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Modeling changes in the quality attributes of couscous cooked with ohmic heating

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 23, 216 - 231, 31.08.2024


Kinetic studies on the quality alters of couscous are crucial to the suitable design of ohmic heating treatment. Hence, it was targeted to build mathematical models to forecast the changes in quality attributes of couscous cooked using ohmic heating (OH) in the present study. In addition, the average power and total energy for cooking couscous with OH at a voltage gradient of 17 V/cm were determined. Three dissimilar kinetic models—zero, first, and second—were fitted to the data. Our findings showed that, for the ohmic heating system, as cooking time increased, energy consumption increased while heating system efficacy declined. The best model to reflect the changes in color parameters was the second-order model, while the zero-order model best fit the experimental data observed for the cooking loss, moisture content, and weight increase (%). For all TPA parameters, however, neither model yielded the greatest fit.


  • Cocci E, Sacchetti G, Vallicelli M, Angioloni A, Dalla Rosa M. Spaghetti cooking by microwave oven: Cooking kinetics and product quality. Journal of Food Engineering 2008; 85(4): 537–46.
  • De Noni I, Pagani MA. Cooking properties and heat damage of dried pasta as influenced by raw material characteristics and processing conditions. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 2010; 50(5): 465–72.
  • Dziki D, Laskowski J. Evaluation of the cooking quality of spaghetti. Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences 2005; 55(2): 153–8.
  • Wainaina I, Wafula E, Sila D, Kyomugasho C, Grauwet T, Van Loey A, Hendrickx M. Thermal treatment of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.): Factors determining cooking time and its consequences for sensory and nutritional quality. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 2021; 20(4): 3690–718.
  • Ling B, Tang J, Kong F, Mitcham EJ, Wang S. Kinetics of food quality changes during thermal processing: A review. Food and Bioprocess Technology 2015; 8(2): 343–58.
  • Sabanci S, Icier F. Enhancement of the performance of sour cherry juice concentration process in vacuum evaporator by assisting ohmic heating source. Food and Bioproducts Processing 2020; 122: 269–79.
  • Cilingir S, Goksu A, Sabanci S. Production of pectin from lemon peel powder using ohmic heating-assisted extraction process. Food and Bioprocess Technology 2021; 14(7): 1349–60.
  • Gavahian M, Tiwari BK, Chu YH, Ting Y, Farahnaky A. Food texture as affected by ohmic heating: Mechanisms involved, recent findings, benefits, and limitations. Trends in Food Science & Technology 2019; 86: 328–39.
  • Cevik M, Icier F. Characterization of viscoelastic properties of minced beef meat thawed by ohmic and conventional methods. Food Science and Technology International 2020; 26(4): 277–90.
  • Goksu A, Omac B, Sabancı S. Ohmic heating: A futuristic method for cooking bulgur. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 2022; 46(11): e17025.
  • Alkanan ZT, Altemimi AB, Al-Hilphy ARS, Watson DG, Pratap-Singh A. Ohmic heating in the food industry: Developments in concepts and applications during 2013–2020. Applied Sciences 2021; 11(6): 2507.
  • Sadika Tuly S, Mahiuddin M, Karim A. Mathematical modeling of nutritional, color, texture, and microbial activity changes in fruit and vegetables during drying: A critical review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 2023; 63(13): 1877-1900.
  • Castro I, Teixeira JA, Salengke S, Sastry SK, Vicente AA. Ohmic heating of strawberry products: electrical conductivity measurements and ascorbic acid degradation kinetics. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 2004; 5(1): 27–36.
  • Darvishi H, Salami P, Fadavi A, Saba MK. Processing kinetics, quality and thermodynamic evaluation of mulberry juice concentration process using Ohmic heating. Food and Bioproducts Processing 2020; 123: 102–10.
  • Jakób A, Bryjak J, Wójtowicz H, Illeová V, Annus J, Polakovič M. Inactivation kinetics of food enzymes during ohmic heating. Food Chemistry 2010; 123(2): 369–76.
  • Omaç B, Goksu A, Işık E, Sabancı S. The effect of ohmic heating on the quality properties of couscous during cooking. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture 2023; 6(6): 615–21.
  • Sabancı S, Icier F. Enhancement of the performance of sour cherry juice concentration process in vacuum evaporator by assisting ohmic heating source. Food and Bioproducts Processing 2020; 122: 269–279
  • Choi YH. Effects of temperature and composition on the thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of some food components. Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology 1986; 18(5): 357–63.
  • Ercoşkun H, Özkal SG. Kinetics of traditional Turkish sausage quality aspects during fermentation. Food Control 2011; 22(2): 165–72.
  • Sehrawat R, Nema PK, Kaur BP. Effect of superheated steam drying on properties of foodstuffs and kinetic modeling. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 2016; 34: 285–301.
  • Soro AB, Whyte P, Bolton DJ, Tiwari BK. Modelling the effect of UV light at different wavelengths and treatment combinations on the inactivation of Campylobacter jejuni. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 2021; 69: 102626.
  • Icier F, Ilicali C. The effects of concentration on electrical conductivity of orange juice concentrates during ohmic heating. European Food Research and Technology 2010; 220(3): 406–14.
  • Assawarachan R. Estimation model for electrical conductivity of red grape juice. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering 2010; 3(2): 52–7.
  • Darvishi H, Hosainpour A, Nargesi F, Khoshtaghaza MH, Torang H. Ohmic processing: Temperature dependent electrical conductivities of lemon juice. Modern Applied Sciences 2011; 5(1): 209.
  • Cevik M. Electrical conductivity and performance evaluation of verjuice concentration process using ohmic heating method. Journal of Food Process Engineering 2021; 44(5): e13672.
  • Bozkurt H, Icier F. Electrical conductivity changes of minced beef-fat blends during ohmic cooking. Journal of Food Engineering 2010; 96(1): 86-92.
  • Icier F, Yildiz H, Sabanci S, Cevik M, Cokgezme OF. Ohmic heating assisted vacuum evaporation of pomegranate juice: Electrical conductivity changes. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 2017; 39: 241–6.
  • Icier F, Cokgezme ÖF, Döner D, Bayana D, Kaya O, Çabas BM. Mathematical modelling of vacuum ohmic evaporation process. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 2021; 67: 102560.
  • Tunç MT, Odabaş Hİ. Single-step recovery of pectin and essential oil from lemon waste by ohmic heating assisted extraction/hydrodistillation: A multi-response optimization study. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 2021; 74: 102850.
  • Balthazar CF, Cabral L, Guimarães JT, Noronha MF, Cappato LP, Cruz AG, Sant’Ana AS. Conventional and ohmic heating pasteurization of fresh and thawed sheep milk: Energy consumption and assessment of bacterial microbiota during refrigerated storage. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 2022; 76: 102947.
  • Bayram M. Determination of the cooking degree for bulgur production using amylose/iodine, centre cutting and light scattering methods. Food Control 2006; 17(5): 331–5.
  • Badin EE, Quevedo-Leon R, Ibarz A, Ribotta PD, Lespinard AR. Kinetic modeling of thermal degradation of color, lycopene, and ascorbic acid in crushed tomato. Food and Bioprocess Technology 2021; 14(2): 324–33.
  • Gull A, Prasad K, Kumar P. Quality changes in functional pasta during storage in two different packaging materials: LDPE and BOPP. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 2017; 41(5): e13115.
  • Olivera DF, Salvadori VO. Kinetic modeling of quality changes of chilled ready to serve lasagna. Journal of Food Engineering 2012;110(3): 487–92.
  • Kumar A, Ng D, Cao B. Fate of Enterococcus faecalis in stormwater matrices under ultraviolet-A (365 nm) irradiation. Environmental Science Water Research & Technolology 2018; 4(5): 639–643.
  • Gómez M, Oliete B, Pando V, Ronda F, Caballero PA. Effect of fermentation conditions on bread staling kinetics. European Food Research and Technology 2008; 226(6): 1379–87.

Ohmik ısıtma ile pişirilen kuskusun kalite özelliklerindeki değişikliklerin modellenmesi

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 23, 216 - 231, 31.08.2024


Kuskusun kalite değişiklikleri üzerine yapılan kinetik çalışmalar, ohmik ısıtma işleminin uygun tasarımı için çok önemlidir. Bu nedenle, bu çalışmada ohmik ısıtma (OH) kullanılarak pişirilen kuskusun kalite özelliklerindeki değişiklikleri tahmin etmek için matematiksel modellerin oluşturulması hedeflenmiştir. Ayrıca 17 V/cm voltaj gradyanında OH ile kuskus pişirmek için gereken ortalama güç ve toplam enerji belirlendi. Üç farklı kinetik model (sıfır, birinci ve ikinci) verilerin modellenmesi için kullanıldı. Bulgularımız, ohmik ısıtma sistemi için pişirme süresi arttıkça enerji tüketiminin arttığını ve ısıtma sistemi etkinliğinin azaldığını gösterdi. Renk parametrelerindeki değişiklikleri en iyi yansıtan model ikinci dereceli model olurken, sıfır dereceli model pişirme kaybı, nem içeriği ve ağırlık artışı (%) için gözlemlenen deneysel verilere en iyi uyum sağlayan modeldir. Ancak tüm TPA parametrelerini için herhangi bir model tek başına en iyi uyumu sağlayamadı.


  • Cocci E, Sacchetti G, Vallicelli M, Angioloni A, Dalla Rosa M. Spaghetti cooking by microwave oven: Cooking kinetics and product quality. Journal of Food Engineering 2008; 85(4): 537–46.
  • De Noni I, Pagani MA. Cooking properties and heat damage of dried pasta as influenced by raw material characteristics and processing conditions. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 2010; 50(5): 465–72.
  • Dziki D, Laskowski J. Evaluation of the cooking quality of spaghetti. Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences 2005; 55(2): 153–8.
  • Wainaina I, Wafula E, Sila D, Kyomugasho C, Grauwet T, Van Loey A, Hendrickx M. Thermal treatment of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.): Factors determining cooking time and its consequences for sensory and nutritional quality. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 2021; 20(4): 3690–718.
  • Ling B, Tang J, Kong F, Mitcham EJ, Wang S. Kinetics of food quality changes during thermal processing: A review. Food and Bioprocess Technology 2015; 8(2): 343–58.
  • Sabanci S, Icier F. Enhancement of the performance of sour cherry juice concentration process in vacuum evaporator by assisting ohmic heating source. Food and Bioproducts Processing 2020; 122: 269–79.
  • Cilingir S, Goksu A, Sabanci S. Production of pectin from lemon peel powder using ohmic heating-assisted extraction process. Food and Bioprocess Technology 2021; 14(7): 1349–60.
  • Gavahian M, Tiwari BK, Chu YH, Ting Y, Farahnaky A. Food texture as affected by ohmic heating: Mechanisms involved, recent findings, benefits, and limitations. Trends in Food Science & Technology 2019; 86: 328–39.
  • Cevik M, Icier F. Characterization of viscoelastic properties of minced beef meat thawed by ohmic and conventional methods. Food Science and Technology International 2020; 26(4): 277–90.
  • Goksu A, Omac B, Sabancı S. Ohmic heating: A futuristic method for cooking bulgur. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 2022; 46(11): e17025.
  • Alkanan ZT, Altemimi AB, Al-Hilphy ARS, Watson DG, Pratap-Singh A. Ohmic heating in the food industry: Developments in concepts and applications during 2013–2020. Applied Sciences 2021; 11(6): 2507.
  • Sadika Tuly S, Mahiuddin M, Karim A. Mathematical modeling of nutritional, color, texture, and microbial activity changes in fruit and vegetables during drying: A critical review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 2023; 63(13): 1877-1900.
  • Castro I, Teixeira JA, Salengke S, Sastry SK, Vicente AA. Ohmic heating of strawberry products: electrical conductivity measurements and ascorbic acid degradation kinetics. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 2004; 5(1): 27–36.
  • Darvishi H, Salami P, Fadavi A, Saba MK. Processing kinetics, quality and thermodynamic evaluation of mulberry juice concentration process using Ohmic heating. Food and Bioproducts Processing 2020; 123: 102–10.
  • Jakób A, Bryjak J, Wójtowicz H, Illeová V, Annus J, Polakovič M. Inactivation kinetics of food enzymes during ohmic heating. Food Chemistry 2010; 123(2): 369–76.
  • Omaç B, Goksu A, Işık E, Sabancı S. The effect of ohmic heating on the quality properties of couscous during cooking. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture 2023; 6(6): 615–21.
  • Sabancı S, Icier F. Enhancement of the performance of sour cherry juice concentration process in vacuum evaporator by assisting ohmic heating source. Food and Bioproducts Processing 2020; 122: 269–279
  • Choi YH. Effects of temperature and composition on the thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of some food components. Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology 1986; 18(5): 357–63.
  • Ercoşkun H, Özkal SG. Kinetics of traditional Turkish sausage quality aspects during fermentation. Food Control 2011; 22(2): 165–72.
  • Sehrawat R, Nema PK, Kaur BP. Effect of superheated steam drying on properties of foodstuffs and kinetic modeling. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 2016; 34: 285–301.
  • Soro AB, Whyte P, Bolton DJ, Tiwari BK. Modelling the effect of UV light at different wavelengths and treatment combinations on the inactivation of Campylobacter jejuni. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 2021; 69: 102626.
  • Icier F, Ilicali C. The effects of concentration on electrical conductivity of orange juice concentrates during ohmic heating. European Food Research and Technology 2010; 220(3): 406–14.
  • Assawarachan R. Estimation model for electrical conductivity of red grape juice. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering 2010; 3(2): 52–7.
  • Darvishi H, Hosainpour A, Nargesi F, Khoshtaghaza MH, Torang H. Ohmic processing: Temperature dependent electrical conductivities of lemon juice. Modern Applied Sciences 2011; 5(1): 209.
  • Cevik M. Electrical conductivity and performance evaluation of verjuice concentration process using ohmic heating method. Journal of Food Process Engineering 2021; 44(5): e13672.
  • Bozkurt H, Icier F. Electrical conductivity changes of minced beef-fat blends during ohmic cooking. Journal of Food Engineering 2010; 96(1): 86-92.
  • Icier F, Yildiz H, Sabanci S, Cevik M, Cokgezme OF. Ohmic heating assisted vacuum evaporation of pomegranate juice: Electrical conductivity changes. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 2017; 39: 241–6.
  • Icier F, Cokgezme ÖF, Döner D, Bayana D, Kaya O, Çabas BM. Mathematical modelling of vacuum ohmic evaporation process. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 2021; 67: 102560.
  • Tunç MT, Odabaş Hİ. Single-step recovery of pectin and essential oil from lemon waste by ohmic heating assisted extraction/hydrodistillation: A multi-response optimization study. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 2021; 74: 102850.
  • Balthazar CF, Cabral L, Guimarães JT, Noronha MF, Cappato LP, Cruz AG, Sant’Ana AS. Conventional and ohmic heating pasteurization of fresh and thawed sheep milk: Energy consumption and assessment of bacterial microbiota during refrigerated storage. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 2022; 76: 102947.
  • Bayram M. Determination of the cooking degree for bulgur production using amylose/iodine, centre cutting and light scattering methods. Food Control 2006; 17(5): 331–5.
  • Badin EE, Quevedo-Leon R, Ibarz A, Ribotta PD, Lespinard AR. Kinetic modeling of thermal degradation of color, lycopene, and ascorbic acid in crushed tomato. Food and Bioprocess Technology 2021; 14(2): 324–33.
  • Gull A, Prasad K, Kumar P. Quality changes in functional pasta during storage in two different packaging materials: LDPE and BOPP. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 2017; 41(5): e13115.
  • Olivera DF, Salvadori VO. Kinetic modeling of quality changes of chilled ready to serve lasagna. Journal of Food Engineering 2012;110(3): 487–92.
  • Kumar A, Ng D, Cao B. Fate of Enterococcus faecalis in stormwater matrices under ultraviolet-A (365 nm) irradiation. Environmental Science Water Research & Technolology 2018; 4(5): 639–643.
  • Gómez M, Oliete B, Pando V, Ronda F, Caballero PA. Effect of fermentation conditions on bread staling kinetics. European Food Research and Technology 2008; 226(6): 1379–87.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Gıda Mühendisliği
Bölüm Makaleler

Basri Omaç 0000-0001-6956-2720

Ali Göksu 0000-0003-2316-0704

Erdem Işık 0000-0003-4715-6582

Serdal Sabancı 0000-0003-1630-0799

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ağustos 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 25 Nisan 2024
Kabul Tarihi 12 Ağustos 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 11 Sayı: 23

Kaynak Göster

APA Omaç, B., Göksu, A., Işık, E., Sabancı, S. (2024). Modeling changes in the quality attributes of couscous cooked with ohmic heating. Adıyaman Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(23), 216-231.
AMA Omaç B, Göksu A, Işık E, Sabancı S. Modeling changes in the quality attributes of couscous cooked with ohmic heating. Adıyaman Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. Ağustos 2024;11(23):216-231. doi:10.54365/adyumbd.1473698
Chicago Omaç, Basri, Ali Göksu, Erdem Işık, ve Serdal Sabancı. “Modeling Changes in the Quality Attributes of Couscous Cooked With Ohmic Heating”. Adıyaman Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 11, sy. 23 (Ağustos 2024): 216-31.
EndNote Omaç B, Göksu A, Işık E, Sabancı S (01 Ağustos 2024) Modeling changes in the quality attributes of couscous cooked with ohmic heating. Adıyaman Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 11 23 216–231.
IEEE B. Omaç, A. Göksu, E. Işık, ve S. Sabancı, “Modeling changes in the quality attributes of couscous cooked with ohmic heating”, Adıyaman Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 11, sy. 23, ss. 216–231, 2024, doi: 10.54365/adyumbd.1473698.
ISNAD Omaç, Basri vd. “Modeling Changes in the Quality Attributes of Couscous Cooked With Ohmic Heating”. Adıyaman Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 11/23 (Ağustos 2024), 216-231.
JAMA Omaç B, Göksu A, Işık E, Sabancı S. Modeling changes in the quality attributes of couscous cooked with ohmic heating. Adıyaman Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. 2024;11:216–231.
MLA Omaç, Basri vd. “Modeling Changes in the Quality Attributes of Couscous Cooked With Ohmic Heating”. Adıyaman Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 11, sy. 23, 2024, ss. 216-31, doi:10.54365/adyumbd.1473698.
Vancouver Omaç B, Göksu A, Işık E, Sabancı S. Modeling changes in the quality attributes of couscous cooked with ohmic heating. Adıyaman Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. 2024;11(23):216-31.