding 5-6 words should be given together with the summary.
  • Articles submitted to the journal should not exceed 10 thousand words including references.
  • Articles should not exceed 20 pages, including all tables, figures, references and appendices.
  • Articles are sent in A4 paper size and MS Word program via dergipark.
  • The main text should be aligned with a 3 cm indent from the Right and Left.
  • The main text should be prepared using Times New Roman font.
  • Main headings should be 14 point bold, subheadings should be 12 point bold.

Last Update Time: 6/30/24, 7:01:46 PM