Current Issue

Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 6/30/24

Year: 2024

The establishment of Sinop-e: Journal of Tourism Research is an important step to share developments, innovations and research in the field of tourism, contribute to the tourism sector and increase scientific interaction within the faculty. This journal will provide a platform for students, academics and industry professionals in the field of tourism, addressing current issues, providing in-depth analysis and following the latest trends in the industry.

Sinop-e: Journal of Tourism Research will provide students with the opportunity to improve their research and writing skills, and academics with the opportunity to share and disseminate the work done in their fields of expertise to a wide audience. This journal will strengthen the national and international recognition of our Faculty by adding assets to its academic presence, and will also ensure closer cooperation with stakeholders in the sector.

Sinop-e: Journal of Tourism Research, which will support multidisciplinary approaches in the field of tourism, bring together scholars from various fields of specialization within tourism and thus aim for a more comprehensive and richer content, aims to contribute to the processes of producing, sharing and learning information on tourism-related issues and to provide an informed and quality contribution to the sector.

Original, previously unpublished, applied or theoretical studies related to the field of tourism are accepted. Within the scope of the journal, studies on many subjects associated with tourism, especially the following topics, are accepted,
- Tourism Management,
- Tourism Guidance,
- Gastronomy and Culinary Arts,
- Food and Beverage Management,
- Recreation Management,
- Hospitality Management,
- Travel Management,
- Alternative Tourism,
- Marketing Management,
- Human Resources Management,
- Public Relations,
- Financial Management,
- Information Systems and Technology,
- Global Issues and Cultural Studies,
- Developments of Conceptual Models and Structures,
- Strategic Management,
- Art History,
- Archaeology,
- National and International Legislation,
- International Tourism Management,
- Consumer Behavior,
- Current Approaches in Tourism,
- Other issues related to tourism.

Manuscripts submitted to Sinop-e: Journal of Tourism Research in the form of research articles, reviews, review articles, theoretical articles, conference papers, translations are evaluated.

- Manuscripts submitted to the journal should not have been published in another publication or should not be in the process of publication. Studies previously presented in the form of papers in congresses, workshops or meetings can be published if deemed appropriate by the editorial board, provided that the date and place are specified. All responsibility in this regard belongs to the authors.
- Manuscript submission to our journal can only be done by becoming a member of Journal Park. All processes of the journal are realized electronically.
- The author fills out and submits the Author Copyright Transfer Form in the article attachment. When there is more than one author, the Author Contribution Form is issued explaining the contribution of others.
- Manuscripts submitted to the journal are first reviewed by the editorial office. Manuscripts that do not comply with the journal's writing and publishing principles are returned to the author for correction. If the authors do not complete the task at the end of the deadlines defined by the editors, the evaluation process may be terminated by the journal management.
- Manuscripts approved by the editorial office are sent to at least two referees for evaluation, keeping the names of the author and referee mutually confidential. New referees are appointed by the editorial board to replace the referees who do not submit their reports within the specified period.
- Upon the request of the referees, the journal has the right to request corrections in the submitted manuscripts as well as to reject the manuscript. The requested corrections are notified to the authors via the Journal Park article tracking system. The referees may request to see the corrections before the publication of the manuscript. The final decision on the publication of the manuscript is made by the editorial office, taking into account the opinion of the majority of the referees. Authors are notified of the articles decided to be published.
- It is preferred that the entire text, including notes, notes, tables, figures, graphs and references/ bibliography, should not exceed 10,000 words.
- At the beginning of the article, there should be an abstract in Turkish and English, not exceeding 300 words, which briefly and concisely expresses the subject. The manuscript should begin with an "Introduction" section that discusses the scope and approaches in the literature on the research, then reflect the methodological information of the article such as the purpose and hypothesis / model / research problems with the title "Method", and end with a "Conclusion and Recommendations" section where the findings obtained are evaluated and recommendations are presented.
- In addition to the Turkish and English abstracts, an extended English abstract of 1500-2000 words should be included at the end of the article in accordance with international standards. (English articles do not require an extended English abstract).
- Manuscripts should be written on 21x29.7 cm (A4) pages with a margin of 2.5 cm at the top, 2 cm at the bottom, right and left sides, 1 cm for the header and 0.4 cm for the footer.
- The main text should be written in 11 pt. and 1.5 line spacing; Turkish and English abstracts, footnotes and bibliography should be written in 10 pt. and single-spaced; footnotes should be 12 pt. and single-spaced. The first line indentation of paragraphs and the second line indentation of references should be 1.25 cm. Times New Roman font should be used throughout the entire study.
- Turkish and English keywords should consist of maximum 5 words.
- Turkish article title should be capitalized. Only the initials of the English title, Abstract, Keywords, Abstract and Keywords should be capitalized and these words should be 0.6 pt. away from the abstract text.
- Tables, figures, photographs, graphs and drawings should be numbered, the first letter of each word in their names should be capitalized and the title of the table should be italicized. Title and content text should be in 10 pt. and 12 pt. line spacing and should not be separated from the table (Table 1: Age-Gender Status).
- Block quotations exceeding three lines in the text should be italicized in "quotation marks" in 10 pt. font size, indented 1.25 cm from the left and 0.5 cm from the right, and spaced 0.6 pt. from the main text.
- In APA writing, explanations are given in footnote number order under the heading Endnotes before the bibliography, not under the text.
- During the evaluation process, information about the author (author name, title, institution, and e-mail address) should not be given in the manuscript. This information should be included in the Title Page file.
- - It is obligatory to comply with the Turkish Language Association (TDK) grammar and spelling rules in the studies submitted to the journal.

- Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references.

- Manuscripts submitted to Sinop-e: Journal of Tourism Research use the American Psychological Association (APA 7) style as a reference system.
- Authors submitting articles to our journal must have up-to-date Institution, Title, ORCID and Country information in the Dergi Park user records.
- The digital indexing of the journal is done with the LOCKSS system used by Journal Park. 

Publication Policy

Sinop-e: Journal of Tourism Research contributes to the development and dissemination of knowledge by conducting its publication processes with the principles of impartiality and respectability. These processes have a direct impact on the quality of the work of authors and supporting institutions. Peer-reviewed studies embody and support the scientific method. Therefore, it is of great importance that all stakeholders involved in the journal (authors, readers, researchers, publisher, referees and editors) act in accordance with ethical principles.

Sinop-e: Journal of Tourism Research expects all stakeholders to carry the following ethical responsibilities within the scope of publication ethics.

Ethical duties and responsibilities regarding the journal have been prepared in accordance with the guidelines and policies published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) as open access (see COPE Guidelines in Turkish).

Open Access Policy

Sinop-e Journal of Tourism Research follows an Open Access Policy in accordance with the declaration prepared by the Budapest Open Access Initiative on February 14, 2002 in Budapest, Hungary. The statement defines open access as follows:

"In this statement, open access is defined as "the ability of scientific literature to be accessed, read, saved, copied, printed, scanned, linked to full text, indexed, exported as data to software, and used for any lawful purpose, without financial, legal, or technical barriers through the Internet."

Within the framework of this declaration prepared in Budapest, Sinop-e Journal of Tourism Research leaves the restriction on reproduction-distribution and the role of copyright in this field to the authors to check the integrity of their own work, so that it can be properly recognized and cited.

The full text of the paper in Turkish is available at

Copyright Policy

Authors who publish their works in Sinop-e: Journal of Tourism Research agree to the following terms:

"In this paper, open access is used in the sense that "scientific literature can be accessed, read, saved, copied, printed, scanned, linked to full text, indexed, transferred as data to software and used for any legal purpose without financial, legal and technical barriers through the Internet."

All publication rights belong to the author.

The author has acted in accordance with academic and ethical rules during the preparation of the article.

There is no copyright infringement of a third party in the submitted article.

The author does not defame any person, institution or work in his/her work.

In this context, the author retains the copyright of the work and grants the journal the right of first publication.

The work is licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 2.0, provided the author is acknowledged and the work was first published in this journal.

Authors are encouraged to share their work online (e.g., in institutional databases or on their own websites) before or during the submission process, which can lead to a fruitful exchange of ideas and earlier and more frequent citation of the work.

In the event of any legal proceedings arising from the information contained in the article, the responsibility lies with the author of the article and not with the journal staff. Any financial damages and legal costs incurred in this case are the responsibility of the author.

Privacy Statement

Names and e-mail addresses on this journal website will be used only for the stated purposes of this journal; they will not be made available for any other purpose or to other persons.

Evaluation Process

Preliminary Evaluation

Original articles and translations can be submitted to Sinop-e: Journal of Tourism Research.

All articles submitted to the journal are first pre-evaluated and the files that are found to be inappropriate for the scope of the journal's publication and not suitable for the academic writing format in terms of content and format may be sent back for correction without starting the refereeing process or the authors may be asked to edit the relevant issues. Articles that are approved after preliminary evaluation will be sent to at least 2 referees and will be subject to a double-stage blind review process.

When publications are sent to the journal in different languages, the process is controlled by the language editors of the journal.

Plagiarism Screening

In order to combat plagiarism, which is a common publication ethics violation in academic literature, Ithenticate Plagiarism Detection Program is used as a plagiarism detection tool in articles submitted to the journal. It is expected that the similarity rate should not exceed 15% in the scans made in the program. Otherwise, the article will be rejected in the editorial process without entering the referee process and will not be re-evaluated in any way. Articles whose plagiarism report is deemed appropriate are accepted to the referee process; for translation articles, evaluations are made by the editorial board.

Referee Evaluation (Double Stage Blind Review System)

The articles whose plagiarism report is deemed appropriate are subjected to the peer review process specified below with a two-stage blind peer review system in which the names of the referees and authors are kept confidential;

Articles deemed appropriate after the preliminary evaluation are sent to two referees working in different institutions, which are deemed appropriate by the Editor and/or Editorial Board according to their areas of expertise.

The referees evaluate the manuscripts submitted to them by taking into account factors such as originality, method, literary value, processing of findings and support of results.

The referees may accept or reject the manuscript or ask the authors to make corrections to the format and/or content. For an article to be accepted for publication, at least two referees must give a positive opinion. If one of the referee reports is positive and the other is negative, the manuscript will be sent to a third referee.

In case of corrections requested by the referee or referees, the author shall complete the requested corrections within 15 days at the latest, taking into account the criticisms and suggestions made by the referees, and resubmit the article. Referees may request corrections more than once for the same article.

Articles that are not approved for publication by two referees are not accepted for publication and the manuscripts that are not accepted for publication are returned to the authors.

Referee reports are kept by the journal editorial office for 5 years.

Authors may object to the negative opinions of the referees, the changes and corrections they request, provided that they show evidence. This objection is reviewed by the Editorial Board and, if deemed necessary, a different reviewer's opinion is sought.

Authors are obliged to take into account the opinions and suggestions of the referees and the Editorial Board in order for their work to be published.

The final evaluation is made by the Editorial Board for all articles that reach the publication stage with a positive opinion by the referees. Articles that are deemed "publishable" by the Editorial Board are placed in the publication queue and published in the next issue.

Authors submitting articles to Sinop-e: Journal of Tourism Research are deemed to have accepted the aforementioned referee evaluation conditions and process.

Ethics Committee Approval

1. Separate ethics committee approval must be obtained for research in all disciplines, including social sciences, and for clinical and experimental human and animal studies that require ethics committee approval, and this approval must be stated and documented in the article.
2. Under this heading, information on ethical rules should be given under separate headings for referees, authors and editors.
3. Articles should include a statement that Research and Publication Ethics are complied with.
4. By referring to national and international standards, ethical principles should be stated under a separate heading in the journal and/or on the web page. For example; ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) recommendations and COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) International Standards for Editors and Authors should be taken into consideration in scientific manuscripts submitted to journals.
5. In studies requiring ethics committee approval, information about the approval (name of the committee, date and number) should be included in the method section and also on the first/last page of the article. In case reports, information on the signature of the informed consent form should be included in the article.
6. Copyright regulations must be complied with for the intellectual and artistic works used.

Statements regarding the Ethics Committee should be included under the Declaration heading of the article.

Sinop Üniversitesi Turizm Fakültesi tarafından çıkartılan Sinop-e: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi Aralık sayısı için makale kabulüne başlamıştır. Makale süreçleri sadece DergiPark sistemi üzerinden işletilecek olup link adresi üzerinden makale gönderimi sağlanacaktır.