Plagiarism / Similarity Check

As required by the publication ethics, the International Journal of Social Sciences Academy (USBAD) undertakes a plagiarism / similarity check for each article submitted for publication. The plagiarism rate of the articles to be sent to the journal is 25% at most. This ratio should have been obtained without any filter, including the bibliography. Editors can use any plagiarism program that they find appropriate for plagiarism. Our journal currently uses the program "" as a plagiarism program.


Last Update Time: 1/20/25, 9:04:46 PM

16494  16495  16496  16503  16570 16633  16823  16824 17564 19288 2273022803 23495  30847

International Journal of Social Sciences Academy USBAD, Inonu University Faculty of Education Department of Turkish and Social Sciences Education Campus Battalgazi / MALATYA, Phone: 0533 5438933, -- --