Fen Bilimleri Öğretmen Adaylarının Girişimcilik Becerisine Yönelik Mesleki Bilgilerinin Tespit Edilmesi
Yıl 2019,
Cilt: 14 Sayı: 20, 1025 - 1054, 31.12.2019
Tufan İnaltekin
Berrin Samancı
Arzu Kirman Bilgin
Bu araştırmada fen bilimleri
3. sınıf öğretmen adaylarının, girişimcilik becerisi üzerine mesleki
bilgilerinin tespit edilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Alan taraması yöntemi ile
yürütülen araştırmaya 141 üçüncü sınıf fen bilimleri öğretmen adayı
katılmıştır. Veriler 2017-2018 akademik yılı bahar dönemi sonunda açık uçlu
sorulardan oluşan girişimcilik becerisini tanıma testi ile toplanmıştır. Elde
edilen veriler girişimcilik becerisi göstergeleri göz önünde bulundurularak,
içerik analizi yoluyla çözümlenmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda fen bilimleri
öğretmen adaylarının girişimcilik becerisine sahip bireylerin özelliklerini
açıklamada ve bu özellikleri geliştirmek için etkinlik tasarlamada yetersiz
oldukları tespit edilmiştir. Fen bilimleri öğretmen adayları, ortaokul
öğrencilerinin girişimcilik becerilerini geliştirebilmek için herhangi bir
etkinlik tasarlayamamışlardır. Adaylar arasında girişimcilik becerisini
ölçebilecek bir aracı mesleki açıdan yeterli düzeyde tasarlayan olmamakla
birlikte çok azı ölçme aracını yetersiz düzeyde açıklayabilmiştir. Ölçme
yapıldıktan sonra değerlendirme işleminin nasıl olması gerektiğini açıklayan
öğretmen adayı ise bulunmamaktadır. Genel anlamda mevcut araştırmadan, fen
bilimleri öğretmen adaylarının fen bilimleri dersinde ortaokul öğrencilerinin
girişimcilik becerisini kazandırmaya, ölçmeye ve değerlendirmeye yönelik
süreçler üzerine mesleki bilgilerinin yetersiz olduğu sonucu çıkarılmıştır
Destekleyen Kurum
- Abell, S. K. (2008). Twenty years later: Does pedagogical content knowledge remain a useful idea?. International Journal of Science Education, 30(10), 1405-1416.
- Afolabi, M. O., Kareem, F.A., Okubanjo, I.O., Ogunbanjo, O.A., and Aninkan, O.O. (2017). Effect of entrepreneurship education on self-employment ınitiatives among Nigerian science and technology students. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(15), 44-55.
- Akhmetshin, E. M., Romanov, P. Y., Zakieva, R. R., Zhminko, A.E., Aleshko, R. A., ve Makarov, A. L. (2019). Modern approaches to innovative project management in entrepreneurship education: A review of methods and applications in education. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 22(Special Issue 1), 1-15.
- Alvarez, S. A., ve Barney, J. B. (2007). Discovery and creation: Alternative theories of entrepreneurial action. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 1(1‐2), 11–26.
- Anderson, L.W. (2008). Classroom assessment: Enhancing the quality of teacher decision making. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
- Blimpo, M. P., vePugatch, T. (2019). Entrepreneurship education and teacher training in Rwanda. Journal of Development Economics, 140,186-202.
- Bujor, A., ve Avasilcai, S. (2016). The Creative entrepreneur: A framework of analysis. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 221,21–28.
- Cahill, M. S. (2017). A comparison of youth perceptions regarding entrepreneurshıp in Pennsylvania and Nicaragu. Unpublished master dissertation, The Pennsylvania State University.
- Černevičiūtė, J., ve Strazdas, R. (2018). Teamwork management in creative industries: Factors influencing productivity. Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues,6(2), 503-516.
- Chen, S., Hsiao, H., Chang, J., Chou, C., Chen, C., ve Shen, C. (2015). Can the entrepreneurship course improve the entrepreneurial intentions of students? International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 11(3), 557–569.
- Chimwai, L. ve Munyanyi, W (2019). Risk Attitude, risk perception and risk management strategies adoption in Zimbabwean small and medium enterprises. Journal of Management and Economic Studies, 1(2), 53-68.
- Cieślik, J. (2017). Entrepreneurship in emerging economies: Enhancing its contribution to socio-economic development. Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Deveci, I. (2016). Perceptions and competence of Turkish pre-service science teachers with regard to entrepreneurship. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 41(5), 153-170.
- Drucker, P. F. (2007). Innovation and entrepreneurship: Practice and principles. Oxford: Routledge.
- Dwivedi, A., ve Weerawardena, J. (2018). Conceptualizing and operationalizing the social entrepreneurship construct. Journal of Business Research, 86, 32–40.
- Ejilibe, O. C. (2012). Entrepreneurship in biology education as a means for employment. Knowledge Review, 26(3), 96-100.
- Ezeudu, F. O., Ofoegbu, T. O., ve Anyaegbunnam, N. J. (2013). Restructuring STM (science, technology, and mathematics) education for entrepreneurship. US-China Education Review A, 3(1), 27-32
- Gibb, A. A. (2005). Towards the Entrepreneurial University: Entrepreneurship Education as a Lever for Change. National Council for Graduate Entrepreneurship, UK.
- Haris, A., Barliana, M. S., Saripudin, D., ve Abdullah, A. G. (2019). Effectiveness of entrepreneurship communication skills in business group: ethno-andragogy approach to technical vocational education and training. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 299, 179-182.
- Hatt, L. (2018). Threshold concepts in entrepreneurship – the entrepreneurs’ perspective .Education + Training, 60(2), 155-167.
- He, C., Lu, J., ve Qian, H. (2018). Entrepreneurship in China. Small Bussiness Economics, 52(3)563-572.
- Heinert, S. B., ve Roberts, T. G. (2017). A profile of agricultural education teachers with exemplary rural agricultural entrepreneurship education programs. Journal of Agricultural Education, 58(4), 192-209.
- Hietanen, L. (2015). Entrepreneurial learning environments: Supporting or hindering diverse learners?. Education + Training, 57(5), 492-511.
- Huarng, K. H. (2017). Entrepreneurship for long-term care in sharing economy. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 14(1), 97–104.
- İnaltekin, T. (2019). Fen Bilimleri eğitiminde girişimcilik becerisi. (A. Kirman Bilgin, Ed.), Fen bilimlerinde yaşam becerileri eğitimi içinde (s. 81-112). Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
- Jones, C. (2010). Entrepreneurship education: Revisiting our role and its purpose. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 17, 500–513.
- Kadir, A.R., Aminallah, A., Ibrahim, A., Sulaiman, J., Fadli, M., Yusoff, M., Idris, M. M., Bahar, M. R., Hasanordin, R., Rahim, S.S., dan Malek, Z.A. (2017). The Influence of ıntellectual capital and corporate entrepreneurship towards small and medium enterprises’ (SMES) sustainable competitive advantage: Building a conceptual framework. Proceedings of the 2 nd Advances in Business Research International Conference, 67-77.
- Karimi, S., Biemans, H. J. A., Lans, T., Aazami, M., ve Mulder, M. (2014). Fostering students’ competence in identifying business opportunities in entrepreneurship education. Innovations in Education and Teaching International,53(2), 215-229.
- Khorrami, M., Farhadian, H., ve Abbasi, E. (2018). Determinant competencies for emerging educators’ entrepreneurial behavior in the Institute of Agricultural Applied- Scientific Education, Iran. Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research, 8(8). doi.org/10.1186/s40497-018-0096-4.
- Kind, V. (2009). A conflict in your head: An exploration of trainee science teachers’ subject matter knowledge development and its impact on teacher self‐confidence. International Journal of Science Education, 31(11), 1529-1562.
- Kirman-Bilgin, A. (2019). Bağlam Temelli Öğrenme ve Yaşam Becerileri. (A. Kirman Bilgin Ed.), Fen bilimlerinde yaşam becerileri eğitimi içinde (s.2-50). Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
- Kuratko, D. F., ve Morris, M. H. (2018). Examining the future trajectory of entrepreneurshipâ. Journal of Small Business Management, 56(1), 11-23.
- Landström, H., ve Harirchi, G. (2018). The social structure of entrepreneurship as a scientific field. Research Policy, 47, 650–662.
- Léon, F. (2018). Long-term finance and entrepreneurship. CREA Discussion Paper Series, 2018-01.
- Man, W. Y. T. (2010). Clarifying the domain of educational entrepreneurship: Implications for studying leadership, ınnovation and change. Unpublished paper, Hong Kong Institute of Education.
- Mars, M. M. (2016). The Meaning and relevancy of ınnovation and entrepreneurship: An exploration of agriculture teacher preparation and perspectives. Journal of Agricultural Education, 57(3), 55-69.
- Martin, A. M., Abd-El-Khalick, F., Mustari, E., ve Price, R. (2017). Effectual reasoning and innovation among entrepreneurial science teacher leaders: a correlational study. Research in Science Education, 1, 1–23.
- Mbanefo, M. C., ve Eboka, O. C. (2017). Acquisition of innovative and entrepreneurial skills in basic science education for job creation in Nigeria. Science Education International, 28(3), 207-213.
- McCarthy, D. J., Puffer, S. M., ve Lamin, A. (2018). Entrepreneurial orientation in a hostile and turbulent environment: risk and innovativeness among successful Russian entrepreneurs. European Journal of International Management, 12(1-2), 191-221.
- Moemeke, C. D. (2013). Innovating science education for technical entrepreneurship: The curriculum dimension. Business & Entrepreneurship Journal, 2(2), 39-46
- Ogunkoya, O. (2018). Strategic entrepreneurship and competitive advantage in Nigeria banking industry. Management & Marketing, 16(1), 107-121.
- Olokundun, M. A., Ogbari, E. M, Obi, J. N., ve Ufua, D. E. (2019). Business incubation and student idea validation: A focus on Nigerian universities. J Entrepreneurship Education, 22(1), 1-6.
- Omer Attali, M., ve Yemini, M. (2017). Initiating consensus: Stakeholders define entrepreneurship in education. Educational Review, 69(2), 140–157.
- Onwuachu, W. C., ve Okoye, P. O. (2012). Relevance of basic science curriculum for entrepreneurship skill acquisition. Knowledge Review, 26(4), 6-13.
- Paloniemi, K., ve Belt, P. (2015). Mismatch in teachers’ ontological conception of entrepreneurship education. In (ed. J. C. Sanchez-Garcia) Entrepreneurship Education and Training, 313–334. Hong Kong: Open Textbooks.
- Peltonen, K. (2015). How can teachers’ entrepreneurial competences be developed? Amcollaborative learning perspective. Education + Training, 57(5), 492-511.
- Pittaway, L. ve Edwards, C. (2012). Assessment: Examining practice in entrepreneurship education. Education + Training, 54(8/9), 778-800.
- Pounder, P. A. (2016). Entrepreneurship education in the Caribbean: Learning and teaching tools. Brock Education Journal, 26(1),83-101.
- Powell, W. W., ve Snellman, K. (2004). The knowledge economy. Annual Review of Sociology, 30, 199–220.
- Ratten, V., ve Ferreira, J. (2017). Future research directions for cultural entrepreneurship and regional innovation. The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 21(3), 163–169.
- Ribeiro-Soriano, D., ve Mas-Verdú, F. (2015). Special Issue on: Small business and entrepreneurship: their role in economic and social development. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 1-3.
- Robinson, S., Neergaard, H., Tanggaard, L., ve Krueger, N. F. (2016). New Horizons in Entrepreneurship Education: from Teacher-Led to Student-Centered Learning. Education+Training,58(7/8), 661-683.
- Ruskovaara, E., ve Pihkala, T. (2015). Entrepreneurship Education in schools: Empirical evidence on the teacher's role. The Journal of Educational Research, 108(3), 236-249.
- Sakhdari, K., ve Burgers, J. H. (2018). The moderating role of entrepreneurial management in the relationship between absorptive capacity and corporate entrepreneurship: An attention-based view. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 14(4), 927–950.
- Scott, J., Penaluna, A. ve Thompson, J. (2016). A critical perspective on learning outcomes and the effectiveness of experiential approaches in entrepreneurship education. Education + Training, 58(1), 82-93.
- Shane, S., ve Venkataraman, S. (2000). The promise of entrepreneurship as a field of research. Academy of Management Review, 25, 217–226.
- Shepherd, D. A., Williams, T. A., ve Patzelt, H. (2015). Thinking about entrepreneurial decision making: Review and research agenda. Journal of Management, 41(1), 11–46.
- Shrader, M. ve Finkle, T. (2015). Creative achievement & ıntelligence among student entrepreneurs. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education,18(2), 1-16.
- Staniewski, M. W., Nowacki, R., ve Awruk, K. (2016). Entrepreneurship and innovativeness of small and medium-sized construction enterprises. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 12(3), 861–877.
- Stevenson, H. H., ve Jarillo, J. C. (1990). A paradigm of entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurial management. Strategic Management Journal, 11, 17–27.
- Umunadi, E. K. (2014). Acquisition of entrepreneurial and technical education skills for global competitive and job creation. International Journal of Educational Research, 13(1), 128-144.
- UNESCO (2008). Promoting entrepreneurship education in secondary schools. Final report of UNESCO interregional seminar on promoting entrepreneurship in secondary schools held in Bangkok, Thailand on 11th– 15th,
- Vnoučková, L. (2018), Criteria of innovativeness and creativity in start-ups and innovative entrepreneurship. Quality Innovation Prosperity / Kvalita Inovácia Prosperita, 22(1), 27-42.
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Determination of Prospective Science Teachers' Professional Knowledge on Entrepreneurship Skills
Yıl 2019,
Cilt: 14 Sayı: 20, 1025 - 1054, 31.12.2019
Tufan İnaltekin
Berrin Samancı
Arzu Kirman Bilgin
In this research, it is aimed to determine the
professional knowledge of the third grade prospective science teachers on
entrepreneurship skills. 141 third grade prospective science teachers
participated in the study which was conducted by field scanning method. The
data were collected with an entrepreneurship skills recognition test consisting
of open-ended questions at the end of the spring semester of the 2017-2018
academic year. The data obtained were analyzed through content analysis by
taking entrepreneurship skills indicators into account. As a result of the
research, it was determined that science teacher candidates were insufficient
in explaining the characteristics of individuals with entrepreneurial skills
and designing activities to improve these characteristics. Prospective science
teachers could not design any activity to develop entrepreneurship skills of
secondary school students. Although there is no one among the candidates
designing a tool that can measure entrepreneurship skills vocationally enough,
few could explain the measurement tool inadequately. There is no prospective
teacher explaining how the evaluation process must be after the assessment. In
general, it was concluded from the current research that the prospective
science teachers' professional knowledge on the processes of bringing secondary
school students entrepreneurship skills in the science course, measuring and
evaluating was insufficient.
- Abell, S. K. (2008). Twenty years later: Does pedagogical content knowledge remain a useful idea?. International Journal of Science Education, 30(10), 1405-1416.
- Afolabi, M. O., Kareem, F.A., Okubanjo, I.O., Ogunbanjo, O.A., and Aninkan, O.O. (2017). Effect of entrepreneurship education on self-employment ınitiatives among Nigerian science and technology students. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(15), 44-55.
- Akhmetshin, E. M., Romanov, P. Y., Zakieva, R. R., Zhminko, A.E., Aleshko, R. A., ve Makarov, A. L. (2019). Modern approaches to innovative project management in entrepreneurship education: A review of methods and applications in education. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 22(Special Issue 1), 1-15.
- Alvarez, S. A., ve Barney, J. B. (2007). Discovery and creation: Alternative theories of entrepreneurial action. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 1(1‐2), 11–26.
- Anderson, L.W. (2008). Classroom assessment: Enhancing the quality of teacher decision making. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
- Blimpo, M. P., vePugatch, T. (2019). Entrepreneurship education and teacher training in Rwanda. Journal of Development Economics, 140,186-202.
- Bujor, A., ve Avasilcai, S. (2016). The Creative entrepreneur: A framework of analysis. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 221,21–28.
- Cahill, M. S. (2017). A comparison of youth perceptions regarding entrepreneurshıp in Pennsylvania and Nicaragu. Unpublished master dissertation, The Pennsylvania State University.
- Černevičiūtė, J., ve Strazdas, R. (2018). Teamwork management in creative industries: Factors influencing productivity. Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues,6(2), 503-516.
- Chen, S., Hsiao, H., Chang, J., Chou, C., Chen, C., ve Shen, C. (2015). Can the entrepreneurship course improve the entrepreneurial intentions of students? International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 11(3), 557–569.
- Chimwai, L. ve Munyanyi, W (2019). Risk Attitude, risk perception and risk management strategies adoption in Zimbabwean small and medium enterprises. Journal of Management and Economic Studies, 1(2), 53-68.
- Cieślik, J. (2017). Entrepreneurship in emerging economies: Enhancing its contribution to socio-economic development. Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Deveci, I. (2016). Perceptions and competence of Turkish pre-service science teachers with regard to entrepreneurship. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 41(5), 153-170.
- Drucker, P. F. (2007). Innovation and entrepreneurship: Practice and principles. Oxford: Routledge.
- Dwivedi, A., ve Weerawardena, J. (2018). Conceptualizing and operationalizing the social entrepreneurship construct. Journal of Business Research, 86, 32–40.
- Ejilibe, O. C. (2012). Entrepreneurship in biology education as a means for employment. Knowledge Review, 26(3), 96-100.
- Ezeudu, F. O., Ofoegbu, T. O., ve Anyaegbunnam, N. J. (2013). Restructuring STM (science, technology, and mathematics) education for entrepreneurship. US-China Education Review A, 3(1), 27-32
- Gibb, A. A. (2005). Towards the Entrepreneurial University: Entrepreneurship Education as a Lever for Change. National Council for Graduate Entrepreneurship, UK.
- Haris, A., Barliana, M. S., Saripudin, D., ve Abdullah, A. G. (2019). Effectiveness of entrepreneurship communication skills in business group: ethno-andragogy approach to technical vocational education and training. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 299, 179-182.
- Hatt, L. (2018). Threshold concepts in entrepreneurship – the entrepreneurs’ perspective .Education + Training, 60(2), 155-167.
- He, C., Lu, J., ve Qian, H. (2018). Entrepreneurship in China. Small Bussiness Economics, 52(3)563-572.
- Heinert, S. B., ve Roberts, T. G. (2017). A profile of agricultural education teachers with exemplary rural agricultural entrepreneurship education programs. Journal of Agricultural Education, 58(4), 192-209.
- Hietanen, L. (2015). Entrepreneurial learning environments: Supporting or hindering diverse learners?. Education + Training, 57(5), 492-511.
- Huarng, K. H. (2017). Entrepreneurship for long-term care in sharing economy. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 14(1), 97–104.
- İnaltekin, T. (2019). Fen Bilimleri eğitiminde girişimcilik becerisi. (A. Kirman Bilgin, Ed.), Fen bilimlerinde yaşam becerileri eğitimi içinde (s. 81-112). Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
- Jones, C. (2010). Entrepreneurship education: Revisiting our role and its purpose. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 17, 500–513.
- Kadir, A.R., Aminallah, A., Ibrahim, A., Sulaiman, J., Fadli, M., Yusoff, M., Idris, M. M., Bahar, M. R., Hasanordin, R., Rahim, S.S., dan Malek, Z.A. (2017). The Influence of ıntellectual capital and corporate entrepreneurship towards small and medium enterprises’ (SMES) sustainable competitive advantage: Building a conceptual framework. Proceedings of the 2 nd Advances in Business Research International Conference, 67-77.
- Karimi, S., Biemans, H. J. A., Lans, T., Aazami, M., ve Mulder, M. (2014). Fostering students’ competence in identifying business opportunities in entrepreneurship education. Innovations in Education and Teaching International,53(2), 215-229.
- Khorrami, M., Farhadian, H., ve Abbasi, E. (2018). Determinant competencies for emerging educators’ entrepreneurial behavior in the Institute of Agricultural Applied- Scientific Education, Iran. Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research, 8(8). doi.org/10.1186/s40497-018-0096-4.
- Kind, V. (2009). A conflict in your head: An exploration of trainee science teachers’ subject matter knowledge development and its impact on teacher self‐confidence. International Journal of Science Education, 31(11), 1529-1562.
- Kirman-Bilgin, A. (2019). Bağlam Temelli Öğrenme ve Yaşam Becerileri. (A. Kirman Bilgin Ed.), Fen bilimlerinde yaşam becerileri eğitimi içinde (s.2-50). Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
- Kuratko, D. F., ve Morris, M. H. (2018). Examining the future trajectory of entrepreneurshipâ. Journal of Small Business Management, 56(1), 11-23.
- Landström, H., ve Harirchi, G. (2018). The social structure of entrepreneurship as a scientific field. Research Policy, 47, 650–662.
- Léon, F. (2018). Long-term finance and entrepreneurship. CREA Discussion Paper Series, 2018-01.
- Man, W. Y. T. (2010). Clarifying the domain of educational entrepreneurship: Implications for studying leadership, ınnovation and change. Unpublished paper, Hong Kong Institute of Education.
- Mars, M. M. (2016). The Meaning and relevancy of ınnovation and entrepreneurship: An exploration of agriculture teacher preparation and perspectives. Journal of Agricultural Education, 57(3), 55-69.
- Martin, A. M., Abd-El-Khalick, F., Mustari, E., ve Price, R. (2017). Effectual reasoning and innovation among entrepreneurial science teacher leaders: a correlational study. Research in Science Education, 1, 1–23.
- Mbanefo, M. C., ve Eboka, O. C. (2017). Acquisition of innovative and entrepreneurial skills in basic science education for job creation in Nigeria. Science Education International, 28(3), 207-213.
- McCarthy, D. J., Puffer, S. M., ve Lamin, A. (2018). Entrepreneurial orientation in a hostile and turbulent environment: risk and innovativeness among successful Russian entrepreneurs. European Journal of International Management, 12(1-2), 191-221.
- Moemeke, C. D. (2013). Innovating science education for technical entrepreneurship: The curriculum dimension. Business & Entrepreneurship Journal, 2(2), 39-46
- Ogunkoya, O. (2018). Strategic entrepreneurship and competitive advantage in Nigeria banking industry. Management & Marketing, 16(1), 107-121.
- Olokundun, M. A., Ogbari, E. M, Obi, J. N., ve Ufua, D. E. (2019). Business incubation and student idea validation: A focus on Nigerian universities. J Entrepreneurship Education, 22(1), 1-6.
- Omer Attali, M., ve Yemini, M. (2017). Initiating consensus: Stakeholders define entrepreneurship in education. Educational Review, 69(2), 140–157.
- Onwuachu, W. C., ve Okoye, P. O. (2012). Relevance of basic science curriculum for entrepreneurship skill acquisition. Knowledge Review, 26(4), 6-13.
- Paloniemi, K., ve Belt, P. (2015). Mismatch in teachers’ ontological conception of entrepreneurship education. In (ed. J. C. Sanchez-Garcia) Entrepreneurship Education and Training, 313–334. Hong Kong: Open Textbooks.
- Peltonen, K. (2015). How can teachers’ entrepreneurial competences be developed? Amcollaborative learning perspective. Education + Training, 57(5), 492-511.
- Pittaway, L. ve Edwards, C. (2012). Assessment: Examining practice in entrepreneurship education. Education + Training, 54(8/9), 778-800.
- Pounder, P. A. (2016). Entrepreneurship education in the Caribbean: Learning and teaching tools. Brock Education Journal, 26(1),83-101.
- Powell, W. W., ve Snellman, K. (2004). The knowledge economy. Annual Review of Sociology, 30, 199–220.
- Ratten, V., ve Ferreira, J. (2017). Future research directions for cultural entrepreneurship and regional innovation. The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 21(3), 163–169.
- Ribeiro-Soriano, D., ve Mas-Verdú, F. (2015). Special Issue on: Small business and entrepreneurship: their role in economic and social development. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 1-3.
- Robinson, S., Neergaard, H., Tanggaard, L., ve Krueger, N. F. (2016). New Horizons in Entrepreneurship Education: from Teacher-Led to Student-Centered Learning. Education+Training,58(7/8), 661-683.
- Ruskovaara, E., ve Pihkala, T. (2015). Entrepreneurship Education in schools: Empirical evidence on the teacher's role. The Journal of Educational Research, 108(3), 236-249.
- Sakhdari, K., ve Burgers, J. H. (2018). The moderating role of entrepreneurial management in the relationship between absorptive capacity and corporate entrepreneurship: An attention-based view. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 14(4), 927–950.
- Scott, J., Penaluna, A. ve Thompson, J. (2016). A critical perspective on learning outcomes and the effectiveness of experiential approaches in entrepreneurship education. Education + Training, 58(1), 82-93.
- Shane, S., ve Venkataraman, S. (2000). The promise of entrepreneurship as a field of research. Academy of Management Review, 25, 217–226.
- Shepherd, D. A., Williams, T. A., ve Patzelt, H. (2015). Thinking about entrepreneurial decision making: Review and research agenda. Journal of Management, 41(1), 11–46.
- Shrader, M. ve Finkle, T. (2015). Creative achievement & ıntelligence among student entrepreneurs. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education,18(2), 1-16.
- Staniewski, M. W., Nowacki, R., ve Awruk, K. (2016). Entrepreneurship and innovativeness of small and medium-sized construction enterprises. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 12(3), 861–877.
- Stevenson, H. H., ve Jarillo, J. C. (1990). A paradigm of entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurial management. Strategic Management Journal, 11, 17–27.
- Umunadi, E. K. (2014). Acquisition of entrepreneurial and technical education skills for global competitive and job creation. International Journal of Educational Research, 13(1), 128-144.
- UNESCO (2008). Promoting entrepreneurship education in secondary schools. Final report of UNESCO interregional seminar on promoting entrepreneurship in secondary schools held in Bangkok, Thailand on 11th– 15th,
- Vnoučková, L. (2018), Criteria of innovativeness and creativity in start-ups and innovative entrepreneurship. Quality Innovation Prosperity / Kvalita Inovácia Prosperita, 22(1), 27-42.
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