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Eleştirel Pedagoji ve Eğitim Programlarına Yansımaları

Year 2023, , 1 - 11, 30.06.2023


Education is seen as the most important tool of social change and reform. It is known that education has economic, political, social and cultural reflections. In the increasingly globalized world with the developments in science and technology and social movements, the meaning attributed to education and the expectations of the individual and society from education also differ. This situation causes the existing educational practices and pedagogical understandings to be questioned and brings with it the fact that alternative solutions are produced. Critical pedagogy is one of the approaches that have been discussed in education in recent years and that offers an alternative understanding of education. Critical pedagogy is an approach that advocates the liberation of the individual by gaining critical awareness, the provision of equal opportunity in education, the development of the individual as a whole, contributing to the individual's self-realization, considering the education as the center of social change and the individual as a pioneer in social change. It offers various educational practices to democratize education and provide equal developmental opportunities. In this research, it is aimed to examine critical pedagogy, which is one of the alternative education approaches, and its reflections on learning environments. It is thought that this study will contribute to the related theoretical literature and be a source for the development of educational programs.


  • Abrahams, F. (2005). Critical pedagogy for music education: A best practice to prepare future music educators. Visions of Research in Music Education, 6, 1-8.
  • Akbari, R. (2008). Transforming lives: Introducing critical pedagogy into ELT classrooms. ELT Journal, 62(3), 276-283.
  • Aliakbari, M. ve Faraji, E. (2011). Basic principles of critical pedagogy. 2nd International Conference on Humanities, Historical and Social Sciences IPEDR, 17, 78-85.
  • Aslan, M. ve Kozikoğlu, İ. (2015). Pedagojik formasyon eğitimi alan öğretmen adaylarının eleştirel pedagojiye ilişkin görüşleri. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 15(1), 1-14.
  • Baş, G. (2014). The correlation between primary teachers’ views on critical pedagogy and their student control ideologies. European Journal of Research on Education, 2(1), 27-34.
  • Benites, M. A. (2012). Critical pedagogy and English language acquisition. Polygon, Spring, 74-84.
  • Bercaw, L. A. ve Stooksberry, L. M. (2004). Teacher education, critical pedagogy, and standards: An exploration of theory and practice. Essays in Education, 12, 1-13.
  • Biesta, G. J. (1998). Say you want a revolution… Suggestions for the impossible future of critical pedagogy. Educational Theory, 48(4), 499-510.
  • Boegeman, W. S. (2013). Teaching for transformation: The praxis of critical pedagogy in social studies education (doctoral dissertation). USA: University of Minnesota.
  • Boon, İ. E. T. (2009). Müzik eğitiminde eleştirel pedagoji ve dinamik çokkültürlülük: Türkiye modeli. 8. Ulusal Müzik Eğitimi Sempozyumu, 1-6.
  • Boyce, M. E. (1996). Teaching critically as an act of praxis and resistance. Electronic Journal of Radical Organization Theory, 2(2), 1-14.
  • Burbules, N. C. ve Berk, R. (1999). Critical thinking and critical pedagogy: Relations, differences, and limits. Critical Theories in Education: Changing Terrains of Knowledge and Politics, 45-65.
  • Fobes, C. ve Kaufman, P. (2008). Critical pedagogy in the sociology classroom: Challenges and concerns. Teaching Sociology, 36(1), 26-33.
  • Foley, J. A., Morris, D., Gounari, P. ve Agostinone-Wilson, F. (2015). Critical education, critical pedagogies, Marxist education in the United States. Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies, 13(3), 110-144.
  • Freire, P. (2010). Ezilenlerin pedagojisi. (Çev. D. Hattatoğlu ve E. Özbek): İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • Giroux, H. (2004). Critical pedagogy and a postmodern/modern divide: Towards a pedagogy of democratization. Teacher Education Quarterly, 31 (1), 31-47. Giroux, H. (2006). America on the edge: Henry Giroux on politics, culture, and education. Springer.
  • Goomansingh, R.V. (2009). Using critical pedagogy to educate for democracy in the graduate classroom (unpublished doctoral thesis). Department of Theory and Policy Studies in Education, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto.
  • Gordon, T. (2012). Critical pedagogy as an instructional leadership initiative in a small urban high school setting (doctoral dissertation). Available from Proquest Dissertations and Theses.(3530675).
  • İnal, K. (2010). Eleştirel pedagoji: Eğitim(d)e modern özgürleştirici bir yaklaşım. Alternatif Eğitim E-Dergisi, 1, 14- 23. Keesing-Styles, L. (2003). The relationship between critical pedagogy and assessment in teacher education. Radical Pedagogy, 5(1), 1-20.
  • Kellner, D. (1998). Multiple literacies and critical pedagogy in a multicultural society. Educational Theory, 48(1), 103-122.
  • Kesik, F. (2014). Eğitim yönetiminde çoğul bir ses: Eleştirel kuram. Kalem Eğitim ve İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi, 4 (2), 93-133.
  • Mahmoudi, A., Khoshnood, A. ve Babaei, A. (2014). Paulo Freire critical pedagogy and its implications in curriculum planning. Journal Of Education And Practice, 5(14), 86-92.
  • McLaren, P. (2001). Che Guevara, Paulo Freire, and the politics of hope: Reclaiming critical pedagogy. Cultural Studies and Critical Methodologies, 1(1), 108-131.
  • Morrell, E. (2002). Toward a critical pedagogy of popular culture: Literacy development among urban youth. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 46(1), 72-77.
  • Nagda, B. R. A., Gurin, P. ve Lopez, G. E. (2003). Transformative pedagogy for democracy and social justice. Race, Ethnicity and Education, 6(2), 165-191.
  • Noroozisiam, E. ve Soozandehfar, S. M. A. (2011). Teaching English through critical pedagogy: problems and attitudes. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 1(9), 1240-1244.
  • Nouri, A. ve Sajjadi, S. M. (2014). Emancipatory pedagogy in practice: Aims, principles and curriculum orientation. The International Journal of Critical Pedagogy, 5(2), 76-87.
  • Ooiwa-Yoshizawa, A. (2012). Implications of EFL critical pedagogy: Theory, practice and possibility. Learning, 19, 245-253.
  • Osterfelt, C. (2011). Critical dialogues: An action research project and a critical pedagogy professional development group for public school teachers in peoples, AZ. Prescott College.
  • Öztürk, F. (2012). Lisansüstü eğitim öğrencilerinin e-bilgi kaynaklarına yönelik eleştirel bakış açılarının incelenmesi. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 12 (2), 863-885.
  • Palmer, J. ve Emmons, K. (2004). Critical pedagogy: An overview. Retrieved from ng/pedagogy/critical.pdf.
  • Riasati, M. J. ve Mollaei, F. (2012). Critical pedagogy and language learning. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2(21), 223-229.
  • Salehi, A. ve Mohammadkhani, K. (2013). The school curriculum as viewed by the critical theorists. Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences, 89, 59-63.
  • Sarıgöz, O. ve Özkara, Y. (2015). Öğretmen adaylarının eleştirel pedagoji ve ilkeleri hakkındaki görüşlerinin bazı değişkenler açısından incelenmesi. Journal of International Social Research, 8(39), 710-716.
  • Sarroub, L. K. ve Quadros, S. (2015). Critical pedagogy in the classroom discourse. The Routledge Handbook of Educational Linguistics, 252-260.
  • Scorza, D. A., Mirra, N. ve Morrell, E. (2013). It should just be education: Critical pedagogy normalized as academic excellence. The International Journal of Critical Pedagogy, 4(2), 15-34.
  • Wardekker, W. L. ve Miedema, S. (1997). Critical pedagogy: An evaluation and a direction for reformulation. Curriculum Inquiry, 27(1), 45-61.
  • Yıldırım, A. (2013). Eleştirel pedagoji: Paulo Freire ve Ivan Illich’in eğitim anlayışı üzerine (3.baskı). Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık.
  • Yılmaz, K. ve Altınkurt, Y. (2011). Öğretmen adaylarının eleştirel pedagoji ile ilgili görüşleri. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 12(3), 195-213.
Year 2023, , 1 - 11, 30.06.2023



  • Abrahams, F. (2005). Critical pedagogy for music education: A best practice to prepare future music educators. Visions of Research in Music Education, 6, 1-8.
  • Akbari, R. (2008). Transforming lives: Introducing critical pedagogy into ELT classrooms. ELT Journal, 62(3), 276-283.
  • Aliakbari, M. ve Faraji, E. (2011). Basic principles of critical pedagogy. 2nd International Conference on Humanities, Historical and Social Sciences IPEDR, 17, 78-85.
  • Aslan, M. ve Kozikoğlu, İ. (2015). Pedagojik formasyon eğitimi alan öğretmen adaylarının eleştirel pedagojiye ilişkin görüşleri. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 15(1), 1-14.
  • Baş, G. (2014). The correlation between primary teachers’ views on critical pedagogy and their student control ideologies. European Journal of Research on Education, 2(1), 27-34.
  • Benites, M. A. (2012). Critical pedagogy and English language acquisition. Polygon, Spring, 74-84.
  • Bercaw, L. A. ve Stooksberry, L. M. (2004). Teacher education, critical pedagogy, and standards: An exploration of theory and practice. Essays in Education, 12, 1-13.
  • Biesta, G. J. (1998). Say you want a revolution… Suggestions for the impossible future of critical pedagogy. Educational Theory, 48(4), 499-510.
  • Boegeman, W. S. (2013). Teaching for transformation: The praxis of critical pedagogy in social studies education (doctoral dissertation). USA: University of Minnesota.
  • Boon, İ. E. T. (2009). Müzik eğitiminde eleştirel pedagoji ve dinamik çokkültürlülük: Türkiye modeli. 8. Ulusal Müzik Eğitimi Sempozyumu, 1-6.
  • Boyce, M. E. (1996). Teaching critically as an act of praxis and resistance. Electronic Journal of Radical Organization Theory, 2(2), 1-14.
  • Burbules, N. C. ve Berk, R. (1999). Critical thinking and critical pedagogy: Relations, differences, and limits. Critical Theories in Education: Changing Terrains of Knowledge and Politics, 45-65.
  • Fobes, C. ve Kaufman, P. (2008). Critical pedagogy in the sociology classroom: Challenges and concerns. Teaching Sociology, 36(1), 26-33.
  • Foley, J. A., Morris, D., Gounari, P. ve Agostinone-Wilson, F. (2015). Critical education, critical pedagogies, Marxist education in the United States. Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies, 13(3), 110-144.
  • Freire, P. (2010). Ezilenlerin pedagojisi. (Çev. D. Hattatoğlu ve E. Özbek): İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • Giroux, H. (2004). Critical pedagogy and a postmodern/modern divide: Towards a pedagogy of democratization. Teacher Education Quarterly, 31 (1), 31-47. Giroux, H. (2006). America on the edge: Henry Giroux on politics, culture, and education. Springer.
  • Goomansingh, R.V. (2009). Using critical pedagogy to educate for democracy in the graduate classroom (unpublished doctoral thesis). Department of Theory and Policy Studies in Education, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto.
  • Gordon, T. (2012). Critical pedagogy as an instructional leadership initiative in a small urban high school setting (doctoral dissertation). Available from Proquest Dissertations and Theses.(3530675).
  • İnal, K. (2010). Eleştirel pedagoji: Eğitim(d)e modern özgürleştirici bir yaklaşım. Alternatif Eğitim E-Dergisi, 1, 14- 23. Keesing-Styles, L. (2003). The relationship between critical pedagogy and assessment in teacher education. Radical Pedagogy, 5(1), 1-20.
  • Kellner, D. (1998). Multiple literacies and critical pedagogy in a multicultural society. Educational Theory, 48(1), 103-122.
  • Kesik, F. (2014). Eğitim yönetiminde çoğul bir ses: Eleştirel kuram. Kalem Eğitim ve İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi, 4 (2), 93-133.
  • Mahmoudi, A., Khoshnood, A. ve Babaei, A. (2014). Paulo Freire critical pedagogy and its implications in curriculum planning. Journal Of Education And Practice, 5(14), 86-92.
  • McLaren, P. (2001). Che Guevara, Paulo Freire, and the politics of hope: Reclaiming critical pedagogy. Cultural Studies and Critical Methodologies, 1(1), 108-131.
  • Morrell, E. (2002). Toward a critical pedagogy of popular culture: Literacy development among urban youth. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 46(1), 72-77.
  • Nagda, B. R. A., Gurin, P. ve Lopez, G. E. (2003). Transformative pedagogy for democracy and social justice. Race, Ethnicity and Education, 6(2), 165-191.
  • Noroozisiam, E. ve Soozandehfar, S. M. A. (2011). Teaching English through critical pedagogy: problems and attitudes. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 1(9), 1240-1244.
  • Nouri, A. ve Sajjadi, S. M. (2014). Emancipatory pedagogy in practice: Aims, principles and curriculum orientation. The International Journal of Critical Pedagogy, 5(2), 76-87.
  • Ooiwa-Yoshizawa, A. (2012). Implications of EFL critical pedagogy: Theory, practice and possibility. Learning, 19, 245-253.
  • Osterfelt, C. (2011). Critical dialogues: An action research project and a critical pedagogy professional development group for public school teachers in peoples, AZ. Prescott College.
  • Öztürk, F. (2012). Lisansüstü eğitim öğrencilerinin e-bilgi kaynaklarına yönelik eleştirel bakış açılarının incelenmesi. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 12 (2), 863-885.
  • Palmer, J. ve Emmons, K. (2004). Critical pedagogy: An overview. Retrieved from ng/pedagogy/critical.pdf.
  • Riasati, M. J. ve Mollaei, F. (2012). Critical pedagogy and language learning. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2(21), 223-229.
  • Salehi, A. ve Mohammadkhani, K. (2013). The school curriculum as viewed by the critical theorists. Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences, 89, 59-63.
  • Sarıgöz, O. ve Özkara, Y. (2015). Öğretmen adaylarının eleştirel pedagoji ve ilkeleri hakkındaki görüşlerinin bazı değişkenler açısından incelenmesi. Journal of International Social Research, 8(39), 710-716.
  • Sarroub, L. K. ve Quadros, S. (2015). Critical pedagogy in the classroom discourse. The Routledge Handbook of Educational Linguistics, 252-260.
  • Scorza, D. A., Mirra, N. ve Morrell, E. (2013). It should just be education: Critical pedagogy normalized as academic excellence. The International Journal of Critical Pedagogy, 4(2), 15-34.
  • Wardekker, W. L. ve Miedema, S. (1997). Critical pedagogy: An evaluation and a direction for reformulation. Curriculum Inquiry, 27(1), 45-61.
  • Yıldırım, A. (2013). Eleştirel pedagoji: Paulo Freire ve Ivan Illich’in eğitim anlayışı üzerine (3.baskı). Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık.
  • Yılmaz, K. ve Altınkurt, Y. (2011). Öğretmen adaylarının eleştirel pedagoji ile ilgili görüşleri. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 12(3), 195-213.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleleri

Mehmet Fatih Kayan 0000-0002-4702-4080

İshak Kozikoğlu 0000-0003-3772-4179

Publication Date June 30, 2023
Submission Date March 7, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Kayan, M. F., & Kozikoğlu, İ. (2023). Eleştirel Pedagoji ve Eğitim Programlarına Yansımaları. Vankulu Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi(11), 1-11.

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