Writing Rules


Page Layout: A4 Vertical, Page Margins (Normal) (all around [right-left-top-bottom] 2.1 cm)
Typeface: Gentium Plus, the main headings should be written in 10,5-point font and the text should be written in 9,5-point font.
Title: Regardless of the language in which the article is written, titles should be given in Turkish and English. Titles should be short, clear and adequately reflect the content of the article; they should be bold and the first letter of each word should be capitalized. Titles should not exceed fifteen words.
Headings: All words should be in bold; the first letter of each word should be capitalized and the title should be carriage-returned at the end.
Sub-headings: It should be written in bold; however, the first letter of each word should be capitalised and the heading should be carriage-returned at the end.
Author Name(s) and Address(es):
The author's name should be under the title of the article. The author's surname should be written in capital letters. The author's title, institution, e-mail address and ORCID number must be indicated in the footnote.

It should clearly and concisely reflect the purpose, scope, methodology, results, highlights and originality of the article. An abstract should be written in Turkish and English for all articles, regardless of the language in which they are written, including English. The abstract should not exceed 350 words. Keywords should be included with the abstract. Abstracts should be written in 9-point font size and abstracts written in foreign languages should be italicised. Care should be taken to avoid language mistakes in foreign language abstracts. Abstracts are checked by the editor and the errors detected are sent to the author. Corrected abstracts are checked again and a second correction may be requested if necessary. Turkish characters should not be used in titles in foreign languages. For proper names, if there is a known English equivalent, English should be preferred.

Minimum 3 and maximum 8 keywords reflecting the integrity of the study should be determined.
The basis of the research topic, summary information about the parts of the study, its equivalent in the scientific literature, the importance of the research, the research problem and objectives should be detailed in the introduction.
Main Text
It is preferred that manuscripts should be written in a format  using an IBM compatible computer and Microsoft Word software programme. The page structure should be in A4 size, the margins should be 2.1 cm from the right, left, top and bottom, aligned on both sides, and the space between paragraphs should be 14 pt before and after. Palatino or Palatino Linotype typefaces should be used in the article and the font size should be 10 pt. A "TAB" key should be used at the beginning of paragraphs and no spelling should be made at the end of the line. Punctuation marks should be written adjacent to the words before them. A space of one letter should be left after the signs in question. If a special typeface is used in the text, these characters should be sent with the document. The study must comply with the rules of grammar. The latest TLA (Turkish Language Association) Spelling Guide should be taken as a basis in the use of punctuation marks, spelling of words and abbreviations in the article, a clear and simple way of expression should be followed, and unnecessary information that goes beyond the purpose vii and scope should not be included. In the preparation of the article, valid scientific methods should be followed, and information such as the subject, purpose, scope, rationale for preparation, etc. should be given sufficiently and in a certain order. An article should include an abstract, sections of the main text, bibliography and appendices (if any). Whether or not to use titles such as "Introduction" and "Conclusion" depends on the type of the study and the necessity of the subject. However, the article should have a conclusion paragraph. "Conclusion" should be in accordance with the purpose and scope of the research and should be given in main lines and concisely. Issues not mentioned in the text should not be included in the "Conclusion". Main headings, headings and sub-headings can be used in order to provide a certain order.
Extended Summary in English
In the article, after the conclusion section of the study, there should be an extended summary in English, which is approximately 5-15% of the article text in terms of word count. The extended summary should include the purpose, problem, method, findings and results of the research as in the "abstract". The information given should be expressed a little more broadly than the "abstract". It should not contain any findings or conclusions that are not included in the research text. Articles written in English do not need to have an extended summary in English. The extended summary should be sent after the decision of "publishable" for the article. It does not need to be included in the first submission.
The Turkish version of the extended summary should also be sent for checking by the English Language Editors. Turkish extended summary will not be used in the publication.
Bibliography should be prepared in accordance with the citation guidelines found in the Sixth Edition of the APA. In-text references and references should be given in accordance with the language of the full text. For the full text in Turkish, the principles and procedures of citing references in Turkish, and the procedures and principles of citing references in English for the full text in English should be considered.
Additional tables, figures, graphs and pictures should be given on a new page after the bibliography. Each appendix should be categorised as Appendix 1, Appendix 2 and titled separately.
Figures, Tables and Photographs:
Figures, tables and photographs should not extend beyond the writing area, and if necessary, each should be placed on a separate page. Figures and tables should be numbered and titled in Turkish or English according to their content. The numbers and titles should be written under the figures and above the tables with only the first letters of the words capitalised, and should be drawn in black ink on tracing or white paper with a smooth and sufficient line thickness to avoid difficulties in reduction and printing. Tables should be made with the table command in the "WORD" programme. In mandatory cases, "EXCEL" tables can be used. When necessary, explanatory footnotes or abbreviations should be given immediately below the figures and tables. In addition, the rules specified for figures should be followed. It is preferred that figures, tables and pictures should not exceed ten pages. Figures, tables and illustrations should be placed in their places in the text, provided that they can be printed verbatim.
Footnotes are used only for mandatory explanations and are given automatically with the "FOOTNOTE" command. References here should also be arranged in parentheses with the surname of the author, publication year and page number of the work. Example: (Turan, 1969, s. 54)
Quotations made verbatim in the article should be given in quotation marks and the source should be indicated in parentheses at the end of the quotation. Quotations of less than five lines / forty words should be italicised between sentences, and quotations longer than five lines / forty words should be italicised as a block, 1 cm from the right and left of the page. Non-verbatim quotations should be cited only in parentheses at the end.
Referencing and Bibliography
APA 6th version was taken as basis for in-text references (citations) and bibliography.
A. In-Text References (Citations)
1. Citations should be given immediately after the relevant part, in parentheses, with the surname of the author, the year of publication of the work/study, and the page number, using a comma “,” in between. The dot mark indicating the completion of the sentence should be placed after the parenthesis.
2. Footnotes should not be used to cite in-text, but to supplement or expand on important information given in the text.
3. In-text references use the author-date style; in other words, the surname of the author followed by the publication date of the work is given at the appropriate point in the text.
A. 1. Single Author, Single Work
1. The surname of the author, publication year of the text and page number are given immediately after the relevant part to be referred in the text. The page number is indicated by the abbreviation of “s.” for Turkish articles, and “p.” for English articles.
Example: Sultan Melikşah’ın hanımı Terken Hatun ile diğer hanımı Zübeyde Hatun’dan doğan oğlu Berkyaruk arasında başlayan taht kavgalarına daha sonra Suriye Selçuklu Meliki Tutuş, Sultan Melikşah’ın diğer çocukları Muhammed Tapar ve Sencer ile hanedanın diğer mensupları da katılmıştır. (Özaydın, 2016, s. 6).
2. If the author's name is in the relevant sentence, it is sufficient to indicate the date and page in parentheses.
Example: Özaydın (2016, s. 14), Ortaçağ İslâm dünyasının en seçkin vezirlerinden biri olan Nizâmülmülk’ün…
Example: Özaydın, Ortaçağ İslâm dünyasının en seçkin vezirlerinden biri olan Nizâmülmülk’ün… ifade etmektedir (2016, s. 14).
3. If the author and publication year are indicated in the sentence, the author and the date are not given in parentheses.
Example: Konuyla ilgili olarak Demirkent’in 1996 yılında gerçekleştirmiş olduğu çalışma örnek gösterilebilir.
4. If the entire study is to be referred to, the surname of the author and the year of publication are written in parentheses.
Example: Birinci Haçlı Seferi ordularının Anadolu’dan geçişi, Türkiye Selçuklu Devleti’ne büyük bir darbe vurdu (Demirkent, 1996).
5. If the same work is to be referred to a second time in a paragraph, it is sufficient to give the surname of the author in the second paragraph; there is no need to add the year of publication.
Example: Salim Koca (2016), Melikşah’ın kendisine itaatkâr davrandığı sürece Süleyman-şâh’a müdahale etmek niyetinde olmadığını ifade etmektedir… Koca, Melikşah’ın Kutalmışoğullarına karşı bir düşmanlığının olmadığını, Onlar Anadolu’da bir devlet kuracaklarsa bunun ancak kendisinin yüksek hakimiyetini tanımakla mümkün olabileceğini savunmaktadır..
6. If the referenced source consists of volumes, the volume number is written before the page number and indicated with the abbreviation "C." in Turkish articles. In English articles, the abbreviation “Vol.” is used for the volume.
Example: (Köymen, 1979, C. 2, s. 30)
A. 2. Works with Two or More Authors
1. For a work with two authors, the surnames of both authors should be included in each reference. While the last names of the authors are connected with the conjunction "and" in the sentence, the "&" sign is used in the parenthesis.
Example: Sevim ve Merçil (1995, s. 52) bu konuda…
Example: (Sevim & Merçil, 1995, s. 52)
2. When citing studies with three, four or five authors, the surnames of all authors are written only in the first reference. For subsequent references, the abbreviation “vd.” is used after the surname of the first author in Turkish texts. In English texts, the abbreviation "et al." is used after the surname of the first author.
Example: First reference in a paragraph: Kayapınar, Hocaoğlu, Vardar ve diğerleri (2017, s. 108) bu yaklaşımı sergileyen çalışmaların…
3. Second and subsequent references in a paragraph: Kayapınar ve diğerleri (2017, s. 110) bu yaklaşımı sergileyen çalışmaların…
Example: First reference in parentheses: (Kayapınar, Hocaoğlu, & Vardar, 2017, s. 121)
Second and subsequent references in parentheses: (Kayapınar, vd., 2017, s. 121)
4. When citing works with six or more authors, only the surname of the first author is indicated.
Example: In a sentence: Koca ve diğerleri (2000, s. 50)
In a parenthesis: (Koca vd., 2000, s. 50)
5. When referring to two different authors whose surnames and first letters are the same, the names and surnames of the authors are written without abbreviation.
Example: (Rüçhan Arık, 2000), (Remzi Oğuz Arık, 1969)
A.3. Legal Entity Authored Works
If a work belongs to a legal entity (government agencies, organisations, associations, working groups, etc.), the name should be written clearly and concisely in the reference. In some cases, the name of a legal entity may be abbreviated. If the name of the legal entity is long and has a well-known abbreviation, both the full name and the abbreviation are used in the first reference, and only the abbreviation is used in subsequent references. If the name of the legal entity is short and not easily understood by everyone when abbreviated, it shall be written without abbreviation wherever it is mentioned.
Example: First reference in the text: (Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknik Araştırma Kurumu [TÜBİTAK] 2015)…
Second and subsequent references in a paragraph: (TÜBİTAK 2015)…
Example: First reference in parentheses: (Türk Dil Kurumu [TDK], 2012, s. 38) In subsequent references in parentheses: (TDK, 2012, s. 38). A. 4. Works with an Unknown Author
If there is no author or legal entity name in a work, the first few words in the author field (usually from the title) and the year are used when citing.
In references, the title of the article, section title or the name of the web page is in quotation marks: The title of the book, journal, brochure or report is italicised.
Example: (“Osmanlı Döneminde Kahve”, 2000, s. 18)
(Yenilenebilir Enerji İmkânları, 2000)
A. 5. Works of Different Authors with Same Surnames
If there is more than one author with the same surname in the bibliography, the first letter of the author's surname is shortened and used in all references, whether the study was done in the same year or in a different year.
Example: (A. Demir, 2003, s. 46)… (H. Demir, 2003, s. 27)
A. 6. Referencing Multiple Works
1. If more than one work is to be cited in the same parenthesis, they should be in alphabetical order according to the surnames of the authors and separated with semicolons.
Example: (Koca, 2016, s. 121; Merçil, 2007, s. 51; Turan, 2015, s. 35)
2. If a reference is to be made to different works of an author, a sequence is followed from the oldest to the newest publication year, and the author's surname is written once at the beginning of the reference.
Example: (Baykara, 1988, s. 12; 1996, s. 38; 1997, s. 57)
3. The works of an author in the same year are distinguished by adding letters such as a, b, c… after the year.
Example: (Baykara, 1986a, s. 77)… (Baykara, 1986b, s. 59)
A. 7. Quoting or Citing Sources (Secondary Sources)
1. It is essential to reach primary sources in studies, but if they could not be reached due to some difficulties, the quoted or cited source is indicated in the reference.
Example: Çobanoğlu’nun çalışmasında (naklen Köprülü, 2004)…
A. 8. Referencing a Specific Part of a Work
1. When referring to a certain part of a source, the section, page, table and figure number of the item in question is indicated. When citing a source in this way, the abbreviations " appx." for appendices, "ch." for chapter, "par" for paragraph are used.
Example: (Öztürk, 2011, appx. 3), (Öztürk, 2012, Ch. 3), (Öztürk, 2012, Table 2), (Öztürk, 2019, par. 2)
2. If reference is made to consecutive pages in a work, a hyphen (-) is used between page numbers, and a comma (,) is used when referring to different pages. The abbreviation of “pp.” is used to indicate the page range in English articles.
Example: Vergilerin kimi bölgelerde kendi çıkarlarını önde tutan mültezimler eliyle toplanmaya başlaması ve ayarı düşük nomisma darbına girişilmesi ile birlikte değerlendirdiğimizde devletin nasıl önemli vergi kayıpları yaşadığını tasavvur etmek güç değildir (Ostrogorsky, 1991, s. 305,306).
Example: Türklerde “Kollektif hakimiyet sistemi” diye bir uygulama gerçekten var mı idi? Yoksa tek hükümdarlık ve hepsi ona bağlı olmak üzere kanat krallıkları usulü mü yürürlükte idi? (Kafesoğlu, 1977, s. 233, 235, 237).
Example: Melikşah’ın Kutalmışoğullarına karşı bir düşmanlığının söz konusu değildi. Onlar Anadolu’da bir devlet kuracaklarsa bu ancak kendisinin yüksek hâkimiyetini tanımakla mümkün olabilecekti. (Koca, 2016, s. 322-329)
A.9. Personal Communication
Information based on personal conversations by e-mail, telephone, face-to-face or other formats are shown in the text, but not in the bibliography.
Example: (A. Alp, personal communication, 27 Nisan 2018)
A. 10. Verses and Hadiths
Sura numbers and verse numbers are given in order while the verses are referenced.
Example: (Kur’an-ı Kerim 5: 3-4)
Hadiths should be cited according to the Concordance method.
Example: (Buhari, Es-Sahih, İman 1)
A. 11. Laws and Regulations
1. The name of the law or regulation and the year it was adopted are given in parentheses.
Example: (İlköğretim ve Eğitim Kanunu, 1961)
2. If the name of the law or regulation is too long, abbreviation can be used.
Example: Kanunun adı: İnternet Ortamında Yapılan Yayınların Düzenlenmesi ve Bu Yayınlar Yoluyla İşlenen Suçlarla Mücadele Edilmesi Hakkında Kanun
References in a sentence: (İnternet Ortamında Yapılan, 2007)
A. 12. Manuscripts
1. When citing a manuscript, abbreviation of auth. should be placed after the author's name. Catalog number and leaf/page number should be specified. Full citation should be shown in the bibliography.
Example: (Taşköpri-zâde, yz. 1269, 2b)
2. If the author of the manuscript is unknown, the name of the work and the catalog number in the library where it is located should be written.
Example: (Mecmua-i Eş’ar, yz. 13400, 5a)
A. 13. Archival Documents
When citing archival documents, the abbreviation in the text should be as in the example, and its explanation should be given in the bibliography.
Example: (BOA, C.HR 146: 7297).
A. 14. Printed Sources with No Publication Year
If there is no publication date in a printed source, abbreviation of “t.y.” is used to indicate it in Turkish articles. The abbreviation of “n.d.” is used to indicate it in English articles.
Example: (Akdoğan, t.y., s. 25)
A. 15. Referencing in the Comments in Parentheses
If a reference is required during a statement to be made in parentheses, a comma should be used for the date, not square brackets.
Example: (Bu konuda daha ayrıntılı bilgi için bk. Togan, 1969)
B. Bibliography
All sources used in the article should be included in the "Bibliography", even if they are related to the subject of the article, documents and artefacts not mentioned in the article should not be included in the bibliography.
References should be given alphabetically at the end of the main text according to the surnames of the authors. For the ones before the Surname Law, the author's name should be taken as basis and no abbreviation should be made.
Bibliography must be written in the Latin alphabet.
B. 1. Books, Reference Books, and Book Chapters
In the writing of book titles, only the first words of the title and sub-titles and proper names, if any, should be written in capital letters. Book titles are written in italics. The word "Publications" in publisher names can be abbreviated as "Pub.".
B.1.1. Books with Single Author
The Surname of the Author, the First Letter of the Author’s Name. (Year of Publication). The Title of the Book (Italics). The City Where the Book Was Published: Publisher.
Example: Konyalı, İ. H. (1965). Abideleri ve kitabeleri ile Konya tarihi. Konya: Yeni Kitap Basımevi.
B.1.2. Books with Two Authors
In books with two authors, the & sign is used between the surnames and names of the author.
Example: Sevim, A. & Merçil, E. (2014). Selçuklu devletleri tarihi siyaset, teşkilat ve kültür. Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu Yay.
B.1.3. Books with Three or More Authors
1. If the number of authors is seven or less, all author names are given in the bibliography.
Example: Akyüz, K., Beken, S., Yüksel, S. & Cunbur, M. (2000). Fuzulî dîvânı. Ankara: Akçağ Yay.
2. If the number of authors is eight or more, three dots (…) are placed by giving the information of the first six authors, then this section is closed by giving the information of the last author.
3. Author, A., Author, B., Author, C., Author, D., Author, E., Author, F., … Author, H. (Year of Publication). The Title of the Book (Italics). The City Where the Book Was Published: Publisher.
B.1.4. Books by an Author Published in the Same Year
1. The letters “a, b, c…” are used to distinguish the works of an author published in the same year.
Example: Merçil, E. (1989a). Kirman Selçukluları. Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu Yay.
Merçil, E. (1989b). Gazneliler devleti. Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu Yay.
B.1.5. Books Written by Legal Entities
In the author part, the name of the legal entity is written without abbreviation. If the publisher (publishing house) and the author are the same, “Yazar” for Turkish and “Author” for English should be written instead of the publisher.
Example: Türk Dil Kurumu. (2012). Yazım kılavuzu. Ankara: Yazar
B.1.6. Edited books
When the title of a book with an editor is written in the bibliography, the names of the editors are included in the author section and “Ed.” in parentheses after the last editor's name. abbreviation is used. If the person who prepared the publication is to be specified instead of the editor information, “Prep.” abbreviation can be used.
Example: Ceyhan, S. (Ed.). (2015). Türkiye’de tarikatlar. İstanbul: İSAM Yay.
If there is a reference to a chapter in a book with an editor, when showing it in the bibliography, the name of the editor is given after the title of the relevant chapter, not the author. The section title is not italicized.
The Surname of the Author, First letter of Author’s Name. (Year of Publication). The Title of the Book Chapter. First letter of Editor’s Name and Surname of the Editor & First letter of Editor’s Name and Surname of the Second Editor (Ed.), in The Title of the Book (page range). The City Where the Book Was Published: Publisher
Example: Bezer, G. Ö. (2020). Kavramsal çerçeveden Selçuklu- Abbasi halifeliği ilişkilerine farklı bir bakış. M. A. Hacıgökmen & M. Kesik vd. (Ed.), Selçuklu tarihi ve tarihçiliğinin temel meseleleri (s. 173-178). Konya: Selçuklu Araştırmaları Merkezi Yay.
B.1.7. Translated Books
If a translation of a book from any foreign language into Turkish is to be cited, the name of the translator is indicated after the title of the book and then the abbreviation “Çev.” is used. For articles in English, the abbreviation “Trans.” is used.
Example: Cüveynî, A. M. (2013). Tarih-i Cihan Güşa (Öztürk, M. Çev.). Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu Yay.
B.1.8. Encyclopedia Articles
The Surname of the Author, First letter of Author’s Name. (Year of Publication). The Title of the Article. The Name of the Encyclopedia (Number of Volume, page range). The City Where the Encyclopedia Was Published: Publisher.
Example: Sümer, F. (2009). Selçuklular. İslâm ansiklopedisi (C. 36, s. 365-371). İstanbul: Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı Yay.
B.1.9 Books Without Author Name
The name of the book is written in the author section in italics.
Example: Malazgirt meydan muharebesi, 26 Ağustos 1071 (1971). Ankara: Gnkur. Bşk. Harp Tarihi Dairesi Bşk. Yay.
B.1.10. Specifying the Volume and Edition Numbers of Books
If the book consists of volumes, the volume number is indicated with the abbreviation “V.” in parentheses after the book name. If the edition is to be specified, the abbreviation “ed.” is used after the publisher.
Example: Köymen, M. A. (2011). Büyük Selçuklu imparatorluğu tarihi (C. 1-3). Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu Yay.
Devellioğlu, F. (2002). Osmanlıca-Türkçe ansiklopedik lûgat (19. bs.). Ankara: Aydın Kitabevi Yay.
Note: If the publisher is a university and the name of the university includes the city name, there is no need to write the place of publication.
Example: Yıldız, H. D. (1976). İslâmiyet ve Türkler. İstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Yay.
Note: If there are two different authors in the bibliography with the same surname and first letter, the names of the authors should be given in square brackets in the bibliography.
Example: Arık, R. [Rüçhan]. (2000)… Arık, R. [Remzi]. (1969)…
C. Periodicals
Includes regularly published scientific journals, popular magazines, and newspapers. The rules in writing the bibliography are valid in matters related to the number of authors. The general bibliography order for periodicals is as follows:
The Surname of the Author, A., The Surname of the Author, B. & The Surname of the Author, C. (Year of Publication). The Title of Article. The Name of Journal, (If available) Number of Volume (The Issue Number), page range. (If available) DOI Number.
C.1. Journal Articles
1. If the journal is published in volumes;
Example: Köprülü, M. F. (1943). Anadolu Selçukluları tarihinin yerli kaynakları. Belleten, VII/(27), 379-521.
If there is no volume numbe;
Example: Ögel, B. (1986). Türkiye Selçuklularında devlet ve ordu mehteri. Selçuk Üniversitesi Selçuk Dergisi, 1, 1-20.
2. If an article without a DOI number has been accessed via the internet, the URL of the web page where the work is located should be given.
Example: Koca, S. (2016). Türkiye Selçuklu devletinin temel iç ve dış politikaları ve sultan I. Gıyâseddîn Keyhüsrev (1192-1196, 1205-1211) . Selçuk Üniversitesi Selçuklu Araştırmaları Dergisi, 5, 25-67. Erişim adresi: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/article-file/285677. 
3. If the content offered online is thought to be subject to change, the date of access to the website should be specified after the URL address of the article.
Example: Tunca, A. & Durmuş, E. (2019). Büyükannelerin torun büyütme yaşantılarının incelenmesi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 41, 209-226. http://sefad.selcuk.edu.tr/sefad/article/view/969. Erişim tarihi: 18.12.2019.
4. While citing popular magazine articles, the month information is also included after the publication year. If these articles were accessed via the internet, the access address should also be written.
Example: Odabaşı,Zehra.(2018, Nisan-Mayıs). Vezir Ata Fahreddin Ali Selçuklu- Moğol ittifakını kurdu. Atlas Tarih, 52, 85-89.
C.2. Newspaper Articles
While giving the page numbers of the newspaper articles in the bibliography, “p.” abbreviation is used. Newspaper names are written in italics.
Example: Toker, Ç. (2015, 26 Haziran). Unutma notları. Cumhuriyet, s. 13.
If the newspaper article is accessed via the internet, the URL address of the relevant web page should be given.
Example: Karaca, S. (2020, 12 Şubat). Kararlıyım ve yapacağım. Yeni Meram
Access Address: http://www.yenimeram.com.tr/12-subat-2020-yeni-meram gazetesi-393458.htm/3. 
D. Theses
D.1. Theses in an Institutional Database

Theses accessed from the Turkish Council of Higher Education Theses Database should be cited as in the example.
Example: Piyadeoğlu, C. (2008). Büyük Selçuklular döneminde Horasan 1040 1157 (PhD Thesis).
Access Address: https://tez.yok.gov.tr/UlusalTezMerkezi/tezSorguSonucYeni.jsp 
D.2. Unpublished Theses
The Surname of the Author, First letter of Author’s Name. (Year). The Title of Thesis (Unpublished Master’s Thesis/PhD Thesis). The Name of the University, The Location of University.
Example: Solmaz, S. (2001). Danişmendliler Devleti ve Kültürel Mirasları (Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi). Selçuk Üniversitesi, Konya.
D.3. Theses Accessed through Personal Web Pages
Example: Tonta, Y. A. (1992). An analysis of search failures in online library catalogs (Doktora tezi, Kaliforniya Üniversitesi, Berkeley). Access Address: http://yunus.hacettepe.edu.tr/~tonta/publicat.html. 
E. Symposium Proceedings and Congress Proceedings
E.1. Published Proceedings

The Surname of Author, First letter of Author’s Name. (Year of Publication). The Name of Proceeding. The First letter of Editor/Redactor’s Name, The Surname of Editor/Redactor (Ed./Prep.), in the Name of the Publication (Page Range). The City Where the Work Was Published: Publisher.
Example: Öztürk, M. (2001). Selçuklu araştırmalarında Farsçanın önemi. O. Eravşar (Haz.), I. Uluslararası Selçuklu Kültür ve Medeniyeti Kongresi Bildirileri içinde (s. 181-189). Konya: Selçuk Araştırmaları Merkezi Yay.
E.2. Unpublished Proceedings
The Surname of Author, First letter of Author’s Name. (Date). The Name of Proceeding. Event Name, The City Where the Event Was Held.
Example: Köklü, N. (1996). Üniversite öğrencilerinin istatistik kaygı puanlarına etki eden faktörler. Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü Araştırma Sempozyumu, Ankara.
F. Electronic Sources
F.1. E-books

The Surname of Author, First letter of Author’s Name. (Year of Publication): The Title of E-book. Access Address.
Example: Pınarbaşı, S. Ö. (2004). Çağlar boyu tahtın simgesel anlamları ışığında Türk tahtları. Erişim adresi: https://ekitap.ktb.gov.tr/TR-81063/caglar-boyu-tahtin-simgesel-anlamlari-isiginda-turk-tah-.html 
If the publication year of the book is unknown, the abbreviation of “t.y.” is used in Turkish texts and the date of access to the site is written. In English texts, the abbreviation of "n.d." is used and the date of access to the site is written.
Example: Akdoğan, Y. (t.y.). Ahmedî Dîvân. http://ekitap.kulturturizm.gov.tr/TR,78357/ahmedi-divani.html. Date of Access: 22.12.2015.
F.2. Citations from Websites
1. While the citations from the websites are specified in the bibliography, if the author and publication date are known, the access address to the site is written, there is no need to write the access date.
Example: Kenesarı, S. (2020, 15 Ağustos). Şehabettin Uzluk ve eşi Nimet Uzluk sağlıklarında Nafiz Bey’den kalan diğer kitap, dergi, fotoğraf ve tıp aletlerini, kendi kitaplarını, resim ve tablolarını, tarihî kartpostallarını Selçuk Üniversitesi’ne bağışladı. Access Address: https://www.yenihaberden.com/susam-tarafindan-yazma-ve-matbu-eserler-kurtarildi-1576918h.htm 
2. If the author is known, but the date is not known, “n.d.” abbreviation is used and the date of access to the site is written.
Example: Razon, N. (t.y.). Gencin meslek seçimini etkileyen faktörler. https://www.ekipnormarazon.com/makalelerimiz/meslek-secimi/gencin-meslek-secimini-etkileyen-faktorler/. Date of Access: 13.03.2020.
3. If there is no author information, the title of the article is written in the author section and the date of access to the site is included.
Example: Hatun kelimesinin etimolojik kökeni hakkında tam anlamıyla uzlaşılamamış ancak Hatun kelimesinin kökenine dair yaygın iki görüş üzerinde durulmuştur. https://www.tarihikadim.com/selcuklu-saltanat-mucadelesinde-hirsli-bir-kadin-terken-hatun/ Date of Access: 16.04.2021.
G. Laws and Regulations
The Name of the Legislation. (Year, Day, and Month). T.C. Resmî Gazete (Number: …). The Accessing Address.
Example: Nükleer İhracat Kontrolü Yönetmeliği. (2020, 13 Şubat). T.C. Resmî Gazete (Sayı: 31038). Access Address: https://www.resmigazete.gov.tr/eskiler/2020/02/20200213-3.htm. 
H. Manuscripts and Printed Works
1. The Name of the Author. The Name of the Work. The Name of The Library. Collection, Catalogue Number, Foil Spacing/Page Spacing.
Example: el- Kütübî Muhammed b. Sakir. Uyûnû’t- tevûrih. Millet Kütüphanesi. Feyzullah Efendi Kitapları, 1491, vr. 70.
2. For printed works, the name of the printing house where the work was printed is written instead of the Publisher.
Example: Ebüzziya Tevfik (1306). Lûgat-ı Ebüzziya. İstanbul: Ebüzziya Matbaası.
I. Archival Documents
Name of the Archive. Name of the Document (Number of the Document)..
Example: VGMA (Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü Arşivi). 2176 No’lu Defter (17).
In the preparation of this guide on citation and bibliography writing, the book titled “Bilimsel Yayınlarda Kaynak Gösterme,Tablo ve Şekil Oluşturma Rehberi APA 6 Kuralları” (Şencan & Doğan, 2017) and Çukurova University Institute of Social Sciences Thesis Writing Guide (2015) were used. These two sources should be consulted for matters that are not written or are not mentioned in this guide.

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