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The Dark Side of Collective Memory: Israel's Politics of Victimisation in the Face of the Palestinian Issue

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 11 Sayı: Filistin Özel Sayısı, 537 - 556, 28.02.2025


The article examines the shaping of the collective memory of the Israeli state and Jewish society and its impact on political and social processes. The article shows how Israeli narratives of victimization are used as a political tool and how these narratives are intertwined with Israel's national identity. Furthermore, the article discusses how collective memory in Israel is constructed through historical narratives and how these narratives are selected and shaped. It also discusses how Israel's politics of victimization affects non-Jewish communities, especially Palestinians, through non-conciliatory discourses and actions, such as policies of marginalization and denial. It argues that this politics reinforces Israel's national identity while suppressing Palestinian collective memory, and that this process of suppression serves to reinforce Israel's perception of victimization. In conclusion, the article provides a critical analysis of collective memory and the politics of victimization in order to understand the dynamics of Israeli-Palestinian relations and their political consequences. The article shows how Israeli narratives of victimization are manipulated and used for political purposes. This highlights the powerful influence of collective memory and the politics of victimization on international relations and political action. In summary, this article will examine the impact of historical events on social memory by analyzing certain periods of Jewish history in addition to theories of social memory in order to critically put forward how the perception of victimization that feeds Israel's denial policies creates an ideological framework in the construction of history and memory, and under which power dynamics this memory is shaped.


  • Anadolu Ajansı, (2023, November 11). Israeli officials accused of inciting war crimes in Gaza with violent rhetoric, Retrieved from in 20.12.2024.
  • Assmann, A. (2008). Transformations between history and memory. Social Research: An International Quarterly, 75(1), 49-72.
  • Assmann, J., & Czaplicka, J. (1995). Collective memory and cultural identity. New german critique, (65), 125-133. Bashir, B., & Goldberg, A. (Eds.). (2018). The Holocaust and the Nakba: A new grammar of trauma and history. Columbia University Press.
  • Bar-Tal, D., & Antebi, D. (1992). Siege mentality in Israel. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 16, 251-275.
  • Bar-Tal, D. (2007). Living with the conflict: Socio-psychological analysis of the Jewish society in Israel. Jerusalem: Carmel.
  • Bell, D. (Ed.). (2006). Memory, trauma and world politics: Reflections on the relationship between past and present. Springer.
  • Benvenisti, M. (2000). Sacred landscape: The buried history of the Holy Land since 1948. Univ of California Press. Bishara, A. (ed.) (1997) `Introduction', in The enlightenment: an unfinished project?, pp. 7-25. Tel-Aviv: Hakibbutz Ha-Meuchad, Hebrew.
  • Britannica, (2024, 20 Aug). Babylonian Captivity. Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved from in 03.06.2024.
  • Butler, J. (2012). Parting ways: Jewishness and the critique of Zionism. Columbia University Press. Chazan, R. (2015). A New Vision of Jewish History: The Early Historical Writings of Salo Baron. AJS review, 39(1), 27-47.
  • Cohen, S. (2013). States of denial: Knowing about atrocities and suffering. John Wiley & Sons. Collins, J. (2004). Occupied by memory: The intifada generation and the Palestinian state of emergency. NYU Press.
  • Connerton, P. (1989). How societies remember. Cambridge University.
  • Dudai, Y. (2022). Persistence of Collective Memory over 3,000 Years: The Case of Ancient Versus Modern Israel, in National Memories: Constructing Identity in Populist Times, ed. Henry L. Roediger III, and James V. Wertsch, New York., accessed 30 July. 2024
  • Estrin, D. (2010). The King’s Torah: a rabbinic text or a call to terror? Haaretz. Retrieved from in 15.12.2024.
  • Fierke, K. M. (2006). Bewitched by the past: Social memory, trauma and international relations. In Memory, trauma and world politics: Reflections on the relationship between past and present (pp. 116-134). London: Palgrave Macmillan UK.
  • Fierke, K. M. (2008). Memory and violence in Israel/Palestine. Human Rights & Human Welfare, 8(1), 21. Freud, S. (1939). Moses and Monotheism. New York.
  • Gartner, L. P. (2009). Salo Baron, Universal Jewish Historian. Jewish Historical Studies, 42, 173-188. Gellner, E. (1983). Muslim society (No. 32). Cambridge University Press.
  • Gur-Ze'ev, I., & Pappé, I. (2003). Beyond the destruction of the other's collective memory: Blueprints for a Palestinian/Israeli dialogue. Theory, Culture & Society, 20(1), 93-108.
  • Halbwachs, M. (2020). On collective memory. University of Chicago press.
  • Hareven, A. (1983). Victimization: Some comments by an Israeli. Political Psychology, 145-155.
  • Havel, V. (1990). History of a public enemy. New York Review of Books, May, 31(37), 9.
  • Hegel, G.W.F. (2005) Tinin Görüngübilimi, Çev: Aziz Yardımlı, İdea Yayınevi, İstanbul.
  • Itamar I. (2007, February 28). Why Does Zochrot Exist? Zochrot. Retrieved from in 13.11.2024.
  • Jaffee, M. S. (1991). The victim-community in myth and history: Holocaust ritual, the question of Palestine, and the rhetoric of Christian witness. Journal of ecumenical studies, 28(2), 223-238.
  • Kimmerling B. (1993). Militarism in Israeli society. Theory and Criticism, 4, 123–140.
  • LaCapra, D. (1998). History and memory after Auschwitz. Cornell UP.
  • Makdisi, J. S. (1999). Beirut Fragments: A War Memoir, New York: Persea Books.
  • Makdisi, U., & Silverstein, P. A. (Eds.). (2006). Memory and violence in the Middle East and North Africa.
  • Mariko, M. (2009). Zionism and the Nakba: The mainstream narrative, the oppressed narratives, and the Israeli collective memory. Kyoto Bulletin of Islamic Area Studies, 3(1).
  • Margalit, A. (2002). The Ethics of Memory. Harvard University Press. Marton, R. (2004). The Psychological Impact of the Second Intifada on Israeli Society. Palestine-Israel Journal of Politics, Economics & Culture, 11(1).
  • Masalha, N. (2005). Catastrophe Remembered: Palestine, Israel and the Internal Refugees: Essays in Memory of Edward W. Said (1935-2003).
  • Nasser, I., & Abu-Nimer, M. (2022, December 21). Marginalizing Palestinians in Historic Palestine (Israel) Through Education. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education.
  • Netanyahu, B. (2013, February 18). PM addresses the Jewish Agency Board of Governors. Newsletter of the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Time of Israel. Retrieved from in 05.12.2024.
  • Nevo, J. (1989). The attitude of arab palestinian historiography toward the Germans and the Holocaust. Remembering for the Future: Working Papers and Addenda, 2, 2241-2250.31(1), 111–126.
  • Newman, M. (2015). IDF Chief cites Holocaust to justify Haredi service. Times of Israel. Retrieved from in 23.10.2024.
  • Pappe, I. (1995). Critique and agenda: The post-Zionist scholars in Israel. History and Memory, 7(1), 66-90.
  • Peled-Elhanan, N. (2013). Palestine in Israeli school books: Ideology and propaganda in education. Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Rachlevsky, S. (2023, April 23). Netanyahu and the Laws of Killing 'Goyim, Haaretz. Retrieved from in 16.12.2024.
  • Ram, U. (2009). Ways of forgetting: Israel and the obliterated memory of the Palestinian Nakba. Journal of Historical Sociology, 22(3), 366-395.
  • Raz-Krakotzkin, A. (1993). Exile within sovereignty: Toward a critique of the'negation of exile'in Israeli culture. Theory and Criticism, 4(Fall), 113-132.
  • Ricoeur, P. (2006). Memory-forgetting-history. in Meaning and Representation in History, ed. Jörn Rüsen New York: Berghahn Books.
  • Rivlin, R. (2015, April 15). President Rivlin addresses official ceremony marking the commencement of Israel’s Holocaust Memorial Day, Office of the President, Retrieved from in 23.12.2024.
  • Roediger, H. L., & Abel, M. (2015). Collective memory: a new arena of cognitive study. Trends in cognitive sciences, 19(7), 359-361., accessed 1 Aug. 2024.
  • Rotberg, R. I. (Ed.). (2006). Israeli and Palestinian narratives of conflict: History's double helix. Indiana University Press.
  • Sa'di, A. H. (2007). Reflections on representation, history, and moral accountability. In Nakba: Palestine, 1948 and the Claims of Memory (pp. 285-314). Columbia University Press.
  • Sa'di, A. H., & Abu-Lughod, L. (Eds.). (2007). Nakba: Palestine, 1948, and the claims of memory. Columbia University Press.
  • Said, E. W. (1979). The question of Palestine. Vintage.
  • Said, E. (1997). Bases for coexistence. Al-Ahram Weekly, 15(11), 1-5.
  • Sarayah, H., & Bashir, S. (1997). Knowing the Holocaust or the breaking of the Jewish monopoly over it. Al Hayat. Shapira, A. (2000). Hirbet Hizah: Between remembrance and forgetting. Jewish Social Studies, 7(1), 1-62.
  • Smith, A. (2013). Nations and nationalism in a global era. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Sturken, M. (1997). Tangled memories: The Vietnam War, the AIDS epidemic, and the politics of remembering. Univ of California Press.
  • Triandafyllidou, A. (1998). National identity and the'other'. Ethnic and racial studies, 21(4), 593-612.
  • Walzer, M., & Said, E. W. (1986). An Exchange:'Exodus and Revolution'. Grand Street, 246-259.
  • Wermenbol, G. (2021). The Holocaust in Israeli Textbooks: Death and Deliverance. In A Tale of Two Narratives: The Holocaust, the Nakba, and the Israeli-Palestinian Battle of Memories (pp. 77–117). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Young, A. (1995). The Harmony of Illusions: Inventing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Princeton University Press.
  • Zarecka, I. I. (1994). Frames of remembrance: The dynamics of collective memory. Transaction Publishers.
  • Zertal, I. (2005). Israel’s Holocaust and the Politics of Nationhood. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Zerubavel, E. (2003). Time maps: Collective memory and the social shape of the past. University of Chicago Press.
  • Zerubavel, Y. (1995). Recovered roots: Collective memory and the making of Israeli national tradition. University of Chicago Press.
  • Zerubavel, Y. (2005). Transhistorical encounters in the land of Israel: On symbolic bridges, national memory, and the literary imagination. Jewish Social Studies, 11(3), 115-140.
  • Zochrot. (2021). Zochrot annual report 2021. Retrieved from in 30.11.202

Kolektif Hafızanın Karanlık Yüzü: İsrail’in Filistin Sorunu Karşısındaki Mağduriyet Siyaseti

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 11 Sayı: Filistin Özel Sayısı, 537 - 556, 28.02.2025


İsrail'in kolektif hafızası Eski Ahid’te geçen “kutsal tarih” anlayışının öngördüğü sürgün ve soykırım deneyimine ve onun oluşturduğu mağduriyet algısı üzerine dayanır. Bu kolektif hafıza, Yahudi halkının bir araya gelmesini, ulusal kimliğin güçlenmesini ve İsrail devletinin meşruiyetini sağlamlaştırmasını desteklemiştir. Yahudi halkının Holokost sırasında yaşadığı soykırım ve tarih boyunca maruz kaldığı sürgünler, İsrail'in güvenlik politikalarını ve ulusal kimliğini şekillendirmektedir. Bu mağduriyet algısı, İsrail'in kendini sürekli tehdit altında hissetmesine ve sert güvenlik politikaları benimsemesine neden olmaktadır. Dolayısıyla bu makale İsrail devletinin ve Yahudi toplumunun kolektif hafızasının şekillenmesini ve bu hafızanın siyasi ve toplumsal süreçler üzerindeki etkisini inceler. Ayrıca, bu makale, İsrail'in mağduriyet siyasetinin, Yahudi olmayan toplulukları, özellikle Filistinlileri, marjinalleştirme ve inkâr politikaları gibi uzlaşı dışı söylem ve eylemler yoluyla nasıl etkilediğini tartışır. Yine bu makale sözü edilen siyasetin, İsrail'in ulusal kimliğini güçlendirdiğini, Filistinlilerin kolektif hafızasını bastırdığını ve bu bastırma sürecinin, İsrail'in mağduriyet algısını güçlendirmeye hizmet ettiğini belirtir. Dahası kolektif hafızanın ve mağduriyet siyasetinin, İsrail ve Filistin arasındaki ilişkilerdeki dinamikleri ve bunların siyasi sonuçlarını anlamak için kritik bir analiz sunması bu makalenin amaçlarındandır. İsrail'in mağduriyet anlatılarının nasıl manipüle edildiğini ve bu anlatıların nasıl siyasi amaçlar için kullanıldığını göstermek ve kolektif hafızanın ve mağduriyet siyasetinin, uluslararası ilişkiler ve siyasi eylemler üzerindeki güçlü etkisini vurgulamak yine bu makalenin yazılış amaçlarındandır. Özetle bu makalede İsrail’in inkâr politikalarını besleyen mağduriyet algısının tarih ve hafıza inşasında nasıl bir ideolojik çerçeve oluşturduğunu, bu hafızanın hangi güç dinamikleri altında şekillendiğini eleştirel bir şekilde ortaya koymak için toplumsal hafıza teorilerinin yanında Yahudi tarihinin belirli dönemlerini analiz ederek, tarihsel olayların toplumsal hafıza üzerindeki etkisi incelenmektedir.


  • Anadolu Ajansı, (2023, November 11). Israeli officials accused of inciting war crimes in Gaza with violent rhetoric, Retrieved from in 20.12.2024.
  • Assmann, A. (2008). Transformations between history and memory. Social Research: An International Quarterly, 75(1), 49-72.
  • Assmann, J., & Czaplicka, J. (1995). Collective memory and cultural identity. New german critique, (65), 125-133. Bashir, B., & Goldberg, A. (Eds.). (2018). The Holocaust and the Nakba: A new grammar of trauma and history. Columbia University Press.
  • Bar-Tal, D., & Antebi, D. (1992). Siege mentality in Israel. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 16, 251-275.
  • Bar-Tal, D. (2007). Living with the conflict: Socio-psychological analysis of the Jewish society in Israel. Jerusalem: Carmel.
  • Bell, D. (Ed.). (2006). Memory, trauma and world politics: Reflections on the relationship between past and present. Springer.
  • Benvenisti, M. (2000). Sacred landscape: The buried history of the Holy Land since 1948. Univ of California Press. Bishara, A. (ed.) (1997) `Introduction', in The enlightenment: an unfinished project?, pp. 7-25. Tel-Aviv: Hakibbutz Ha-Meuchad, Hebrew.
  • Britannica, (2024, 20 Aug). Babylonian Captivity. Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved from in 03.06.2024.
  • Butler, J. (2012). Parting ways: Jewishness and the critique of Zionism. Columbia University Press. Chazan, R. (2015). A New Vision of Jewish History: The Early Historical Writings of Salo Baron. AJS review, 39(1), 27-47.
  • Cohen, S. (2013). States of denial: Knowing about atrocities and suffering. John Wiley & Sons. Collins, J. (2004). Occupied by memory: The intifada generation and the Palestinian state of emergency. NYU Press.
  • Connerton, P. (1989). How societies remember. Cambridge University.
  • Dudai, Y. (2022). Persistence of Collective Memory over 3,000 Years: The Case of Ancient Versus Modern Israel, in National Memories: Constructing Identity in Populist Times, ed. Henry L. Roediger III, and James V. Wertsch, New York., accessed 30 July. 2024
  • Estrin, D. (2010). The King’s Torah: a rabbinic text or a call to terror? Haaretz. Retrieved from in 15.12.2024.
  • Fierke, K. M. (2006). Bewitched by the past: Social memory, trauma and international relations. In Memory, trauma and world politics: Reflections on the relationship between past and present (pp. 116-134). London: Palgrave Macmillan UK.
  • Fierke, K. M. (2008). Memory and violence in Israel/Palestine. Human Rights & Human Welfare, 8(1), 21. Freud, S. (1939). Moses and Monotheism. New York.
  • Gartner, L. P. (2009). Salo Baron, Universal Jewish Historian. Jewish Historical Studies, 42, 173-188. Gellner, E. (1983). Muslim society (No. 32). Cambridge University Press.
  • Gur-Ze'ev, I., & Pappé, I. (2003). Beyond the destruction of the other's collective memory: Blueprints for a Palestinian/Israeli dialogue. Theory, Culture & Society, 20(1), 93-108.
  • Halbwachs, M. (2020). On collective memory. University of Chicago press.
  • Hareven, A. (1983). Victimization: Some comments by an Israeli. Political Psychology, 145-155.
  • Havel, V. (1990). History of a public enemy. New York Review of Books, May, 31(37), 9.
  • Hegel, G.W.F. (2005) Tinin Görüngübilimi, Çev: Aziz Yardımlı, İdea Yayınevi, İstanbul.
  • Itamar I. (2007, February 28). Why Does Zochrot Exist? Zochrot. Retrieved from in 13.11.2024.
  • Jaffee, M. S. (1991). The victim-community in myth and history: Holocaust ritual, the question of Palestine, and the rhetoric of Christian witness. Journal of ecumenical studies, 28(2), 223-238.
  • Kimmerling B. (1993). Militarism in Israeli society. Theory and Criticism, 4, 123–140.
  • LaCapra, D. (1998). History and memory after Auschwitz. Cornell UP.
  • Makdisi, J. S. (1999). Beirut Fragments: A War Memoir, New York: Persea Books.
  • Makdisi, U., & Silverstein, P. A. (Eds.). (2006). Memory and violence in the Middle East and North Africa.
  • Mariko, M. (2009). Zionism and the Nakba: The mainstream narrative, the oppressed narratives, and the Israeli collective memory. Kyoto Bulletin of Islamic Area Studies, 3(1).
  • Margalit, A. (2002). The Ethics of Memory. Harvard University Press. Marton, R. (2004). The Psychological Impact of the Second Intifada on Israeli Society. Palestine-Israel Journal of Politics, Economics & Culture, 11(1).
  • Masalha, N. (2005). Catastrophe Remembered: Palestine, Israel and the Internal Refugees: Essays in Memory of Edward W. Said (1935-2003).
  • Nasser, I., & Abu-Nimer, M. (2022, December 21). Marginalizing Palestinians in Historic Palestine (Israel) Through Education. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education.
  • Netanyahu, B. (2013, February 18). PM addresses the Jewish Agency Board of Governors. Newsletter of the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Time of Israel. Retrieved from in 05.12.2024.
  • Nevo, J. (1989). The attitude of arab palestinian historiography toward the Germans and the Holocaust. Remembering for the Future: Working Papers and Addenda, 2, 2241-2250.31(1), 111–126.
  • Newman, M. (2015). IDF Chief cites Holocaust to justify Haredi service. Times of Israel. Retrieved from in 23.10.2024.
  • Pappe, I. (1995). Critique and agenda: The post-Zionist scholars in Israel. History and Memory, 7(1), 66-90.
  • Peled-Elhanan, N. (2013). Palestine in Israeli school books: Ideology and propaganda in education. Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Rachlevsky, S. (2023, April 23). Netanyahu and the Laws of Killing 'Goyim, Haaretz. Retrieved from in 16.12.2024.
  • Ram, U. (2009). Ways of forgetting: Israel and the obliterated memory of the Palestinian Nakba. Journal of Historical Sociology, 22(3), 366-395.
  • Raz-Krakotzkin, A. (1993). Exile within sovereignty: Toward a critique of the'negation of exile'in Israeli culture. Theory and Criticism, 4(Fall), 113-132.
  • Ricoeur, P. (2006). Memory-forgetting-history. in Meaning and Representation in History, ed. Jörn Rüsen New York: Berghahn Books.
  • Rivlin, R. (2015, April 15). President Rivlin addresses official ceremony marking the commencement of Israel’s Holocaust Memorial Day, Office of the President, Retrieved from in 23.12.2024.
  • Roediger, H. L., & Abel, M. (2015). Collective memory: a new arena of cognitive study. Trends in cognitive sciences, 19(7), 359-361., accessed 1 Aug. 2024.
  • Rotberg, R. I. (Ed.). (2006). Israeli and Palestinian narratives of conflict: History's double helix. Indiana University Press.
  • Sa'di, A. H. (2007). Reflections on representation, history, and moral accountability. In Nakba: Palestine, 1948 and the Claims of Memory (pp. 285-314). Columbia University Press.
  • Sa'di, A. H., & Abu-Lughod, L. (Eds.). (2007). Nakba: Palestine, 1948, and the claims of memory. Columbia University Press.
  • Said, E. W. (1979). The question of Palestine. Vintage.
  • Said, E. (1997). Bases for coexistence. Al-Ahram Weekly, 15(11), 1-5.
  • Sarayah, H., & Bashir, S. (1997). Knowing the Holocaust or the breaking of the Jewish monopoly over it. Al Hayat. Shapira, A. (2000). Hirbet Hizah: Between remembrance and forgetting. Jewish Social Studies, 7(1), 1-62.
  • Smith, A. (2013). Nations and nationalism in a global era. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Sturken, M. (1997). Tangled memories: The Vietnam War, the AIDS epidemic, and the politics of remembering. Univ of California Press.
  • Triandafyllidou, A. (1998). National identity and the'other'. Ethnic and racial studies, 21(4), 593-612.
  • Walzer, M., & Said, E. W. (1986). An Exchange:'Exodus and Revolution'. Grand Street, 246-259.
  • Wermenbol, G. (2021). The Holocaust in Israeli Textbooks: Death and Deliverance. In A Tale of Two Narratives: The Holocaust, the Nakba, and the Israeli-Palestinian Battle of Memories (pp. 77–117). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Young, A. (1995). The Harmony of Illusions: Inventing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Princeton University Press.
  • Zarecka, I. I. (1994). Frames of remembrance: The dynamics of collective memory. Transaction Publishers.
  • Zertal, I. (2005). Israel’s Holocaust and the Politics of Nationhood. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Zerubavel, E. (2003). Time maps: Collective memory and the social shape of the past. University of Chicago Press.
  • Zerubavel, Y. (1995). Recovered roots: Collective memory and the making of Israeli national tradition. University of Chicago Press.
  • Zerubavel, Y. (2005). Transhistorical encounters in the land of Israel: On symbolic bridges, national memory, and the literary imagination. Jewish Social Studies, 11(3), 115-140.
  • Zochrot. (2021). Zochrot annual report 2021. Retrieved from in 30.11.202
Toplam 60 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Siyaset Sosyolojisi, Yahudilik Araştırmaları
Bölüm Makaleler

İsa Abidoğlu 0000-0002-3559-2304

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Şubat 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 18 Ekim 2024
Kabul Tarihi 28 Şubat 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 11 Sayı: Filistin Özel Sayısı

Kaynak Göster

APA Abidoğlu, İ. (2025). Kolektif Hafızanın Karanlık Yüzü: İsrail’in Filistin Sorunu Karşısındaki Mağduriyet Siyaseti. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 11(Filistin Özel Sayısı), 537-556.