Research Article
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Effects of spray and freeze-drying methods on aroma compounds, sensory characteristics, physicochemical composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of instant sage (Salvia rosifolia Sm.) tea

Year 2022, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 19 - 30, 29.06.2022


Sage is used as an aroma and spice in foods around the world. With its strong and even bitter taste, sage has been traditionally used as an effective solution to many health problems for centuries. It is a rich plant with many bioactive compounds. In this study, instant tea production was performed from the dried samples of the sage plant (Salvia rosifolia Sm.) using two drying methods; freeze-drying and spray-drying. The sensorial, physicochemical, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of the products obtained by both methods were analyzed. Color values, solubility in water, moisture analysis (21.3% spray-dried; 4.0% freeze-dried), free radical scavenging activity (DPPH), Trolox Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity (TEAC), Ferric reducing/antioxidant power assay (FRAP), aroma analysis, protein analysis (5.5% spray-dried; 5.7% freeze-dried), ash, mineral, antimicrobial and sensory analyses were performed. Significant differences were found between two soluble tea obtained by the spray-drying and the freeze-drying methods. In general, the antioxidant capacities are higher in freze-dried samples. All of the 61 aroma components were detected in freeze dried samples while only 18 of them were detected in spray dried samples. In addition to their differencies; plenty of bioactive components, easy to use, ready to drink herbal tea have been produced with both techniques.

Supporting Institution


Project Number



This work was supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) for a project (Project code: 1919B011501890).


  • [1] Hedges L, Lister C, Nutritional attributes of herbs. Crop and Food Research Confidential Report. No 1891, Inst. For Crop and Resarch Ltd. Chirthurch, NewZealand, 2007 pp.1-89.
  • [2] Bahadori MB, Dinparast L, Zengin G, Sarikurkcu C, Bahadori S, Asghari B, Movahhedin, N, Functional components, antidiabetic, anti-Alzheimer’s disease, and antioxidant activities of Salvia syriaca L. Int. J Food Prop, 2017, 20, 1761-1772.
  • [3] Erdogan-Orhan I, Baki E, Senol S, Yilmaz G. Sage-called plant species sold in Turkey and their antioxidant activities. J. Serb Chem. Soc, 2010, 75, 1491-1501.
  • [4] Topçu G, Bioactive Triterpenoids from Salvia Species. Journal of natural products, 2006, 69, 482-487.
  • [5] Zengin G, Llorent-Martínez EJ, Fernández-de Córdova ML, Bahadori MB, Mocan A, Locatelli M, Aktumsek A,Chemical composition and biological activities of extracts from three Salvia species: S. blepharochlaena, S. euphratica var. leiocalycina, and S. verticillata subsp. Amasiaca, Industrial Crops And Products, 2018, 111 11-21.
  • [6] Afonso AF, Pereira OR, Fernandes ÂS, Calhelha RC, Silva A, Ferreira IC, Cardoso SM, The Health-Benefits and Phytochemical Profile of Salvia apiana and Salvia farinacea var, Victoria Blue Decoctions, Antioxidants 2019, 8, 2-14.
  • [7] Kivrak Ş, Gokturk T, Kivrak I, Kaya E, Karababa E, Investigation of phenolic profiles and antioxidant activities of some Salvia species commonly grown in Southwest Anatolia using UPLC-ESI-MS/MS, Food Sci Tech-Brazil, 2019, 39 423-431.
  • [8] Tang W-Q, Li D-C, Lv YX, Jiang JG, Concentration and drying of tea polyphenols extracted from green tea using molecular distillation and spray drying, Drying Technology, 2011, 29, 584-590.
  • [9] Ciurzyńska A, Lenart A, Freeze-drying-application in food processing and biotechnology a review, Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences, 2011, 6, 165-171.
  • [10] Şahin-Nadeem H, Dinçer C, Torun M, Topuz A, Özdemir F, Influence of inlet air temperature and carrier material on the production of instant soluble sage (Salvia fruticosa Miller) by spray drying, LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2013, 52, 31-38.
  • [11] AOAC, Official method of analysis (21 st Edition, 2019), Ash of Sugars and Syrups. Method 900.02, Gaithersburg, MD: AOAC International. 1900.
  • [12] AOAC, Official method of analysis (21st Edition, 2019), Proximate Analysis and Calculations Total Nitrogen or Crude Protein, Method 990.03. Gaithersburg, MD: AOAC International. 1990.
  • [13] Quek SY, Chok NK, Swedlund P, The physicochemical properties of spray- dried watermelon powders, Chemical Engineering and Processing, Process Intensification, 2007, 46, 386-392.
  • [14] Brand-Williams W, Cuvelier ME, Berset C, Use of a free radical method to evaluate antioxidant activity, LWT-Food science and Technology, 1995, 28, 25-30.
  • [15] Pellegrini N, Del Rio D, Colombi B, Bianchi M, Brighenti F,X Application of the 2, 2 ‘-azinobis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) radical cation assay to a flow injection system for the evaluation of antioxidant activity of some pure compounds and beverages, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 1995, 51, 260-264.
  • [16] Benzie IF, Strain JJ, The ferric reducing ability of plasma (FRAP) as a measure of “antioxidant power”: the FRAP assay, Analytical biochemistry, 1996, 239, 70-76.
  • [17] De Villiers A, Lynen F, Crouch A, Sandra P, Development of a solid-phase extraction procedure for the simultaneous determination of polyphenols, organic acids and sugars in wine, Chromatographia, 2004, 59, 403-409.
  • [18] Aaby K, Ekeberg D, Skrede G, Characterization of phenolic compounds in strawberry (Fragaria× ananassa) fruits by different HPLC detectors and contribution of individual compounds to total antioxidant capacity, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2007, 55, 4395-4406.
  • [19] NMKL 186, Trace elements - As, Cd, Hg, Pb and other elements. Determination by ICP-MS after pressure digestion. In: Analysis, N.C.o.F. (Ed.), Protocol No.186, Nordic Committee on Food Analysis, Ved Stranden 18, 2007.1061 Copenhagen K, Denmark. 2007.
  • [20] Zhu S, Lu X, Ji K, Guo K, Li Y, Wu C, Xu G, Characterization of flavor compounds in Chinese liquor Moutai by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography/time-of-flight mass spectrometry, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2007, 597, 340-348.
  • [21] ISO 5492, Sensory analysis–vocabulary. International Organization for Standardization Geneva. 2008.
  • [22] Adrien KM, Henri Guillaume SK, Souleymane M, Lucien BG, David JN, In vitro antibacterial and antidiarraheic activity of root bark extract of Anogeissus leiocarpa (Combretaceae) during an experimental bacterial diarrhea induced by Escherichia coli extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBL) in albino Wistar rats, Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 2018, 12, 463-743.
  • [23] Sinija V R, Mishra H N, Moisture sorption isotherms and heat of sorption of instant (soluble) green tea powder and green tea granules, Journal of Food Engineering, 2008, 86, 494-500.
  • [24] Pasqualone A, Paradiso VM, Summo C, Caponio F, Gomes T, Influence of Drying Conditions on Volatile Compounds of Pasta Food Bioprocess Technol, 20014, 7, 719–731.
  • [25] Nadeem HŞ, Torun M, Özdemir F, Spray drying of the mountain tea (Sideritis stricta) water extract by using different hydrocolloid carriers, LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2011, 44, 1626-1635.
  • [26] Gougoulias N, Mashev N, Antioxidant Activity and Polyphenols Content of Some Herbal Teas of Lamiaceae Family From Greece and Bulgaria, Oxidation Communications, 2015, 38, 25-34.
  • [27] Khedher MRB, Khedher SB, Chaieb I, Tounsi S, Hammami M, Chemical composition and biological activities of Salvia officinalis essential oil from Tunisia, EXCLI journal, 2017, 16, 160-173.
  • [28] Tosun M, Ercisli S, Sengul M, Ozer H, Polat T, Ozturk E, Antioxidant properties and total phenolic content of eight Salvia species from Turkey, Biological Research, 2009, 42, 175-181.
  • [29] Senol FS, Orhan I, Celep F, Kahraman A, Doğan M, Yilmaz G, Sener B, Survey of 55 Turkish Salvia taxa for their acetylcholinesterase inhibitory and antioxidant activities, Food Chemistry, 2010, 120, 34–43.
  • [30] Gökbulut A, Investigations on Rosmarinic, Chlorogenic and Caffeic Acid Contents of Salvia virgata, Salvia verticillata ssp. amasiaca and Five Commercial Salvia Tea Bag Samples Using HPLC-DAD Method, FABAD J Pharm Sci, 2013, 38, 49-53.
  • [31] Hamrouni-Sellami I, Rahali FZ, Rebey IB, Bourgou S, Limam F, Marzouk B, Total phenolics, flavonoids, and antioxidant activity of sage (Salvia officinalis L.) plants as affected by different drying methods, Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2013, 6, 806-817.
  • [32] Gird CE, Nencu I, Costea T, Duţu LE, Popescu ML, Ciupitu N, Quantitative analysis of phenolic compounds from Salvia officinalis L leaves, Farmacia, 2014, 62, 649-657.
  • [33] Anonymous. 2011, Turkish Food Codex Contaminants Regulation. In: Codex, T.F. (Ed.), 28157, Turkey.
  • [34] Obiajunwa E, Adebajo A, Omobuwajo O, Essential and trace element contents of some Nigerian medicinal plants, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2002, 252, 473-476.
  • [35] Ozek G, Demirci F, Ozek T, Tabanca N, Wedge DE, Khan SI, Baser KHC, Duran A, Hamzaoglu E, Gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis of volatiles obtained by four different techniques from Salvia rosifolia Sm and evaluation for biological activity Journal of Chromatography A, 2010, 1217, 5, 741-748.
  • [36] Hatipoglu SD, Zorlu N, Dirmenci T, Goren AC, Ozturk T, Topcu G, Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Fourty Five Salvia Species by Thermal Desorption-GC-MS Technique, Rec Nat Prod, 2016, 10, 6, 659-700.
  • [37] Haziri A, Faiku F, Mehmeti A, Kurteshi K, Haziri I, Rudhani I, In Vitro Antibacterial Properties of Ethanol Extract from Salvia Officinalis L Plant Growing Wild in Kosovo, Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research, 2018, 2, 3, 2578-2580.
  • [38] Pierozan MK, Pauletti GF, Rota L, Santos ACA, Lerin LA, Di Luccio M, Mossi AJ, Atti-Serafini L, Cansian RL, Oliveira JV, Chemical characterization and antimicrobial activity of essential oils of Salvia L species, Food Science and Technology (Campinas), 2009, 29 764-770.
  • [39] Norouzi-Arasi H, Yavari I, Chalabian F, Baghaii P, Kiarostami V, Nasrabadi M, Aminkhani A, Volatile constituents and antimicrobial activities of Salvia suffruticosa Montbr and Auch. Ex Benth. from Iran, Flavour Frag J, 2005, 20, 6, 633-636.
  • [40] Sivropoulou A, Nikolaou C, Papanikolaou E, Kokkini S, Lanaras T, Arsenakis M, Antimicrobial, cytotoxic and antiviral activities of Salvia fruticosa essential oil, American Chemical Society, 1997, 45, 8, 3197-3201.
  • [41] Tzakou O, Pitarokili D, Chinou IB, Harvala C, Composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of Salvia ringens. Planta Med, 2001, 67, 1, 81-83.
  • [42] Velickovic DT, Ristic MS, Randjelovic N., Smelcerovic AA, Chemical composition and antimicrobial characteristics of the essential oils obtained from flower, leaf and stem of Salvia officinalis L. originated from southern Serbia, J Essent Oil Res, 2002, 14, 453-458.
  • [43] Rus C, Pop G, Alexa E, Șumalan RM, Copolovici DM, Antifungal activity and chemical composition of Salvia officinalis L essential oil, Research Journal of Agricultural Science, 2015, 47, 2, 186-193.
  • [44] Wellwood CR, Cole RA, Relevance of carnosic acid concentrations to the selection of rosemary, Rosmarinus officinalis L, accessions for optimization of antioxidant yield, Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 2004, 52, 6101-6107.
Year 2022, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 19 - 30, 29.06.2022


Project Number



  • [1] Hedges L, Lister C, Nutritional attributes of herbs. Crop and Food Research Confidential Report. No 1891, Inst. For Crop and Resarch Ltd. Chirthurch, NewZealand, 2007 pp.1-89.
  • [2] Bahadori MB, Dinparast L, Zengin G, Sarikurkcu C, Bahadori S, Asghari B, Movahhedin, N, Functional components, antidiabetic, anti-Alzheimer’s disease, and antioxidant activities of Salvia syriaca L. Int. J Food Prop, 2017, 20, 1761-1772.
  • [3] Erdogan-Orhan I, Baki E, Senol S, Yilmaz G. Sage-called plant species sold in Turkey and their antioxidant activities. J. Serb Chem. Soc, 2010, 75, 1491-1501.
  • [4] Topçu G, Bioactive Triterpenoids from Salvia Species. Journal of natural products, 2006, 69, 482-487.
  • [5] Zengin G, Llorent-Martínez EJ, Fernández-de Córdova ML, Bahadori MB, Mocan A, Locatelli M, Aktumsek A,Chemical composition and biological activities of extracts from three Salvia species: S. blepharochlaena, S. euphratica var. leiocalycina, and S. verticillata subsp. Amasiaca, Industrial Crops And Products, 2018, 111 11-21.
  • [6] Afonso AF, Pereira OR, Fernandes ÂS, Calhelha RC, Silva A, Ferreira IC, Cardoso SM, The Health-Benefits and Phytochemical Profile of Salvia apiana and Salvia farinacea var, Victoria Blue Decoctions, Antioxidants 2019, 8, 2-14.
  • [7] Kivrak Ş, Gokturk T, Kivrak I, Kaya E, Karababa E, Investigation of phenolic profiles and antioxidant activities of some Salvia species commonly grown in Southwest Anatolia using UPLC-ESI-MS/MS, Food Sci Tech-Brazil, 2019, 39 423-431.
  • [8] Tang W-Q, Li D-C, Lv YX, Jiang JG, Concentration and drying of tea polyphenols extracted from green tea using molecular distillation and spray drying, Drying Technology, 2011, 29, 584-590.
  • [9] Ciurzyńska A, Lenart A, Freeze-drying-application in food processing and biotechnology a review, Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences, 2011, 6, 165-171.
  • [10] Şahin-Nadeem H, Dinçer C, Torun M, Topuz A, Özdemir F, Influence of inlet air temperature and carrier material on the production of instant soluble sage (Salvia fruticosa Miller) by spray drying, LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2013, 52, 31-38.
  • [11] AOAC, Official method of analysis (21 st Edition, 2019), Ash of Sugars and Syrups. Method 900.02, Gaithersburg, MD: AOAC International. 1900.
  • [12] AOAC, Official method of analysis (21st Edition, 2019), Proximate Analysis and Calculations Total Nitrogen or Crude Protein, Method 990.03. Gaithersburg, MD: AOAC International. 1990.
  • [13] Quek SY, Chok NK, Swedlund P, The physicochemical properties of spray- dried watermelon powders, Chemical Engineering and Processing, Process Intensification, 2007, 46, 386-392.
  • [14] Brand-Williams W, Cuvelier ME, Berset C, Use of a free radical method to evaluate antioxidant activity, LWT-Food science and Technology, 1995, 28, 25-30.
  • [15] Pellegrini N, Del Rio D, Colombi B, Bianchi M, Brighenti F,X Application of the 2, 2 ‘-azinobis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) radical cation assay to a flow injection system for the evaluation of antioxidant activity of some pure compounds and beverages, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 1995, 51, 260-264.
  • [16] Benzie IF, Strain JJ, The ferric reducing ability of plasma (FRAP) as a measure of “antioxidant power”: the FRAP assay, Analytical biochemistry, 1996, 239, 70-76.
  • [17] De Villiers A, Lynen F, Crouch A, Sandra P, Development of a solid-phase extraction procedure for the simultaneous determination of polyphenols, organic acids and sugars in wine, Chromatographia, 2004, 59, 403-409.
  • [18] Aaby K, Ekeberg D, Skrede G, Characterization of phenolic compounds in strawberry (Fragaria× ananassa) fruits by different HPLC detectors and contribution of individual compounds to total antioxidant capacity, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2007, 55, 4395-4406.
  • [19] NMKL 186, Trace elements - As, Cd, Hg, Pb and other elements. Determination by ICP-MS after pressure digestion. In: Analysis, N.C.o.F. (Ed.), Protocol No.186, Nordic Committee on Food Analysis, Ved Stranden 18, 2007.1061 Copenhagen K, Denmark. 2007.
  • [20] Zhu S, Lu X, Ji K, Guo K, Li Y, Wu C, Xu G, Characterization of flavor compounds in Chinese liquor Moutai by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography/time-of-flight mass spectrometry, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2007, 597, 340-348.
  • [21] ISO 5492, Sensory analysis–vocabulary. International Organization for Standardization Geneva. 2008.
  • [22] Adrien KM, Henri Guillaume SK, Souleymane M, Lucien BG, David JN, In vitro antibacterial and antidiarraheic activity of root bark extract of Anogeissus leiocarpa (Combretaceae) during an experimental bacterial diarrhea induced by Escherichia coli extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBL) in albino Wistar rats, Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 2018, 12, 463-743.
  • [23] Sinija V R, Mishra H N, Moisture sorption isotherms and heat of sorption of instant (soluble) green tea powder and green tea granules, Journal of Food Engineering, 2008, 86, 494-500.
  • [24] Pasqualone A, Paradiso VM, Summo C, Caponio F, Gomes T, Influence of Drying Conditions on Volatile Compounds of Pasta Food Bioprocess Technol, 20014, 7, 719–731.
  • [25] Nadeem HŞ, Torun M, Özdemir F, Spray drying of the mountain tea (Sideritis stricta) water extract by using different hydrocolloid carriers, LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2011, 44, 1626-1635.
  • [26] Gougoulias N, Mashev N, Antioxidant Activity and Polyphenols Content of Some Herbal Teas of Lamiaceae Family From Greece and Bulgaria, Oxidation Communications, 2015, 38, 25-34.
  • [27] Khedher MRB, Khedher SB, Chaieb I, Tounsi S, Hammami M, Chemical composition and biological activities of Salvia officinalis essential oil from Tunisia, EXCLI journal, 2017, 16, 160-173.
  • [28] Tosun M, Ercisli S, Sengul M, Ozer H, Polat T, Ozturk E, Antioxidant properties and total phenolic content of eight Salvia species from Turkey, Biological Research, 2009, 42, 175-181.
  • [29] Senol FS, Orhan I, Celep F, Kahraman A, Doğan M, Yilmaz G, Sener B, Survey of 55 Turkish Salvia taxa for their acetylcholinesterase inhibitory and antioxidant activities, Food Chemistry, 2010, 120, 34–43.
  • [30] Gökbulut A, Investigations on Rosmarinic, Chlorogenic and Caffeic Acid Contents of Salvia virgata, Salvia verticillata ssp. amasiaca and Five Commercial Salvia Tea Bag Samples Using HPLC-DAD Method, FABAD J Pharm Sci, 2013, 38, 49-53.
  • [31] Hamrouni-Sellami I, Rahali FZ, Rebey IB, Bourgou S, Limam F, Marzouk B, Total phenolics, flavonoids, and antioxidant activity of sage (Salvia officinalis L.) plants as affected by different drying methods, Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2013, 6, 806-817.
  • [32] Gird CE, Nencu I, Costea T, Duţu LE, Popescu ML, Ciupitu N, Quantitative analysis of phenolic compounds from Salvia officinalis L leaves, Farmacia, 2014, 62, 649-657.
  • [33] Anonymous. 2011, Turkish Food Codex Contaminants Regulation. In: Codex, T.F. (Ed.), 28157, Turkey.
  • [34] Obiajunwa E, Adebajo A, Omobuwajo O, Essential and trace element contents of some Nigerian medicinal plants, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2002, 252, 473-476.
  • [35] Ozek G, Demirci F, Ozek T, Tabanca N, Wedge DE, Khan SI, Baser KHC, Duran A, Hamzaoglu E, Gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis of volatiles obtained by four different techniques from Salvia rosifolia Sm and evaluation for biological activity Journal of Chromatography A, 2010, 1217, 5, 741-748.
  • [36] Hatipoglu SD, Zorlu N, Dirmenci T, Goren AC, Ozturk T, Topcu G, Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Fourty Five Salvia Species by Thermal Desorption-GC-MS Technique, Rec Nat Prod, 2016, 10, 6, 659-700.
  • [37] Haziri A, Faiku F, Mehmeti A, Kurteshi K, Haziri I, Rudhani I, In Vitro Antibacterial Properties of Ethanol Extract from Salvia Officinalis L Plant Growing Wild in Kosovo, Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research, 2018, 2, 3, 2578-2580.
  • [38] Pierozan MK, Pauletti GF, Rota L, Santos ACA, Lerin LA, Di Luccio M, Mossi AJ, Atti-Serafini L, Cansian RL, Oliveira JV, Chemical characterization and antimicrobial activity of essential oils of Salvia L species, Food Science and Technology (Campinas), 2009, 29 764-770.
  • [39] Norouzi-Arasi H, Yavari I, Chalabian F, Baghaii P, Kiarostami V, Nasrabadi M, Aminkhani A, Volatile constituents and antimicrobial activities of Salvia suffruticosa Montbr and Auch. Ex Benth. from Iran, Flavour Frag J, 2005, 20, 6, 633-636.
  • [40] Sivropoulou A, Nikolaou C, Papanikolaou E, Kokkini S, Lanaras T, Arsenakis M, Antimicrobial, cytotoxic and antiviral activities of Salvia fruticosa essential oil, American Chemical Society, 1997, 45, 8, 3197-3201.
  • [41] Tzakou O, Pitarokili D, Chinou IB, Harvala C, Composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of Salvia ringens. Planta Med, 2001, 67, 1, 81-83.
  • [42] Velickovic DT, Ristic MS, Randjelovic N., Smelcerovic AA, Chemical composition and antimicrobial characteristics of the essential oils obtained from flower, leaf and stem of Salvia officinalis L. originated from southern Serbia, J Essent Oil Res, 2002, 14, 453-458.
  • [43] Rus C, Pop G, Alexa E, Șumalan RM, Copolovici DM, Antifungal activity and chemical composition of Salvia officinalis L essential oil, Research Journal of Agricultural Science, 2015, 47, 2, 186-193.
  • [44] Wellwood CR, Cole RA, Relevance of carnosic acid concentrations to the selection of rosemary, Rosmarinus officinalis L, accessions for optimization of antioxidant yield, Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 2004, 52, 6101-6107.
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Analytical Chemistry
Journal Section Research Articles

Cemalettin Baltacı 0000-0002-4336-4002

Muhammed Şidim 0000-0001-8955-6766

Zeynep Akşit 0000-0002-0349-0223

Project Number 1919B011501890
Publication Date June 29, 2022
Submission Date April 16, 2022
Acceptance Date May 25, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 4 Issue: 1


APA Baltacı, C., Şidim, M., & Akşit, Z. (2022). Effects of spray and freeze-drying methods on aroma compounds, sensory characteristics, physicochemical composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of instant sage (Salvia rosifolia Sm.) tea. Turkish Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 4(1), 19-30.
AMA Baltacı C, Şidim M, Akşit Z. Effects of spray and freeze-drying methods on aroma compounds, sensory characteristics, physicochemical composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of instant sage (Salvia rosifolia Sm.) tea. TurkJAC. June 2022;4(1):19-30. doi:10.51435/turkjac.1104578
Chicago Baltacı, Cemalettin, Muhammed Şidim, and Zeynep Akşit. “Effects of Spray and Freeze-Drying Methods on Aroma Compounds, Sensory Characteristics, Physicochemical Composition, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Properties of Instant Sage (Salvia Rosifolia Sm.) Tea”. Turkish Journal of Analytical Chemistry 4, no. 1 (June 2022): 19-30.
EndNote Baltacı C, Şidim M, Akşit Z (June 1, 2022) Effects of spray and freeze-drying methods on aroma compounds, sensory characteristics, physicochemical composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of instant sage (Salvia rosifolia Sm.) tea. Turkish Journal of Analytical Chemistry 4 1 19–30.
IEEE C. Baltacı, M. Şidim, and Z. Akşit, “Effects of spray and freeze-drying methods on aroma compounds, sensory characteristics, physicochemical composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of instant sage (Salvia rosifolia Sm.) tea”, TurkJAC, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 19–30, 2022, doi: 10.51435/turkjac.1104578.
ISNAD Baltacı, Cemalettin et al. “Effects of Spray and Freeze-Drying Methods on Aroma Compounds, Sensory Characteristics, Physicochemical Composition, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Properties of Instant Sage (Salvia Rosifolia Sm.) Tea”. Turkish Journal of Analytical Chemistry 4/1 (June 2022), 19-30.
JAMA Baltacı C, Şidim M, Akşit Z. Effects of spray and freeze-drying methods on aroma compounds, sensory characteristics, physicochemical composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of instant sage (Salvia rosifolia Sm.) tea. TurkJAC. 2022;4:19–30.
MLA Baltacı, Cemalettin et al. “Effects of Spray and Freeze-Drying Methods on Aroma Compounds, Sensory Characteristics, Physicochemical Composition, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Properties of Instant Sage (Salvia Rosifolia Sm.) Tea”. Turkish Journal of Analytical Chemistry, vol. 4, no. 1, 2022, pp. 19-30, doi:10.51435/turkjac.1104578.
Vancouver Baltacı C, Şidim M, Akşit Z. Effects of spray and freeze-drying methods on aroma compounds, sensory characteristics, physicochemical composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of instant sage (Salvia rosifolia Sm.) tea. TurkJAC. 2022;4(1):19-30.

6th International Environmental Chemistry Congress (EnviroChem)