Research Article
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Sensory and physicochemical characteristics of mulberry leathers enriched with sesame, almond, sunflower seeds, coconut, and peanut

Year 2025, , 9 - 21, 31.01.2025


This study aimed to investigate the utilization of sesame, sunflower seed, almond, peanut, and coconut as condiments for the enrichment of mulberry leather, known locally as mulberry pestil. The investigation involved a comprehensive analysis encompassing proximate composition, mineral content, color, physicochemical, and sensory properties. The studied parameters of enriched samples were compared with those of the plain sample. Employing multivariate statistical techniques enabled the differentiation of the enriched leather samples. Consequently, the leather samples were categorized into three groups by the principal component analysis according to their physicochemical and chemical attributes. Strong positive correlations were observed among the studied parameters, as indicated by Spearman's rank correlation coefficients. The physicochemical and chemical properties of enriched samples exhibited substantial variability. The enriched products had abundant calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, and zinc levels. These findings revealed that incorporating these condiments enhanced the nutritional values of leather samples, especially in terms of minerals. 100 g of the enriched mulberry leathers had 68.0-70.7 g of carbohydrate, 4.6-5.7 g of protein, 3.6-5.9 g of fat, and 336-359 kcal of energy value. The enriched products might be proposed to provide nutrients and energy in emergencies, especially for adolescents and people affected by disasters.

Project Number

GUBAP 16.A0110.02.01


  • O. Sarma, M. Kundlia, H. Chutia, C.L. Mahanta, Processing of encapsulated flaxseed oil-rich banana-based (Dwarf cavendish) functional fruit leather, J Food Process Eng, 46, 2023, 14282.
  • M. Barman, A.B. Das, L.S. Badwaik, Effect of xanthan gum, guar gum, and pectin on physicochemical, color, textural, sensory, and drying characteristics of kiwi fruit leather, J Food Process Preserv, 45, 2021, e15478.
  • P. Sharma, M. Ramchiary, D. Samyor, A.B. Das, Study on the phytochemical properties of pineapple fruit leather processed by extrusion cooking, LWT, 72, 2016, 534–543.
  • A. Das, B.N. Bora, H. Chutia, C.L. Mahanta, Processing of minerals and anthocyanins-rich mixed-fruit leather from banana (Musa acuminata) and sohiong (Prunus nepalensis), J Food Process Preserv, 45, 2021, e15718.
  • L.M. Diamante, S. Li, Q. Xu, J. Busch, Effects of Apple Juice Concentrate, Blackcurrant Concentrate and Pectin Levels on Selected Qualities of Apple-Blackcurrant Fruit Leather, Foods, 2, 2013, 430–443.
  • A. Maskan, S. Kaya, M. Maskan, Hot air and sun drying of grape leather (pestil), J Food Eng, 54, 2002, 81–88.
  • R. da Silva Simão, J. Moraes, B. Carciofi, J. Laurindo, Recent Advances in the Production of Fruit Leathers, Food Eng Rev, 12, 2020, 68–82.
  • H. Zhang, Z.F. Ma, X. Luo, X. Li, Effects of Mulberry Fruit (Morus alba L.) Consumption on Health Outcomes: A Mini-Review, Antioxidants, 7, 2018, 69.
  • O. Yildiz, Physico-chemical and sensory properties of mulberry products: Gümüşhane pestil and köme, Turk J Agric For, 37, 2013, 762–771.
  • F. Yuksel, B. Yavuz, C. Baltacı, Some physicochemical, color, bioactive and sensory properties of a pestil enriched with wheat, corn and potato flours: An optimization study based on simplex lattice mixture design, Int J Gastron Food Sci, 28, 2022, 100513.
  • T. Mphaphuli, V.E. Manhivi, R. Slabbert, Y. Sultanbawa, D. Sivakumar, Enrichment of Mango Fruit Leathers with Natal Plum (Carissa macrocarpa) Improves Their Phytochemical Content and Antioxidant Properties, Foods, 9, 2020, 431.
  • TSI 1125, Fruit and vegetable products- Determination of titratable acidity with a potentiometric reference method, Turkish Standard Institute, ISO 750, 2002.
  • TSI 1728, Fruit and vegetable products-Determination of pH, Turkish Standard Institute, ISO 1842 (2001).
  • S.Y. Quek, N.K. Chok, P. Swedlund, The physicochemical properties of spray-dried watermelon powders, Chem Eng Process, 46, 2007, 386–392.
  • TSI 9131, Cezeriye (Turkish Special Carrot Sweet), Turkish Standard Institute, 1991.
  • TSI 12677, Spread dried mulberry, Turkish Standard Institute, 2000.
  • TSI 1562, Tea-determination of moisture content, Turkish Standard Institute, 1990.
  • TSI 1620, Macaroni, Turkish Standard Institute, 2016.
  • TSI 6180, Starches, native or modified, Determination of total fat content, Turkish Standard Institute, EN ISO 3947, 1997.
  • TSI 6932, Agricultural Food Products-Determination of Crude Fibre Content-General Method, Turkish Standard Institute, 1989.
  • TSI 1566, Tea- Determination of acid-insoluble ash, Turk Stand Institute, ISO 1577, 2001.
  • TSI 2131, Spices and condiment- Determination of total ash, Turkish Standard Institute, ISO 928, 2001.
  • NMKL 161, Determination by atomic absorption spectrophotometry after wet digestion in a microwave oven, NordVal International c/o Institute of Marine Research P.O. box 1870 Nordnes 5817 Bergen, Norway, 1998.
  • C. Baltacı, Z. Akşit, Validation of HPLC Method for the Determination of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural in Pestil, Köme, Jam, Marmalade and Pekmez, Hittite J Sci Eng, 3, 2016, 91–97.
  • O. Yildiz, G. Boyraci, Production and Some Quality Parameters of Sugar Beet Sweets (Pestil and Köme), Sugar Tech, 22, 2020, 842–852.
  • M. Karaoğlu, Y. Bedir, H. Boz, Effect of whole grain flours on the overall quality characteristics of mulberry pestil, Qual Assur Saf Crops Foods, 12, 2020, 67–75.
  • I. Tontul, A. Topuz, Effects of different drying methods on the physicochemical properties of pomegranate leather (pestil), LWT, 80, 2017, 294–303.
  • S. Suna, A. Özkan-Karabacak, Investigation of drying kinetics and physicochemical properties of mulberry leather (pestil) dried with different methods, J Food Process Preserv, 43, 2019, e14051.
  • H. Boz, M.M. Karaoğlu, G. Kaban, The effects of cooking time and sugar on total phenols, hydroxymethylfurfural and acrylamide content of mulberry leather (pestil), Qual Assur Saf Crops Foods, 8, 2015, 493–500.
  • O. Cagindi, S. Otles, Comparison of some properties on the different types of pestil: a traditional product in Türkiye, Int J Food Sci Technol, 40, 2005, 897–901.
  • H. Ulusal Bayram, Determine production methods and quality parameters of Gümüşhane pestil and Kome, Master Thesis, KTU Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Trabzon, Türkiye, 2018.
  • M. Zappalà, B. Fallico, E. Arena, A. Verzera, Methods for the determination of HMF in honey: a comparison, Food Control, 16, 2005, 273–277.
  • C. Baltacı, H. Ilyasoglu, A. Gundogdu, O. Ucuncu, Investigation of Hydroxymethylfurfural Formation in Herle, Int J Food Prop, 19, 2016, 2761–2768.
  • N. Cayot, Sensory quality of traditional foods, Food Chem, 101, 2007, 154–162.
  • S. Kopuzlu, A. Önenç, O. Bilgin, N. Esenbuga, Determination of meat quality through principal components analysis, J Anim Plant Sci, 21, 2011, 151–156.

Sensory and physicochemical characteristics of mulberry leathers enriched with sesame, almond, sunflower seeds, coconut, and peanut

Year 2025, , 9 - 21, 31.01.2025


This study aimed to investigate the utilization of sesame, sunflower seed, almond, peanut, and coconut as condiments for the enrichment of mulberry leather, known locally as mulberry pestil. The investigation involved a comprehensive analysis encompassing proximate composition, mineral content, color, physicochemical, and sensory properties. The studied parameters of enriched samples were compared with those of the plain sample. Employing multivariate statistical techniques enabled the differentiation of the enriched leather samples. Consequently, the leather samples were categorized into three groups by the principal component analysis according to their physicochemical and chemical attributes. Strong positive correlations were observed among the studied parameters, as indicated by Spearman's rank correlation coefficients. The physicochemical and chemical properties of enriched samples exhibited substantial variability. The enriched products had abundant calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, and zinc levels. These findings revealed that incorporating these condiments enhanced the nutritional values of leather samples, especially in terms of minerals. 100 g of the enriched mulberry leathers had 68.0-70.7 g of carbohydrate, 4.6-5.7 g of protein, 3.6-5.9 g of fat, and 336-359 kcal of energy value. The enriched products might be proposed to provide nutrients and energy in emergencies, especially for adolescents and people affected by disasters.

Project Number

GUBAP 16.A0110.02.01


  • O. Sarma, M. Kundlia, H. Chutia, C.L. Mahanta, Processing of encapsulated flaxseed oil-rich banana-based (Dwarf cavendish) functional fruit leather, J Food Process Eng, 46, 2023, 14282.
  • M. Barman, A.B. Das, L.S. Badwaik, Effect of xanthan gum, guar gum, and pectin on physicochemical, color, textural, sensory, and drying characteristics of kiwi fruit leather, J Food Process Preserv, 45, 2021, e15478.
  • P. Sharma, M. Ramchiary, D. Samyor, A.B. Das, Study on the phytochemical properties of pineapple fruit leather processed by extrusion cooking, LWT, 72, 2016, 534–543.
  • A. Das, B.N. Bora, H. Chutia, C.L. Mahanta, Processing of minerals and anthocyanins-rich mixed-fruit leather from banana (Musa acuminata) and sohiong (Prunus nepalensis), J Food Process Preserv, 45, 2021, e15718.
  • L.M. Diamante, S. Li, Q. Xu, J. Busch, Effects of Apple Juice Concentrate, Blackcurrant Concentrate and Pectin Levels on Selected Qualities of Apple-Blackcurrant Fruit Leather, Foods, 2, 2013, 430–443.
  • A. Maskan, S. Kaya, M. Maskan, Hot air and sun drying of grape leather (pestil), J Food Eng, 54, 2002, 81–88.
  • R. da Silva Simão, J. Moraes, B. Carciofi, J. Laurindo, Recent Advances in the Production of Fruit Leathers, Food Eng Rev, 12, 2020, 68–82.
  • H. Zhang, Z.F. Ma, X. Luo, X. Li, Effects of Mulberry Fruit (Morus alba L.) Consumption on Health Outcomes: A Mini-Review, Antioxidants, 7, 2018, 69.
  • O. Yildiz, Physico-chemical and sensory properties of mulberry products: Gümüşhane pestil and köme, Turk J Agric For, 37, 2013, 762–771.
  • F. Yuksel, B. Yavuz, C. Baltacı, Some physicochemical, color, bioactive and sensory properties of a pestil enriched with wheat, corn and potato flours: An optimization study based on simplex lattice mixture design, Int J Gastron Food Sci, 28, 2022, 100513.
  • T. Mphaphuli, V.E. Manhivi, R. Slabbert, Y. Sultanbawa, D. Sivakumar, Enrichment of Mango Fruit Leathers with Natal Plum (Carissa macrocarpa) Improves Their Phytochemical Content and Antioxidant Properties, Foods, 9, 2020, 431.
  • TSI 1125, Fruit and vegetable products- Determination of titratable acidity with a potentiometric reference method, Turkish Standard Institute, ISO 750, 2002.
  • TSI 1728, Fruit and vegetable products-Determination of pH, Turkish Standard Institute, ISO 1842 (2001).
  • S.Y. Quek, N.K. Chok, P. Swedlund, The physicochemical properties of spray-dried watermelon powders, Chem Eng Process, 46, 2007, 386–392.
  • TSI 9131, Cezeriye (Turkish Special Carrot Sweet), Turkish Standard Institute, 1991.
  • TSI 12677, Spread dried mulberry, Turkish Standard Institute, 2000.
  • TSI 1562, Tea-determination of moisture content, Turkish Standard Institute, 1990.
  • TSI 1620, Macaroni, Turkish Standard Institute, 2016.
  • TSI 6180, Starches, native or modified, Determination of total fat content, Turkish Standard Institute, EN ISO 3947, 1997.
  • TSI 6932, Agricultural Food Products-Determination of Crude Fibre Content-General Method, Turkish Standard Institute, 1989.
  • TSI 1566, Tea- Determination of acid-insoluble ash, Turk Stand Institute, ISO 1577, 2001.
  • TSI 2131, Spices and condiment- Determination of total ash, Turkish Standard Institute, ISO 928, 2001.
  • NMKL 161, Determination by atomic absorption spectrophotometry after wet digestion in a microwave oven, NordVal International c/o Institute of Marine Research P.O. box 1870 Nordnes 5817 Bergen, Norway, 1998.
  • C. Baltacı, Z. Akşit, Validation of HPLC Method for the Determination of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural in Pestil, Köme, Jam, Marmalade and Pekmez, Hittite J Sci Eng, 3, 2016, 91–97.
  • O. Yildiz, G. Boyraci, Production and Some Quality Parameters of Sugar Beet Sweets (Pestil and Köme), Sugar Tech, 22, 2020, 842–852.
  • M. Karaoğlu, Y. Bedir, H. Boz, Effect of whole grain flours on the overall quality characteristics of mulberry pestil, Qual Assur Saf Crops Foods, 12, 2020, 67–75.
  • I. Tontul, A. Topuz, Effects of different drying methods on the physicochemical properties of pomegranate leather (pestil), LWT, 80, 2017, 294–303.
  • S. Suna, A. Özkan-Karabacak, Investigation of drying kinetics and physicochemical properties of mulberry leather (pestil) dried with different methods, J Food Process Preserv, 43, 2019, e14051.
  • H. Boz, M.M. Karaoğlu, G. Kaban, The effects of cooking time and sugar on total phenols, hydroxymethylfurfural and acrylamide content of mulberry leather (pestil), Qual Assur Saf Crops Foods, 8, 2015, 493–500.
  • O. Cagindi, S. Otles, Comparison of some properties on the different types of pestil: a traditional product in Türkiye, Int J Food Sci Technol, 40, 2005, 897–901.
  • H. Ulusal Bayram, Determine production methods and quality parameters of Gümüşhane pestil and Kome, Master Thesis, KTU Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Trabzon, Türkiye, 2018.
  • M. Zappalà, B. Fallico, E. Arena, A. Verzera, Methods for the determination of HMF in honey: a comparison, Food Control, 16, 2005, 273–277.
  • C. Baltacı, H. Ilyasoglu, A. Gundogdu, O. Ucuncu, Investigation of Hydroxymethylfurfural Formation in Herle, Int J Food Prop, 19, 2016, 2761–2768.
  • N. Cayot, Sensory quality of traditional foods, Food Chem, 101, 2007, 154–162.
  • S. Kopuzlu, A. Önenç, O. Bilgin, N. Esenbuga, Determination of meat quality through principal components analysis, J Anim Plant Sci, 21, 2011, 151–156.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Quality Assurance, Chemometrics, Traceability and Metrological Chemistry
Journal Section Research Articles

Burak Güler 0009-0001-4297-2161

Cemalettin Baltacı 0000-0002-4336-4002

Murat Küçük 0000-0002-1669-5797

Huri İlyasoğlu 0000-0001-5710-2954

Turgut Şahinöz 0009-0006-9570-807X

Ömer Karpuz 0000-0002-0546-9831

Fırat Yılmaz 0000-0003-3633-0012

Kağan Kılınç 0000-0002-3649-8336

Project Number GUBAP 16.A0110.02.01
Publication Date January 31, 2025
Submission Date December 2, 2024
Acceptance Date January 4, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025


APA Güler, B., Baltacı, C., Küçük, M., İlyasoğlu, H., et al. (2025). Sensory and physicochemical characteristics of mulberry leathers enriched with sesame, almond, sunflower seeds, coconut, and peanut. Turkish Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 7(1), 9-21.
AMA Güler B, Baltacı C, Küçük M, İlyasoğlu H, Şahinöz T, Karpuz Ö, Yılmaz F, Kılınç K. Sensory and physicochemical characteristics of mulberry leathers enriched with sesame, almond, sunflower seeds, coconut, and peanut. TurkJAC. January 2025;7(1):9-21. doi:10.51435/turkjac.1594643
Chicago Güler, Burak, Cemalettin Baltacı, Murat Küçük, Huri İlyasoğlu, Turgut Şahinöz, Ömer Karpuz, Fırat Yılmaz, and Kağan Kılınç. “Sensory and Physicochemical Characteristics of Mulberry Leathers Enriched With Sesame, Almond, Sunflower Seeds, Coconut, and Peanut”. Turkish Journal of Analytical Chemistry 7, no. 1 (January 2025): 9-21.
EndNote Güler B, Baltacı C, Küçük M, İlyasoğlu H, Şahinöz T, Karpuz Ö, Yılmaz F, Kılınç K (January 1, 2025) Sensory and physicochemical characteristics of mulberry leathers enriched with sesame, almond, sunflower seeds, coconut, and peanut. Turkish Journal of Analytical Chemistry 7 1 9–21.
IEEE B. Güler, C. Baltacı, M. Küçük, H. İlyasoğlu, T. Şahinöz, Ö. Karpuz, F. Yılmaz, and K. Kılınç, “Sensory and physicochemical characteristics of mulberry leathers enriched with sesame, almond, sunflower seeds, coconut, and peanut”, TurkJAC, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 9–21, 2025, doi: 10.51435/turkjac.1594643.
ISNAD Güler, Burak et al. “Sensory and Physicochemical Characteristics of Mulberry Leathers Enriched With Sesame, Almond, Sunflower Seeds, Coconut, and Peanut”. Turkish Journal of Analytical Chemistry 7/1 (January 2025), 9-21.
JAMA Güler B, Baltacı C, Küçük M, İlyasoğlu H, Şahinöz T, Karpuz Ö, Yılmaz F, Kılınç K. Sensory and physicochemical characteristics of mulberry leathers enriched with sesame, almond, sunflower seeds, coconut, and peanut. TurkJAC. 2025;7:9–21.
MLA Güler, Burak et al. “Sensory and Physicochemical Characteristics of Mulberry Leathers Enriched With Sesame, Almond, Sunflower Seeds, Coconut, and Peanut”. Turkish Journal of Analytical Chemistry, vol. 7, no. 1, 2025, pp. 9-21, doi:10.51435/turkjac.1594643.
Vancouver Güler B, Baltacı C, Küçük M, İlyasoğlu H, Şahinöz T, Karpuz Ö, Yılmaz F, Kılınç K. Sensory and physicochemical characteristics of mulberry leathers enriched with sesame, almond, sunflower seeds, coconut, and peanut. TurkJAC. 2025;7(1):9-21.