Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 41 Issue: 71, 90 - 117, 31.03.2022


Uygarlık tarihiyle yaşıt olan savaş tarihi, farklı türlere mensup pek çok hayvanın, insanların boyunduruğu altında çıktıkları savaş alanlarında ortaya koyduğu sıra dışı hizmetlere sahne olmuştur. Nitekim tüm bu hayvanlar içerisinde, batı halklarının ilk kez MÖ 331 yılında, Gaugamela düzlüklerinde karşılaştığı bir tür, antik çağın dönüm noktası niteliğindeki savaşlarda ortaya koyduğu etkinlikle benzersiz bir hikâyeyi geride bırakmıştır. MÖ 46 yılında, o güne dek kayda değer bir önem kazanmamış olan Thapsus kenti önlerinde gerçekleşen savaş, Roma Cumhuriyetinin ve çatısı altındaki halkların yüzyıllar boyunca ilerleyeceği yolları tayin etmiştir. Bu savaşın taraflarınca farklı beklentilerle, farklı şekillerde kullanılan savaş filleri ise bu kritik dönüm noktasında kazananı ve kaybedeni belirlemiştir. Bu çalışma, fillerin Thapsus Savaşı’na uzanan süreçte iki düşman ordunun savaş planı içerisinde ifade ettiği önemi ve savaş sırasındaki etkinliğini, antik kaynaklar ve numismatik buluntular ışığında ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır.


  • Ammianus Marcellinus, The Res Gestae, The Roman History, Çev. J. C. Rolfe, The Loeb Classical Library. London 1935-1939.
  • Appianos, Rhomaika, The Roman History of Appian of Alexandria, Vol. I, The Foreign Wars, Çev. H. White, The Macmillan Company, London 1899.
  • Appianos, Rhomaika, The Roman History of Appian of Alexandria, Vol. II, The Civil Wars, Çev. H. White, The Macmillan Company, London 1899.
  • Arrianos, Anabasis Alexandri, The Campaigns of Alexander, Çev. E.I. Robson, The Loeb Classical Library, London 1929-1933.
  • Cornelius Nepos, De Viris Illustribus, On Great Generals. On Historians, Çev. J. C. Rolfe, The Loeb Classical Library, London 1929.
  • Dio Cassius, Rhomaika, Roman History, Çev. E. Cary, The Loeb Classical Library, London 1914-1927.
  • Diodoros, Bibliotheca Historica, The Library of History, Çev. C. H. Oldfather, The Loeb Classical Library, London 1933-1967.
  • Dionysios Alexandrou Halikarnasseus, Rhomaike Arkhaiologia, The Roman Antiquities, Çev. E. Cary, The Loeb Classical Library, London 1937-1950.
  • Florus, Epitome of Roman History, Çev. E. S. Forster, The Loeb Classical Library. London 1929.
  • Frontinus, Strategemata, The Stratagems and The Aqueducts of Rome, Çev. C. E. Bennett, The Loeb Classical Library. London 1925.
  • Julian, Orationes, The Works of The Emperor Julian, Çev. W. C. Wright, The Loeb Classical Library. London 1913-1923.
  • Julius Caesar, Alexandrian, African and Spanish Wars, Çev. A. G. Way, The Loeb Classical Library. London, Cambridge-Mass. 1955.
  • Juvenal, Satirae, Juvenal and Persius, Çev. G. G. Ramsay, The Loeb Classical Library. London 1928.
  • Lucian, Lucian, Vol VI. Çev. K. Kilburn, The Loeb Classical Library. London 1956.
  • Titus Livius, Ab Urbe Condita, The History of Rome, Çev. G. Baker, Jones & Co. London 1830.
  • Pausanias, Perihegesis tes Hellados, Description of Greece, Çev. W. H. S. Jones, The Loeb Classical Library. London 1918-1935.
  • Plinius. Naturalis Historia, Natural History, Çev. H. Rackham, W.H. S. Jones, D.E. Eichholz, The Loeb Classical Library, London 1938-1962.
  • Plutarkhos, Plutarch’s Lives of Illustrious Men, Vol II, Çev. A. H. Clough, The John C. Winston Co., Philadelphia 1908.
  • Plutarkhos, Plutarch’s Lives of Illustrious Men, Vol III, Çev. A. H. Clough, The John C. Winston Co., Philadelphia 1908.
  • Plutarkhos. Plutarch’s Lives of Illustrious Men, Vol IV, Çev. A. H. Clough, The John C. Winston Co., Philadelphia 1908.
  • Polyaenus. Strategemata, Stratagems, Çev. R. Shepherd, Pall-Mall, London 1793.
  • Polybius, Historiai, The Histories. Çev. W. R. Paton, The Loeb Classical Library, London 1922-1927.
  • Sallust, Historiae, The Histories, Çev. J. C. Rolfe, The Loeb Classical Library. London 1921.
  • Spartianus, Capitolinus, Gallicanus, Lampridius, Pollio, Syracusanus, Scriptores Historiae Augustae. Augustan History, Çev. D. Magie, The Loeb Classical Library. London 1921-1932.
  • Quintus Curtius Rufus, Historiae Alexandri Magni, The History of Alexander the Great. Çev. S. Bagster, James Hoyes, London 1809.
  • Zonaras, Rhomaika, Dio’s Roman History, Çev. E. Carry, The Loeb Classical Library, London 1914-1927.
  • Adcock, F. E., “The Civil War”, The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol IX, The Roman Republic 133- 44 B.C., Ed. S. A. Cook, F. E. Adcock, M. P. Charlesworth, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1932.
  • Allen, B., Pigeon, Reaktion Books, London 2009.
  • Arslan, M., Antikçağ Anadolusu’nun Savaşçı Kavmi Galatlar, Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları, İstanbul 2000.
  • Blechman, A. D, Pigeons: The Fascinating Saga of the World’s Most Revered and Reviled Bird, University of Queensland Press, Queensland 2006.
  • Bunson, M, Encyclopedia of the Roman Empire, Revised Edition, Facts On File, Inc., New York 2002.
  • Cotterell, Arthur, Chariot: The Astounding Rise and Fall of the World’s First War Machine, The Overlook Press, New York 2005.
  • Chaline, Eric, Fifty Animals that Changed the Course of History, Firefly Books Ltd., New York 2011.
  • Droysen, J. G., Büyük İskender Tarihi, Çev. B. S. Baykal, Dharma Yayınları, İstanbul 2007.
  • Fields, N, The Roman Army: the Civil Wars 88-31 BC, Osprey, Oxford 2008.
  • Fowler, M. E., and Mikota, S. K., Biology, Medicine, and Surgery of Elephants, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford 2006.
  • Garstang, M, Elephant Sense and Sensebility, Elsevier, San Diego 2015.
  • Glover, R. F, “The Tactical Handling of the Elephant”, Greece and Rome, c. 17/s. 49, New York 1948, ss. 1-11.
  • Greep, S. J., “Lead Sling-Shot from Windridge Farm, St Albans and the Use of the Sling by the Roman Army in Britain”, Britannia, c.18, London 1987, ss. 183-200.
  • Kaya, M. A., Türkiye’nin Eskiçağ Tarihi, Cilt I. Tarih Öncesi Çağlardan Demir Devri’ne Kadar, Bilge Kültür Sanat Yayınları, İstanbul 2017.
  • Kaya, M. A., Türkiye’nin Eskiçağ Tarihi, Cilt II. Demir Devri ve Pers Hâkimiyeti Dönemi, Bilge Kültür Sanat Yayınları, İstanbul 2018.
  • Morewood-Dowsett, J, “Supplement: Elephant Past and Present”, Journal of the Royal African Society, c. 38/sy. 152, Oxford 1939, ss. 3-40.
  • Kistler, J. M, War Elephants, Praeger Publishers, London 2006.
  • Kistler, J. M, Animals in the Military; From Hannibal’s Elephants to the Dolphins of the U.S. Navy, ABC-CLIO, California 2011.
  • McNab, C, (Ed), The Roman Army; The Greatest War Machine of the Ancient World, Osprey, Oxford 2010.
  • Montagu, J. D, Battles of the Greek & Roman Worlds, Greenhill Books, London 2000.
  • Nossow, Konstantin, War Elephants, Osprey Publishing, Oxford 2008.
  • Peddie, J, Hannibal’s War, Sutton Publishing, Hong Kong 1997.
  • Ramsay, W. M, “Geography and History in a Phyrgo-Pisidian Glen”, Geographical Journal, c. 61/sy. 4, London 1923, ss. 279-296.
  • M. Rostovtzeff, “Vexillum and Victory”, The Journal of Roman Studies, c. 32/sy. 1-2, London 1942, ss. 92-106.
  • Southern, P, The Roman Army; A Social and Institutional History, ABC-CLIO, California 2006.
  • Schaff, P, and Wace, H, A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of The Christian Church, Second Series, Vol III, Theodoret, Jerome, Gennadius and Rufinus: Historical Writings, Çev. B. Jackson, T&T Clark, Edinburgh 1892.
  • Tarn, W. W, Hellenistic Military & Naval Developments, Cambridge University Press, London 1930.
  • Toynbee, J. M. C, Animals in Roman Life and Art, Cornell University Press, New York 1973.
  • Wise, T, and Hook, R, Armies of the Carthaginian Wars 265-145 BC., Osprey Publishing, London 1982.
  • Wylie, D, Elephant, Reaktion Books LTD., London 2008.


Year 2022, Volume: 41 Issue: 71, 90 - 117, 31.03.2022


Warfare history which is contemporary to the Civilization History has witnessed outstanding services by animals of different species on the battlefields in which they set foot under the yoke of humans. However one species among all these animals which was seen by the western people for the first time on the plains of Gaugamela in 331 B.C. left an unique story with its activitiy on the battles which served as milestones. In 46 B.C. the war which took place on outskirts of the City of Thapsus which had not gained a worthy significance until that day determined the paths of the Roman Republic and its subjects for the next centuries. And the war elephants which was used by both sides of this war by different ways with different expectations determined the victor and defeated on this critical turning point. This study aims to reveal the importance of elephants in the war plan of the two enemy armies in the period leading up to the Thapsus War and their effectiveness during the war in the light of ancient sources and numismatic finds.


  • Ammianus Marcellinus, The Res Gestae, The Roman History, Çev. J. C. Rolfe, The Loeb Classical Library. London 1935-1939.
  • Appianos, Rhomaika, The Roman History of Appian of Alexandria, Vol. I, The Foreign Wars, Çev. H. White, The Macmillan Company, London 1899.
  • Appianos, Rhomaika, The Roman History of Appian of Alexandria, Vol. II, The Civil Wars, Çev. H. White, The Macmillan Company, London 1899.
  • Arrianos, Anabasis Alexandri, The Campaigns of Alexander, Çev. E.I. Robson, The Loeb Classical Library, London 1929-1933.
  • Cornelius Nepos, De Viris Illustribus, On Great Generals. On Historians, Çev. J. C. Rolfe, The Loeb Classical Library, London 1929.
  • Dio Cassius, Rhomaika, Roman History, Çev. E. Cary, The Loeb Classical Library, London 1914-1927.
  • Diodoros, Bibliotheca Historica, The Library of History, Çev. C. H. Oldfather, The Loeb Classical Library, London 1933-1967.
  • Dionysios Alexandrou Halikarnasseus, Rhomaike Arkhaiologia, The Roman Antiquities, Çev. E. Cary, The Loeb Classical Library, London 1937-1950.
  • Florus, Epitome of Roman History, Çev. E. S. Forster, The Loeb Classical Library. London 1929.
  • Frontinus, Strategemata, The Stratagems and The Aqueducts of Rome, Çev. C. E. Bennett, The Loeb Classical Library. London 1925.
  • Julian, Orationes, The Works of The Emperor Julian, Çev. W. C. Wright, The Loeb Classical Library. London 1913-1923.
  • Julius Caesar, Alexandrian, African and Spanish Wars, Çev. A. G. Way, The Loeb Classical Library. London, Cambridge-Mass. 1955.
  • Juvenal, Satirae, Juvenal and Persius, Çev. G. G. Ramsay, The Loeb Classical Library. London 1928.
  • Lucian, Lucian, Vol VI. Çev. K. Kilburn, The Loeb Classical Library. London 1956.
  • Titus Livius, Ab Urbe Condita, The History of Rome, Çev. G. Baker, Jones & Co. London 1830.
  • Pausanias, Perihegesis tes Hellados, Description of Greece, Çev. W. H. S. Jones, The Loeb Classical Library. London 1918-1935.
  • Plinius. Naturalis Historia, Natural History, Çev. H. Rackham, W.H. S. Jones, D.E. Eichholz, The Loeb Classical Library, London 1938-1962.
  • Plutarkhos, Plutarch’s Lives of Illustrious Men, Vol II, Çev. A. H. Clough, The John C. Winston Co., Philadelphia 1908.
  • Plutarkhos, Plutarch’s Lives of Illustrious Men, Vol III, Çev. A. H. Clough, The John C. Winston Co., Philadelphia 1908.
  • Plutarkhos. Plutarch’s Lives of Illustrious Men, Vol IV, Çev. A. H. Clough, The John C. Winston Co., Philadelphia 1908.
  • Polyaenus. Strategemata, Stratagems, Çev. R. Shepherd, Pall-Mall, London 1793.
  • Polybius, Historiai, The Histories. Çev. W. R. Paton, The Loeb Classical Library, London 1922-1927.
  • Sallust, Historiae, The Histories, Çev. J. C. Rolfe, The Loeb Classical Library. London 1921.
  • Spartianus, Capitolinus, Gallicanus, Lampridius, Pollio, Syracusanus, Scriptores Historiae Augustae. Augustan History, Çev. D. Magie, The Loeb Classical Library. London 1921-1932.
  • Quintus Curtius Rufus, Historiae Alexandri Magni, The History of Alexander the Great. Çev. S. Bagster, James Hoyes, London 1809.
  • Zonaras, Rhomaika, Dio’s Roman History, Çev. E. Carry, The Loeb Classical Library, London 1914-1927.
  • Adcock, F. E., “The Civil War”, The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol IX, The Roman Republic 133- 44 B.C., Ed. S. A. Cook, F. E. Adcock, M. P. Charlesworth, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1932.
  • Allen, B., Pigeon, Reaktion Books, London 2009.
  • Arslan, M., Antikçağ Anadolusu’nun Savaşçı Kavmi Galatlar, Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları, İstanbul 2000.
  • Blechman, A. D, Pigeons: The Fascinating Saga of the World’s Most Revered and Reviled Bird, University of Queensland Press, Queensland 2006.
  • Bunson, M, Encyclopedia of the Roman Empire, Revised Edition, Facts On File, Inc., New York 2002.
  • Cotterell, Arthur, Chariot: The Astounding Rise and Fall of the World’s First War Machine, The Overlook Press, New York 2005.
  • Chaline, Eric, Fifty Animals that Changed the Course of History, Firefly Books Ltd., New York 2011.
  • Droysen, J. G., Büyük İskender Tarihi, Çev. B. S. Baykal, Dharma Yayınları, İstanbul 2007.
  • Fields, N, The Roman Army: the Civil Wars 88-31 BC, Osprey, Oxford 2008.
  • Fowler, M. E., and Mikota, S. K., Biology, Medicine, and Surgery of Elephants, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford 2006.
  • Garstang, M, Elephant Sense and Sensebility, Elsevier, San Diego 2015.
  • Glover, R. F, “The Tactical Handling of the Elephant”, Greece and Rome, c. 17/s. 49, New York 1948, ss. 1-11.
  • Greep, S. J., “Lead Sling-Shot from Windridge Farm, St Albans and the Use of the Sling by the Roman Army in Britain”, Britannia, c.18, London 1987, ss. 183-200.
  • Kaya, M. A., Türkiye’nin Eskiçağ Tarihi, Cilt I. Tarih Öncesi Çağlardan Demir Devri’ne Kadar, Bilge Kültür Sanat Yayınları, İstanbul 2017.
  • Kaya, M. A., Türkiye’nin Eskiçağ Tarihi, Cilt II. Demir Devri ve Pers Hâkimiyeti Dönemi, Bilge Kültür Sanat Yayınları, İstanbul 2018.
  • Morewood-Dowsett, J, “Supplement: Elephant Past and Present”, Journal of the Royal African Society, c. 38/sy. 152, Oxford 1939, ss. 3-40.
  • Kistler, J. M, War Elephants, Praeger Publishers, London 2006.
  • Kistler, J. M, Animals in the Military; From Hannibal’s Elephants to the Dolphins of the U.S. Navy, ABC-CLIO, California 2011.
  • McNab, C, (Ed), The Roman Army; The Greatest War Machine of the Ancient World, Osprey, Oxford 2010.
  • Montagu, J. D, Battles of the Greek & Roman Worlds, Greenhill Books, London 2000.
  • Nossow, Konstantin, War Elephants, Osprey Publishing, Oxford 2008.
  • Peddie, J, Hannibal’s War, Sutton Publishing, Hong Kong 1997.
  • Ramsay, W. M, “Geography and History in a Phyrgo-Pisidian Glen”, Geographical Journal, c. 61/sy. 4, London 1923, ss. 279-296.
  • M. Rostovtzeff, “Vexillum and Victory”, The Journal of Roman Studies, c. 32/sy. 1-2, London 1942, ss. 92-106.
  • Southern, P, The Roman Army; A Social and Institutional History, ABC-CLIO, California 2006.
  • Schaff, P, and Wace, H, A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of The Christian Church, Second Series, Vol III, Theodoret, Jerome, Gennadius and Rufinus: Historical Writings, Çev. B. Jackson, T&T Clark, Edinburgh 1892.
  • Tarn, W. W, Hellenistic Military & Naval Developments, Cambridge University Press, London 1930.
  • Toynbee, J. M. C, Animals in Roman Life and Art, Cornell University Press, New York 1973.
  • Wise, T, and Hook, R, Armies of the Carthaginian Wars 265-145 BC., Osprey Publishing, London 1982.
  • Wylie, D, Elephant, Reaktion Books LTD., London 2008.
There are 56 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Nuri Can Uçar 0000-0001-9790-5081

Publication Date March 31, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 41 Issue: 71


APA Uçar, N. C. (2022). ROMA CUMHURİYETİ’NİN SON HESAPLAŞMASINDA SAVAŞ FİLLERİ: THAPSUS SAVAŞI MÖ 46. Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi, 41(71), 90-117.
AMA Uçar NC. ROMA CUMHURİYETİ’NİN SON HESAPLAŞMASINDA SAVAŞ FİLLERİ: THAPSUS SAVAŞI MÖ 46. TAD. March 2022;41(71):90-117. doi:10.35239/tariharastirmalari.917205
Chicago Uçar, Nuri Can. “ROMA CUMHURİYETİ’NİN SON HESAPLAŞMASINDA SAVAŞ FİLLERİ: THAPSUS SAVAŞI MÖ 46”. Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi 41, no. 71 (March 2022): 90-117.
EndNote Uçar NC (March 1, 2022) ROMA CUMHURİYETİ’NİN SON HESAPLAŞMASINDA SAVAŞ FİLLERİ: THAPSUS SAVAŞI MÖ 46. Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi 41 71 90–117.
IEEE N. C. Uçar, “ROMA CUMHURİYETİ’NİN SON HESAPLAŞMASINDA SAVAŞ FİLLERİ: THAPSUS SAVAŞI MÖ 46”, TAD, vol. 41, no. 71, pp. 90–117, 2022, doi: 10.35239/tariharastirmalari.917205.
ISNAD Uçar, Nuri Can. “ROMA CUMHURİYETİ’NİN SON HESAPLAŞMASINDA SAVAŞ FİLLERİ: THAPSUS SAVAŞI MÖ 46”. Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi 41/71 (March 2022), 90-117.
MLA Uçar, Nuri Can. “ROMA CUMHURİYETİ’NİN SON HESAPLAŞMASINDA SAVAŞ FİLLERİ: THAPSUS SAVAŞI MÖ 46”. Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi, vol. 41, no. 71, 2022, pp. 90-117, doi:10.35239/tariharastirmalari.917205.