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Permakültür Çocuk Oyun Alanları

Yıl 2019, , 245 - 252, 31.12.2019


Permakültür ‘‘permanent culture’’, ‘kalıcı kültür’ ve ‘‘permanent
agriculture’’ ‘kalıcı tarım’
kavramlarından oluşmuştur. Genel olarak permakültür, doğaya göre
modellenen bir tasarım sistemi olarak tanımlanmıştır. Permakültür aynı zamanda
doğayı, doğal değerleri korumayı, onarmayı, bu değerlerde planlamayı, tasarımı
ve yönetimi destekleyen bir felsefedir. Bu felsefe peyzaj mimarlığı çalışma
alanlarına da yansımaktadır. Permakültür, açık ve yeşil alanların daha
sağlıklı, yaratıcı ve sürdürülebilir olmalarına yardımcı olacak teknikler ve
ilkeler ortaya koymaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı çocuk oyun alanlarında
permakültürün yansımasını değerlendirmektir.

mekânda oyun oynamanın çocuklar üzerinde fiziksel, sosyal ve bilişsel birçok
faydası bulunmaktadır. Çalışmada doğa, çocuk ve oyun kavramlarına
odaklanılarak, çocuk oyun alanları permakültür felsefesiyle
bütünleştirilmiştir. Oyun oynadığı doğal ortamı keşfeden ve farkında olan bir
çocuğun, daha sonra peyzajın doğal ve kültürel elemanlarına değer vermeye
başlayacağı önemsenmiştir.

araştırmalar sonucu elde edilen veriler, dünya genelinde çocuk oyun alanlarında
peyzajın doğal elemanlarının baskın olduğu oyun alanlarının tasarlandığını ve
bu tasarımların uygulandığını göstermektedir. 
Çalışmada Türkiye’ de de çocuk oyun alanlarında doğal oyun elemanlarının
ve sanatsal aktivitelerle oyun senaryolarının kullanılacağı çocuk oyun alanları
tasarımları ile ilgili öneriler sunulmuştur.


  • Aiken G (2017) Permaculture and the Social Design of Nature. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 99(2): 172-191.
  • Akhtar F, Lodhi SA, Khan SS, Sarwar F (2016) Incorporating Permaculture and Strategic Management for Sustainable Ecological Resource Management. Journal of Environmental Management, 179: 31-37.
  • Aksoy Y (2011) Çocuk Oyun Alanları Üzerine Bir Araştırma İstanbul, Isparta, Eskişehir, Erzurum, Kayseri, Ankara, Zonguldak ve Trabzon İlleri Örneği. İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Mimarlık Bölümü, 106.
  • Anonim (2019a).Dangerous playgrounds from the 1900s would give parents today heart failure. (Erişim tarihi: 20. 05. 2019).
  • Anonim (2019b). Ian Potter children’s wild play. (Erişim tarihi:20. 05. 2019).
  • Ar H, Uğuz SÇ (2014) Sürdürülebilir Turizm Çerçevesinde Gönüllü Turizmi ve Permakültür İlişkisi: Permakültür Çiftlik ve Köy Uygulamaları. Proceedings of VII. Lisansüstü Turizm Öğrencileri Araştırma Kongresi, 222-232.
  • Arslan A, Dilci T (2018) Çocuk Oyunlarının Çocukların Gelişim Alanlarına Yönelik Etkilerinin Geçmiş ve Günümüz Bağlamında İncelenmesi (Sivas İli Örneklemi). Fırat
  • Bagot KL, Allen FCL, Toukhsati S (2015) Perceived Restorativeness of Children's School Playground Environments: Nature, playground Features and Play Period Experiences. Journal of environmental psychology, 41: 1-9. Barton J, Sandercock G, Pretty J, Wood C (2015) The Effect of Playground-and Nature-Based Playtime interventions on Physical Activity and Self-Esteem in UK School Children. International journal of environmental health research, 25(2): 196-206.
  • Beery T, Jørgensen KA (2018) Children in Nature: Sensory Engagement and the Experience of Biodiversity. Environmental Education Research, 24(1): 13-25.
  • Bers MU, González-González C, Armas–Torres MB (2019) Coding as a playground: Promoting positive learning experiences in childhood classrooms. Computers & Education, 138: 130-145.
  • Bilgi MG (2013) Türkiye’nin Sakin Şehirlerinde Permakültürel Koruma, Planlama, Yönetim ve Eğitim Pratikleri. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 29: 45-59.
  • Bogatyrev NR, Bogatyreva OA (2015) Permaculture and TRIZ–Methodologies for Cross-Pollination Between Biology and Engineering. Procedia engineering, 131: 644-650.
  • Brown JG, Burger C (1984) Playground Designs and Preschool Children's Behaviors. Environment and behavior, 16 (5): 599-626.
  • Bulut Z, Yılmaz S (2008) Permaculture Playgrounds as a New Design Approach for Sustainable Society. International Journal of Natural & Engineering Sciences, 2(2): 35-40.
  • Bulut Z, Kılıçaslan Ç (2011) Çocuğa Özgüven Kazandırmada Önemli Bir İlke; Çocuk Oyun Alanlarında Güvenlik. Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 10 (1): 78-85.
  • Canlı GA (2014) Gelişen Dünyada Çağdaş Çocuk Oyun Alanları. Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans tezi. Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi, İstanbul.
  • Coe DP, Flynn JI, Wolff DL, Scott SN, Durham S (2014) Children's Physical Activity Levels and Utilization of a Traditional Versus Natural Playground. Children Youth and Environments, 24 (3): 1-15.
  • Cohen S, Horm-Wingerd D (1993) Children and the Environment: Ecological Awareness Among Preschool Children. Environment and Behaviour, 25: 103-120.
  • Doherty M (2018) Permaculture in the Modern World: How Can We Apply the Integration of New Technology With Permaculture Practices in Suburban Neighborhoods to Reduce Waste and İncrease Sustainability? . Department of Urban Horticulture and Design of the State University of New York, Farmingdale State College. December, Long Island, New York,32.
  • Ferguson RS Lovell ST (2004) Permaculture for agroecology: design, movement, practice, and worldview. A review. "Agronomy for Sustainable Development. 34, 251–274.
  • Fjortoft I, Sageie J (2000) The Natural Environment as A Playground for Children Landscape Description and Analyses of A Natural Playscape. Landscape and Urban Planning, 48 (1-2): 83-97.
  • Fjortoft I (2001) The Natural Environment as a playground for children: The Impact of Outdoor Play Activities in Pre-Primary School Children. Early Childhood Education Journal, 29(2): 111-117.
  • Fjortoft I (2004) Landscape as Playscape: The Effects of Natural Environments on Children's Play and Motor Development. Children Youth and Environments,14(2):21-44.
  • Freeman C, Van Heezik Y (2018) Children, Nature and Cities: Rethinking the Connections. 305 . Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, New York.
  • Gemmell J (2015) Rethinking Playgrounds: A Design Investigation of Playscape Theory. Master Thesis,The Faculty of the Graduate School of the University of Maryland, College Park, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Landscape Architecture,76.
  • Ginsburg KR (2007) The Importance of Play in Promoting Healthy Child Development and Maintaining Strong Parent-Child Bonds. Pediatrics, 119(1): 182-191.
  • Haapala EA, Poikkeus A, Tompuri T, Kukkonen-Harjula K, Leppanen PH, Lindi V, Lakka TA (2014) Associations of Motor and Cardiovascular Performance With Academic Skills in Children. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 46(5):1016-1024.
  • Haluza-DeLay, R., & Berezan, R. (2013). Permaculture in the city: Ecological habitus and the distributed ecovillage. In J. Lockyer & J. R. Veteto (Eds.), Environmental anthropology engaging ecotopia (pp. 130-145). New York, NY: Berghan Books.
  • Hayward DG, Rothenberg M, Beasley RR (1974) Children's play and urban playground environments: a comparison of traditional, contemporary, and adventure playground types. Environment and Behavior, 6(2):131-168.
  • Hemenway T (2007) Permakültür Bahçeleri, Yeni İnsan Yayınevi, 16, 288, İstanbul. ISBN: 9789752498204.
  • Herrington S, Brussoni M (2015) Beyond Physical Activity: The Importance of Play and Nature-Based Play Spaces for Children’s Health and Development. Current Obesity Reports, 4(4): 477-483.
  • Heseltine P., Holborn J (1987) Playgrounds. The Planning, Design and Construction of Play Environments, Page:11
  • Hirschfeld S, Van Acker R (2019) Permaculture Farmers Consistently Cultivate Perennials, Crop Diversity, Landscape Heterogeneity and Nature Conservation. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems., 1-10. DOI: Published online by Cambridge University Press.
  • Holmgren D (2002) Permaculture. Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability. Holmgren Design Services, Hepburn, Victoria.
  • Holmgren D (2007) Essence of Permaculture. Hepburn: Holmgren Design Services, 23.
  • Huizinga J., (1995). Homo Ludens, oyunun toplumsal işlevi üzerine bir deneme. (Çev. Kılıçbay MA), Ayrıntı Yayınları, İstanbul, 16.
  • Jelinek R (2017) A Permaculture Primer: Using Eco-Theory to Promote Knowledge Acquisition, Dissemination and use in the Sales Organization. Industrial Marketing Management, 65: 206-216.
  • Kahl PH (1997) Developmental Psychology and The Biophilia Hypothesis: Children’s Affiliation with Nature. Developmental Review, 17 (1): 1-61.
  • Kellert SR (2002) Experiencing Nature: Affective, Cognitive, and Evaluative Development in Children. In P. H. Khan, and S. R. Kellert, (Eds.), Children and Nature. Cambridge: MIT Press. 117-151.
  • Korn L (2003) Masanobu Fukuoka's Natural Farming and Permaculture. Retrieved April, 13, 2011.
  • Lester S, Russell W (2008) Play for a Change. Play Policy and Practice. A rewiev of contemporary perspectives London: Play Englland. National Children’s Bureau.
  • Louv R (2010) Doğadaki Son Çocuk. Ankara: Çevirmen, Ceyhan Temürcü, TÜBİTAK Yayınları, 450.
  • Mollison B, Holmgren D (1978) Permaculture-1, Edition Debard. Australie .
  • Mollison B (1981) Introductıon to Permaculture. Yankee Permaculture. USA.
  • Mollison B (1988) Permaculture : A Designers Manual. Tagari Publications . Australia.
  • Mollison B (1996) What is Permaculture?. Proceedings of the Sixth International Permaculture Conference, 5, Australia
  • Moore R, Young D (1978) Childhood Outdoors: Toward a Social Ecology of the Landscape. In Children and the Environment . Springer, Boston, MA,83-130.
  • Najafıdashtape A, Hamamcıoğlu C (2018) Sorumlu Üretim ve Tüketim Bağlamında Permakültür ve Kentsel Açık ve Yeşil Alan İlişkisi. Mimarlık Bilimleri ve Uygulamaları Dergisi, 3(1): 1-17.
  • Navarro EP (2018) Networked Playscapes: Redefining the Playground . Doctoral dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  • Pesce C, Masci I, Marchetti R, Vazou S, Saakslahti A, Tomporowski PD (2016) Deliberate Play and Preparation Jointly Benefit Motor and Cognitive Development: Mediated and Moderated Effects. Frontiers in Psychology, 7: 1-17.
  • Pezrès E., 2010, « La permaculture au sein de l’agriculture urbaine : du jardin au projet de société », VertigO – La Revue électronique en sciences de l’environnement 10 (2) DOI:10.4000/vertigo.9941
  • Polat Z (2018) Assessment of Today's Playgrounds with Permaculture Playground Design Principles: Case of Aydın, Turkey. Resent Researches in Science and Landscape Management. Edited by Recep Efe, Murat Zencirkıran and İsa Curebal. Cambiridge Scholars Publishing. Chapter 35, 469-481. ISBN(10):1-5275-1087-5.
  • Pollard A, Thiessen D, Filer A (1997) Children and Their Curriculum: The Perspectives of Primary and Elementary School Children. The Falmer Press. 0750705949, 9780750705943, 206.
  • Powell KE (2005) Land Use, The Built Environment, And Physical Activity: A Public Health Mixture; A Public Health Solution. Amerikan Journal of Preventive Medicine, 28 (252), 216 -217
  • Praetorius P (2006) A Permaculture School Garden. Green teacher, 78(6).
  • Raney MA, Hendry CF, Yee SA (2019) Physical Activity and Social Behaviors of Urban Children in Green Playgrounds. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 56(4): 522-529.
  • Rhodes CJ (2012) Feeding and Healing the World: Through Regenerative Agriculture and Permaculture. Science Progress, 95(4): 345-446.
  • Said I, Bakar MSA (2005) Landscape for Children to Play and Learn: A Conceptual Comparison Between Natural Stream and Playground. Jurnal Teknologi, 42(1): 1-10.
  • Salleh AM, Rosli FM, Esa N, Ibrahim MH (2018) Permaculture Design: Linking Local Knowledge in Land Use Planning for House Compound. In SHS Web of Conferences (Vol. 45, p. 03003). EDP Sciences.
  • Sandseter EBH, Kennair LEO (2011) Children’s risky play from an evolutionary perspec¬tive: The anti-phobic effects of thrilling experiences. Evolutionary Psychology, 9(2), 257–284.
  • Sarı SÇ (2011) Çocuk Oyun ve Öğrenme. Eğitime Bakış, 20(7): 21-25.
  • Seefeldt C, Galper A (2007) "Sciencing” and Young Children. Scholastic Early Childhood Today, 12-13.
  • Simonon L (2000) Permaculture playgrounds. Playlines, 8 (21).
  • Stark PL (2009) Penny Livingston Stark ile Permakültür Çalıştayı. Regenerative Design Institute, Bolinas, California.
  • Taştepe T, Başbay AM, Yazıcı Z (2016) Kent Merkezlerindeki Ekolojik Çocuk Oyun Alanlarının Mekansal Açıdan İncelenmesi: Ankara-Antalya Örneği. JOTAF/Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 13(2): 85-95.
  • Tatar S, Olay N (2015) Agro-Turizm Kapsamında Permakültür’ün Uygulanabilirliği ve Geliştirilmesi: Belentepe Permakültür Çiftliği Örneği. Uluslararası Sosyal ve Ekonomik Bilimler Dergisi 5 (2): 29-34.
  • Veteto JR, Lockyer J (2008) Environmental Anthropology Engaging Permaculture: Moving Theory and PracticeToward Sustainability. Culture & Agriculture 30(1‐2): 47-58.
  • Wallace M, Carruthers D (Eds.) (2018) Perma/culture: Imagining Alternatives in an Age of Crisis. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, New York, 238.
  • Walsh P (2016) Early Childhood Playgrounds: Planning an Outside Learning Environment. Routledge, 120. ISBN: 978-1-138-85941-8.
  • Wang X, Woolley H, Tang Y, Liu HY, Luo Y (2018) Young Children's and Adults' Perceptions of Natural Play Spaces: A Case Study of Chengdu, Southwestern China. Cities, 72: 173-180.
  • Wells NM (2000) At Home With Nature: Effects of ‘greenness’ on children’s cognitive functioning. Environment and Behavior, 32 (6): 775-795.
  • White R, Stoecklin V (1998) Children's outdoor play & learning environments: Returning to nature. Early Childhood News, 10(2): 24-30.
  • White R (2004) Young children's relationship with nature: Its importance to children's development & the earth's future. White Hutchinson Leisure & Learning Group, 1-9.
  • Yao K (2015) Playground Utilization: A Study on Urban, Community and Neighborhood Park Playgrounds in Manhattan, Kansas. MSc. Thesis, Kansas State University, Manhattan, 1.

Permaculture Children Playgrounds

Yıl 2019, , 245 - 252, 31.12.2019


Permaculture is composed of
the concepts of “permanent culture” and“permanent agriculture”. In general,
permaculture is defined as a design system modeled according to nature.
Permaculture is also a philosophy that supports nature, protection,
restoration, planning and management of natural values. This philosophy is
reflected in the researches of landscape architecture. Permaculture techniques
and principles  help open green spaces
planning and design. In this study, the reflection of permaculture in
children's playgrounds was evaluated. Outdoor play has many physical, social
and cognitive benefits for children.  In
this study, focusing on nature, children and play concepts, children's
playgrounds are integrated with permaculture philosophy. It was cared that a
child who discovers and is aware of the natural environment in which he plays,
will then begin to value the landscape elements.

Results of the researches show that the playgrounds
where the natural elements of the landscape are dominant in children's
playgrounds around the world are designed and applied. The researche
presents  recommendations regarding the
design of playgrounds for children to use the natural play elements in a
children's playground and play scenarios with art.


  • Aiken G (2017) Permaculture and the Social Design of Nature. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 99(2): 172-191.
  • Akhtar F, Lodhi SA, Khan SS, Sarwar F (2016) Incorporating Permaculture and Strategic Management for Sustainable Ecological Resource Management. Journal of Environmental Management, 179: 31-37.
  • Aksoy Y (2011) Çocuk Oyun Alanları Üzerine Bir Araştırma İstanbul, Isparta, Eskişehir, Erzurum, Kayseri, Ankara, Zonguldak ve Trabzon İlleri Örneği. İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Mimarlık Bölümü, 106.
  • Anonim (2019a).Dangerous playgrounds from the 1900s would give parents today heart failure. (Erişim tarihi: 20. 05. 2019).
  • Anonim (2019b). Ian Potter children’s wild play. (Erişim tarihi:20. 05. 2019).
  • Ar H, Uğuz SÇ (2014) Sürdürülebilir Turizm Çerçevesinde Gönüllü Turizmi ve Permakültür İlişkisi: Permakültür Çiftlik ve Köy Uygulamaları. Proceedings of VII. Lisansüstü Turizm Öğrencileri Araştırma Kongresi, 222-232.
  • Arslan A, Dilci T (2018) Çocuk Oyunlarının Çocukların Gelişim Alanlarına Yönelik Etkilerinin Geçmiş ve Günümüz Bağlamında İncelenmesi (Sivas İli Örneklemi). Fırat
  • Bagot KL, Allen FCL, Toukhsati S (2015) Perceived Restorativeness of Children's School Playground Environments: Nature, playground Features and Play Period Experiences. Journal of environmental psychology, 41: 1-9. Barton J, Sandercock G, Pretty J, Wood C (2015) The Effect of Playground-and Nature-Based Playtime interventions on Physical Activity and Self-Esteem in UK School Children. International journal of environmental health research, 25(2): 196-206.
  • Beery T, Jørgensen KA (2018) Children in Nature: Sensory Engagement and the Experience of Biodiversity. Environmental Education Research, 24(1): 13-25.
  • Bers MU, González-González C, Armas–Torres MB (2019) Coding as a playground: Promoting positive learning experiences in childhood classrooms. Computers & Education, 138: 130-145.
  • Bilgi MG (2013) Türkiye’nin Sakin Şehirlerinde Permakültürel Koruma, Planlama, Yönetim ve Eğitim Pratikleri. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 29: 45-59.
  • Bogatyrev NR, Bogatyreva OA (2015) Permaculture and TRIZ–Methodologies for Cross-Pollination Between Biology and Engineering. Procedia engineering, 131: 644-650.
  • Brown JG, Burger C (1984) Playground Designs and Preschool Children's Behaviors. Environment and behavior, 16 (5): 599-626.
  • Bulut Z, Yılmaz S (2008) Permaculture Playgrounds as a New Design Approach for Sustainable Society. International Journal of Natural & Engineering Sciences, 2(2): 35-40.
  • Bulut Z, Kılıçaslan Ç (2011) Çocuğa Özgüven Kazandırmada Önemli Bir İlke; Çocuk Oyun Alanlarında Güvenlik. Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 10 (1): 78-85.
  • Canlı GA (2014) Gelişen Dünyada Çağdaş Çocuk Oyun Alanları. Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans tezi. Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi, İstanbul.
  • Coe DP, Flynn JI, Wolff DL, Scott SN, Durham S (2014) Children's Physical Activity Levels and Utilization of a Traditional Versus Natural Playground. Children Youth and Environments, 24 (3): 1-15.
  • Cohen S, Horm-Wingerd D (1993) Children and the Environment: Ecological Awareness Among Preschool Children. Environment and Behaviour, 25: 103-120.
  • Doherty M (2018) Permaculture in the Modern World: How Can We Apply the Integration of New Technology With Permaculture Practices in Suburban Neighborhoods to Reduce Waste and İncrease Sustainability? . Department of Urban Horticulture and Design of the State University of New York, Farmingdale State College. December, Long Island, New York,32.
  • Ferguson RS Lovell ST (2004) Permaculture for agroecology: design, movement, practice, and worldview. A review. "Agronomy for Sustainable Development. 34, 251–274.
  • Fjortoft I, Sageie J (2000) The Natural Environment as A Playground for Children Landscape Description and Analyses of A Natural Playscape. Landscape and Urban Planning, 48 (1-2): 83-97.
  • Fjortoft I (2001) The Natural Environment as a playground for children: The Impact of Outdoor Play Activities in Pre-Primary School Children. Early Childhood Education Journal, 29(2): 111-117.
  • Fjortoft I (2004) Landscape as Playscape: The Effects of Natural Environments on Children's Play and Motor Development. Children Youth and Environments,14(2):21-44.
  • Freeman C, Van Heezik Y (2018) Children, Nature and Cities: Rethinking the Connections. 305 . Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, New York.
  • Gemmell J (2015) Rethinking Playgrounds: A Design Investigation of Playscape Theory. Master Thesis,The Faculty of the Graduate School of the University of Maryland, College Park, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Landscape Architecture,76.
  • Ginsburg KR (2007) The Importance of Play in Promoting Healthy Child Development and Maintaining Strong Parent-Child Bonds. Pediatrics, 119(1): 182-191.
  • Haapala EA, Poikkeus A, Tompuri T, Kukkonen-Harjula K, Leppanen PH, Lindi V, Lakka TA (2014) Associations of Motor and Cardiovascular Performance With Academic Skills in Children. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 46(5):1016-1024.
  • Haluza-DeLay, R., & Berezan, R. (2013). Permaculture in the city: Ecological habitus and the distributed ecovillage. In J. Lockyer & J. R. Veteto (Eds.), Environmental anthropology engaging ecotopia (pp. 130-145). New York, NY: Berghan Books.
  • Hayward DG, Rothenberg M, Beasley RR (1974) Children's play and urban playground environments: a comparison of traditional, contemporary, and adventure playground types. Environment and Behavior, 6(2):131-168.
  • Hemenway T (2007) Permakültür Bahçeleri, Yeni İnsan Yayınevi, 16, 288, İstanbul. ISBN: 9789752498204.
  • Herrington S, Brussoni M (2015) Beyond Physical Activity: The Importance of Play and Nature-Based Play Spaces for Children’s Health and Development. Current Obesity Reports, 4(4): 477-483.
  • Heseltine P., Holborn J (1987) Playgrounds. The Planning, Design and Construction of Play Environments, Page:11
  • Hirschfeld S, Van Acker R (2019) Permaculture Farmers Consistently Cultivate Perennials, Crop Diversity, Landscape Heterogeneity and Nature Conservation. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems., 1-10. DOI: Published online by Cambridge University Press.
  • Holmgren D (2002) Permaculture. Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability. Holmgren Design Services, Hepburn, Victoria.
  • Holmgren D (2007) Essence of Permaculture. Hepburn: Holmgren Design Services, 23.
  • Huizinga J., (1995). Homo Ludens, oyunun toplumsal işlevi üzerine bir deneme. (Çev. Kılıçbay MA), Ayrıntı Yayınları, İstanbul, 16.
  • Jelinek R (2017) A Permaculture Primer: Using Eco-Theory to Promote Knowledge Acquisition, Dissemination and use in the Sales Organization. Industrial Marketing Management, 65: 206-216.
  • Kahl PH (1997) Developmental Psychology and The Biophilia Hypothesis: Children’s Affiliation with Nature. Developmental Review, 17 (1): 1-61.
  • Kellert SR (2002) Experiencing Nature: Affective, Cognitive, and Evaluative Development in Children. In P. H. Khan, and S. R. Kellert, (Eds.), Children and Nature. Cambridge: MIT Press. 117-151.
  • Korn L (2003) Masanobu Fukuoka's Natural Farming and Permaculture. Retrieved April, 13, 2011.
  • Lester S, Russell W (2008) Play for a Change. Play Policy and Practice. A rewiev of contemporary perspectives London: Play Englland. National Children’s Bureau.
  • Louv R (2010) Doğadaki Son Çocuk. Ankara: Çevirmen, Ceyhan Temürcü, TÜBİTAK Yayınları, 450.
  • Mollison B, Holmgren D (1978) Permaculture-1, Edition Debard. Australie .
  • Mollison B (1981) Introductıon to Permaculture. Yankee Permaculture. USA.
  • Mollison B (1988) Permaculture : A Designers Manual. Tagari Publications . Australia.
  • Mollison B (1996) What is Permaculture?. Proceedings of the Sixth International Permaculture Conference, 5, Australia
  • Moore R, Young D (1978) Childhood Outdoors: Toward a Social Ecology of the Landscape. In Children and the Environment . Springer, Boston, MA,83-130.
  • Najafıdashtape A, Hamamcıoğlu C (2018) Sorumlu Üretim ve Tüketim Bağlamında Permakültür ve Kentsel Açık ve Yeşil Alan İlişkisi. Mimarlık Bilimleri ve Uygulamaları Dergisi, 3(1): 1-17.
  • Navarro EP (2018) Networked Playscapes: Redefining the Playground . Doctoral dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  • Pesce C, Masci I, Marchetti R, Vazou S, Saakslahti A, Tomporowski PD (2016) Deliberate Play and Preparation Jointly Benefit Motor and Cognitive Development: Mediated and Moderated Effects. Frontiers in Psychology, 7: 1-17.
  • Pezrès E., 2010, « La permaculture au sein de l’agriculture urbaine : du jardin au projet de société », VertigO – La Revue électronique en sciences de l’environnement 10 (2) DOI:10.4000/vertigo.9941
  • Polat Z (2018) Assessment of Today's Playgrounds with Permaculture Playground Design Principles: Case of Aydın, Turkey. Resent Researches in Science and Landscape Management. Edited by Recep Efe, Murat Zencirkıran and İsa Curebal. Cambiridge Scholars Publishing. Chapter 35, 469-481. ISBN(10):1-5275-1087-5.
  • Pollard A, Thiessen D, Filer A (1997) Children and Their Curriculum: The Perspectives of Primary and Elementary School Children. The Falmer Press. 0750705949, 9780750705943, 206.
  • Powell KE (2005) Land Use, The Built Environment, And Physical Activity: A Public Health Mixture; A Public Health Solution. Amerikan Journal of Preventive Medicine, 28 (252), 216 -217
  • Praetorius P (2006) A Permaculture School Garden. Green teacher, 78(6).
  • Raney MA, Hendry CF, Yee SA (2019) Physical Activity and Social Behaviors of Urban Children in Green Playgrounds. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 56(4): 522-529.
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Toplam 74 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Ziraat Mühendisliği
Bölüm Düzeltme

Emir Müge Üsküplü Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-4481-6381

Zöhre Polat 0000-0001-6458-6635

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

APA Üsküplü, E. M., & Polat, Z. (2019). Permakültür Çocuk Oyun Alanları. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(2), 245-252.
AMA Üsküplü EM, Polat Z. Permakültür Çocuk Oyun Alanları. ADÜ ZİRAAT DERG. Aralık 2019;16(2):245-252. doi:10.25308/aduziraat.569829
Chicago Üsküplü, Emir Müge, ve Zöhre Polat. “Permakültür Çocuk Oyun Alanları”. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 16, sy. 2 (Aralık 2019): 245-52.
EndNote Üsküplü EM, Polat Z (01 Aralık 2019) Permakültür Çocuk Oyun Alanları. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 16 2 245–252.
IEEE E. M. Üsküplü ve Z. Polat, “Permakültür Çocuk Oyun Alanları”, ADÜ ZİRAAT DERG, c. 16, sy. 2, ss. 245–252, 2019, doi: 10.25308/aduziraat.569829.
ISNAD Üsküplü, Emir Müge - Polat, Zöhre. “Permakültür Çocuk Oyun Alanları”. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 16/2 (Aralık 2019), 245-252.
JAMA Üsküplü EM, Polat Z. Permakültür Çocuk Oyun Alanları. ADÜ ZİRAAT DERG. 2019;16:245–252.
MLA Üsküplü, Emir Müge ve Zöhre Polat. “Permakültür Çocuk Oyun Alanları”. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 16, sy. 2, 2019, ss. 245-52, doi:10.25308/aduziraat.569829.
Vancouver Üsküplü EM, Polat Z. Permakültür Çocuk Oyun Alanları. ADÜ ZİRAAT DERG. 2019;16(2):245-52.