Evaluating Learners’ Vocabulary Gain and Retention in an E-Learning Context Using Vocabulary Podcasting Tasks: A Case Study
Year 2020,
, 190 - 203, 01.04.2020
Atefeh Elekaeı
Hossein Heidari Tabrızı
Azizeh Chalak
The advent of new technologies and rapid growth of online distance education have fostered interaction as well as collaboration among learners and created a true learning community. Moreover, forming synchronous and asynchronous learning networks utilizing the Internet have been simplified by new technologies. Since the importance of technology is undeniable, teachers and instructors must use it to create new opportunities and experiences for educators. The present study investigates the use of audio podcast plus still pictures and audio podcasts plus animated pictures on learners’ vocabulary gain and retention in a process-oriented approach. The results indicate that the participants who received audio plus animated pictures had higher levels of vocabulary gain as well as retention. The present study showed that podcasting is an influential tool to course resources and increases the contact between students and teachers.
- Abdous, M., Camarena, M. M., & Facer, B. R. (2009). MALL technology: Use of academic podcasting in
the foreign language classroom. ReCALL, 21(1), 76-95.
Al-Seghayer, K. (2001). The effect of multimedia annotation modes on L2 vocabulary acquisition: A
comparative study. Language Learning & Technology, 5(1), 202-232.
Amemiya, S., Hasegawa, K., Kaneko, K., Miyakoda, H., & Tsukahara, W. (2007). Development an evaluation
of a foreign-word learning system by iPods. Proceedings of the Sixth IASTED International
Conference on Web-Based Education, Chamonix, France.
Ashton-Hay, S., & Brookes, D. (2011). Here’s a story: using student podcasts to raise awareness of language
learning strategies. EA Journal, 26(2), 15-27.
Beldarrain, Y. (2006). Distance education trends: Integration new technologies to foster student interaction
and collaboration. Distance Education, 27(2), 139-153.
Bransford, J. D., Sherwood, R. D., Hosselbring, T. S., Kinzer, C, K., & Williams, S. M. (1990). Anchored
instruction: Why we need it and how technology can help. In D. Nix, and R. Spiro (Eds.),
Cognition, education and multimedia: Exploring ideas in high technology (pp. 115-141). Hillsdale,
NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Chan, W. M., Chi, S. W., Chin, K. N. & Lin, C. Y. (2011). Students’ Perceptions of and Attitudes towards
Podcast-Based Learning – A Comparison of Two Language Podcast Projects. Electronic Journal of
Foreign Language Teaching, 8(1), 312-335.
Chun, D. M. & Plass, J. L. (1997). Research on text comprehension in multimedia environments. Language
Learning & Technology, 1(1), 60-81.
Donnelly, K. M., & Berge, Z. L. (2006). Podcasting: co-opting MP3 players for education and training
purposes. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 9(3), Retrieved June 4, 2017, from
Doughty, C., & Long, M. H. (2003). Optimal psycholinguistic environment for distance foreign language
learning. Language Learning & Technology, 7(3), 50-80.
Ducate, L., & Lomicka, L. (2009). Podcasting: An effective tool for Honing language students’ pronunciation?
Language Learning & Technology, 13(3), 66-86.
Ehsani, F. & Knodt, E. (1998). Speech technology in computer-aided language learning: Strategies and
limitations of a new CALL paradigm. Language Learning & Technology, 2(1), 45-60.
Ellis, R. (2003). Task-based language learning and teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Evans, C. (2008). The effectiveness of m-learning in the form of podcast revision lectures in higher education.
Computers and Education, 50, 491-498.
Fernandez, V., Simo, P. & Sallan, J. M. (2009). Podcasting: A new technological tool to facilitate good
practice in higher education. Computers & Education, 53, 385-392.
Fose, L., & Mehl, M. (2007). Plugging into students’ digital DNA: Five myths prohibiting proper podcasting
pedagogy in the new classroom domain. MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and teaching, 3(3),
Hai-peng, H., & Li-jing, D. (2007). Vocabulary acquisition in multimedia environment. US-China Foreign
Language, 5(8), 55-59.
Istanto, J. W. (2011). Pelangi Bahasa Indonesia podcast: what, why and how? Electronic Journal of Foreign
Language Teaching, 8(1), 371-384.
Krashen, S. (1981). Second language acquisition and second language learning. New York, NY: Pergamon
Kim, D. & Gilman, D. A. (2008). Effects of text, audio, and graphic aids in multimedia instruction for
vocabulary learning. Educational Technology & Society, 11(3), 114-126.
Larsen-Freeman, D. & Anderson, M. (2015). Techniques and principles in language teaching (3rd ed.). New
York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Lazzari, M. (2009). Creative use of podcasting in higher education and its effect on competitive agency.
Computers & Education, 52(1), 27-34.
Lee, M. J. W., & Chan, A. (2007). Reducing the effects of isolation and promoting inclusivity for distance
learners through podcasting. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 8(1), 85-104.
Li, H. C. (2010). Using podcasts for learning English: perceptions of Hong Kong Secondary 6 ESL students.
Début: the undergraduate journal of languages, linguistics and area studies, 1(2), 78-90.
Liu, Y., & McCombs, S. (2008). Portable education: Learning on the go. In T. T. Kidd, and H. Song
(Eds.), Handbook of research on instructional system and technology (pp. 216-248). Hershey, PA:
Information Science Reference.
Lord, G. (2008). Podcasting Communities and Second Language Pronunciation. Foreign Language Annals,
41(2), 374-389.
Lowman, J. (2014). Exploring the use of podcasts and vodcasts: Multimedia tools for word learning.
Computers in the Schools, 31(4), 251-270.
Mayer, R. & Moreno, R. (2002). Aids to computer-based multimedia learning. Learning and Instruction,
12, 107-119.
Moore, M. G. (1993). Theory of transactional distance. In D. Keegan (Ed.), Theoretical principles of
distance education. (pp. 22-38). London, New York: Routledge.
O’Bryan, A., & Hegelheimer, V. (2007). Integrating CALL into the classroom: The role of podcasting in an
ESL listening strategies course. ReCALL, 19(2), 162–180.
Picciano, A. G. (2002). Beyond student perceptions: Issues of interaction, presence, and performance in an
online course. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 6(1), 21-40.
Plass, J. L., Chun, D. M., Mayer, R. E., & Leutner, D. (1998). Supporting visual and verbal learning
preferences in a Second-Language multimedia learning environment. Journal of Educational
Psychology, 90(1), 25-36.
Plass, J. L., Chun, D. M., Mayer, R. E., & Leutner, D. (2003). Cognitive load in reading a foreign text with
multimedia aids and the influence of verbal and spatial abilities. Computers in Human Behavior,
19, 221-243.
Putman, S. M., & Kingsley, T. (2012). The atoms family: Using podcasts to enhance the development of
science vocabulary. The Reading Teacher, 63(2), 100-108.
Rimrott, A. (2010). Computer-assisted vocabulary learning: Multimedia annotations, word concreteness, and
individualized instruction. Unpublished dissertation, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC,
Rosell-Aguilar, F. (2007). Top of the Pods - In search of a podcasting “podagogy” for language learning.
Computer Assisted Language Learning, 20(5), 471–492.
Sanjana, L. (2014). Impact of podcast on listening skills of the students of higher secondary level. Unpublished
doctoral dissertation, BRAC University.
Schmitt, N. & Meara, P. (1997). Researching vocabulary through a word knowledge framework: word
associations and verbal suffixes. Studies in second Language Acquisition, 19, 17-36.
Shahid, S. H., & Ali, Z. (2017a). Saudi EFL learners’ attitude towards integration of video-podcasts in
listening comprehension. European Journal of English Language Teaching, 2(2), 130-157.
Shahid, S. H., & Ali, Z. (2017b). Effects of video-podcasts on listening comprehension of Saudi EFL
learners. European Journal of English Language Teaching, 2(4), 169-194.
Sze, P. M. (2006). Developing students’ listening and speaking skills through ELT podcasts. Education
Journal, 34(2), 115-134.
Ubon, N. A., & Kimble, C. (2004). Exploring social presence in asynchronous text-based online learning
communities (OLCS). Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on
Information Communication Technologies in Education, Samos, Greece.
Yeh, Y., & Wang, C. W. (2003). Effects of multimedia vocabulary annotations and learning styles on
vocabulary learning. CALICO Journal, 21(1), 131-144.
Year 2020,
, 190 - 203, 01.04.2020
Atefeh Elekaeı
Hossein Heidari Tabrızı
Azizeh Chalak
- Abdous, M., Camarena, M. M., & Facer, B. R. (2009). MALL technology: Use of academic podcasting in
the foreign language classroom. ReCALL, 21(1), 76-95.
Al-Seghayer, K. (2001). The effect of multimedia annotation modes on L2 vocabulary acquisition: A
comparative study. Language Learning & Technology, 5(1), 202-232.
Amemiya, S., Hasegawa, K., Kaneko, K., Miyakoda, H., & Tsukahara, W. (2007). Development an evaluation
of a foreign-word learning system by iPods. Proceedings of the Sixth IASTED International
Conference on Web-Based Education, Chamonix, France.
Ashton-Hay, S., & Brookes, D. (2011). Here’s a story: using student podcasts to raise awareness of language
learning strategies. EA Journal, 26(2), 15-27.
Beldarrain, Y. (2006). Distance education trends: Integration new technologies to foster student interaction
and collaboration. Distance Education, 27(2), 139-153.
Bransford, J. D., Sherwood, R. D., Hosselbring, T. S., Kinzer, C, K., & Williams, S. M. (1990). Anchored
instruction: Why we need it and how technology can help. In D. Nix, and R. Spiro (Eds.),
Cognition, education and multimedia: Exploring ideas in high technology (pp. 115-141). Hillsdale,
NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Chan, W. M., Chi, S. W., Chin, K. N. & Lin, C. Y. (2011). Students’ Perceptions of and Attitudes towards
Podcast-Based Learning – A Comparison of Two Language Podcast Projects. Electronic Journal of
Foreign Language Teaching, 8(1), 312-335.
Chun, D. M. & Plass, J. L. (1997). Research on text comprehension in multimedia environments. Language
Learning & Technology, 1(1), 60-81.
Donnelly, K. M., & Berge, Z. L. (2006). Podcasting: co-opting MP3 players for education and training
purposes. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 9(3), Retrieved June 4, 2017, from
Doughty, C., & Long, M. H. (2003). Optimal psycholinguistic environment for distance foreign language
learning. Language Learning & Technology, 7(3), 50-80.
Ducate, L., & Lomicka, L. (2009). Podcasting: An effective tool for Honing language students’ pronunciation?
Language Learning & Technology, 13(3), 66-86.
Ehsani, F. & Knodt, E. (1998). Speech technology in computer-aided language learning: Strategies and
limitations of a new CALL paradigm. Language Learning & Technology, 2(1), 45-60.
Ellis, R. (2003). Task-based language learning and teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Evans, C. (2008). The effectiveness of m-learning in the form of podcast revision lectures in higher education.
Computers and Education, 50, 491-498.
Fernandez, V., Simo, P. & Sallan, J. M. (2009). Podcasting: A new technological tool to facilitate good
practice in higher education. Computers & Education, 53, 385-392.
Fose, L., & Mehl, M. (2007). Plugging into students’ digital DNA: Five myths prohibiting proper podcasting
pedagogy in the new classroom domain. MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and teaching, 3(3),
Hai-peng, H., & Li-jing, D. (2007). Vocabulary acquisition in multimedia environment. US-China Foreign
Language, 5(8), 55-59.
Istanto, J. W. (2011). Pelangi Bahasa Indonesia podcast: what, why and how? Electronic Journal of Foreign
Language Teaching, 8(1), 371-384.
Krashen, S. (1981). Second language acquisition and second language learning. New York, NY: Pergamon
Kim, D. & Gilman, D. A. (2008). Effects of text, audio, and graphic aids in multimedia instruction for
vocabulary learning. Educational Technology & Society, 11(3), 114-126.
Larsen-Freeman, D. & Anderson, M. (2015). Techniques and principles in language teaching (3rd ed.). New
York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Lazzari, M. (2009). Creative use of podcasting in higher education and its effect on competitive agency.
Computers & Education, 52(1), 27-34.
Lee, M. J. W., & Chan, A. (2007). Reducing the effects of isolation and promoting inclusivity for distance
learners through podcasting. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 8(1), 85-104.
Li, H. C. (2010). Using podcasts for learning English: perceptions of Hong Kong Secondary 6 ESL students.
Début: the undergraduate journal of languages, linguistics and area studies, 1(2), 78-90.
Liu, Y., & McCombs, S. (2008). Portable education: Learning on the go. In T. T. Kidd, and H. Song
(Eds.), Handbook of research on instructional system and technology (pp. 216-248). Hershey, PA:
Information Science Reference.
Lord, G. (2008). Podcasting Communities and Second Language Pronunciation. Foreign Language Annals,
41(2), 374-389.
Lowman, J. (2014). Exploring the use of podcasts and vodcasts: Multimedia tools for word learning.
Computers in the Schools, 31(4), 251-270.
Mayer, R. & Moreno, R. (2002). Aids to computer-based multimedia learning. Learning and Instruction,
12, 107-119.
Moore, M. G. (1993). Theory of transactional distance. In D. Keegan (Ed.), Theoretical principles of
distance education. (pp. 22-38). London, New York: Routledge.
O’Bryan, A., & Hegelheimer, V. (2007). Integrating CALL into the classroom: The role of podcasting in an
ESL listening strategies course. ReCALL, 19(2), 162–180.
Picciano, A. G. (2002). Beyond student perceptions: Issues of interaction, presence, and performance in an
online course. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 6(1), 21-40.
Plass, J. L., Chun, D. M., Mayer, R. E., & Leutner, D. (1998). Supporting visual and verbal learning
preferences in a Second-Language multimedia learning environment. Journal of Educational
Psychology, 90(1), 25-36.
Plass, J. L., Chun, D. M., Mayer, R. E., & Leutner, D. (2003). Cognitive load in reading a foreign text with
multimedia aids and the influence of verbal and spatial abilities. Computers in Human Behavior,
19, 221-243.
Putman, S. M., & Kingsley, T. (2012). The atoms family: Using podcasts to enhance the development of
science vocabulary. The Reading Teacher, 63(2), 100-108.
Rimrott, A. (2010). Computer-assisted vocabulary learning: Multimedia annotations, word concreteness, and
individualized instruction. Unpublished dissertation, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC,
Rosell-Aguilar, F. (2007). Top of the Pods - In search of a podcasting “podagogy” for language learning.
Computer Assisted Language Learning, 20(5), 471–492.
Sanjana, L. (2014). Impact of podcast on listening skills of the students of higher secondary level. Unpublished
doctoral dissertation, BRAC University.
Schmitt, N. & Meara, P. (1997). Researching vocabulary through a word knowledge framework: word
associations and verbal suffixes. Studies in second Language Acquisition, 19, 17-36.
Shahid, S. H., & Ali, Z. (2017a). Saudi EFL learners’ attitude towards integration of video-podcasts in
listening comprehension. European Journal of English Language Teaching, 2(2), 130-157.
Shahid, S. H., & Ali, Z. (2017b). Effects of video-podcasts on listening comprehension of Saudi EFL
learners. European Journal of English Language Teaching, 2(4), 169-194.
Sze, P. M. (2006). Developing students’ listening and speaking skills through ELT podcasts. Education
Journal, 34(2), 115-134.
Ubon, N. A., & Kimble, C. (2004). Exploring social presence in asynchronous text-based online learning
communities (OLCS). Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on
Information Communication Technologies in Education, Samos, Greece.
Yeh, Y., & Wang, C. W. (2003). Effects of multimedia vocabulary annotations and learning styles on
vocabulary learning. CALICO Journal, 21(1), 131-144.