Dr. Robert Schneider holds the title of Distinguished Service Professor at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Brockport. He is the director of the sport management program at Brockport, which is ranked 14th in the United States (2017 College Choice National Ranking Service). In 2010 Dr. Schneider received the highest scholarship award granted from the State University of New York (SUNY) system of higher education: The Chancellor’s Award For Excellence In Scholarship/Creative Activity. His efforts have advanced sport management at universities, and sport-based organizations throughout the world. A frequent invited keynote speaker, Dr. Schneider’s scholarship primarily focuses on the versatility of sport management content and how it can align with, and meet university and sport industry goals. The author of several textbooks, Dr. Schneider’s most recent was published in April of 2021 and is entitled, “Ethics of Sport and Athletics: Theory, Issues, and Application.” No less than, 90 publications and more than 150 presentations in over 30 different countries represent Dr. Schneider’s sport management based contributions to the literature. He also serves on over 20 advisory, editorial or guest editorial boards for international or national peer-reviewed journals. Dr. Schneider continues to accept speaking and consulting invitations where he interacts with university officials and leaders in sport organizations as part of his long-standing efforts to serve in helping institutions develop sport management programs that meet their needs.
Dr. García-Fernandez conducts research in the field of Sport Management; fitness management, private sport businesses and consumer behavior.
Full professor, University of Rome Foro Italico
Rector delegate for Disability and inclusion
PhD Nijaz Skender Full Professor
PhD Nijaz Skender, Full professor, has been employed at the University of Bihac since 2001. He works at the Faculty of Health and the Pedagogical Faculty. Doctoral thesis was defended 30th 11th 2004th at the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education University of Sarajevo.
The topic of the master's thesis was "Relations of morphological characteristics and body deformities in students aged 15 to 18 years.
He has published 7 books, more than 60 scientific research papers in national and international journals, participated in several international symposiums, conferences and congresses, where he exhibited his works
https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Ny9SQ1QAAAAJ&hl=hr, https://pfb.unbi.ba/download/cv/CV-Skender-Nijaz.pdf
He is a lecturer in postgraduate studies at the Department of Physical education and sport at Pedagogical faculty University of Bihać.
He is a part time a, lecturer in postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education in Sarajevo, the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport of Tuzla University, postgraduate as well as undergraduates studies at the Teaching faculty of University „Džemal Bijedić“ of Mostar, and doctoral studies at University of „Dzemal Bijedić“ of Mostar. He was supervisor for 4 PhD thesis and 5 master thesis.
He has lectured in several seminars within the lifelong learning of professors and teachers of physical and health education. He was Lecturer at the School of Education UEFA coach of Bosnia and Herzegovina and he hes lectured several seminars for sport associate BiH, Associate of the Una-Sana Canton Sports Association and Sports Association of Bihac.
He was Vice dean for Education at the Faculty of Education, vice-rector for International cooperation and scientific research at the University of Bihac. He was position of Dean of the Faculty of Education, University of Bihac, and president of Senate University of Bihać.
He participated in 10 international and national projects for reform in higher education (Bologna process).
He got and realized project “Course development program +“ founded by WUS Austria.
He participated in TEMPUS Project Centers for Curriculum Modernization and Life Long Learning, where he acted as academic collaborator in 2011, and participation at the seminar Course Development and Lifelong Learning, organized by WUS Austria in 2007.
He participated in Erasmus+ KA107 Staff mobility for teaching at Dumlupinar University Kutahya.
Currently, He has a menager in Erasmus + KA2 TEACHER project (Introducing competence based preschool teacher education curricula in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
He participated in CDP + Course development programme WUS – Austria
He leads bilateral project Slovenia an Bosnia and Herzegovina, “The importance of knowing publics motivation for participating in sport and following sporting events on development of sports culture”.
He lead few nationality scientific project for example:
"The importance of physical activity in relation to morphological characteristics, obesity, high blood fat and hypertension in students".,
"Prevalence of spinal deformity and connection with morphological characteristics and functional abilities in students of ages 11 and 12" Projects funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Science BiH. He hed a few infrastructure project etc.
President of the Organizing and Scientific Committee the Symposium "Sport, Tourism and Health", organized by the Faculty of Pedagogy from Bihac and the Faculty of Sport from Ljubljana.
Holds more certificates for the introduction of ECTS points and quality assurance in higher education, certificate for Curricula modernization and Certificate for LLL. He was supervisor for a lot of master's theses and more doctoral dissertations, theses, etc.
Dr. Moisescu conducts research in Physical Education and Sports Education.
Kadir Yıldız did his bachelor’s degree in Sport Management at Cumhuriyet University. He completed master’s degree at Erciyes University and PhD in Sport Management at Abant Izzet Baysal University. Currently, he is an Assoc. Prof. at Manisa Celal Bayar University, and has studies on outdoor and adventure education, mountaineering, orienteering, outdoor sports, statistical modelling, communication in sports, fitness industry, service quality.
Dr. Yumuk conducts research on Leisure and Recreation science.