1. Uludag Bee Journal publishes original research, review articles, short notes, and methodology studies, but original research articles are highly preferred. The main publishing language is Turkish, however, articles in English are also acceptable.
2. Manuscripts that are accepted for publication should not been under consideration or have been published somewhere else. Full responsibility for the articles belongs to the authors. Manuscripts are received by DergiPark online system with a statement of the type of publication, such as original research paper, review, short communication and statement of copyright to Uludag bee journal and statement that ms is not published elsewhere or submitted for publication with signatures from all authors. Authors should also submit a cover page, with author names, Institutional addresses, e-mails, Orcid no. No author names and addresses shoudl be given in the main text for blind review system.
3. Uludag Bee Journal is published twice a year in May and November, Biannually.
4. The manuscripts upon acceptance are published online including color pages for free of charge. The copyright of published articles belong to the journal.
5. Manuscripts are sent to three referees and evaluations are made according to referee comments by subject editors. The double-blind review is applied. MS should be sent without author names and addresses and this information should be sent in a separate file (Title of the MS, author names, addresses, ORCID No. and Copyright statement). The MS is published if it is accepted after referee review and is sent to authors for proofreading before publication.
6. Manuscripts are checked by IThentica and Intihal programs and the ones that are considered acceptable published. If plagiarism is determined for the manuscript, then these are rejected without review.
7. Author’s names, addresses, e-mails, and ORCID no. are mandatory. The address should start with department, faculty and university name, followed by city and country.
8. Manuscripts should be sent in Word and pdf format. Manuscripts must be prepared in a Word 6.0 version or higher, A-4 page layout, 1.5 spacing, in Arial 10 pt font, with 2 cm left and right margins, and 4 cm top and bottom margins.
9. Abbreviations should only follow after the full words are given at the beginning of the manuscript.
10. The short abstract should be in the same language as the manuscript, preferentially not more than 200 words, with a maximum of 5 keywords (each keyword should begin with capital letter), and with Latin names italicized. The extended abstract should be at least 400 words, should be written in simple language, and organized as the following: the goal of the study, materials, and methods, results, and conclusion. Extended abstracts should be given in English and will be translated to Turkish by Editors. Turkish abstract can be added by using Google translator in the Dergipark system and this can be corrected by the journal editors. Non-Turkish speakers should upload both short abstract and extended abstract in English.
11. Manuscripts should contain numbered lines continuously and arranged as follows: Title in English, Title in Turkish, (done by editors for non-Turkish Speakers), Key Words (bold), Short Abstract (max. 200 words), (Extended abstract in English at least 400 words), Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion-(optional), References, with 10 pt. The main MS title should be given as in bold 14 pt, author names 12 pt., addresses in 10 pt, tables and figure legends in 9 pt. Authors and affiliations with authors’ e-mail addresses, ORCID no. and copyright statement should be given in a separate file as a title page.
12. Pictures (photos and drawings) should be named and the exact position of each picture should be indicated in the Text. The pictures should be sent in Jpeg or Tiff, graphs, pictures, and figures should be sent in Word format in the text. The figure legends or explanations for tables (may be added in Turkish also by editors as 8 pt) should be given on the top of tables and below the figures with 9 pt Arial font. Graphics are preferred over tables and should be given on portrait formatted pages. Pictures should be given in high quality and right size to fit to the page. It is also necessary to send pictures and graphics in jpeg format to prevent possible changes.
13. If the first language of the article is English, it should be continued as English title in capital letters, Turkish title in lowercase letters, abstract, extended abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and References, all in capital letters. Author information will be taken from the cover page and added after the referee evaluations.
14. If manuscripts are produced from a Master's thesis, Ph.D. dissertation, or financed Project, then this should be stated in the Acknowledgments section and Funding.
15. Citations must be given in the last name-year format (Keskin et al. 2019, Ozbek 2017) in alphabetical order in the text and references with DOI no. if it is applicable. Sample references should be as follows and the Webpage address should be given for all online references along with an access date with the author last name if not according to the first letter of the subject. During the addition of the references, it is kindly requested to use the "add citation" section in the references section of the word program in the text in order not to make a difference in the text and in the references section. DOI no. must be given at the end of each reference and it is kindly requested that there should be no full stop at the end.
References should be given and cited as the example shown below;
Article: Şirin Y, Çakır, HE, Can Z, Yıldız O, Kolaylı S. Investigation of SDS-page electrophoresis usability for Characterization of honey bee venom. U. Arı D.- U. Bee J. 2016;16(2):49-56, doi.org/10.31467/uluaricilik.379483
If the number of authors in the article is 6 or less, all authors should be indicated, if 7 or more, the first 6 names should be written and “et al.” should be added. If the abbreviation of the journal is available, it should be as suggested by the journal.
Book: Winston M. The biology of the honey bees. Harvard University Press, London, England, 1987, p.1-15.
Book Chapter: Çakmak, I. Ecological Beekeeping, In “Animal Husbandry in Ecological-Organic Agriculture” Ed. Ak, I., Bora Publications, Bursa, Turkey, p.271-290.
Book Translation: Davila GW, Ghoniem GM, Wexner SD, eds. Seçkin B, Ergen A, Aydur E, İnci K, Translation editors. Pelvic floor dysfunction: A multidiciplinary approach: 1st edition, Ankara: Ortadoğu Advertising and prmotion Publishing Inc.; 2008. p.109-12.
Thesis: Keskin M. Determination and encapsulation of quality parameters of propolis and its extracts. KTU Graduate school of natural and applied sciences, Ph.D thesis. Trabzon, 2018, (Access date:20.12.2021), https://tez.yok.gov.tr/UlusalTezMerkezi/tezDetay
Congress, Symposium: Çakmak, İ. Organic beekeeping and bee products. 5th International Eurasian Congress on Natural Nutrition, Healthy Life & Sport, Ankara-Turkey, Book of Proceedings, 02-06 October 2019, p. 1164-1170.
Internet: FAO Food and agricultural organization of the United Nations, FAOSTAT. http:/www..fao.org 2021, (retrieved by: 20.04.2021).
Commission report: NMKL-186.2007. Nordic committee on food analysis. trace elements- As, Cd, Hg, Pb, and elements determination by ICP-MS after pressure digestion. Denmark.
16. Reviewers' suggestions or corrections should be made with different colors in the manuscript such as reviewer 1-red, reviewer 2-blue, and reviewer 3- yellow. Technical editors' suggestions will be made in green (statistical) and violet (language) color.
17. The title of the MS must be uploaded with capital letters and the Turkish title and abstract (using Google translator) can be added by the corresponding author and will be checked in detail by editors.
18. The statements of Source of Finance, Contributions of all Authors, Ethical issue and Conflict of Interest should be added to the cover (author) page. If there is any conflict among authors, reviewers or editors, manuscript is withdrawn from the system until the issue is resolved. A new application can be made after all the issues are resolved.
19. Manuscript should be submitted as three parts; Main Text (title and the main body of the text with tables and graphs embedded, without author names and addresses), Copyright Statement (with signatures and other info), The title of the article, author information and addresses, conflict of interest, financial source, ethical statement, author contributions, data availability status should be specified in the cover letter and uploaded to the system. In addition, the copyright form must be filled in and signed by the author/authors.
20. International system of units and time scale should be used. For example; kg, g, m, km, hour, minute etc.
21. Digits and percentiles should be rounded and the parentheses should be used in order. For example; { [( )] }, 10.19%, p<0. 005.
22. If deemed necessary for the articles, supplemental information will be published in Journal home page (http://uadubj.uludag.edu.tr/).
23. In accepted articles, the author(s) may request corrections during the final reading and early view phases before the article is published, and finally within the first 5 days of the article being published.
Important Note: Since the author-referee information is kept confidential on both sides in our journal, both the author and the referees must upload the document to the system after removing their personal information in the review document section.
Note: Authors can also use homepage of our Journal.
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