Ethics committee (Internal Review Board) permission must be obtained for research conducted in all disciplines, and this approval must be stated and documented on the manuscript.
Ethics Committee Permission is required for the studies conducted with qualitative or quantitative methods. Data is collected from the participants using surveys, interviews, focus group work, and observations.
The ethics committee approval document should include the name of the board, the date of the decision and the document number. The information mentioned above regarding ethics committee approval should be stated in the method section of the manuscript.
In addition, in the method section;
a) It should be stated that permission has been obtained from the owners to use the scales, questionnaires and images used.
b) In case presentations (qualitative interviews, observations, Etc.), information is provided that the informed consent/consent form has been signed.
c) A statement about research and publication ethics should be included.
Retrospective ethics committee approval is not required for articles that used research data before 2020, produced from master's/doctorate studies, applied to the journal in the previous year or accepted but not published.
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