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Possible tigecycline related acute pancreatitis in an adult with cystic fibrosis

Yıl 2020, , 90 - 93, 04.10.2020


The aim of this case report is to increase the awareness of pancreatitis due to tigecycline, especially in patients with high risk. A 19-year-old male patient with cystic fibrosis was commenced an antibiotic regimen containing tigecycline with the diagnosis of acute bronchitis. On the 12th day of the treatment, severe epigastric abdominal pain and nausea appeared, and pancreatic enzyme levels increased 10 times more than normal. After eliminating other causes of pancreatitis, tigecycline treatment was discontinued, and the patient's clinical condition improved and laboratory findings returned to normal gradually. Clinicians should be careful when using tigecycline, especially in patients with high risk of developing pancreatitis, such as cystic fibrosis.


  • [1] Lin J, Wang R, Chen J. Tigecycline-induced acute pancreatitis in a renal transplant patient : a case report and literature review. BMC Infect Dis 2018;18:1-6.
  • [2] Hemphill MT, Jones KR. Tigecycline-induced acute pancreatitis in a cystic fibrosis patient : A case report and literature review. J Cyst Fibros 2016;15:e9-e11.
  • [3] Mcgovern PC, Wible M, Korth-bradley JM, et al. Pancreatitis in tigecycline Phase 3 and 4 clinical studies. J Antimicrob Chemother 2014;69:773-8.
  • [4] Davido B, Shourick J, Makhloufi S, et al. True incidence of tigecycline-induced pancreatitis: how many cases are we missing? J Antimicrob Chemother 2016;71:2994-5.
  • [5] Petrocheilou A, Kaditis AG, Loukou I. Pancreatitis in a patient with cystic fibrosis taking ivacaftor. Children 2020;7:6.
  • [6] Ooi CY, Dorfman R, Cipolli M, et al. Type of CFTR mutation determines risk of pancreatitis in patients with cystic fibrosis. Gastroenterology 2011;140:153-61.
  • [7] Ledder O, Haller W, Couper RTL, et al. Cystic fibrosis : An update for clinicians. Part 2: Hepatobiliary and pancreatic manifestations. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2014;29:1954-62.
  • [8] Singh VK, Schwarzenberg SJ. Pancreatic insufficiency in cystic fibrosis. J Cyst Fibros 2017;16(Suppl 2):70-8.
  • [9] Wilschanski M, Novak I. The cystic fibrosis of exocrine pancreas. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2013;3:1-17.

Kistik fibrozis tanılı erişkinde muhtemel tigesiklin ilişkili akut pankreatit

Yıl 2020, , 90 - 93, 04.10.2020


Bu vaka sunumunun amacı, özellikle yüksek riskli hastalarda tigesikline bağlı pankreatit farkındalığının artırılmasıdır. 19 yaşında bilinen kistik fibrozis tanılı erkek hastaya akut bronşit nedeniyle tigesiklin içeren antibiyotik tedavisi başlandı. Tedavinin 12. gününde hastada şiddetli epigastrik karın ağrısı ve bulantı şikayetleri ortaya çıktı ve pankreatik enzim düzeylerinde normalin 10 katına kadar artış görüldü. Diğer akut pankreatit nedenleri ekarte edildikten sonra tigesiklin tedavisi kesildi. Takiplerinde hastanın klinik semptom ve bulguları giderek geriledi ve laboratuvar değerleri normale döndü. Klinisyenler özellikle kistik fibrozis gibi pankreatit gelişim riski yüksek olan hastalarda tigesiklin kullanırken dikkatli olmalıdırlar.


  • [1] Lin J, Wang R, Chen J. Tigecycline-induced acute pancreatitis in a renal transplant patient : a case report and literature review. BMC Infect Dis 2018;18:1-6.
  • [2] Hemphill MT, Jones KR. Tigecycline-induced acute pancreatitis in a cystic fibrosis patient : A case report and literature review. J Cyst Fibros 2016;15:e9-e11.
  • [3] Mcgovern PC, Wible M, Korth-bradley JM, et al. Pancreatitis in tigecycline Phase 3 and 4 clinical studies. J Antimicrob Chemother 2014;69:773-8.
  • [4] Davido B, Shourick J, Makhloufi S, et al. True incidence of tigecycline-induced pancreatitis: how many cases are we missing? J Antimicrob Chemother 2016;71:2994-5.
  • [5] Petrocheilou A, Kaditis AG, Loukou I. Pancreatitis in a patient with cystic fibrosis taking ivacaftor. Children 2020;7:6.
  • [6] Ooi CY, Dorfman R, Cipolli M, et al. Type of CFTR mutation determines risk of pancreatitis in patients with cystic fibrosis. Gastroenterology 2011;140:153-61.
  • [7] Ledder O, Haller W, Couper RTL, et al. Cystic fibrosis : An update for clinicians. Part 2: Hepatobiliary and pancreatic manifestations. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2014;29:1954-62.
  • [8] Singh VK, Schwarzenberg SJ. Pancreatic insufficiency in cystic fibrosis. J Cyst Fibros 2017;16(Suppl 2):70-8.
  • [9] Wilschanski M, Novak I. The cystic fibrosis of exocrine pancreas. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2013;3:1-17.
Toplam 9 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Makaleler

Rashad Ismayılov Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-7093-2722

Şerife Öz Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-5197-445X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 4 Ekim 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Ismayılov, R., & Öz, Ş. (2020). Possible tigecycline related acute pancreatitis in an adult with cystic fibrosis. Akademik Gastroenteroloji Dergisi, 19(2), 90-93. https://doi.org/10.17941/agd.771543
