Research Article
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Timokinonun akciğerler üzerine immünomodülatör etkisi

Year 2022, Volume: 93 Issue: 2, 105 - 114, 15.06.2022


Son zamanlarda bitki antioksidanları, yan etkilerinin az olması ve iyi bir besin takviyesi olmaları nedeni ile oldukça önem kazanmıştır. Timokinon, Nigella sativa tohumunun uçucu yağından elde edilen ana aktif fenolik bir bileşik olup yüksek antioksidan özellikleri nedeni ile birçok hastalıkta geleneksel olarak kullanılmaktadır. İn vitro ve in vivo çalışmalarda, timokinonun antienflamatuar, antimikrobiyal ve antikanser gibi birçok faydalı etkilere sahip olabildiği bildirilmiştir. Mevcut çalışmada timokinonun farklı dozlarının ve farklı uygulama şekillerinin akciğerler üzerine yaptığı olası immunmodülatör etkilerinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Ratlar rastgele 5 gruba ayrıldı ve her grup 7’şer rattan oluştu. Gruplar; 1mg/kg (ip), 2 mg/kg (ip), 10mg/kg (gavaj), 20 mg/kg (gavaj) ve kontrol olarak düzenlendi. Çalışma sonunda ketamin+ ksilazin uygulaması sonrası uyutulan ratlar sakrifiye edildi ve akciğerler alınarak %10’luk Tamponlu Formaldehit solüsyonunda tespit edildi. Rutin histolojik doku takibi prosedürleri uygulanarak elde edilen kesitlerde normal histolojik yapının incelenmesi için Crossmon’ın üçlü boyama tekniği kullanıldı. İnterleukin 2 (IL-2) ve interferon gama (IFN-γ)’nın ekspresyonunu göstermek için immunohistokimyasal yöntemlerden streptavidin-biotin-kompleks yöntemi kullanıldı. Sonuç olarak yapılan çalışma ile hem gavaj hem de intraperitoneal yollarla farklı dozlarda uygulanmış timokinonunun akciğerler üzerine immunmodülatör etkileri, IL-2 ve IFN-γ’nın lokalizasyonu ve ekspresyonu gösterildi. IL-2 ve IFN-γ’nın lokalizasyonu tüm gruplarda bronş ve bronşiyol epitellerinde, bronş ve bronşiyol duvarlarında, alveol duvarındaki hücrelerde gösterildi. Tüm gruplarda farklı şiddetlerde immun pozitif reaksiyonların gözlenmesi, timokinon uygulamasının IL-2 ve IFN-γ salgılanmasını inaktive etmediğini göstermiştir. Bununla birlikte timokinon uygulanan deney gruplarında IFN-γ ve IL-2 reaksiyonlarında azalmaların gözlenmesi, timokinonun akciğerler ve immunmodülasyon mekanizma üzerine olumlu etkiler yaptığını akla getirmektedir.

Supporting Institution

Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi


  • Referans1 Khader M, Eckl PM. Timokinon: an emerging natural drug with a widerange of Medical applications Iranian. Iran J Basic Med Sci 2014;17(12):950-7.
  • Referans2 Darakhshan S, Bidmeshki Pour A, Hosseinzadeh Colagar A, Sisakhtnezhad S. Timokinon and its therapeutic potentials. Pharmacol Res 2015; 95-96:138-58.
  • Referans3 Forouzanfar F, Bazzaz BS, Hosseinzadeh H. Black cumin (Nigellasativa) and its constituent (timokinon): a review on antimicrobial effects. Iran J Basic Med Sci 2014;17(12):929-38.
  • Referans4 Gerige SJ, Gerige MKY, Rao M. GC-MS analysis of Nigella sativa Sedds and antimicrobial activitiy of its volatile oil. Braz Arch Biol Technol 2009; 52(5):1189-92.
  • Referans5 Shafiq H, Ahmad A, Masud T, Kalem M. Cardio-protective and anti-cancer Therapeutic potential of Nigella sativa. Iran J Basic Med Sci 2014;17(12):967-79.
  • Referans6 Isik AF, Kati I, Bayram I, Ozbek H. A newagentfortreatment of acuterespiratory distresssyndrome: timokinon. An experimentalstudy in a rat model. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2005; 28(2):301-5.
  • Referans7 Kanter M. Timokinon attenuates lung injury induced by chronic tolüene exposure in rats. oxicology and Health 2011; 27(5):387-95.
  • Referans8 .Suddek GM, Ashry NA, Gameil NM. Timokinon attenuates Cyclo phosphamide induced pulmonary injury in rats. Inflammopharmacology 2013;21(6):427-35.
  • Referans9 El-Khouly D, El-Bakly WM, Awad AS, El Mesallamy HO, El-Demerdash E. Timokinon blocks lung injury and fibrosis by attenuating bleomycin-induced oxidative stress and activation of nuclear factor KappaB in rats. Toxicology 2012; 302(2-3):106- 13.
  • Referans10 El Gazzar M, El Mezayen R, Marecki JC, Nicolls MR, Canastar A, Dreskin SC. Anti-inflammatory effect of timokinon in a mouse model of allergic lung inflammation. Int Immunopharmacol 2006; 6(7):1135-42.
  • Referans11 Hayat K, Asim MB, Nawaz M, Li M, Zhang L, Sun N. Ameliorative effect of timokinon on ovalbumin-induced allergic conjunctivitis in Balb/c mice. Curr Eye Res 2011; 36(7):591-8
  • Referans12 Tunalı Y. İmmünoloji. Bursa: Dora Yayınları: 2018.
  • Referans13 Güzelsoy P, Aydın S, Başaran N. Çörek otunun (NigelleSativa L.) aktif bileşeni timokinonun insan sağlığı üzerine olası etkileri. J Lit Pharm Sci 2018;7(2):118-35
  • Referans14 Crossmon G. A modification of Mallory’s connective tissue stain with a discussion of the principles involved. Anatomic Rec 1937; 69: 33-38.
  • Referans15 True LD. Principles of Immunohistochemistry. 2nd ed. New York, NY, USA: Gower Medical Publishing: 1990.
  • Referans16 Khan RU, Rashid A and Khan A. Effect of cutting chickpea at different dates on green fodder and seed yield under rainfed condition. Pak J Biol Sci 1999; 2(2): 347-349.DOI: 10.3923/pjbs.1999.347.349
  • Referans17 Haq A, Lobo PI, Al-Tufail M, Rama NR, Al-Sedairy ST. Immunomodulatory effect of Nigella sativa proteins fractionated by ionex change chromatography. Int Immunopharmacol 1999; 21: 283–295.
  • Referans18 Salem ML. Immunomodulatory and therapeutic properties of the Nigella sativa L. seed. Int Immunopharmacol 2005; 5: 1749-1770.
  • Referans19 Haq A, Abdullatif M, Lobo PI, Khabar KS, Sheth KV, al- Sedairy ST. Nigella sativa: effect on human lymphocytes and polymorphonuclear leukocyte phagocytic activity. Immunopharmacol 1995; 30: 147– 155.

Immunomodulatory effect of thymoquinone on lungs

Year 2022, Volume: 93 Issue: 2, 105 - 114, 15.06.2022


Recently, plant antioxidants have gained a lot of importance due to their minimal side effects and being a good nutritional supplement. Thymoquinone is the main active phenolic compound obtained from the essential oil of Nigella sativa seed and is traditionally used in many diseases due to its high antioxidant properties. In vitro and in vivo studies have reported that thymoquinone can have many beneficial effects such as anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and anticancer. In the present study, it was aimed to investigate the possible immunomodulatory effects of different doses and different administration forms of thymoquinone on the lungs. Rats were randomly divided into 5 groups and each group consisted of 7 rats. The first group was 1mg/kg (ip) group, the second was 2 mg/kg (ip) group, the third was 10mg/kg (gavage) group, the fourth was 20mg/kg (gavage) thymoquinone administration group, the fifth was control group At the end of the study, anesthetized rats after ketamine + xylazine administration were sacrificed and their lung tissues were removed and fixed in 10% Buffered Formaldehyde solution. Crossmon's triple staining technique was used to examine the normal histological structure in sections obtained by applying routine histological tissue follow-up procedures. One of the immunohistochemical methods, streptavidin-biotin-complex method was used to show the expression of interleukin 2 (IL-2) and interferon gamma (IFN-γ). In conclusion, the immunomodulatory effects, localization and expression of IL-2 and IFN-γ on the lungs of thymoquinone administered at different doses by both gavage and intraperitoneal routes were demonstrated. The localization of IL-2 and IFN-γ was demonstrated in bronchial and bronchiolar epithelium, bronchial and bronchiolar walls, and cells in the alveolar wall in all groups. Observation of different intensities of immune positive reactions in all groups showed that thymoquinone administration did not inactivate IL-2 and IFN-γ secretion. However, the decrease in IFN-γ and IL-2 reactions in the experimental groups administered thymoquinone suggests that thymoquinone has positive effects on the lungs and immunomodulation mechanism.


  • Referans1 Khader M, Eckl PM. Timokinon: an emerging natural drug with a widerange of Medical applications Iranian. Iran J Basic Med Sci 2014;17(12):950-7.
  • Referans2 Darakhshan S, Bidmeshki Pour A, Hosseinzadeh Colagar A, Sisakhtnezhad S. Timokinon and its therapeutic potentials. Pharmacol Res 2015; 95-96:138-58.
  • Referans3 Forouzanfar F, Bazzaz BS, Hosseinzadeh H. Black cumin (Nigellasativa) and its constituent (timokinon): a review on antimicrobial effects. Iran J Basic Med Sci 2014;17(12):929-38.
  • Referans4 Gerige SJ, Gerige MKY, Rao M. GC-MS analysis of Nigella sativa Sedds and antimicrobial activitiy of its volatile oil. Braz Arch Biol Technol 2009; 52(5):1189-92.
  • Referans5 Shafiq H, Ahmad A, Masud T, Kalem M. Cardio-protective and anti-cancer Therapeutic potential of Nigella sativa. Iran J Basic Med Sci 2014;17(12):967-79.
  • Referans6 Isik AF, Kati I, Bayram I, Ozbek H. A newagentfortreatment of acuterespiratory distresssyndrome: timokinon. An experimentalstudy in a rat model. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2005; 28(2):301-5.
  • Referans7 Kanter M. Timokinon attenuates lung injury induced by chronic tolüene exposure in rats. oxicology and Health 2011; 27(5):387-95.
  • Referans8 .Suddek GM, Ashry NA, Gameil NM. Timokinon attenuates Cyclo phosphamide induced pulmonary injury in rats. Inflammopharmacology 2013;21(6):427-35.
  • Referans9 El-Khouly D, El-Bakly WM, Awad AS, El Mesallamy HO, El-Demerdash E. Timokinon blocks lung injury and fibrosis by attenuating bleomycin-induced oxidative stress and activation of nuclear factor KappaB in rats. Toxicology 2012; 302(2-3):106- 13.
  • Referans10 El Gazzar M, El Mezayen R, Marecki JC, Nicolls MR, Canastar A, Dreskin SC. Anti-inflammatory effect of timokinon in a mouse model of allergic lung inflammation. Int Immunopharmacol 2006; 6(7):1135-42.
  • Referans11 Hayat K, Asim MB, Nawaz M, Li M, Zhang L, Sun N. Ameliorative effect of timokinon on ovalbumin-induced allergic conjunctivitis in Balb/c mice. Curr Eye Res 2011; 36(7):591-8
  • Referans12 Tunalı Y. İmmünoloji. Bursa: Dora Yayınları: 2018.
  • Referans13 Güzelsoy P, Aydın S, Başaran N. Çörek otunun (NigelleSativa L.) aktif bileşeni timokinonun insan sağlığı üzerine olası etkileri. J Lit Pharm Sci 2018;7(2):118-35
  • Referans14 Crossmon G. A modification of Mallory’s connective tissue stain with a discussion of the principles involved. Anatomic Rec 1937; 69: 33-38.
  • Referans15 True LD. Principles of Immunohistochemistry. 2nd ed. New York, NY, USA: Gower Medical Publishing: 1990.
  • Referans16 Khan RU, Rashid A and Khan A. Effect of cutting chickpea at different dates on green fodder and seed yield under rainfed condition. Pak J Biol Sci 1999; 2(2): 347-349.DOI: 10.3923/pjbs.1999.347.349
  • Referans17 Haq A, Lobo PI, Al-Tufail M, Rama NR, Al-Sedairy ST. Immunomodulatory effect of Nigella sativa proteins fractionated by ionex change chromatography. Int Immunopharmacol 1999; 21: 283–295.
  • Referans18 Salem ML. Immunomodulatory and therapeutic properties of the Nigella sativa L. seed. Int Immunopharmacol 2005; 5: 1749-1770.
  • Referans19 Haq A, Abdullatif M, Lobo PI, Khabar KS, Sheth KV, al- Sedairy ST. Nigella sativa: effect on human lymphocytes and polymorphonuclear leukocyte phagocytic activity. Immunopharmacol 1995; 30: 147– 155.
There are 19 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Veterinary Surgery

Mustafa Gözüoğlu 0000-0002-9908-9978

Şerife Tütüncü 0000-0001-6834-7244

Publication Date June 15, 2022
Submission Date March 11, 2022
Acceptance Date April 18, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 93 Issue: 2


Vancouver Gözüoğlu M, Tütüncü Ş. Timokinonun akciğerler üzerine immünomodülatör etkisi. Vet Hekim Der Derg. 2022;93(2):105-14.

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Veteriner Hekimler Derneği / Turkish Veterinary Medical Society