Plagiarism Policy

International Journal of Business Science and Applications implements a strict plagiarism policy to ensure academic integrity and support original research. Comprehensive examinations are carried out at every stage of our publication process to maintain the originality of the submitted works.

Plagiarism Detection Process
  • Each manuscript submitted to our journal is subject to a similarity check using by the editorial board.
  • The similarity ratio, excluding references, should not exceed 20%. Manuscripts with a similarity ratio above 20% will be returned to the author without entering the peer review process.
  • The maximum allowed citation rate from a single source is set at 3%.
  • Even if the overall similarity ratio is low, if significant block quotations are found in any section of the manuscript, the work will be returned to the author.
  • Editors will check the similarity ratio at both the beginning and the end of the peer review process.

Author Responsibilities
  • It is the authors' responsibility to verify the originality of the submitted manuscripts.
  • When necessary, the editorial team may request a plagiarism detection software report from the authors.
  • Authors are obligated to properly cite all sources used in their works.

  • Manuscripts identified with plagiarism will be removed from the publication process.
  • In cases of repeated violations, authors may be prohibited from submitting manuscripts to our journal for a specified period.
  • Serious plagiarism cases may be reported to the author's affiliated institution and relevant academic bodies.

Our journal rigorously implements this policy to ensure the integrity of academic works.

Last Update Time: 3/21/25, 10:00:23 PM