Research Article
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Year 2020, , 31 - 67, 01.10.2020



  • Akgun, M., & Atici, B. (2017). The effect of flipped classroom on learners’ academic achievements and views. Kastamonu Education Journal, 25(1), 329-344.
  • Alamri, M. M. (2019). Students’ academic achievement performance and satisfaction in a flipped classroom in Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 11(1), 103-119.
  • Al-Harbi, S. S., & Alshumaimeri, Y. A. (2016). The flipped classroom impact in grammar class on EFL Saudi secondary school students’ performances and attitudes. English Language Teaching, 9(10), 60-80.
  • AlJaser, A. M. (2017). Effectiveness of using flipped classroom strategy in academic achievement and self-efficacy among education students of Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University. English Language Teaching, 10(4), 67-77.
  • Atwa, Z. M., Din, R., & Hussin, M. (2016). Effectiveness of flipped learning in physics education on Palestinian high school students’ achievement. Journal of Personalized Learning, 2(1), 73-85.
  • Aydin, G. (2016). Ters yuz sinif modelinin universite ogrencilerinin programlamaya yonelik tutum, oz-yeterlik algisi ve basarilarina etkisinin incelenmesi [The investigation of the effect of flipped classroom model on undergraduate students’ attitude, self-efficacy and academic achievement towards programming].Master’s Dissertation).
  • Aydin, B., & Demirer, V. (2017). A comprehensive analysis of the studies conducted in the framework of flipped classroom model. Educational Technology Theory and Practice, 7(1), 57-82.
  • Aydin, B. (2016). Ters yuz sinif modelinin akademik basari, odev/gorev stress duzeyi ve ogrenme transferi uzerindeki etkisi [The effects of flipped classroom model on academic achievement, homework/task stress level and transfer of learning]. (Master’s Dissertation). SuleymanDemirel University, Isparta, Turkey.
  • Balikci, H. C. (2015). ‘Flipped Classroom’ modeliyle hazirlanan derse iliskin ogrenci goruslerinin ve ders basarilarinin degerlendirilmesi [Evaluation of the success of the lectures prepared with ‘Flipped Classroom’ model and students’ opinion]. (Master’s Dissertation). AfyonKocatepe University, Afyonkarahisar, Turkey.
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  • Bergstresser, M. B. (2018). Teaching students with dyslexia using the flipped classroom method. (Doctoral Dissertation). Northcentral University, USA.
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  • Boyraz, S., (2014). Ingilizce ogretiminde tersine egitim uygulamasinin degerlendirilmesi [Evaluating flipped classroom/education method in English teaching]. (Master’s Dissertation). AfyonKocatepe University, Afyonkarahisar, Turkey.
  • Bosner, S., Pickert, J., & Stibane, T., (2015). Teaching differential diagnosis in primary care using an inverted classroom approach: student satisfaction and gain in skills and knowledge, BMC medical education, 15(1), 1-7.
  • Bulut, C. (2018). Tersyuz sinif modelinin EFL ogrenicilerinin gramer basarimlari uzerindeki etkisi: Sadece tersine cevirme degil, (Halihazirda) olanla butunlestirme [Impact of flipped classroom model on EFL learners’ grammar achievement: Not only inversion, but also integration]. (Master’s Dissertation). Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey
  • Card, N. A. (2012). Applied meta-analysis for social science research. New York: The Guilford Press.
  • Cashin, M. (2016). The effect of flipped classrooms on elementary students’ reading scores. (Doctoral Dissertation). Northcentral University, USA.
  • Chao, C. Y., Chen, Y. T., & Chuang, K. Y. (2015). Exploring students’ learning attitude and achievement in flipped learning supported computer aided design curriculum: A study in high school engineering education. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 23(4), 514-526.
  • Charles-Ogan, G., & Williams, C. (2015). Flipped classroom versus a conventional classroom in the learning of mathematics. British Journal of Education, 3(6), 71-77.
  • Chen, Y., Wang, Y., & Chen, N. S. (2014). Is FLIP enough? Or should we use the FLIPPED model instead?. Computers & Education, 79, 16-27.
  • Cheng, L., Ritzhaupt, A. D., & Antonenko, P. (2018). Effects of the flipped classroom instructional strategy on students’ learning outcomes: a meta‑analysis. Educational Technology Research and Development, 66(5), 1069-1086.
  • Cheung, A. C., & Slavin, R. E. (2013). The effectiveness of educational technology applications for enhancing mathematics achievement in K-12 classrooms: A meta-analysis. Educational research review, 9, 88-113.
  • Chu, L., & Sun, S. H. (2015). The application of flipped classroom in pediatric physical therapy, Physiotherapy, 101, e252.
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  • Clark, K. R. (2013). Examining the effects of the flipped model of instruction on student engagement and performance in the secondary mathematics classroom: An action research study. (Doctoral Dissertation). Capella University, USA.
  • Crawford, T. H. (2017). Flipped learning influence on active learning and assessments in the postsecondary hospitality classroom: An action research study. (Doctoral Dissertation). Capella University, USA.
  • Cumming, G. (2012). Understanding the new statistics: Effect sizes, confidence intervals, and metaanalysis. New York: Routledge.
  • Cakir, E. (2017). Ters yuz sinif uygulamalarinin fen bilimleri 7.sinif ogrencilerinin akademik basari, zihinsel risk alma ve bilgisayarca dusunme becerileri uzerine etkisi [The effect of flipped classroom on 7th grade students’ academic achievement, cognitive risk taking skills and computational thinking skills in science education classroom]. (Master’s Dissertation). Ondokuz Mayis University, Samsun, Turkey.
  • Davies, R. S., Dean, D. L., & Ball, N. (2013). Flipping the classroom and instructional technology integration in a college-level information systems spreadsheet course. Educational Technology Research and Development, 61(4), 563-580.
  • Dixon, K. (2017). The effect of the flipped classroom on urban high school students’ motivation and academic achievement in a high school science course. (Doctoral Dissertation). Liberty University, USA.
  • Duffy, C. M. (2016). The impact of flipped learning on student achievement in an eighth grade earth science classroom. (Doctoral Dissertation). Wilkes University, USA.
  • Dusenbury, M., & Olson, M. (2019). The impact of flipped learning on student academic performance and perceptions.The Collegiate Aviation Review International, 37(1), 19-44.
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  • Ekmekci, E. (2014). Harmanlanmis ogrenme odakli tersten yapilandirilmis yazma sinifi modeli [Flipped writing class model with a focus on blended learning]. (Doctoral Dissertation). Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Elian, S. M., & Hamaidi, D. A. H. (2018). The effect of using flipped classroom strategy on the academic achievement of fourth grade students in Jordan. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 13(02), 110-125.
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  • Enfield, J. (2013). Looking at the impact of the flipped classroom model of instruction on undergraduate multimedia students at CSUN. Techtrends: Linking Research & Practice to Improve Learning, 57(6), 14-27.
  • Erdem Cavdar, O. (2018). Tersyuz sinif yaklasiminin geleneksel Ingilizce dersi ile butunlestirilmesi [Integrating flipped classroom approach into traditional English class]. (Master’s Dissertation). Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey.
  • Esteves J., & Pastor J. (2004). Using a multimethod research approach to research enterprise systems implementations. Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods (EJBRM), 69-81.
  • Fadol, Y., Aldamen, H., & Saadullah, S. (2018). A comparative analysis of flipped, online and traditional teaching: A case of female Middle Eastern management students. The International Journal of Management Education, 16(2), 266-280.
  • Files, D. D. (2016). Instructional approach and mathematics achievement: an investigation of traditional, online, and flipped classrooms in College Algebra. (Doctoral Dissertation). Central Florida University, USA.
  • Foldnes, N. (2016). The flipped classroom and cooperative learning: Evidence from a randomised experiment. Active Learning in Higher Education, 17(1), 39-49.
  • Fraga, L. M., & Harmon, J. (2014). The flipped classroom model of learning in higher education: An investigation of preservice teachers’ perspectives and achievement. Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 31(1), 18-27.
  • Fulton, K. (2012). Upside down and inside out: Flip your classroom to improve student learning. Learning & Leading with Technology, 39(8), 12-17.
  • Gilboy, M. B., Heinerichs, S., & Pazzaglia, G. (2015). Enhancing student engagement using the flipped classroom, Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 47(1), 109-114.
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  • Gokdas, I., & Gursoy, S. (2018). The effect of flipped classroom model on academic achievement and motivation in maths lesson at primary schools. Mediterranean Journal of Educational Research, 12(26), 159-174.
  • Guven Demir, E. (2018). Tersyuz sinif modeline dayali uygulamalarin ilkokul 4.sinif ogrencilerinin akademik basari ve planlama becerilerine etkisi [Effect of applications based on flipped classroom on academic achievement and planning skills of 4th grade primary school students]. (Doctoral Dissertation). OndokuzMayis University, Samsun, Turkey
  • Halili, S. H., & Zainuddin, Z. (2015). Flipping the classroom: what we know and what we do not. The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning (TOJDEL), 3(1), 28-35.
  • He, W., Holton, A., Farkas, G., & Warschauer, M. (2016). The effects of flipped instruction on out-of-class study time, exam performance, and student perceptions. Learning and Instruction, 45, 61-71.
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  • Heredia, K. (2015). The effects of the flipped classroom model on student academic growth in flipped and traditional community college classrooms. (Doctoral Dissertation). Aurora University, USA.
  • Hew, K. F., & Lo, C. K. (2018). Flipped classroom improves student learning in health professions education: a meta-analysis. BMC medical education, 18(1), 38.
  • Hibbard, L., Sung, S., & Wells, B. (2016). Examining the effectiveness of a semi-self-paced flipped learning format in a college general chemistry sequence. Journal of Chemical Education, 93, 24-30.
  • Howell, D. (2013). Effects of an inverted instructional delivery model on achievement of ninth-grade physical science honors students. (Doctoral Dissertation). Gardner-Webb University, USA.
  • Hung, H. (2015). Flipping the classroom for English language learners to foster active learning, Computer Assisted Language Learning, 28(1), 81-96.
  • Iyitoglu, O. (2018). Ters yuz sinif modelinin Ingilizceyi yabanci dil olarak ogrenen ogrencilerin akademik basarilari, tutumlari ve ozyeterlik inanclari uzerindeki etkisi: Bir karma yontem calismasi [The impact of flipped classroom model on EFL learners’ academic achievement, attitudes and self-efficacy beliefs: A mixed method study]. (Doctoral Dissertation). Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Johnson, D. (2012). Power up!: Taking charge of online learning, Educational Leadership, 70(3), 84-85.
  • Kara, C. O. (2016). Tip fakultesi klinik egitiminde ters yuz sinif modeli kullanilabilir mi? [Can flipped classroom model be used in clinical education program of medical faculty?]. (Master’s Dissertation). Akdeniz University, Antalya, Turkey.
  • Karakurt, L. (2018). Lisans egitiminde B1 seviyesi icin yabanci dil olarak Ingilizce ogrenim siniflarina ters-yuz edilmis ve harmanlanmis dilbilgisi ogretimi [Flipped and blended grammar instruction for B1 level EFL classes at tertiary education]. (Master’s Dissertation). Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey.
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  • Lee, A. M. (2016). An examination of student outcomes and student satisfaction in a flipped learning environment: A quasi-experimental design. (Doctoral Dissertation). Nevada University, USA.
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Year 2020, , 31 - 67, 01.10.2020


This study was carried out to determine the effectiveness of the Flipped Classroom Model (FCM) in an educational setting. For this purpose, a multi-complementary approach (MCA) was used including both quantitative (meta-analysis) and qualitative (thematic). MCA consists of three parts, the first of which is the pre-complementary information stage. In this context, the data from sixty-four studies were used and it was analysed using CMA and MetaWin software. In addition, the meta-thematic data were obtained by analysing thirty-two qualitative studies of FCM and analysed through content analysis. In the second stage of the MCA, an experimental process took place involving the implementation of FCM. A thematic dimension was added to the second stage and analyses were made through MAXQDA software. In the last stage of the approach, the results of the first two stages were combined to get complementary and general outcomes. The results of the study showed that FCM had a positive impact on academic success in general, thus some recommendations were presented on the use of both FCM and MCA.


  • Akgun, M., & Atici, B. (2017). The effect of flipped classroom on learners’ academic achievements and views. Kastamonu Education Journal, 25(1), 329-344.
  • Alamri, M. M. (2019). Students’ academic achievement performance and satisfaction in a flipped classroom in Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 11(1), 103-119.
  • Al-Harbi, S. S., & Alshumaimeri, Y. A. (2016). The flipped classroom impact in grammar class on EFL Saudi secondary school students’ performances and attitudes. English Language Teaching, 9(10), 60-80.
  • AlJaser, A. M. (2017). Effectiveness of using flipped classroom strategy in academic achievement and self-efficacy among education students of Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University. English Language Teaching, 10(4), 67-77.
  • Atwa, Z. M., Din, R., & Hussin, M. (2016). Effectiveness of flipped learning in physics education on Palestinian high school students’ achievement. Journal of Personalized Learning, 2(1), 73-85.
  • Aydin, G. (2016). Ters yuz sinif modelinin universite ogrencilerinin programlamaya yonelik tutum, oz-yeterlik algisi ve basarilarina etkisinin incelenmesi [The investigation of the effect of flipped classroom model on undergraduate students’ attitude, self-efficacy and academic achievement towards programming].Master’s Dissertation).
  • Aydin, B., & Demirer, V. (2017). A comprehensive analysis of the studies conducted in the framework of flipped classroom model. Educational Technology Theory and Practice, 7(1), 57-82.
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There are 133 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Tarik Talan 0000-0002-5371-4520

Veli Batdı This is me 0000-0002-7402-3251

Publication Date October 1, 2020
Submission Date October 10, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Talan, T., & Batdı, V. (2020). EVALUATING THE FLIPPED CLASSROOM MODEL THROUGH THE MULTI-COMPLEMENTARY APPROACH. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 21(4), 31-67.