Referee Process
Articles submitted to the International Journal of Uyghur Studies for publication are subjected to the following processes:
Each manuscript sent to the journal's contact address is first evaluated by the Editorial Board for formal compliance with the journal's Editorial Guidelines. At this stage, the Editorial Board only tries to ensure the formal conformity of the manuscript to the Editorial Principles and does not make any evaluation of the content.
Each manuscript whose formal conformity is ensured by the Editorial Board is sent to the Editorial Board with the author's name and other statements that may identify the author hidden. The Editorial Board conducts the necessary reviews within 20 days at the latest and sends the manuscripts that are found to comply with the journal's spelling and publication principles to at least two referees who are experts in their fields. Manuscripts that do not comply with the Journal's Editorial Principles and scientific publication criteria are rejected. In addition, the referee committee of the articles published in each issue is published on the generic page of the journal.
For the articles that are rejected as a result of the referees' reports, the International Journal of Uyghur Studies informs the authors of the reasons for the rejection decision with short explanations in order not to leave the authors unanswered and to advise the new articles to be sent.
Articles that meet the criteria of the journal and pass the preliminary review of the Editorial Board are sent to two referees via their contact addresses. Articles that receive a “publishable report” from both referees are published. If one of the two referees gives a positive and the other a negative report, the article is sent to a third referee. According to the report of the third referee, it is decided whether the article will be published or not.
In rare cases such as the third referee not accepting the review or not reaching a positive or negative opinion, a new referee is appointed by the Editorial Board for the next publication period.
Considering all these processes, it is not possible for the journal to make a commitment to the authors about the publication period. However, it is envisaged that the refereeing process of all manuscripts will be completed within 12 months at the latest.
International Journal of Uyghur Studies applies the evaluation system called “blind refereeing” by TUBITAK/ULAKBIM. Accordingly, the name of the referee is not given to the author and the referee is not given the name of the author at any stage of the review. During the publication review process, which is carried out in a highly transparent manner, the records are kept in the archive for five years. The Editorial Board is free to decide whether or not to publish the manuscripts submitted to the journal. All correspondence of the authors is made through and DergiPark system. Manuscripts submitted to the journal are not returned and authors are not charged for the manuscripts to be published.
International Journal of Uyghur Studies aims to publish scientific research on Uyghuristics in various countries and in different disciplines, to make these studies accessible at the international level, to ensure the flow of information on this subject and thus to contribute to the development of Turkology and aims to create a literature in the field of Turkology. In addition, International Journal of Uyghur Studies is an internationally qualified, refereed, scientific journal that is scanned in various indexes such as MLA, WorldCat, AsosIndex, Sobiad and other international and field databases.