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Türkiye Avrupa Birliği İlişkileri ve Entegrasyon Teorileri: Gramscı’ci Tarihsel Materyalizmin Literatüre Katkıları

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 2, 141 - 166, 01.10.2012


Bu çalışma Türkiye-Avrupa Birliği ilişkileri literatürünün hangi teorik yaklaşımlardan etkilendiğini inceler ve eleştirel bir analiz getirmeyi amaçlar. Türkiye-Avrupa Birliği ilişkileri literatürde nasıl açıklanmaktadır ve hangi entegrasyon teorilerinden faydalanmaktadırlar? Literatürdeki eksiklikler nelerdir ve Gramsci’ci tarihsel materyalist bir yaklaşım literatüre nasıl katkılar sağlayabilir? Bu makale, Türkiye-Avrupa Birliği ilişkileri literatürünün teorik açıdan genelde ya hükümetlerarası yaklaşımdan ya da Avrupalılaşma perspektifinden etkilendiğini tartışacaktır. Bu bağlamda, literatür ya ilişkileri entegrasyondan ziyade devletlerarası ilişkiler olarak tanımlamakta ya da Avrupa’yı özerk olarak ele almakta ve Avrupa’nın eklemlendiği küreselleşme ve neoliberal yeniden yapılanma gibi yapısal faktörleri gözardı etmektedir. Aynı zamanda Türkiye’de ekonomik ve politik değişimi tartışırken Avrupa’nın rolünü abartmakta ve küresel faktörleri gözönünde bulundurmamaktadır. Ulusötesi alan ve süreçte işçilerin rolü gözardı edilmektedir. Literatür genelde ilişkilerin “şekline” odaklanmakta ve halen devam etmekte olan Türkiye’nin Avrupa yapıları ile entegrasyonunun sosyo-ekonomik içeriğini sorunsallaştıramamaktadır. Bu anlamda çalışma Gramsci’ci tarihsel materyalist analizlerin tartışmaya olan olası katkılarını inceler. Çalışmanın özgün yönü literatürde henüz Gramsci’ci tarihsel materyalist yaklaşımların Türkiye-Avrupa Birliği ilişkilerini açıklamaya yönelik olası katkılarını açıklayan bir çalışmanın yapılmamasından kaynaklanır


  • Adam David Morton, Unraveling Gramsci Hegemony and Passive Revolution in the Global Economy, Londra, Pluto Press, 2007.
  • Alan S. Milward, The European Rescue of the Nation State, Londra, Routledge, 1992.
  • Alan W. Cafruny ve Magnus Ryner (der.), A Ruined Fortress? Neoliberal Hegemony and Transformation in Europe, Oxford, Rowman ve Littlefield Publishers, 2003.
  • Ali Resul Usul, Democracy in Turkey, The Impact of EU Political Conditionality, Londra ve New York, Routledge, 2011.
  • Andreas Bieler ve Adam David Morton, “Introduction: Neo-Gramscian Perspectives in International Political Economy and the Relevance to European Integration”, Andreas Bieler ve Adam David Morton (der.), Social Forces in the Making of the New Europe: The Restructuring of European Social Relations in the Global Political Economy, Londra, Palgrave, 2001
  • Andreas Bieler, “The Struggle over EU Enlargement: a historical materialist analysis of European integration”, Journal of European Public Policy, Cilt 9, No 4, 2002
  • Andreas Bieler, Globalisation and Enlargement of the European Union, Austrian and Swedish Social Forces in the Struggle over Membership, Londra, Routledge, 2000.
  • Andreas Bieler, The Struggle for a Social Europe, Trade Unions and EMU in Times of Global Restructuring, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2006.
  • Andrew Moravcsik ve Milada A. Vachudova, “National Interests, State Power and EU Enlargement”, East European Politics and Societies, Cilt 17, 2003
  • Andrew Moravcsik, The Choice for Europe, Social Purpose and State Power from Messina to Maastricht, Londra, Cornell University Press, 1998.
  • Antonio Gramsci, Selections from the Prison Notebooks, (der. ve çev. Quintin Hoare ve Geoffrey Nowell-Smith), Londra, Lawrence ve Wishart, 1971.
  • Ayşe Buğra, State and Business in Modern Turkey, A Comparative Study, Albany, State University of New York Press, 1994.
  • Bahar Rumelili, “Liminality and Perpetuation of Conflicts: Turkish-Greek Relations in the Context of Community-Building by the EU”, European Journal of International Relations, Cilt 9, No 2, 2003
  • Bahar Rumelili, “Negotiating Europe: EU-Turkey Relations from an Identity Perspective”, Insight Turkey, Cilt 10, No 1, 2008
  • Barry Buzan ve Thomas Diez, “Turkey and the European Union”, Survival, Cilt 41, No 1, 1999
  • Bastian van Apeldoorn et al., “Theories of European Integration, A Critique”, Alan W. Cafruny ve Magnus Ryner (der.), A Ruined Fortress? Neoliberal Hegemony and Transformation in Europe, Oxford, Rowman ve Littlefield Publishers, 2003
  • Bastian van Apeldoorn et al., Contradictions and Limits of Neoliberal European Governance, From Lisbon to Lisbon, New York, Palgrave, 2009.
  • Bastian van Apeldoorn, “Transnational Class Agency and European Governance: The Case of the European Roundtable of Industrialists”, New Political Economy, Cilt 5, No 2, 2000
  • Bastian van Apeldoorn, “Transnationalisation and the Restructuring of Europe’s Socioeconomic Order, Social Forces in the Construction of ‘Embedded Neoliberalism’”, International Journal of Political Economy, Cilt 28, No 1, 1998
  • Bastian van Apeldoorn, Transnational Capitalism and the Struggle over European Integration, Londra, Routledge, 2002
  • Beate Kohler-Koch ve Rainer Eising (der.)., The Transformation of Governance in the European Union, Londra, Routledge, 1999.
  • Catherine Macmillan, “The Application of Neofunctionalism to the Enlargement Process: The Case of Turkey”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Cilt 47, No 4, 2009
  • Chris Rumford, “Resisting Globalization? Turkey-EU Relations and Human and Political Rights in the Context of Cosmopolitan Democratization”, International Sociology, Cilt 18, No 2, 2003
  • Çağlar Keyder, State and Class in Turkey, A Study in Capitalist Development, Londra, Verso, 1987.
  • Çınar Özen, “Neo-functionalism and the Change in the Dynamics of Turkey-EU Relations”, Perceptions Journal of International Affairs, Cilt 3, No 3, 1998
  • David Mitrany, A Working Peace System, Chicago, Quadrangle Books, 1943.
  • Dorothee Bohle, “Neoliberal hegemony, transnational capital and the terms of the EU’s eastward expansion”, Capital&Class, Cilt 88, 2006
  • Engin Yıldırım et al., “Turkish Labour Confederations and Turkey’s Membership of the European Union”, Economic and Industrial Democracy, Cilt 29, No 3, 2008
  • Ernest B. Haas, The Uniting of Europe: Political, Social and Economic Forces, 1950-1957, Stanford, Stanford University Press, 1958.
  • Erol Külahçı, “EU Political Conditionality and Parties in Government: Human Rights and the Quest for Turkish Transformation”, Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans, Cilt 7, No 3, 2005
  • Frank Schimmelfennig et al., International Socialization in Europe, European Organizations, Political Conditionality and Democratic Change, Houndmills, Palgrave ve Macmillan, 2006.
  • Frank Schimmelfennig ve Ulrich Sedelmeier, “Governance by Conditionality: EU Rule Transfer to the Candidate Countries of Central and Eastern Europe”, Journal of European Public Policy, Cilt 11, No 4, 2004
  • Frank Schimmelfennig ve Ulrich Sedelmeier, “Introduction: Conceptualizing the Europeanization of Central and Eastern Europe”, Frank Schimmelfennig ve Ulrich Sedelmeier (der.), The Europeanization of Central and Eastern Europe, Ithaca ve Londra, Cornell University Press, 2005
  • Frank Schimmelfennig ve Ulrich Sedelmeier, “The Politics of EU Enlargement: Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives”, Frank Schimmelfennig ve Ulrich Sedelmeir (der.), The Politics of European Union Enlargement Theoretical Approaches, Londra, Routledge, 2005
  • Frank Schimmelfennig ve Ulrich Sedelmeier, “Theorizing EU Enlargement: Research Focus, Hypotheses, and the State of Research”, Journal of European Public Policy, Cilt 9, No 4, 2002.
  • Frank Schimmelfennig, “The Community Trap: Liberal Norms, Rhetorical Action, and the Eastern Enlargement of the European Union”, International Organization, Cilt 55, No 1, 2001
  • H. Tarık Oğuz, “The Latest Turkish-Greek Détente: Instrumentalist Play for EU Membership, or Long-Term Institutionalist Cooperation?”, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Cilt 17, No 2, 2004
  • Hans-Jürgen Bieling, “Social Forces in the Making of the New European Economy: The Case of Financial Market Integration”, New Political Economy, Cilt 8, No 2, 2003
  • Helen Wallace, “EU Enlargement: A Neglected Subject”, Maria Green Cowles ve Michael Smith (der.), The State of the European Union, Risks, Reform, Resistance and Revival, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2000
  • Henk Overbeek ve Kees van der Pijl, “Restructuring Capital and Restructuring Hegemony, Neo-liberalism and the unmaking of the post-war order”, Henk Overbeek (der.), Restructuring Hegemony in the Global Political Economy, The Rise of transnational neo-liberalism in the 1980s, Londra ve New York, Routledge, 1993.
  • Henk Overbeek, “Transnational historical materialism, Theories of transnational class formation and world order”, Ronen Palan (der.), Global Political Economy, Contemporary Theories, Londra, Routledge, 2000
  • Ian Manners, “Normative Power Europe: A Contradiction in Terms?”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Cilt 40, No 2, 2002
  • Ioannis N. Grigoriadis, Trials of Europeanization, Turkish Political Culture and European Union, New York, Palgrave ve Macmillan, 2009.
  • İlker Ataç ve Andreas Grünewald, “Stabilization Through Europeanization? Discussing the Transformation Dynamics in Turkey”, Debatte: Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, Cilt 16, No 1
  • Kees van der Pijl, Transnational Classes and International Relations, Londra, Routledge, 1998.
  • Kemal Derviş et al., The European Transformation of Modern Turkey, Brussels, Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), 2004.
  • Luigi Narbone ve Nathalie Tocci, “Running around in circles? The cyclical relationship between Turkey and the European Union”, Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans, Cilt 9, No 3, 2007
  • Lykke Friis ve Anna Murphy, “The European Union and Central and Eastern Europe: Governance and Boundaries”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Cilt 37, No 2, 1999
  • Maria Green Cowles et al. (der.), Europeanization and Domestic Change, Transforming Europe, Cornell, Cornell University Press, 2001.
  • Mark A. Pollack, “The New Institutionalisms and European Integration”, Antje Wiener ve Thomas Diez (der.), European Integration Theory, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2005
  • Markus Jachtenfuchs ve Beate Kohler-Koch, “Governance and Institutional Development”, Antje Wiener ve Thomas Diez (der.), European Integration Theory, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2005
  • Markus Jachtenfuchs, “The Governance Approach to European Integration”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Cilt 39, No 2, 2001
  • Meltem Müftüler-Baç ve Lauren M. McLaren, “Enlargement Preferences and Policy- Making in the European Union: Impacts on Turkey”, European Integration, Cilt 25, 2003
  • Meltem Müftüler-Baç, “Turkey’s Political Reforms and the Impact of the European Union”, South European Society and Politics, Cilt 10, No 1, 2005
  • Metin Heper, “The European Union, the Turkish Military and Democracy”, South European Society and Politics, Cilt 10, No 1, 2005
  • Metin Heper, The State Tradition in Turkey, Walkington, Eothen Press, 1985.
  • Michael Burgess, “Federalism”, Antje Wiener ve Thomas Diez (der.), European Integration Theory, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2005
  • Mustafa Aydın ve Sinem A. Açıkmeşe, “Europeanization Through EU Conditionality: Understanding the New Era in Turkish Foreign Policy”, Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans, Cilt 9, No 3, 2007
  • Nathalie Tocci, “Europeanization in Turkey: Trigger or Anchor for Reform?”, South
  • Nergis Canefe ve Tanıl Bora, “Intellectual Roots of Anti-European Sentiments in Turkish Politics: The Case of Radical Turkish Nationalism”, Ali Çarkoğlu ve Barry Rubin (der.), Turkey and the European Union, Domestic Politics, Economic Integration and International Dynamics, Londra, Frank Cass, 2003
  • Otto Holman, “Integrating Eastern Europe, EU Expansion and the Double Transformation in Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary”, International Journal of Political Economy, Cilt 28, No 2, 1998
  • Otto Holman, Integrating Southern Europe, EC Expansion and the Transnationalization of Spain, Londra, Routledge, 1996.
  • Paul Kubicek, “The European Union and Grassroots Democratization in Turkey”, Turkish Studies, Cilt 6, No 3, 2005
  • Philippe C. Schmitter, “Neo-Neofunctionalism”, Antje Wiener ve Thomas Diez (der.), European Integration Theory, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2005
  • Pınar Tank, “Turkey as a Special Case for the EU, Will the Generals Retreat From Politics?”, Security Dialogue, Cilt 32, No 2, 2001
  • Robert W. Cox, “Social Forces, State and World Orders: Beyond International Relations Theory”, Millennium: Journal of International Studies, Cilt 10, No 2, 1981
  • Robert W. Cox, Production, Power and World Order, Social Forces in the Making of History, New York, Columbia University Press, 1987
  • Simon Hix, “The Study of the European Community: The Challenge to Comparative Politics”, West European Politics, Cilt 17, No 1, 1994
  • Stanley Hoffman, “Obstinate or Obsolete: The Fate of the Nation State and the Case of Western Europe”, Daedalus, Cilt 95, No 3, 1966
  • Stephen Gill, “European Governance and New Constitutionalism: Economic and Monetary Union and Alternatives to Disciplinary Neoliberalism in Europe”, New Political Economy, Cilt 3, No 1, 1998
  • Stuart Shields, “Global Restructuring and the Polish State: Transition, Transformation, or Transnationalization?”, Review of International Political Economy, Cilt 11, No 1, 2004
  • Stuart Shields, “The “Charge of the Right Brigade”: Transnational Social Forces and the Neoliberal Configuration of Poland`s Transition”, New Political Economy, Cilt 8, No 2, 2003
  • Şerif Mardin, “Center-Periphery Relations: A Key to Turkish Politics?”, Daedalus, Cilt 102, No 1, 1973
  • Thomas Christiansen et al. (der.), The Social Construction of Europe, Londra, Sage, 2001
  • Thomas Diez et al., “File: Turkey, Europeanization and Civil Society”, South
  • Ulrich Sedelmeir, “Eastern Enlargement, Risk, Rationality and Role-Compliance”, Frank Schimmelfennig ve Ulrich Sedelmeir (der.), The Politics of European Union Enlargement Theoretical Approaches, Londra, Routledge, 2005
  • Ümit Cizre, “Problems of Democratic Governance of Civil-Military Relations in Turkey and the European Union Enlargement Zone”, European Journal of Political Research, Cilt 43, 2004
  • William I. Robinson, A Theory of Global Capitalism, Production, Class and State in a Transnational World, Baltimore ve Londra, John Hopkins University Press, 2004.
  • Ziya Öniş, “Luxembourg, Helsinki and Beyond: Towards an Interpretation of Recent Turkey-EU Relations”, Government and Opposition, Cilt 35, No 4, 2000
Yıl 2012, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 2, 141 - 166, 01.10.2012


This article aims to provide a critical assessment of the literature on Turkey-European Union relations and problematizes theoretical perspectives that are adopted in explicating the relations. How is Turkey-European Union relations explained in the literature and from which theoretical perspectives are studies informed? What is missing in the literature and what are the potential contributions of adopting Gramscian historical materialist perspectives? I shall argue that the current state of literature is considerably informed by either intergovernmentalist or Europeanisation perspectives. The studies either approach Turkey-European Union relations as international relations rather than integration per se or fails to situate relations within the structural dynamics of globalisation and neoliberal restructuring. Moreover, in debating change in domestic politics, the literature has a tendency to exaggerate the role of Europe by ignoring structural factors. The transnational sphere and role of labour in the process are overlooked. Studies focus on “form” of enlargement and they turn a blind eye to the socio-economic content of ongoing integration of Turkey to European structures. At the final sub-section the article introduces potential contributions of Gramscian historical materialism to the debate that has not been analyzed in the literature so far


  • Adam David Morton, Unraveling Gramsci Hegemony and Passive Revolution in the Global Economy, Londra, Pluto Press, 2007.
  • Alan S. Milward, The European Rescue of the Nation State, Londra, Routledge, 1992.
  • Alan W. Cafruny ve Magnus Ryner (der.), A Ruined Fortress? Neoliberal Hegemony and Transformation in Europe, Oxford, Rowman ve Littlefield Publishers, 2003.
  • Ali Resul Usul, Democracy in Turkey, The Impact of EU Political Conditionality, Londra ve New York, Routledge, 2011.
  • Andreas Bieler ve Adam David Morton, “Introduction: Neo-Gramscian Perspectives in International Political Economy and the Relevance to European Integration”, Andreas Bieler ve Adam David Morton (der.), Social Forces in the Making of the New Europe: The Restructuring of European Social Relations in the Global Political Economy, Londra, Palgrave, 2001
  • Andreas Bieler, “The Struggle over EU Enlargement: a historical materialist analysis of European integration”, Journal of European Public Policy, Cilt 9, No 4, 2002
  • Andreas Bieler, Globalisation and Enlargement of the European Union, Austrian and Swedish Social Forces in the Struggle over Membership, Londra, Routledge, 2000.
  • Andreas Bieler, The Struggle for a Social Europe, Trade Unions and EMU in Times of Global Restructuring, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2006.
  • Andrew Moravcsik ve Milada A. Vachudova, “National Interests, State Power and EU Enlargement”, East European Politics and Societies, Cilt 17, 2003
  • Andrew Moravcsik, The Choice for Europe, Social Purpose and State Power from Messina to Maastricht, Londra, Cornell University Press, 1998.
  • Antonio Gramsci, Selections from the Prison Notebooks, (der. ve çev. Quintin Hoare ve Geoffrey Nowell-Smith), Londra, Lawrence ve Wishart, 1971.
  • Ayşe Buğra, State and Business in Modern Turkey, A Comparative Study, Albany, State University of New York Press, 1994.
  • Bahar Rumelili, “Liminality and Perpetuation of Conflicts: Turkish-Greek Relations in the Context of Community-Building by the EU”, European Journal of International Relations, Cilt 9, No 2, 2003
  • Bahar Rumelili, “Negotiating Europe: EU-Turkey Relations from an Identity Perspective”, Insight Turkey, Cilt 10, No 1, 2008
  • Barry Buzan ve Thomas Diez, “Turkey and the European Union”, Survival, Cilt 41, No 1, 1999
  • Bastian van Apeldoorn et al., “Theories of European Integration, A Critique”, Alan W. Cafruny ve Magnus Ryner (der.), A Ruined Fortress? Neoliberal Hegemony and Transformation in Europe, Oxford, Rowman ve Littlefield Publishers, 2003
  • Bastian van Apeldoorn et al., Contradictions and Limits of Neoliberal European Governance, From Lisbon to Lisbon, New York, Palgrave, 2009.
  • Bastian van Apeldoorn, “Transnational Class Agency and European Governance: The Case of the European Roundtable of Industrialists”, New Political Economy, Cilt 5, No 2, 2000
  • Bastian van Apeldoorn, “Transnationalisation and the Restructuring of Europe’s Socioeconomic Order, Social Forces in the Construction of ‘Embedded Neoliberalism’”, International Journal of Political Economy, Cilt 28, No 1, 1998
  • Bastian van Apeldoorn, Transnational Capitalism and the Struggle over European Integration, Londra, Routledge, 2002
  • Beate Kohler-Koch ve Rainer Eising (der.)., The Transformation of Governance in the European Union, Londra, Routledge, 1999.
  • Catherine Macmillan, “The Application of Neofunctionalism to the Enlargement Process: The Case of Turkey”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Cilt 47, No 4, 2009
  • Chris Rumford, “Resisting Globalization? Turkey-EU Relations and Human and Political Rights in the Context of Cosmopolitan Democratization”, International Sociology, Cilt 18, No 2, 2003
  • Çağlar Keyder, State and Class in Turkey, A Study in Capitalist Development, Londra, Verso, 1987.
  • Çınar Özen, “Neo-functionalism and the Change in the Dynamics of Turkey-EU Relations”, Perceptions Journal of International Affairs, Cilt 3, No 3, 1998
  • David Mitrany, A Working Peace System, Chicago, Quadrangle Books, 1943.
  • Dorothee Bohle, “Neoliberal hegemony, transnational capital and the terms of the EU’s eastward expansion”, Capital&Class, Cilt 88, 2006
  • Engin Yıldırım et al., “Turkish Labour Confederations and Turkey’s Membership of the European Union”, Economic and Industrial Democracy, Cilt 29, No 3, 2008
  • Ernest B. Haas, The Uniting of Europe: Political, Social and Economic Forces, 1950-1957, Stanford, Stanford University Press, 1958.
  • Erol Külahçı, “EU Political Conditionality and Parties in Government: Human Rights and the Quest for Turkish Transformation”, Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans, Cilt 7, No 3, 2005
  • Frank Schimmelfennig et al., International Socialization in Europe, European Organizations, Political Conditionality and Democratic Change, Houndmills, Palgrave ve Macmillan, 2006.
  • Frank Schimmelfennig ve Ulrich Sedelmeier, “Governance by Conditionality: EU Rule Transfer to the Candidate Countries of Central and Eastern Europe”, Journal of European Public Policy, Cilt 11, No 4, 2004
  • Frank Schimmelfennig ve Ulrich Sedelmeier, “Introduction: Conceptualizing the Europeanization of Central and Eastern Europe”, Frank Schimmelfennig ve Ulrich Sedelmeier (der.), The Europeanization of Central and Eastern Europe, Ithaca ve Londra, Cornell University Press, 2005
  • Frank Schimmelfennig ve Ulrich Sedelmeier, “The Politics of EU Enlargement: Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives”, Frank Schimmelfennig ve Ulrich Sedelmeir (der.), The Politics of European Union Enlargement Theoretical Approaches, Londra, Routledge, 2005
  • Frank Schimmelfennig ve Ulrich Sedelmeier, “Theorizing EU Enlargement: Research Focus, Hypotheses, and the State of Research”, Journal of European Public Policy, Cilt 9, No 4, 2002.
  • Frank Schimmelfennig, “The Community Trap: Liberal Norms, Rhetorical Action, and the Eastern Enlargement of the European Union”, International Organization, Cilt 55, No 1, 2001
  • H. Tarık Oğuz, “The Latest Turkish-Greek Détente: Instrumentalist Play for EU Membership, or Long-Term Institutionalist Cooperation?”, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Cilt 17, No 2, 2004
  • Hans-Jürgen Bieling, “Social Forces in the Making of the New European Economy: The Case of Financial Market Integration”, New Political Economy, Cilt 8, No 2, 2003
  • Helen Wallace, “EU Enlargement: A Neglected Subject”, Maria Green Cowles ve Michael Smith (der.), The State of the European Union, Risks, Reform, Resistance and Revival, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2000
  • Henk Overbeek ve Kees van der Pijl, “Restructuring Capital and Restructuring Hegemony, Neo-liberalism and the unmaking of the post-war order”, Henk Overbeek (der.), Restructuring Hegemony in the Global Political Economy, The Rise of transnational neo-liberalism in the 1980s, Londra ve New York, Routledge, 1993.
  • Henk Overbeek, “Transnational historical materialism, Theories of transnational class formation and world order”, Ronen Palan (der.), Global Political Economy, Contemporary Theories, Londra, Routledge, 2000
  • Ian Manners, “Normative Power Europe: A Contradiction in Terms?”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Cilt 40, No 2, 2002
  • Ioannis N. Grigoriadis, Trials of Europeanization, Turkish Political Culture and European Union, New York, Palgrave ve Macmillan, 2009.
  • İlker Ataç ve Andreas Grünewald, “Stabilization Through Europeanization? Discussing the Transformation Dynamics in Turkey”, Debatte: Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, Cilt 16, No 1
  • Kees van der Pijl, Transnational Classes and International Relations, Londra, Routledge, 1998.
  • Kemal Derviş et al., The European Transformation of Modern Turkey, Brussels, Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), 2004.
  • Luigi Narbone ve Nathalie Tocci, “Running around in circles? The cyclical relationship between Turkey and the European Union”, Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans, Cilt 9, No 3, 2007
  • Lykke Friis ve Anna Murphy, “The European Union and Central and Eastern Europe: Governance and Boundaries”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Cilt 37, No 2, 1999
  • Maria Green Cowles et al. (der.), Europeanization and Domestic Change, Transforming Europe, Cornell, Cornell University Press, 2001.
  • Mark A. Pollack, “The New Institutionalisms and European Integration”, Antje Wiener ve Thomas Diez (der.), European Integration Theory, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2005
  • Markus Jachtenfuchs ve Beate Kohler-Koch, “Governance and Institutional Development”, Antje Wiener ve Thomas Diez (der.), European Integration Theory, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2005
  • Markus Jachtenfuchs, “The Governance Approach to European Integration”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Cilt 39, No 2, 2001
  • Meltem Müftüler-Baç ve Lauren M. McLaren, “Enlargement Preferences and Policy- Making in the European Union: Impacts on Turkey”, European Integration, Cilt 25, 2003
  • Meltem Müftüler-Baç, “Turkey’s Political Reforms and the Impact of the European Union”, South European Society and Politics, Cilt 10, No 1, 2005
  • Metin Heper, “The European Union, the Turkish Military and Democracy”, South European Society and Politics, Cilt 10, No 1, 2005
  • Metin Heper, The State Tradition in Turkey, Walkington, Eothen Press, 1985.
  • Michael Burgess, “Federalism”, Antje Wiener ve Thomas Diez (der.), European Integration Theory, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2005
  • Mustafa Aydın ve Sinem A. Açıkmeşe, “Europeanization Through EU Conditionality: Understanding the New Era in Turkish Foreign Policy”, Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans, Cilt 9, No 3, 2007
  • Nathalie Tocci, “Europeanization in Turkey: Trigger or Anchor for Reform?”, South
  • Nergis Canefe ve Tanıl Bora, “Intellectual Roots of Anti-European Sentiments in Turkish Politics: The Case of Radical Turkish Nationalism”, Ali Çarkoğlu ve Barry Rubin (der.), Turkey and the European Union, Domestic Politics, Economic Integration and International Dynamics, Londra, Frank Cass, 2003
  • Otto Holman, “Integrating Eastern Europe, EU Expansion and the Double Transformation in Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary”, International Journal of Political Economy, Cilt 28, No 2, 1998
  • Otto Holman, Integrating Southern Europe, EC Expansion and the Transnationalization of Spain, Londra, Routledge, 1996.
  • Paul Kubicek, “The European Union and Grassroots Democratization in Turkey”, Turkish Studies, Cilt 6, No 3, 2005
  • Philippe C. Schmitter, “Neo-Neofunctionalism”, Antje Wiener ve Thomas Diez (der.), European Integration Theory, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2005
  • Pınar Tank, “Turkey as a Special Case for the EU, Will the Generals Retreat From Politics?”, Security Dialogue, Cilt 32, No 2, 2001
  • Robert W. Cox, “Social Forces, State and World Orders: Beyond International Relations Theory”, Millennium: Journal of International Studies, Cilt 10, No 2, 1981
  • Robert W. Cox, Production, Power and World Order, Social Forces in the Making of History, New York, Columbia University Press, 1987
  • Simon Hix, “The Study of the European Community: The Challenge to Comparative Politics”, West European Politics, Cilt 17, No 1, 1994
  • Stanley Hoffman, “Obstinate or Obsolete: The Fate of the Nation State and the Case of Western Europe”, Daedalus, Cilt 95, No 3, 1966
  • Stephen Gill, “European Governance and New Constitutionalism: Economic and Monetary Union and Alternatives to Disciplinary Neoliberalism in Europe”, New Political Economy, Cilt 3, No 1, 1998
  • Stuart Shields, “Global Restructuring and the Polish State: Transition, Transformation, or Transnationalization?”, Review of International Political Economy, Cilt 11, No 1, 2004
  • Stuart Shields, “The “Charge of the Right Brigade”: Transnational Social Forces and the Neoliberal Configuration of Poland`s Transition”, New Political Economy, Cilt 8, No 2, 2003
  • Şerif Mardin, “Center-Periphery Relations: A Key to Turkish Politics?”, Daedalus, Cilt 102, No 1, 1973
  • Thomas Christiansen et al. (der.), The Social Construction of Europe, Londra, Sage, 2001
  • Thomas Diez et al., “File: Turkey, Europeanization and Civil Society”, South
  • Ulrich Sedelmeir, “Eastern Enlargement, Risk, Rationality and Role-Compliance”, Frank Schimmelfennig ve Ulrich Sedelmeir (der.), The Politics of European Union Enlargement Theoretical Approaches, Londra, Routledge, 2005
  • Ümit Cizre, “Problems of Democratic Governance of Civil-Military Relations in Turkey and the European Union Enlargement Zone”, European Journal of Political Research, Cilt 43, 2004
  • William I. Robinson, A Theory of Global Capitalism, Production, Class and State in a Transnational World, Baltimore ve Londra, John Hopkins University Press, 2004.
  • Ziya Öniş, “Luxembourg, Helsinki and Beyond: Towards an Interpretation of Recent Turkey-EU Relations”, Government and Opposition, Cilt 35, No 4, 2000
Toplam 79 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Elif Uzgören Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ekim 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 11 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Uzgören, Elif. “Türkiye Avrupa Birliği İlişkileri Ve Entegrasyon Teorileri: Gramscı’ci Tarihsel Materyalizmin Literatüre Katkıları”. Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi 11, sy. 2 (Ekim 2012): 141-66.


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