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Fizyoloji Eğitiminde Öğrenci Uygulamalarının Mevcut Durumunun İrdelenmesi ve İyileştirme Önerileri

Year 2018, , 47 - 59, 30.04.2018


Amaç: Klinik
problemleri çözümleyebilen yetkin hekimlerin yetişebilmesi için, temel
fizyolojik kavramların uygun, yeterli ve klinik uygulamalarla
ilişkilendirilerek kullanılabilir şekilde verilmesi beklenir. Planlanan bu
çalışma ile, Türkiye’deki tıp fakültelerinde yapılmakta olan fizyoloji
uygulamalarının bir haritasını çıkarmak, sorunlarını ortaya koymak ve olası
çözüm önerileri geliştirmek amaçlanmıştır.

Gereç ve Yöntem: Fizyoloji
uygulama eğitimlerinin mevcut durumu ile bu eğitimleri planlayıp yürüten
anabilim dallarının görüşlerinin sorgulandığı bir anket ve bu ankete dayanarak
planlanmış bir atölye çalışması düzenlenmiştir.

Bulgular: Ankete
katılan tıp fakülteleri  fizyoloji
anabilim dallarında (n=35) fizyoloji uygulama eğitimlerinin ağırlıklı olarak 2.
sınıfta (% 97,1) yer aldığı, uygulamaların büyük bölümünün sinir-kas-duyu, kan,
kalp-dolaşım ve solunum sistemleri ile ilgili olduğu, amaç ve hedeflerinin
belirlenmiş, föylerin/kitapçıkların hazırlanmış olduğu, uygulama eğitimlerinin
daha çok hem beceri kazanmaya hem de teorik bilgiyi desteklemeye (% 60) yönelik
planlandığı; buna karşın öğrencileri uygulamaları her zaman tek başına yapabilme şansına sahip olan anabilim dallarının
oranının düşük olduğu gözlenmiştir. Uygulamaların yaklaşık dörtte birinde
bilgisayar yazılımları ve altıda birinde ise deney hayvanları kullanılmaktadır.
Uygulamalarının değerlendirmelerini uygulamanın sonrasında veya rapor
tesliminde not vererek ya da dönem/kurul sonunda uygulamalı laboratuvar sınavı
ile yapan fizyoloji anabilim dalları olduğu gibi, uygulamalar ile ilgili hiçbir
zaman değerlendirme yapmayan önemli oranda (% 37,1) anabilim dalı bulunmaktadır.

Sonuç: Atölye
çalışmasında yer alan tartışmalarda, uygulamaların yürütülmesinde yaşanan
sorunların altyapı, öğrenciler ve öğretim üyelerine ait çeşitli nedenlerden
kaynaklandığını belirlenmiştir.
uygulamalarının öğrenim hedeflerinin ve öğretim/ölçme-değerlendirme
yöntemlerinin yeniden belirlenmesinin uygulamalarda gözlenen düşük öğrenci
motivasyonunu artırılabileceği ve fizyolojinin kavranmasının kolaylaştırılacağı


  • 1. Burton R. (ed.). Advanced Lessons In Practical Physiology For Students of Medicine. Saunders Company, 1920
  • 2. Silverthorn D.U. Physiology education today: What comes next? Adv. Physiol Educ 1998, 20 : (1)
  • 3. Stavrianeas S., Stewart M., Harmer P. Beyond the printed page: physiology education without a textbook? Adv Physiol Educ 2008, 32: 76–80
  • 4. Oriol N.E., Hayden E.M., Joyal-Mowschenson J., Muret-Wagstaff S., Faux R., Gordon J.A. Using immersive healthcare simulation for physiology education: initial experience in high school, college, and graduate school curricula. Adv Physiol Educ 2011, 35: 252–259
  • 5. Huang C. Changing learning with new interactive and media-rich instruction environments: virtual labs case study report. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 2003, 27: 157–164
  • 6. Clough, M.P. Using the laboratory to enhance student learning. In Learning Science and the Science of Learning, Ed. R. W. Bybee. National Science Teachers Association, Washington, DC, 2001: 85–97
  • 7. Ma J., Nickerson, J. V. Hands-On, Simulated, and Remote Laboratories: A Comparative Literature Review. ACM Computing Surveys, 2006, 38: 3 (7)
  • 8. Kolkhorst F.W, Mason C.L., DiPasquale D.M., Patterson P., Buono M.J. An inquiry-based learning Model for an exercise Phyiology laboratory course. Advances in physiology education, 2001, 25 (2)
  • 9. Sheader E., Gouldsborough I., Grady R. Staff and student perceptions of computer-assisted assessment for physiology practical classes. Adv Physiol Educ 2006, 30: 174–180
  • 10. AAMC-HHMI, Scientific Foundations for Future Physicians. 2009, Association of American Medical Colleges, Washington, D.C. p. 1-43
  • 11. Balkancı Z.D., Pehlivanoğlu B. An overview of undergraduate physiology education in Turkish medical faculties. Adv Physiol Educ, 2008, 32: 322–328
  • 12. Kılıç B, Sayek I. "Mezuniyet Öncesi Tıp Eğitimi Raporu - 2000". TTB Yayınları, Ankara, 2000
  • 13. Goyal R., Garg R., Goyal P.R. Need for Changes in the Practical Physiology Curriculum of Medical Undergraduates. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2017, 11(6): CC06-CC08
  • 14.
  • 15. Vogel D., Harendza S. Basic practical skills teaching and learning in undergraduate medical education – a review on methodological evidence. GMS J Med Educ. 2016; 33(4): Doc64
  • 16. Ducceschi L, Green N, Miller-Spiegel C. Dying to learn: the supply and use of companion animals in U.S. colleges and universities. Altex, 2010, 27: 304–308
  • 17. Gruber FP, Dewhurst DG. Alternatives of animal experimentation in biomedical education. Alternativen Tiereexperimenten, 2004, 21: 33–48
  • 18. Jukes N. Russia: update on animal experiments and alternatives in education. Altex, 2008, 25: 56–62
  • 19. Beatriz A., Rochelle F.A., Pasian S.R., Henrique R., Silva A., Rocha M.R. Perceptions of undergraduate students on the use of animals in practical classes. Adv Physiol Educ 2016, 40: 422–424
  • 20. Silverthorn D.U., Hansen P.A. Curriculum Design for Integrative Physiology. In: Integrative Physiology in the Proteomics and Post-Genomics Age. Walz W. (ed.). Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ., 2005
  • 21. Allchin D. Values in science: an educational perspective. In: Science Education and Culture. Bevilacqua F., Giannetto E., Matthews M.R. (eds). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic, 2001, p. 185–196
  • 22. Russell, C.P., French, D.P. Factors affecting participation in traditional and inquiry-based laboratories. J. Coll. Sci. Teach., 2002, 31: 225–229
  • 23. Leonard, W.H. Research and teaching: ten years of research on investigative laboratory instruction strategies. J. Coll. Sci. Teach., 1989,18: 304–306
  • 24. Stewart B.Y. The surprise element of a student-designed laboratory experiment. J Coll Sci Teach, 1988, 17: 269–270
  • 25. Modell, H.I., Michael, J.A., Adamson, T., et al. Helping undergraduates repair faulty mental models in the student laboratory. Advan. Physiol. Edu., 2000, 23: 82–90
  • 26. Kolkhorst F.W., Mason C.L., DiPasquale D.M., Patterson P., Buono M.J. An inquiry-based learning model for an exercise physiology laboratory course . Adv physiol educ., 2001, 25: 45–50
  • 27. Woodhull-McNeal, A.P. Project labs in physiology. Advan. Physiol. Educ., 1992,263: 
  • 28. McNeal, A.P., Silverthorn, D.U., Stratton, D.B. Involving students in experimental 
design: three approaches. Advan. Physiol. Educ., 1998, 20: S28–S34
  • 29. Sheader E., Gouldsborough I., Grady R. Staff and student perceptions of computer-assisted assessment for physiology practical classes. Adv Physiol Educ., 2006, 30: 174–180

Evaluation of Practicals in Physiology Education and Suggestions for Improvement

Year 2018, , 47 - 59, 30.04.2018


Background: In order to train competent physicians who are capable of solving clinical problems, fundamental physiological concepts need to be provided appropriately, in a way that can be associated with clinical practices. With this planned study, we aimed to map the already existing physiology practices in the medical schools in Turkey, point out the problems and offer potential solutions.

Methods: A survey was conducted on the existing training methods of physiology practices and on the views of the academic staff that plan and conduct these trainings, and a workshop was carried on based on the results of this survey.

Results: Among the physiology departments of medical schools (n=35), it is observed that the physiology trainings mostly take place in second year (97.1 %), the trainings are mostly focused on nerve-muscle-senses, blood, heart circulatory and respiratory systems, aims and goals of he practices, and prepared booklets and pamphlets are present. It is also observed that practice trainings are mostly planned to acquire a skil ls as well as to support the theoretical know-how (60%), even though a small number of departments have the chance to offer students to practice on their own. Nearly a quarter of practices utilizes various computer software, whereas one sixth of them uses laboratory animals. There are physiology departments that evaluate the practices immediately with short quizzes or by grading the reports, or by making exams at the end of the semester, while a significant percent (37,1%) never conduct evolutions.

Conclusions: During the discussions in workshop, it is revealed that the problems encountered in the implementation of the training are raised from a combination of infrastructure, students and faculty members. It is projected that the restatement of learning

objectives and assessment/evaluation methods of physiology practices can facilitate the easy earning of physiology concepts and can increase the lack of motivation in students that is observed during practices.


  • 1. Burton R. (ed.). Advanced Lessons In Practical Physiology For Students of Medicine. Saunders Company, 1920
  • 2. Silverthorn D.U. Physiology education today: What comes next? Adv. Physiol Educ 1998, 20 : (1)
  • 3. Stavrianeas S., Stewart M., Harmer P. Beyond the printed page: physiology education without a textbook? Adv Physiol Educ 2008, 32: 76–80
  • 4. Oriol N.E., Hayden E.M., Joyal-Mowschenson J., Muret-Wagstaff S., Faux R., Gordon J.A. Using immersive healthcare simulation for physiology education: initial experience in high school, college, and graduate school curricula. Adv Physiol Educ 2011, 35: 252–259
  • 5. Huang C. Changing learning with new interactive and media-rich instruction environments: virtual labs case study report. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 2003, 27: 157–164
  • 6. Clough, M.P. Using the laboratory to enhance student learning. In Learning Science and the Science of Learning, Ed. R. W. Bybee. National Science Teachers Association, Washington, DC, 2001: 85–97
  • 7. Ma J., Nickerson, J. V. Hands-On, Simulated, and Remote Laboratories: A Comparative Literature Review. ACM Computing Surveys, 2006, 38: 3 (7)
  • 8. Kolkhorst F.W, Mason C.L., DiPasquale D.M., Patterson P., Buono M.J. An inquiry-based learning Model for an exercise Phyiology laboratory course. Advances in physiology education, 2001, 25 (2)
  • 9. Sheader E., Gouldsborough I., Grady R. Staff and student perceptions of computer-assisted assessment for physiology practical classes. Adv Physiol Educ 2006, 30: 174–180
  • 10. AAMC-HHMI, Scientific Foundations for Future Physicians. 2009, Association of American Medical Colleges, Washington, D.C. p. 1-43
  • 11. Balkancı Z.D., Pehlivanoğlu B. An overview of undergraduate physiology education in Turkish medical faculties. Adv Physiol Educ, 2008, 32: 322–328
  • 12. Kılıç B, Sayek I. "Mezuniyet Öncesi Tıp Eğitimi Raporu - 2000". TTB Yayınları, Ankara, 2000
  • 13. Goyal R., Garg R., Goyal P.R. Need for Changes in the Practical Physiology Curriculum of Medical Undergraduates. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2017, 11(6): CC06-CC08
  • 14.
  • 15. Vogel D., Harendza S. Basic practical skills teaching and learning in undergraduate medical education – a review on methodological evidence. GMS J Med Educ. 2016; 33(4): Doc64
  • 16. Ducceschi L, Green N, Miller-Spiegel C. Dying to learn: the supply and use of companion animals in U.S. colleges and universities. Altex, 2010, 27: 304–308
  • 17. Gruber FP, Dewhurst DG. Alternatives of animal experimentation in biomedical education. Alternativen Tiereexperimenten, 2004, 21: 33–48
  • 18. Jukes N. Russia: update on animal experiments and alternatives in education. Altex, 2008, 25: 56–62
  • 19. Beatriz A., Rochelle F.A., Pasian S.R., Henrique R., Silva A., Rocha M.R. Perceptions of undergraduate students on the use of animals in practical classes. Adv Physiol Educ 2016, 40: 422–424
  • 20. Silverthorn D.U., Hansen P.A. Curriculum Design for Integrative Physiology. In: Integrative Physiology in the Proteomics and Post-Genomics Age. Walz W. (ed.). Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ., 2005
  • 21. Allchin D. Values in science: an educational perspective. In: Science Education and Culture. Bevilacqua F., Giannetto E., Matthews M.R. (eds). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic, 2001, p. 185–196
  • 22. Russell, C.P., French, D.P. Factors affecting participation in traditional and inquiry-based laboratories. J. Coll. Sci. Teach., 2002, 31: 225–229
  • 23. Leonard, W.H. Research and teaching: ten years of research on investigative laboratory instruction strategies. J. Coll. Sci. Teach., 1989,18: 304–306
  • 24. Stewart B.Y. The surprise element of a student-designed laboratory experiment. J Coll Sci Teach, 1988, 17: 269–270
  • 25. Modell, H.I., Michael, J.A., Adamson, T., et al. Helping undergraduates repair faulty mental models in the student laboratory. Advan. Physiol. Edu., 2000, 23: 82–90
  • 26. Kolkhorst F.W., Mason C.L., DiPasquale D.M., Patterson P., Buono M.J. An inquiry-based learning model for an exercise physiology laboratory course . Adv physiol educ., 2001, 25: 45–50
  • 27. Woodhull-McNeal, A.P. Project labs in physiology. Advan. Physiol. Educ., 1992,263: 
  • 28. McNeal, A.P., Silverthorn, D.U., Stratton, D.B. Involving students in experimental 
design: three approaches. Advan. Physiol. Educ., 1998, 20: S28–S34
  • 29. Sheader E., Gouldsborough I., Grady R. Staff and student perceptions of computer-assisted assessment for physiology practical classes. Adv Physiol Educ., 2006, 30: 174–180
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Original Article

Melike Şahiner

Berrak Yeğen

Publication Date April 30, 2018
Submission Date September 5, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2018


Vancouver Şahiner M, Yeğen B. Fizyoloji Eğitiminde Öğrenci Uygulamalarının Mevcut Durumunun İrdelenmesi ve İyileştirme Önerileri. TED. 2018;17(51):47-59.