Gençlerin Çevreye Duyarlı Üretim Yöntemi Önceliği ve Organik Ürün Satın Alma Eğilimi
Yıl 2023,
, 181 - 187, 30.12.2023
Ela Atış
Cihat Günden
Kenan Çiftçi
H Ece Salalı
Entansif tarımdan kaynaklanan çevresel kaygılara yanıt olarak geliştirilen sürdürülebilir tarım yaklaşımlarından birisi de organik tarımdır. Çevrenin korunması açısından, tarımsal ürünlerin sürdürülebilir üretimi kadar tüketimi ile bu süreçte gelecekte karar verici durumuna gelecek olan gençlerin rolü de önemlidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, gençlerin daha iyi bir çevre için üretim yöntemi önceliklerini ortaya koymak, ayrıca gelecekte konvansiyonel ve organik ürünleri tüketme isteği ile organik ürün tüketiminde etkili unsurları belirlemektir. Araştırmada, Ege Üniversitesinden seçilmiş 379 lisans öğrencisi ile anket yapılmıştır. Verilerin analizinde, temel istatistiki yöntemler yanında, Bulanık Eşli Karşılaştırma ve En İyi-En Kötü Analizi gibi yöntemler kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada, gençler açısından organik tarımın çevre üzerinde en az etkili, konvansiyonel tarımın ise çevre üzerinde en çok etkili üretim yöntemi olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca gençler, diğer üretim yöntemleriyle kıyaslandığında, gelecekte birçok üründe organik olanı tüketmek istemektedir. Ancak, gençler için tüketimde en önemli kısıtlayıcı organik ürünün fiyatıdır.
Destekleyen Kurum
Ege Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinatörlüğü
Proje Numarası
(Proje No: 2012-ZRF-006)
Bu çalışmanın gerçekleştirilmesinde finansal destek sağlayan Ege Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinatörlüğü’ne teşekkürlerimizi sunarız.
- Atış E (2006) Tarım ve Çevre, Ed: F.Yavuz, Türkiye’de Tarım, Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, Strateji Geliştirme Başkanlığı, Ankara.
- Brümmer N, Zander K (2020) Drivers of organic food choice in Germany—the case of young adults, Org. Agr. (2020) 10 (Suppl 1):57–64.
- Chiripuci, B., Popescu, M.F, Constantin, M. (2022). The European Consumers’ Preferences for Organic Food in the Context of the European Green Deal, Food Chains Transformation in the Context of EU Green Deal Strategy,24 (60):?
- Eryılmaz, G.A., Demiryürek, K. ve Emir, M. (2015). Avrupa Birliği ve Türkiye’de Organik Tarım ve Gıda Ürünlerine Karşı Tüketici Davranışları, Anadolu Tarım Bilim. Derg., 30:199-206.
- Erdem, S., Rigby, D. and Wossink, A. (2012), Using best–worst scaling to explore perceptions of relative responsibility for ensuring food safety, Food Policy, 37(6): 661-670.
- European Commission (2021). European Green Deal: Commission prepares new initiatives to boost the organic farming sector, European Commission - Press release, 4 September 2020, Brussels. Son erişim tarihi: 25 Şubat 2021
- Grunert KJ (2002) Current İssues in The Understanding ff Consumer Food Choice. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 13(8):275-285.
- Goodman SP, Lockshin L, Cohen E (2005) Best-Worst Scaling: A Simple Method to Determine Drinks and Wine Style Preferences, paper presented at the 2nd International Wine Marketing and Business Conference, Sonoma, CA.
- Guyomard H, Bureau JC. et al. (2020) Research for AGRI Committee The Green Deal and the CAP: policy implications to adapt farming practices and to preserve the EU’s natural resources. European Parliament, Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies, Brussels.
- Hansen JW (1996) Is Agricultural Sustainability a Useful Concept? Agricultural Systems 50(1):I7-143.
- Kanchanapibul M, Lacka E, Wang X, Chan HK (2014) An empirical investigation of green purchase behaviour among the young generation, Journal of Cleaner Production, 66:528-536.
- Lagerkvist JC (2013) Consumer Preferences for Food Labelling Attributes: Comparing Direct Ranking and Best–Worst Scaling For Measurement Of Attribute İmportance, Preference İntensity And Attribute Dominance. Food Quality and Preferences, 29(2): 77–88.
- Marley A, Louviere J (2005) Some probabilistic models of best, worst, and best–worst choices. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 49:464–480.
- Mohai P, Twight B (1987) Age and environmentalism: an elaboration of the Buttel Model Using National Survey Evidence. Social Science Quarterly, 68:798-815.
- Özata, Z. (2006). Yeşil Pazarlama ( yesil-pazarlama).
- Paço A, Alves H, Shiel C, Filho WL (2013) A multi-country level analysis of the environmental attitudes and behaviours among young consumers. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 56(10):1532–1548.
- Pham TH, Nguyen TN, Phan TTH, Nguyen NT (2019) Evaluating the purchase behaviour of organic food by young consumers in an emerging market economy, Journal of Strategic Marketing, 27(6): 540–556.
- Prandecki K, Wrzaszcz W, Zielinski M (2021) Environmental and Climate Challenges to Agriculture in Poland in the Context of Objectives Adopted in the European Green Deal Strategy. Sustainability, 13:10318.
- Roosen J (2003) Marketing of safe food through labeling. Journal of Food Distribution Research, 34(3):77-82.
- S´anchez-Bravo P, Chambers VE, Noguera-Artiaga L, Sendra E, Chambers IV E, Carbonell-Barrachina AA (2021) Consumer understanding of sustainability concept in agricultural products, Food Quality and Preference, 89: 104136.
- Shafie FA, Rennie D (2012) Consumer Perceptions Towards Organic Food. Procedia– Social and Behavioral Sciences, 49:360-367.
- Smith S, Paladino A (2010) Eating clean and green? Investigating consumer motivations towards the purchase of organic food. Australasian Marketing Journal, 18(2):93-104.
- Srednicka-Tober D, Obiedzinska A, Kazimierczak R, Rembialkowska E (2016) Environmental Impact of Organic vs. Conventional Agriculture –A Review, Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering, 61(4):204-211.
- Van Kooten GC, Schoney RA, Hayward KA (1986) An Alternative Approach to the Evaluation of Goal Hierarchies among Farmers, Western Journal of Agricultural Economics, 11(1): 40-49.
- Yadav R, Pathak GS (2016) Intention to purchase organic food among young consumers: Evidences from a developing nation, Appetite 96:122-128.
Young People's Priority of Environmentally Friendly Production Method and Propensity to Purchase Organic Products
Yıl 2023,
, 181 - 187, 30.12.2023
Ela Atış
Cihat Günden
Kenan Çiftçi
H Ece Salalı
The aim of this study is to determine the entrepreneurial tendencies of women in rural areas in Kemalpasa district of Izmir province. Within the scope of this aim, face-to-face surveys were conducted with 68 women in Kemalpasa. In the study, the socio-economic characteristics of women were given firstly. Then, the five-point likert scale was used to evaluate the factors women attach importance to entrepreneurship. The critera that women attach importance to entrepreneurship decisions were analyzed using Fuzzy Pairwise Comparison method. According to the results of research, entrepreneur support is the most important factor that affects entrepreneurship decisions of women. The other factors were determined as economic factors, family structure and social environment, personality traits, and demographic characteristics. In addition, difficulties in obtaining capital are at the forefront of the problems faced by women while turning to entrepreneurship. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the grant support to a level that will encourage women to entrepreneurship.
Proje Numarası
(Proje No: 2012-ZRF-006)
- Atış E (2006) Tarım ve Çevre, Ed: F.Yavuz, Türkiye’de Tarım, Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, Strateji Geliştirme Başkanlığı, Ankara.
- Brümmer N, Zander K (2020) Drivers of organic food choice in Germany—the case of young adults, Org. Agr. (2020) 10 (Suppl 1):57–64.
- Chiripuci, B., Popescu, M.F, Constantin, M. (2022). The European Consumers’ Preferences for Organic Food in the Context of the European Green Deal, Food Chains Transformation in the Context of EU Green Deal Strategy,24 (60):?
- Eryılmaz, G.A., Demiryürek, K. ve Emir, M. (2015). Avrupa Birliği ve Türkiye’de Organik Tarım ve Gıda Ürünlerine Karşı Tüketici Davranışları, Anadolu Tarım Bilim. Derg., 30:199-206.
- Erdem, S., Rigby, D. and Wossink, A. (2012), Using best–worst scaling to explore perceptions of relative responsibility for ensuring food safety, Food Policy, 37(6): 661-670.
- European Commission (2021). European Green Deal: Commission prepares new initiatives to boost the organic farming sector, European Commission - Press release, 4 September 2020, Brussels. Son erişim tarihi: 25 Şubat 2021
- Grunert KJ (2002) Current İssues in The Understanding ff Consumer Food Choice. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 13(8):275-285.
- Goodman SP, Lockshin L, Cohen E (2005) Best-Worst Scaling: A Simple Method to Determine Drinks and Wine Style Preferences, paper presented at the 2nd International Wine Marketing and Business Conference, Sonoma, CA.
- Guyomard H, Bureau JC. et al. (2020) Research for AGRI Committee The Green Deal and the CAP: policy implications to adapt farming practices and to preserve the EU’s natural resources. European Parliament, Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies, Brussels.
- Hansen JW (1996) Is Agricultural Sustainability a Useful Concept? Agricultural Systems 50(1):I7-143.
- Kanchanapibul M, Lacka E, Wang X, Chan HK (2014) An empirical investigation of green purchase behaviour among the young generation, Journal of Cleaner Production, 66:528-536.
- Lagerkvist JC (2013) Consumer Preferences for Food Labelling Attributes: Comparing Direct Ranking and Best–Worst Scaling For Measurement Of Attribute İmportance, Preference İntensity And Attribute Dominance. Food Quality and Preferences, 29(2): 77–88.
- Marley A, Louviere J (2005) Some probabilistic models of best, worst, and best–worst choices. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 49:464–480.
- Mohai P, Twight B (1987) Age and environmentalism: an elaboration of the Buttel Model Using National Survey Evidence. Social Science Quarterly, 68:798-815.
- Özata, Z. (2006). Yeşil Pazarlama ( yesil-pazarlama).
- Paço A, Alves H, Shiel C, Filho WL (2013) A multi-country level analysis of the environmental attitudes and behaviours among young consumers. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 56(10):1532–1548.
- Pham TH, Nguyen TN, Phan TTH, Nguyen NT (2019) Evaluating the purchase behaviour of organic food by young consumers in an emerging market economy, Journal of Strategic Marketing, 27(6): 540–556.
- Prandecki K, Wrzaszcz W, Zielinski M (2021) Environmental and Climate Challenges to Agriculture in Poland in the Context of Objectives Adopted in the European Green Deal Strategy. Sustainability, 13:10318.
- Roosen J (2003) Marketing of safe food through labeling. Journal of Food Distribution Research, 34(3):77-82.
- S´anchez-Bravo P, Chambers VE, Noguera-Artiaga L, Sendra E, Chambers IV E, Carbonell-Barrachina AA (2021) Consumer understanding of sustainability concept in agricultural products, Food Quality and Preference, 89: 104136.
- Shafie FA, Rennie D (2012) Consumer Perceptions Towards Organic Food. Procedia– Social and Behavioral Sciences, 49:360-367.
- Smith S, Paladino A (2010) Eating clean and green? Investigating consumer motivations towards the purchase of organic food. Australasian Marketing Journal, 18(2):93-104.
- Srednicka-Tober D, Obiedzinska A, Kazimierczak R, Rembialkowska E (2016) Environmental Impact of Organic vs. Conventional Agriculture –A Review, Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering, 61(4):204-211.
- Van Kooten GC, Schoney RA, Hayward KA (1986) An Alternative Approach to the Evaluation of Goal Hierarchies among Farmers, Western Journal of Agricultural Economics, 11(1): 40-49.
- Yadav R, Pathak GS (2016) Intention to purchase organic food among young consumers: Evidences from a developing nation, Appetite 96:122-128.