Published by Faculty of Letters, Ege University and edited by Department of Sociology, Journal of Sociology has been a “Refereed Journal” in accordance with the rules of ASA since its 7th issue published in 1999. Journal of Sociology is published twice a year in May and November. Articles published in the Journal of Sociology are accessed through DergiPark with full open access. Journal of Sociology aims to include theoretical and applied studies in sociology from all over the world and Turkey, and to introduce these studies to the related audience. Emphasizing the strong tie between sociology and other disciplines within social sciences, Journal of Sociology underlines the importance of an interdisciplinary perspective, and determines its publication policy accordingly. Journal of Sociology includes studies which are conducted within the field of sociology and social sciences. It is taken into consideration that these studies would contribute to sociology both in theoretical and applied contexts, and provide a new perspective regarding the contents. In addition, translations of sociological texts reflecting the worldwide accumulation in the field may be accepted for publication. Articles, which are necessarily within social sciences, may be written in Turkish or English. Journal of Sociology has been begun published electronically, e-ISSN has been assigned in 2021. Manuscripts of original research, discussion-review, book presentation and book review in the field of social sciences may be submitted.
Papers submitted for publication are subjected to a double-blind peer review system. On the condition that the two reviewers disagree, the editor may make the final decision either to accept or reject the paper or to send the paper to a third reviewer. Only the original research and discussion-review papers are peer-reviewed. However, other types of articles (e.g. translation, book presentation, book presentation and book review) are not reviewed, yet those which are considered as contributing the body of science may be incorporated at the end the issue under a proper heading, with the approval of editor and editorial board with –if necessary- changes.
Peer-reviewing takes 4 weeks at longest.
The Journal of Sociology is seeking compliance of the Editor, Reviewers and Authors to the international ethical codes.
Articles published in the Journal of Sociology are licensed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC-BY-NC). On the condition of referring properly and using for non-comercial purposes, all articles can be shared and adapted. For a detailed explanation of CC license of the journal, please visit: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/deed.en

Last Update Time: 7/29/21, 12:35:44 AM

Sosyoloji Dergisi, Journal of Sociology, SD, JOS