Issue: 29, 6/28/24

Year: 2024

Araştırma Makalesi

İnceleme Makalesi

TÜBA-KED, which started to be published in 2003 with the purpose of documenting, promoting and transferring cultural heritage to future generations, is an international refereed journal includes all tangible and intangible values that can be further increased in number, such as material remains, cultural landscape, decorative arts, natural environment, oral traditions and narratives, performing arts, beliefs, rituals, feasts, events and practices in the memory of society about nature and the universe.

Targeting to be a common ground for all activities under the concept of culture, TÜBA-KED forms the groundwork for studies on basic areas and sub-study areas listed below, without limitation of period and geographical region:

* Archaeology,

* History of art,

* Rural and Urban Architecture,

* Rural and Urban Landscape,

* Cultural Landscape,

* Urban Archeology,

* Industrial Archeology,

* Ethnography,

* Ethnobotanic,

* Geoarchaeology,

* History.

The journal also covers all documentation, inventory and oral history studies on different scales and qualities of cultural heritage such as practices, representations, narratives, information, skills and related tools and cultural spaces that communities, groups and individuals define as part of their cultural heritage. Along with that, TÜBA-KED is open to projects and ideas aimed at protecting, repairing, exhibiting and collecting all the practices identified in the concept of culture and evaluating them as a cultural sector and has also undertaken the function of creating a forum in these fields.

TÜBA-KED Journal is the periodical international peer-reviewed journal of the Turkish Academy of Sciences. Articles written in Turkish and English can be published in the journal. Articles to be published in TÜBA-KED should not exceed 25 pages, including text and images. However, the editorial board or the advisory board may express an opinion on the size of the work without losing its quality.
Similarity reports are created with the iThenticate program of all articles sent to the TÜBA-KED journal, and can be included in the referee process after being reviewed by the relevant committees and evaluated in terms of publication ethics and plagiarism.
Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the explanations in the following headings.

The application to be made to TÜBA-KED; The Application Letter must be prepared to include the Title Page, Abstract, Main Text, Images and Attachments. The identity of the author(s) in the main text and abstract files will be kept confidential in accordance with the blind referee process. however, authors are also expected to avoid information, documents and statements that would reveal their identities in their studies before the peer-review process, and if necessary, add such information at the end of the peer-review process.

Applications to TÜBA-KED should be prepared in accordance with the titles and explanations listed below:
Application letterIn the letter to be prepared addressed to the TÜBA-KED Editorial Board; It should be clearly stated that the study has not been published before, is not in the process of evaluation elsewhere, is an original study, and has been prepared in accordance with scientific norms and ethical rulesmust be signed by the author(s).Title Page
The title should reflect the content of the study clearly and understandably and should be written in capital letters in Turkish and English Times New Roman, bold, 20 point size. The title page should include the names, surnames, titles, institution and contact information of the authors. If the support of the study is produced from postgraduate theses, the information of the thesis and the author responsible for the correspondence should be given.

Abstract and Keywords
Turkish and English abstracts should be prepared in Times New Roman, 10.5 point size. The names of the author names should not be in the abstract file. The abstract should not exceed 250 words, reflecting the purpose, scope, method, results, highlights and original value of the study. At least 5 and at most 7 keywords that reflect the content of the study should be determined.

Main Text
The texts of the main text should be in Times New Roman should be prepared in 10.5 point size and in accordance with the specifications listed under the heading "Physical Properties of the Article". The main text should not include the author's name and/or the author's identity.

Tables, Figures and Images
All visual materials such as tables, figures and photographs in the article should be sent in a separate file in accordance with the order in the article. It is obligatory to give the source of all images in the article. The use of permissions belongs to the author(s). The permissions for use of images that do not belong to the authors must be declared by the author when the article is accepted for publication.

Citation and Bibliography
In-text references must be in the language of the full text and in accordance with the citation procedures and principles of that language. TÜBA-KED uses two types of citation techniques. according to this; The reference should be only to the publication or to the page or pages in the publication, at the end of the relevant line or paragraph, in accordance with the principles of citing sample references. References requiring explanation or explanation should be numbered in the text and given at the bottom of the relevant page in classical footnote order. The source information of the annotated footnote should be given at the end of the footnote in accordance with the in-text citation technique.

1. In-text referencing:
In-text reference is given with the surname, year of publication and page number, if any, in parentheses where necessary (between the lines, the end of the sentence or the end of the paragraph). For example: (Kafadar 2017:101). If the source has two authors, “and” is placed between the surnames, and if there are 3 or more authors, a comma is placed If the citation refers to more than one page and the pages are the following pages, a hyphen (18-25) should be inserted, and if the page does not follow, a comma (3,6,45) should be placed.

2. Reference list
For reference list, the following sequencing scheme is used in order to be suitable for the in-text display technique and to reach the source more easily.
The name of the author and the date of publication should be on the first line, (respectively) the name of the publication, the place where it was published (with volume and issue information, if any, of the book, gift, magazine, etc.), the place of publication, the publishing house (if any) and the page information on the second line. Please refer to the published issues of the journal for sample applications.

Physical Properties of the Article
Format of Document: The documents to be delivered must be Word documents with (.doc or .docx) extension
Font to be used in the text: Times New Roman
letter size to be used in the main text: 10.5 points
Letter size to be used in footnotes: 9 points
Page size and margins: Din A4 size page should leave 2.5 cm margins on the left, 2 cm on the right, 2 cm on the top and 2 cm on the bottom.
Line spacing: Single spacing.
Paragraph spacing: 0.6 pt.
Paragraph beginning: The entire text is written as a block to the left, the right side is left free.

General Arrangement Principles of Scientific Studies
The title of the main language of the study: Words are written in all capital letters, times new roman and 20 points.
Names of authors: Under the title of the study, the first letter of the name is written in capital letters and the surname is written in bold, 12 points.

Headings in the text: The headings in the text are distinguished from each other by their font size and attributes. In general, the order and format of the subheadings are as follows.
3rd level headings: Times New Roman, 12 Points, Fine/Normal, Small Letters, Only First Letters of Words are Capitalized.
4th level headings: It is at the beginning of the paragraph. Times New Roman, 12 point, fine/regular, lowercase italicized/italicised.Annexes: Attachments (table, figure, inventory list, catalog, etc.) that the author does not want to include between the pages in the work, after the main text of the report, as a separate section, starting from a new page, and in the form of ANNEX 1, APPENDIX 2are numbered.The titles of the additional chapters are the same as the level 1 titles described above.
The main text of the scientific study and all tables and images within the scope of the study should be related, images or documents that do not contribute to the text should not be included, and the text should be supported with visual references in the text.
All visual materials (photographs, figures, plates, etc.) related to scientific studies will be evaluated in the relevant area within (between) the text. However, in line with the author's suggestion, it is possible to evaluate the images in question at the end of the text. In this case, the images are included in the images section. This section is the last section of the scientific work after the main text, notes, bibliography and appendices (inventory list and tables longer than 1 A4 page, etc.).
All images get a continuous sequence number starting from one, provided that they are within themselves. Photograph, figure or plate number should be listed within itself and should not be confused with other images. If a group of photographs will be used in a plate, the photographs in the plate should be numbered independently starting from 1 or A, and if necessary, any image on the plate should be referenced within the text (Ex: LEV. 1, Photo. 5).

Images are defined as:• All images with image content created by the camera (including a photographed picture of an artist) with the word Photo in the caption of the relevant image and Photo in the text. identified by the abbreviation.
• All kinds of works (map, plan, sketch, facade drawing, section, detail drawings, etc.) that have been converted into drawings, that is, linearized by hand or in the computer environment, can be displayed in the text with the word "Figure" in the subtitle. identified by the abbreviation.
• Draw in the text with the word Chart in the subtitles of the tables and graphics created by hand or in the computer environment. identified by the abbreviation. If the dimensions of all tables/charts and graphics related to the scientific study do not exceed the A4 page size, they are included in the text (to the extent and location allowed by the page design). Tables/charts exceeding one page are included in the appendices at the end of the text.
• For page-size groupings containing multiple photos, figures, and charts, the word Plate in the subtitle is Lev in the text. abbreviation is used.
subtitles: The subtitles of all images must contain complete and sufficient information to express the image. subtitles of images related to scientific studies; If the article is in Turkish, it should be expressed in Turkish and English, if it is prepared in a different language, it should be expressed in the language and Turkish.

Delivery Form of Scientific Study
Scientific studies are accepted electronically, including attachments for preliminary review and referee process.
For works that have been decided to be published: All photographs, drawings, maps, etc. Images must be submitted as separate files in .jpeg or .tiff format, with a minimum of 300 dpi.

Kültürel mirasın belgelenmesi, tanıtımı ve yaşatılarak gelecek kuşaklara aktarılması amacıyla 2003 yılında yayımlanmaya başlayan TÜBA-KED, her türlü maddi kalıntı, kültürel peyzaj, dekoratif sanatlar, doğal çevre, sözlü gelenek ve anlatımlar, gösteri sanatları, inançlar, ritüeller, şölenler, doğa ve evrenle ilgili toplumların belleklerinde yer etmiş olay ve uygulamalar olmak üzere sayısı daha da arttırılabilecek her türlü somut ve somut olmayan değerleri içe ren uluslararası hakemli bir dergidir. 

Kültür kavramı altında gerçekleşen tüm faaliyetlerin ortak zemini olmayı hedefleyen TÜBA-KED, ilke olarak, dönem ve coğrafi bölge sınırlaması olmaksızın arkeoloji, sanat tarihi, kırsal ve kentsel mimari, kırsal ve kentsel peyzaj, kültürel peyzaj, kentsel arkeoloji, endüstriyel arkeoloji, etnografya, etnobotanik, jeoarkeoloji ve tarih ile ilgili çalışmalara yer vermektedir. Ayrıca toplulukların, grupların ve bireylerin kültürel miraslarının bir parçası olarak tanımladıkları uygulamalar, temsiller, anlatımlar, bilgiler, beceriler ve bunlara ilişkin araç-gereçler ile kültürel mekânlar gibi farklı ölçek ve nitelikteki kültürel mirasa yönelik her türlü belgeleme, envanter ve sözlü tarih çalışmaları derginin kapsamı içindedir. Bununla birlikte dergimiz, kültür kavramı içinde tespit edilen tüm uygulamaların korunması, onarımı, sergilenmesi, topluma kazandırılması ve kültür sektörü olarak 
değerlendirilmesine yönelik proje ve fikirlere açık olup bu alanlarda bir forum oluşturma işlevini de üstlenmiştir.

2003 yılında “Kültür Envanteri Dergisi” adı ve içeriği ile yola çıkan TÜBA-KED, sadece envanter çalışmaları ile sınırlı kalmayıp, yukarıda sıralanan çalışma alanlarının tamamından bilimsel nitelikte olmak üzere her türlü bilimsel yazıyı kabul etmektedir. Derginin ilgili kurulları tarafından değerlendirmeye alınan yayın başvurularının daha önce hiçbir yerde yayımlanmamış ya da yayımlanmak üzere gönderilmemiş olması ön şarttır. Derginin yayın ilkeleri ve yazım kuralları ile ilgili detaylı bilgilere adresinden ulaşmak mümkündür.

Makale gönderim/süreç işletimi ücretsiz olarak sürdürülmektedir.

The contents of this system and all articles published in Journal of TÜBA-AR are licenced under the "Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0".
