Writing Rules

During the application process, it is important for the author(s) to consider the following explanations. The manuscript template will help the author(s) for writing rules (click here for the manuscript template).

The candidate article should be written on A4 paper with 2.5 cm margins.

Each paragraph should contain at least three sentences.

Georgia font style should be used throughout the manuscript.

English Full Text Section

The full text of the candidate article in English should include the following headings: Title, Abstract, Key Words, Introduction, Method, Findings, Discussion and Conclusion, Recommendations, References, Biographical Notes.


The English title of the candidate article should be between 10-18 words.


The English abstract of the candidate article should be between 150-250 words.

The English abstract of the candidate article should include the general content of the study, problem statement, aim, method, results and recommendations.

The English abstract of the candidate article should not include citations.

The keywords of the English abstract of the candidate article should be written between 3-7 words.


The “Introduction” of the candidate article should include the problem statement, purpose, significance and research questions.


The following subheadings and explanations should be included under the “Method” heading of the candidate article:

Research Design
Population and Sample/Study Group/Data Source
Data Collection Tools
Analysis of Data
Ethical Permits of Research
Ethics Committee Permission Information


Findings should be written for all research questions.F

Tables, figures and graphs should be prepared in accordance with the specifications specified in the “Article Template”.

Discussion and Conclusion

Research results should be written within the framework of the relevant literature.

Research results should be written by taking into account the findings and results of previous research on a similar topic.

Research results should be discussed within the framework of the relevant literature.


Recommendations for educators and policy makers should be included.

Suggestions for future practices and research should be developed.

Limitations of the research should be stated.


All references in the text should be included in the bibliography.

APA7 style should be used in references writing.

Biographical Notes

Contribution rate and conflict of interest of the researchers should be indicated.

If any award, financial support, data or permission has been received from any project, institution or person within the scope of the study, it should be stated.

Any institution or person should be thanked for their contribution to the study.

Extended Turkish Abstract Section

The Turkish extended abstract of the candidate article should include Turkish Title, Abstract, Introduction, Method, Findings, Conclusion and Discussion, Recommendations (Türkçe Başlık, Özet, Anahtar Kelimeler, Giriş, Yöntem, Bulgular, Sonuç ve Tartışma, Öneriler).

Turkish Title

The Turkish title of the candidate article should be between 10-18 words.


The Turkish abstract of the candidate article should be between 150-250 words.

The Turkish abstract of the candidate article should include the general content of the study, problem statement, aim, method, results and recommendations.

The Turkish abstract of the candidate article should not include citations.

The keywords of the Turkish abstract of the candidate article should be written between 3-7 words.


The Introduction of the candidate article should include the problem statement, purpose, significance and research questions.


The following sub-headings and explanations should be included under the method heading of the candidate article:

Research Design (Araştırma Modeli)
Population and Sample/Study Group/Data Source (Evren ve Örneklem/Çalışma Grubu/Veri Kaynağı)
Data Collection Tools (Veri Toplama Araçları)
Analysis of Data (Verilerin Analizi)
Ethical Permits of Research (Araştırmanın Etik İzinleri)
Ethics Committee Permission Information (Etik Kurul İzin Bilgileri)


Findings should be written for all research questions.

If tables, figures and graphs are to be given, they should be prepared in accordance with the specifications specified in the “Article Template”.

Discussion and Conclusion

Research results should be written within the framework of the relevant literature.

Research results should be written by taking into account the findings and results of previous research on a similar topic.

Research results should be discussed within the framework of the relevant literature.


Recommendations for educators and policy makers should be included.

Suggestions for future practices and research should be developed.

Limitations of the research should be stated.

Last Update Time: 9/10/24, 2:21:05 PM

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