Review Article
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Yanlış Bilgi Ve Dezenformasyonla Mücadele: Kavramlar Ve Uygulamalar

Year 2023, , 464 - 493, 30.12.2023


Yeni enformasyon teknolojilerinin gelişimiyle birlikte dezenformasyon ve yanlış bilgi içeren veri yığınlarının artış gösterdiği bilinmektedir. Dünya’da politika yapıcılar farklı biçimlerde bu süreçten etkilenmiştir. 2016 yılında ABD’de gerçekleşen seçimde yaşanan veri skandalları bu sürecin kırılma noktası olmuş ve Brexıt vakasının ardından birçok yeni kavram ortaya atılmıştır. Dezenformasyon ve yanlış bilgi içeren verilerin yayılması kamusal alanda politika yapıcılar ile hizmet sağlayıcılar arasında yeni bir rekabet ve gerilim alanının ortaya çıkmasına neden olmuş, dünyada hükümetler, hükümet dışı örgütler, sivil toplumla birlikte özel girişimler tarafından dezenformasyon ve sahte bilgiyle mücadelede pek çok farklı yaklaşım ve pratik uygulama geliştirilmiştir. Bu makale; doğrudan bu yeni kavram, yaklaşım ve dezenformasyon ve sahte bilgiyle mücadelede geliştirilen uygulamaları incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu amaçla sahte içeriklere maruz kalmadan önce, maruz kaldıktan sonra ve dezenformasyon ağını analiz eden uygulamalar sistematik literatür taramasıyla analiz edilmiştir. Ayrıca, dünyanın farklı coğrafyalarında çeşitli ülkeler tarafından uygulanan politika girişimleri ve Türkiye’nin dezenformasyon ve yanlış bilgiyle mücadelede alabileceği olası önlemler incelenmiştir.

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  • Abramowitz, A. I., & Webster, S. (2016). The rise of negative partisanship and the nationalization of US elections in the 21st century. Electoral Studies, 41, 12-22.
  • Abrams, S. (2016). Beyond Propaganda: Soviet Active Measures in Putin’s Russia. Connections, 15(1), 5–31.
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Combatting Misinformation And Disinformation; Concepts And Applications

Year 2023, , 464 - 493, 30.12.2023


It is known that with the development of new information technologies, the mass of data containing disinformation and misinformation is increasing. Policy makers around the world have been affected by this process in different ways. The data scandals during the 2016 election in the USA were the breaking point of this process, and many new concepts were introduced after the Brexit incident. The spread of data containing disinformation and misinformation has led to the emergence of a new area of competition and tension between policy makers and service providers in the public sphere, and many different approaches and practices have been adopted in the fight against disinformation and fake information by governments, non-governmental organizations, civil society and private initiatives around the world. The application has been developed. This article; It aims to directly examine this new concept, approach and practices developed in the fight against disinformation and fake information. For this purpose, applications that analyze the disinformation network before and after exposure to fake content were analyzed through a systematic literature review. Additionally, policy initiatives implemented by various countries in different geographies of the world and possible measures that Turkey can take in the fight against disinformation and misinformation were examined.


  • Abramowitz, A. I., & Webster, S. (2016). The rise of negative partisanship and the nationalization of US elections in the 21st century. Electoral Studies, 41, 12-22.
  • Abrams, S. (2016). Beyond Propaganda: Soviet Active Measures in Putin’s Russia. Connections, 15(1), 5–31.
  • Allport, G. W., & Postman, L. J. (1945). Section of psychology: The basic psychology of rumor. Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences, 8(2 Series II), 61-81.
  • Anderson, A. A., Brossard, D., Scheufele, D. A., Xenos, M. A., & Ladwig, P. (2014). The “nasty effect:” Online incivility and risk perceptions of emerging technologies. Journal of computer-mediated communication, 19(3), 373-387.
  • Ayers M. S., Reder L. M. (1998). A theoretical review of the misinformation effect: Predictions from an activation-based memory model. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 5, 1–21.
  • Batson C. D. (1975). Rational processing or rationalization? Effect of disconfirming information on a stated religious belief. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 32, 176–184.
  • Bauman, S., Toomey, R. B., & Walker, J. L. (2013). Associations among bullying, cyberbullying, and suicide in high school students. Journal of adolescence, 36(2), 341-350.
  • Bedford D. (2010). Agnotology as a teaching tool: Learning climate science by studying misinformation. Journal of Geography, 109, 159–165.
  • Berger J. (2011). Arousal increases social transmission of information. Psychological Science, 22, 891–893.
  • Berger, J., & Milkman, K. L. (2012). What makes online content viral?. Journal of marketing research, 49(2), 192-205.
  • Berghel, H. (2017). Lies, damn lies, and fake news. Computer, 50(2), 80-85.
  • Berinsky A. (2012). Rumors, truths, and reality: A study of political misinformation. Unpublished manuscript, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA.
  • Blais A., Gidengil E., Fournier P., Nevitte N., Everitt J., Kim J. (2010). Political judgments, perceptions of facts, and partisan effects. Electoral Studies, 29, 1–12.
  • Bode, L., & Vraga, E. K. (2015). In related news, that was wrong: The correction of misinformation through related stories functionality in social media. Journal of Communication, 65(4), 619-638.
  • Booth, A., Sutton, A., Clowes, M., & Martyn-St James, M. (2021). Systematic approaches to a successful literature review.
  • Boussalis, C., & Coan, T. G. (2016). Text-mining the signals of climate change doubt. Global Environmental Change, 36, 89-100.
  • Bradshaw, S., & Howard, P. N. (2019). The global disinformation order: 2019 global inventory of organised social media manipulation.
  • Brashier, N. M., & Schacter, D. L. (2020). Aging in an era of fake news. Current directions in psychological science, 29(3), 316-323.
  • Bu, Z., Xia, Z., & Wang, J. (2013). A sock puppet detection algorithm on virtual spaces. Knowledge-Based Systems, 37, 366-377.
  • Bush J. G., Johnson H. M., Seifert C. M. (1994). The implications of corrections: Then why did you mention it? In Ram A., Eiselt K. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 16th annual conference of the cognitive science society (pp. 112–117). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • Byrne S., Hart P. S. (2009). The boomerang effect: A synthesis of findings and a preliminary theoretical framework. In Beck C. S (Ed.), Communication yearbook (Vol. 220, pp. 3–37). Hoboken, NY: Routledge. Cambridge Sözlük Resmi İnternet Sayfası, İnformation Meaning, https://dictionary.cambridge.
  • Campan, A., Cuzzocrea, A., & Truta, T. M. (2017, December). Fighting fake news spread in online social networks: Actual trends and future research directions. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data) (pp. 4453-4457). IEEE.
  • Carraro, L., Castelli, L., & Macchiella, C. (2011). The automatic conservative: Ideology-based attentional asymmetries in the processing of valenced information. PLoS One, 6(11), e26456.
  • Cartwright, B., Frank, R., Weir, G., & Padda, K. (2022). Detecting and responding to hostile disinformation activities on social media using machine learning and deep neural networks. Neural Computing and Applications, 34(18), 15141-15163.
  • Castelli L., Carraro L. (2011). Ideology is related to basic cognitive processes involved in attitude formation. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47, 1013–1016.
  • Chen, X., Cheng, Q., & Wang, X. (2012). Institutional Knowledge at Singapore Management Universit y. Quaternary International, 282, 122-129.
  • Cho C. H., Martens M. L., Kim H., Rodrigue M. (2011). Astroturfing global warming: It isn’t always greener on the other side of the fence. Journal of Business Ethics, 104, 571–587.
  • Ciampaglia, G. L. (2018). Fighting fake news: a role for computational social science in the fight against digital misinformation. Journal of Computational Social Science, 1(1), 147-153.
  • Cook, J., Ecker, U., & Lewandowsky, S. (2015). Misinformation and how to correct it. Emerging trends in the social and behavioral sciences: An interdisciplinary, searchable, and linkable resource, 1-17.
  • Cotter E. M. (2008). Influence of emotional content and perceived relevance on spread of urban legends: A pilot study. Psychological Reports, 102, 623–629.
  • Craker, N., & March, E. (2016). The dark side of Facebook: The Dark Tetrad, negative social potency, and trolling behaviours. Personality and Individual Differences, 102, 79-84.
  • Cunliffe-Jones, P., Diagne, A., Finlay, A., Gaye, S., Gichunge, W., Onumah, C., Pretorius, C., & Schiffrin, A. (2018). MEDIA LITERACY TEACHING AROUND THE WORLD. In Misinformation Policy in Sub-Saharan Africa: From Laws and Regulations to Media Literacy (pp. 31–34). University of Westminster Press.
  • Demestichas, K., Remoundou, K., & Adamopoulou, E. (2020). Food for thought: fighting fake news and online disinformation. IT Professional, 22(2), 28-34.
  • Ecker U. K. H., Lewandowsky S., Fenton O., & Martin K. (2012). Pre-existing attitudes and the continued influence of misinformation. Unpublished manuscript, University of Western Australia, Perth.
  • Ecker U. K. H., Lewandowsky S., Swire B., Chang D. (2011). Correcting false information in memory: Manipulating the strength of misinformation encoding and its retraction. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 18, 570–578.
  • Ferrara, E. (2017). Disinformation and social bot operations in the run up to the 2017 French presidential election. arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.00086.
  • Festinger, L. (1957). A theory of cognitive dissonance. Stanford University Press.
  • Fragale A. R., Heath C. (2004). Evolving informational credentials: The (mis)attribution of believable facts to credible sources. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 30, 225–236.
  • Gaines B. J., Kuklinski J. H., Quirk P. J., Peyton B., Verkuilen J. (2007). Same facts, different interpretations: Partisan motivation and opinion on Iraq. Journal of Politics, 69, 957–974.
  • Gerrie M. P., Belcher L. E., & Garry M. (2006). “Mind the gap”: False memories for missing aspects of an event. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 20, 689–696.
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There are 108 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Political Science (Other)
Journal Section Review Articles

Necmettin Mutlu 0000-0001-5509-4380

Early Pub Date December 20, 2023
Publication Date December 30, 2023
Acceptance Date November 25, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Mutlu, N. (2023). Yanlış Bilgi Ve Dezenformasyonla Mücadele: Kavramlar Ve Uygulamalar. Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Akademi Dergisi(13), 464-493.

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