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Current Developments in Ultra-Light Weight Concrete

Year 2023, , 689 - 703, 14.07.2023


Concrete, one of today's most important building materials, has different special types. One of them is lightweight concrete (LC). With the studies carried out on lightweight concretes (LWC), the unit weights tried to be reduced, and ultra-light concretes (ULWC) were tested. While reducing unit weights, it is tried to improve properties such as compressive strength, sound absorption feature, thermal conductivity, and fire and frost resistance. Aggregates used in the production of ULWC undergo changes over time. Sustainable and nature-friendly ULWC works continue by evaluating waste materials. Using waste instead of using natural resources increases the interest and demand for ULWC. Thus, its economic, environmental, and sustainability draw attention. According to the types and dimensions of the aggregates used, ULWCs are not only used as heat and sound insulation materials in buildings but also aim to reduce the effects of earthquake forces by increasing the strength properties of the building and reducing its own load. In this study, the latest developments in ultra-light concrete are tried to be investigated by examining the literature sources. Comparisons are made between ULWC, and their advantages and disadvantages are evaluated.


  • Abd Elrahman, M., El Madawy, M.E., Chung, S.Y., Sikora, P., Stephan, D. (2019). Preparation and characterization of ultralightweight foamed concrete incorporating lightweight aggregates. Applied Sciences, 9(7), 1447. doi:10.3390/app9071447
  • Adhikary, S. K., Rudžionis, Ž., Vaičiukynienė, D. (2020). Development of flowable ultra-lightweight concrete using expanded glass aggregate, silica aerogel, and prefabricated plastic bubbles. Journal of Building Engineering, 31, 101399. doi:10.1016/j.jobe.2020.101399
  • Ahmmad, R., Jumaat, M.Z., Alengaram, U.J., Bahri, S., Rehman, M.A., Hashim, H.B. (2016). Performance evaluation of palm oil clinker as coarse aggregate in high strength lightweight concrete. J. Cleaner Prod., 112, 566-574. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.08.043
  • Alexandre Bogas, J., Gomes, M. G., Real, S. (2014). Bonding of steel reinforcement in structural expanded clay lightweight aggregate concrete: The influence of failure mechanism and concrete composition. Construction and Building Materials 65, 350-359. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2014.04.122
  • Alshannag, M., Alshmalani, M., Alsaif, A., Higazey, M. (2023). Flexural performance of high-strength lightweight concrete beams made with hybrid fibers. Case Studies in Construction Materials, 18, e01861. doi:10.1016/j.cscm.2023.e01861
  • Bajare, D., Kazjonovs, J., Korjakins, A. (2013). Lightweight concrete with aggregates made by using industrial waste. J. Sustain. Archit. Civil Eng., 4 (5), 67-73. doi:10.5755/j01.sace.4.5.4188
  • Baradan, B., Türkel, S., Yazıcı H., Ün, H., Yiğiter, H., Felekoğlu, B., Felekoğlu, K.T, Aydın, S., Yardımcı, M.Y., Topal, A., Öztürk, A.U., (2015). “Beton”, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi Yayınları, No: 334, s 825.
  • Boshra, A.E., Yoursy, B.S., A.T., El-boridy, A.T. Fayed, S. (2023). Ferrocement composite columns incorporating hollow core filled with lightweight concrete. Engineering Structures, 280, 115672. doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2023.115672
  • Bubeník, J., Zach, J., Křížová, K., Novák, V., Sedlmajer, M., Žižková, N. (2023). Behavior and properties of ultra-lightweight concrete with foamed glass aggregate and cellulose fibres under high temperature loading. Journal of Building Engineering, 72, 106677.
  • BS EN 1992-1-1, Eurocode 2. (2004). Design of concrete structures: Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings, British Standards Institution, UK, London.
  • Chen, Y.X., Wu, F., Yu, Q., Brouwers, H.J.H. (2020). Bio-based ultra-lightweight concrete applying miscanthus fibers: Acoustic absorption and thermal insulation. Cement and Concrete Composites, 114, 103829. doi:10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2020.103829
  • Cuenca-Moyanoa, G.M., Cabreraa, M., López-Alonso, M., Martínez-Echevarría, M. J., Agrela, F., Rosales, J. (2023). Design of lightweight concrete with olive biomass bottom ash for use in buildings. Journal of Building Engineering, 69, 106289. doi:10.1016/j.jobe.2023.106289
  • Du, H. (2019). Properties of ultra-lightweight cement composites with nano-silica. Construction and Building Materials, 199, 696- 704.
  • Eltaly, B. A., Shaheen, Y. B., EL-boridy, A. T., Fayed, S. (2023). Ferrocement composite columns incorporating hollow core filled with lightweight concrete. Engineering Structures 280, 115672. doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2023.115672
  • Engin, C. (2018). Farklı tane boyutlu genleştirilmiş perlit agregası ile üretilen ultra hafif betonların fiziksel ve mekanik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi. YL Tezi, Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi FBE, Van.
  • Huang, Z., Padmaja, K., Li, S., Liew, J.R. (2018). Mechanical properties and microstructure of ultra-lightweight cement composites with fly ash cenospheres after exposure to high temperatures. Construction and Building Materials, 164, 760-774. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.01.009, 03.06.2023.
  • Huang, Z., Zhang, T., Wen, Z. (2015). Proportioning and characterization of Portland cement-based ultra-lightweight foam concretes. Construction and Building Materials, 79, 390-396. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2015.01.051
  • Islam, M.M.U., Li, J., Roychand, R., Saberian, M (2023). Investigation of durability properties for structural lightweight concrete with discarded vehicle tire rubbers: A study for the complete replacement of conventional coarse aggregates. Construction and Building Materials 369, 130634. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2023.130634
  • Junaid, M. F., ur Rehman, Z., Kuruc, M., Medveď, I., Bačinskas, D., Čurpek, J., Čekon, M., Ijaz, N., Ansari, W.S. (2022). Lightweight concrete from a perspective of sustainable reuse of waste byproducts. Construction and Building Materials, 319, 126061. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.126061
  • Karakurt, C., Kurama H., Topcu, I.B. (2010). Utilization of natural zeolite in aerated concrete production. Cement and Concrete Composites, 32(1):1-8.
  • Liu, H., Elchalakani, M., Karrech, A., Yehia, S., Yang, B. (2021). High strength flowable lightweight concrete incorporating low C3A cement, silica fume, stalite and macro-polyfelin polymer fibres. Construction and Building Materials 281, 122410. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.122410
  • Li, P., Wu, H., Liu, Y., Yang, J., Fang, Z., & Lin, B. (2019). Preparation and optimization of ultra-light and thermal insulative aerogel foam concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 205, 529-542.
  • Lo, T.Y., Tang, W.C., Cui, H.Z. (2007). The effects of aggregate properties on lightweight concrete. Building and Environment, 42(8), 3025-3029. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2005.06.031
  • Mohammed, J.H., Hamad, A.J. (2014). Materials, properties and application review of Lightweight concrete. Technical Review of the Faculty of Engineering University of Zulia, 37(2), 10-15.
  • MVarma, B., Hajare, M.B. (2015). Ferrocement: Composite material and its applications. Int. J. Pure Appl. Res. Eng. Technol., 3, 296-307.
  • Naaman, A. E. (2000). Ferrocement and Laminated Cementitious Composites; Techno Press 3000: An Arbor. USA.
  • Roberz, F., Loonen, R.C.G.M., Hoes, P., Hensen, J.L.M. (2017). Ultra-lightweight concrete: Energy and comfort performance evaluation in relation to buildings with low and high thermal mass. Energy and Buildings, 138, 432-442. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2016.12.049
  • Serelis, E., Vaitkevicius, V. (2022). Utilization of glass shards from municipal solid waste in aluminium-based ultra-lightweight concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 350, 128396.
  • Shi, J., Liu, Y., Xu, H., Peng, Y., Yuan, Q., Gao, J. (2022). The roles of cenosphere in ultra-lightweight foamed geopolymer concrete (UFGC). Ceramics International, 48(9), 12884-12896. doi:10.1016/j.ceramint.2022.01.161
  • Sifan, M., Nagaratnam, B., Thamboo, J., Poologanathan, K., Corradi, M. (2023) Development and prospectives of lightweight high strength concrete using lightweight aggregates, Construction and Building Materials 362, 129628. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2022.129628
  • Sikora, P., Rucinska, T., Stephan, D., Chung, S. Y., & Abd Elrahman, M. (2020). Evaluating the effects of nanosilica on the material properties of lightweight and ultra-lightweight concrete using image-based approaches. Construction and Building Materials, 264, 120241.
  • Şişman, C.B., Alkaya, S. (2019). “Usability of Sunflower Stems As Lightweight Aggregate in Concrete Production”. Fresenius Environ. Bull, 28, 9983-9990.
  • Sohel, K.M.A. Al-Jabri, K. Zhang, M.H., Liew, J.R.Y. (2018). Flexural fatigue behavior of ultra-lightweight cement composite and high strength lightweight aggregate concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 173, 90-100. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.03.276
  • Spiesz, P. R., Hunger, M. (2017). Structural ultra-lightweight concrete–from laboratory research to field trials. In Eleventh High Performance concrete (11th HPC), Tromsø 6-8 March 2017 (pp. 1-10).
  • Spiesz, P.R., Hunger, M. (2017). Structural ultra-lightweight concrete – from laboratory research to field trials. In H. Justnes, & H. Braarud (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th High Performance Concrete conference, HPC Tromso 2017, 1-10).
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Ultra Hafif Betonda Güncel Gelişmeler

Year 2023, , 689 - 703, 14.07.2023


Günümüzün en önemli yapı malzemelerinden biri olan betonun farklı özel çeşitleri bulunmaktadır. Bunlardan biride hafif betonlardır. Hafif betonlar (HB) üzerinde yapılan çalışmalarla birim ağırlıkları azaltılmakta ve üretilen betonlara ultra hafif beton denilmektedir (UHB). Birim ağırlıkları azaltılmaya çalışılırken basınç dayanımı, ses emme özelliği, ısıl iletkenlikleri, yangına ve dona dayanıklılıkları gibi özellikleri iyileştirilmeye çalışılmaktadır. Ultra hafif betonların (UHB) üretiminde kullanılan agregalarda zamanla değişime uğramaktadır. Atık malzemelerin değerlendirilerek sürdürülebilir ve doğa dostu UHB çalışmaları devam etmektedir. Doğal kaynakların kullanılması yerine atıkların değerlendirilerek kullanılması UHB’lere karşı ilginin ve talebin artmasını sağlamaktadır. Böylece UHB’lerin ekonomik, çevreci ve sürdürülebilirliği dikkat çekmektedir. Kullanılan agregaların türlerine ve boyutlarına göre UHB’ler sadece binalarda ısı ve ses yalıtım malzemesi olarak kullanılmasının yanı sıra dayanım özellikleri arttırılarak yapının kendi yükünü azaltarak deprem kuvvetlerinin etkilerini de azaltması amaçlanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada literatür kaynakları incelenerek UHB’lerle ilgili son gelişmeler incelenmiştir. UHB’ler arasında karşılaştırmalar yapılmakla birlikte avantaj ve dezavantajları değerlendirilmiştir.


  • Abd Elrahman, M., El Madawy, M.E., Chung, S.Y., Sikora, P., Stephan, D. (2019). Preparation and characterization of ultralightweight foamed concrete incorporating lightweight aggregates. Applied Sciences, 9(7), 1447. doi:10.3390/app9071447
  • Adhikary, S. K., Rudžionis, Ž., Vaičiukynienė, D. (2020). Development of flowable ultra-lightweight concrete using expanded glass aggregate, silica aerogel, and prefabricated plastic bubbles. Journal of Building Engineering, 31, 101399. doi:10.1016/j.jobe.2020.101399
  • Ahmmad, R., Jumaat, M.Z., Alengaram, U.J., Bahri, S., Rehman, M.A., Hashim, H.B. (2016). Performance evaluation of palm oil clinker as coarse aggregate in high strength lightweight concrete. J. Cleaner Prod., 112, 566-574. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.08.043
  • Alexandre Bogas, J., Gomes, M. G., Real, S. (2014). Bonding of steel reinforcement in structural expanded clay lightweight aggregate concrete: The influence of failure mechanism and concrete composition. Construction and Building Materials 65, 350-359. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2014.04.122
  • Alshannag, M., Alshmalani, M., Alsaif, A., Higazey, M. (2023). Flexural performance of high-strength lightweight concrete beams made with hybrid fibers. Case Studies in Construction Materials, 18, e01861. doi:10.1016/j.cscm.2023.e01861
  • Bajare, D., Kazjonovs, J., Korjakins, A. (2013). Lightweight concrete with aggregates made by using industrial waste. J. Sustain. Archit. Civil Eng., 4 (5), 67-73. doi:10.5755/j01.sace.4.5.4188
  • Baradan, B., Türkel, S., Yazıcı H., Ün, H., Yiğiter, H., Felekoğlu, B., Felekoğlu, K.T, Aydın, S., Yardımcı, M.Y., Topal, A., Öztürk, A.U., (2015). “Beton”, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi Yayınları, No: 334, s 825.
  • Boshra, A.E., Yoursy, B.S., A.T., El-boridy, A.T. Fayed, S. (2023). Ferrocement composite columns incorporating hollow core filled with lightweight concrete. Engineering Structures, 280, 115672. doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2023.115672
  • Bubeník, J., Zach, J., Křížová, K., Novák, V., Sedlmajer, M., Žižková, N. (2023). Behavior and properties of ultra-lightweight concrete with foamed glass aggregate and cellulose fibres under high temperature loading. Journal of Building Engineering, 72, 106677.
  • BS EN 1992-1-1, Eurocode 2. (2004). Design of concrete structures: Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings, British Standards Institution, UK, London.
  • Chen, Y.X., Wu, F., Yu, Q., Brouwers, H.J.H. (2020). Bio-based ultra-lightweight concrete applying miscanthus fibers: Acoustic absorption and thermal insulation. Cement and Concrete Composites, 114, 103829. doi:10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2020.103829
  • Cuenca-Moyanoa, G.M., Cabreraa, M., López-Alonso, M., Martínez-Echevarría, M. J., Agrela, F., Rosales, J. (2023). Design of lightweight concrete with olive biomass bottom ash for use in buildings. Journal of Building Engineering, 69, 106289. doi:10.1016/j.jobe.2023.106289
  • Du, H. (2019). Properties of ultra-lightweight cement composites with nano-silica. Construction and Building Materials, 199, 696- 704.
  • Eltaly, B. A., Shaheen, Y. B., EL-boridy, A. T., Fayed, S. (2023). Ferrocement composite columns incorporating hollow core filled with lightweight concrete. Engineering Structures 280, 115672. doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2023.115672
  • Engin, C. (2018). Farklı tane boyutlu genleştirilmiş perlit agregası ile üretilen ultra hafif betonların fiziksel ve mekanik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi. YL Tezi, Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi FBE, Van.
  • Huang, Z., Padmaja, K., Li, S., Liew, J.R. (2018). Mechanical properties and microstructure of ultra-lightweight cement composites with fly ash cenospheres after exposure to high temperatures. Construction and Building Materials, 164, 760-774. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.01.009, 03.06.2023.
  • Huang, Z., Zhang, T., Wen, Z. (2015). Proportioning and characterization of Portland cement-based ultra-lightweight foam concretes. Construction and Building Materials, 79, 390-396. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2015.01.051
  • Islam, M.M.U., Li, J., Roychand, R., Saberian, M (2023). Investigation of durability properties for structural lightweight concrete with discarded vehicle tire rubbers: A study for the complete replacement of conventional coarse aggregates. Construction and Building Materials 369, 130634. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2023.130634
  • Junaid, M. F., ur Rehman, Z., Kuruc, M., Medveď, I., Bačinskas, D., Čurpek, J., Čekon, M., Ijaz, N., Ansari, W.S. (2022). Lightweight concrete from a perspective of sustainable reuse of waste byproducts. Construction and Building Materials, 319, 126061. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.126061
  • Karakurt, C., Kurama H., Topcu, I.B. (2010). Utilization of natural zeolite in aerated concrete production. Cement and Concrete Composites, 32(1):1-8.
  • Liu, H., Elchalakani, M., Karrech, A., Yehia, S., Yang, B. (2021). High strength flowable lightweight concrete incorporating low C3A cement, silica fume, stalite and macro-polyfelin polymer fibres. Construction and Building Materials 281, 122410. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.122410
  • Li, P., Wu, H., Liu, Y., Yang, J., Fang, Z., & Lin, B. (2019). Preparation and optimization of ultra-light and thermal insulative aerogel foam concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 205, 529-542.
  • Lo, T.Y., Tang, W.C., Cui, H.Z. (2007). The effects of aggregate properties on lightweight concrete. Building and Environment, 42(8), 3025-3029. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2005.06.031
  • Mohammed, J.H., Hamad, A.J. (2014). Materials, properties and application review of Lightweight concrete. Technical Review of the Faculty of Engineering University of Zulia, 37(2), 10-15.
  • MVarma, B., Hajare, M.B. (2015). Ferrocement: Composite material and its applications. Int. J. Pure Appl. Res. Eng. Technol., 3, 296-307.
  • Naaman, A. E. (2000). Ferrocement and Laminated Cementitious Composites; Techno Press 3000: An Arbor. USA.
  • Roberz, F., Loonen, R.C.G.M., Hoes, P., Hensen, J.L.M. (2017). Ultra-lightweight concrete: Energy and comfort performance evaluation in relation to buildings with low and high thermal mass. Energy and Buildings, 138, 432-442. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2016.12.049
  • Serelis, E., Vaitkevicius, V. (2022). Utilization of glass shards from municipal solid waste in aluminium-based ultra-lightweight concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 350, 128396.
  • Shi, J., Liu, Y., Xu, H., Peng, Y., Yuan, Q., Gao, J. (2022). The roles of cenosphere in ultra-lightweight foamed geopolymer concrete (UFGC). Ceramics International, 48(9), 12884-12896. doi:10.1016/j.ceramint.2022.01.161
  • Sifan, M., Nagaratnam, B., Thamboo, J., Poologanathan, K., Corradi, M. (2023) Development and prospectives of lightweight high strength concrete using lightweight aggregates, Construction and Building Materials 362, 129628. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2022.129628
  • Sikora, P., Rucinska, T., Stephan, D., Chung, S. Y., & Abd Elrahman, M. (2020). Evaluating the effects of nanosilica on the material properties of lightweight and ultra-lightweight concrete using image-based approaches. Construction and Building Materials, 264, 120241.
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There are 66 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Civil Engineering
Journal Section Articles

İlker Bekir Topçu 0000-0002-2075-6361

İsmail Hocaoğlu 0000-0001-9294-1120

İlkay Kara 0000-0002-9935-4743

Early Pub Date July 7, 2023
Publication Date July 14, 2023
Submission Date April 20, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Topçu, İ. B., Hocaoğlu, İ., & Kara, İ. (2023). Ultra Hafif Betonda Güncel Gelişmeler. International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, 15(2), 689-703.

Cited By

Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik ve Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi

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