Aim & Scope

Turkish Journal of Hydraulics (THD) is an international, peer-reviewed, academic and open access journal. It aims to publish original research articles with international originality, which will contribute to the literature in the relevant field, based on physical results, and proven by experimental and numerical methods.

Turkish Journal of Hydraulics (THD); He publishes research papers on theoretical, experimental and computational hydraulics and fluid mechanics such as rivers, lakes, estuaries, shores, waterways and pipe flows. First of all, it includes publications related to the following scientific fields of study:
• Water Structures
• Coastal and Marine Structures
• Geotechnical and Groundwater
• Hydropower and Environment
• Aquaculture Technologies
• Oceanography and Hydrobiology
• Hydraulic Flow Machines
• Hydraulic Energy Conversion Systems
• GIS and Mapping

While prioritizing key issues, articles focusing on non-traditional or emerging applications of broad interest, interdisciplinary research papers, technical notes, training and forum articles, case studies, discussions, and recent highlights that review specific areas of hydraulic research and highlight key research issues Articles that include technologies are accepted. The above list should be considered indicative rather than exhaustive. Studies not mentioned above but which are considered to be suitable for the Turkish Journal  of Hydraulic can also be evaluated with the approval of the Editorial Board.
Turkish Journal of Hydraulics (TJH) is an international, peer-reviewed, academic and open access journal. It aims to publish original research articles with international originality, which will contribute to the literature in the relevant field, based on physical results and in which these results are proven by experimental and numerical methods.

Period Months
June December
  • "Türk Hidrolik Dergisi"nin Tarandığı INDEX'ler 
  • (Indexes : Turkish Journal of Hydraulic)       



18985              18822                  18823                                     

