Aim & Scope

The aim of the Journal of Sociology is to include theoretical and applied sociological studies in the world and in Turkey and to bring these studies to the relevant audience. Our journal emphasizes the importance of an interdisciplinary perspective by pointing out that sociology as a discipline and field of knowledge has a strong connection with other social science disciplines and determines its publication policy accordingly. The Journal of Sociology generally includes sociology and social science studies. These studies contribute to the field at theoretical and applied scales and present a new perspective in terms of our journal’s scope.

The scope of the Journal of Sociology consists of articles written in Turkish or English in sociology and other fields of social sciences related to sociology, as well as qualified translations, book critique/introduction and thesis presentations in the same fields.

The manuscripts;

submitted by authors who are neither doing PhD or not having a PhD degree at all in the fields mentioned above,

not written according to the rules under the heading of Author Guidelines,

out of scope of the Journal of Sociology,

not prepared with a scientific language, not original,

detected violating ethical rules and

considered not contributing to scientific body of knowledge are not accepted for evaluation. 

Period Months
May November

Sosyoloji Dergisi, Journal of Sociology, SD, JOS