Ekonomik ve Sosyal Altyapı Yatırımları ile Bölgesel Gelir İlişkisi: Türkiye Örneği
Yıl 2019,
Cilt: 21 Sayı: 3, 737 - 756, 16.12.2019
Mustafa Kızıltan
Anna Golovko Kızıltan
Ahmet Burçin Yereli
harcamaları ekonomik büyümeyi arttırıcı etkisi ile sıklıkla bir maliye
politikası aracı olarak kullanılmaktadır. Yapılacak kamu harcamalarının
niteliğine bağlı olarak ise ekonomi üzerinde farklı etkiler ortaya çıkmaktadır.
Bu çalışmanın amacı Hansen (1965a, 1965b) tarafından tanımlanmış kamu
harcamaları sınıflandırmasını kullanarak Türkiye’de coğrafi bölgelere göre kamu
altyapı yatırımları ile bölgesel gelir arasındaki ilişkiyi ortaya koymaktır. Bu
amaçla T.C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı Strateji ve Bütçe Başkanlığı’nın Kamu
Yatırımlarının İllere Göre Sektörel Dağılımı veri tabanı ve Türkiye İstatistik
Kurumu’nun Bölgesel Gayri Safi Yurtiçi Hasıla (GSYH) İstatistikleri
kullanılarak 2004-2017 yılları için söz konusu ilişki tahmin edilmiştir.
Çalışmada belirtilen ilişkilerin test edilmesi için literatürde yaygın olarak
kullanılan bir yöntem olan panel nedensellik analizi benimsenmiştir. Elde
edilen analiz sonuçları sosyal ve ekonomik kamu altyapı yatırım harcamalarının
bölgelere göre farklı etkileri olduğunu göstermektedir. Bu sonuç
varsayımlarımız ile de tutarlıdır. Bulgular tüm bölgelerde GSYH’deki artışın
yine bölgesel düzeyde kamu tarafından yapılan ekonomik ve sosyal alt yapı
harcamalarında anlamlı bir artışa neden olduğuna işaret etmektedir.
- Aschauer, D. A. (1989). Is public expenditure productive?. Journal of Monetary Economics, 23(2), 177-200.
- Bai, J. ve Ng, S. (2004). A Panic attack on unit roots and cointegration. Econometrica, 72(4), 1127-77.
- Barro, R. J. (1990). Government spending in a simple model of endogeneous growth. Journal of Political Economy, 98(5, Part 2), S103-S125.
- Breitung, J. ve Pesaran, M.H. (2005). Unit Roots and Cointegration in Panels. Cambridge Working Papers in Economics, 0535, University of Cambridge, Faculty of Economics.
- Breitung, J. (2000). The Local Power of Some Unit Root Tests for Panel Data, in Advances in Econometrics, Vol. 15: Nonstationary Panels, Panel Cointegration, and Dynamic Panels, JAI.
- Breusch, T. S. ve Pagan, A. R. (1980). The Lagrange multiplier test and its applications to model specification in econometrics, The Review of Economic Studies, 47(1), 239-53.
- Celbis, M. G. ve Crombrugghe, D. De. (2014). Can internet infrastructure help reduce regional disparities? Evidence from Turkey, (No: 2014-078) UNU‐MERIT Working Paper Series.
- Chen, Z. ve Haynes, K. E. (2015). Regional Impact of Public Transportation Infrastructure: A Spatial Panel Assessment of the U.S. Northeast Megaregion, Economic Development Quarterly, 29(3), 275–291.
- Choi, I. (2001). Unit root tests for panel data, Journal of International Money and Finance, 20(2), 249-72.
- Chudik, A. ve Pesaran, M. H. (2013). Large panel data models with cross-sectional dependence: a survey, Cesifo Working Paper, 4371.
- Chudik, A., Pesaran, M. H. ve Tosetti, E. (2011). Weak and strong cross‐section dependence and estimation of large panels, The Econometrics Journal, 14(1), C45-C90.
- Cutanda, A., ve Paricio, J. (1994). Infrastructure and regional economic growth: The Spanish case, Regional Studies, 28(1), 69-77.
- Dash, R. K., ve Sahoo, P. (2010). Economic growth in India: the role of physical and social infrastructure, Journal of Economic Policy Reform, 13(4), 373-385.
- De Hoyos, R. E., ve Sarafidis, V. (2006). Testing for cross-sectional dependence in panel-data models, Stata Journal, 6(4), 482.
- Dumitrescu, E. I., ve Hurlin, C. (2012). Testing for Granger non-causality in heterogeneous panels, Economic Modelling, 29(4), 1450-60.
- Elburz, Z., Nijkamp, P. ve Pels, E. (2017). Public infrastructure and regional growth: Lessons from meta-analysis, Journal of Transport Geography, 58, 1-8.
- Eruygur, A., Kaynak, M. ve Mert, M. (2012). Transportation–Communication Capital and Economic Growth: A VECM Analysis for Turkey, European Planning Studies, 20(2), 341–363.
- Farhadi, M. (2015). Transport infrastructure and long-run economic growth in OECD countries, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 74, 73–90.
- Frees, E. W. (1995). Assessing cross-sectional correlation in panel data, Journal of Econometrics, 69(2), 393-414.
- Frees, E. W. (2004). Longitudinal and panel data: analysis and applications in the social sciences, Cambridge University Press.
- Friedman, M. (1937). The use of ranks to avoid the assumption of normality implicit in the analysis of variance, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 32(200), 675-701.
- Gezici, F. ve Hewings, G. J. D. (2004). Regional Convergence and the Economic Performance of Peripheral Areas in Turkey, RURDS, 16(2), 113–132.
- Gnade, H., Blaauw, P. F. ve Greyling, T. (2017). The impact of basic and social infrastructure investment on South African economic growth and development, Development Southern Africa, 34(3), 347-364.
- Granger, C. W. (1969). Investigating causal relations by econometric models and cross-spectral methods, Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 424-38.
- Hadri, K. (2000). Testing for stationarity in heterogeneous panel data, The Econometrics Journal, 3(2), 148-61.
- Hansen, N. M. (1965a). The structure and determinants of local public investment expenditures, Review of Economics and Statistics, 47, 150–162.
- Hansen, N. M. (1965b). Unbalanced growth and regional development, Western Economic Journal, 4, 3–14.
- Im, K. S., Pesaran, M. H. ve Shin, Y. (2003). Testing for unit roots in heterogeneous panels, Journal of Econometrics, 115(1), 53-74.
- Kara, M.A., Taş, S. ve Ada, S. (2016). The Impact of Infrastructure Expenditure Types on Regional Income in Turkey, Regional Studies, 50(9), 1509-1519.
- Karahasan, B. C., Dogruel, F. ve Dogruel, A. S. (2016). Can Market Potential Explain Regional Disparities in Developing Countries? Evidence from Turkey, The Developing Economies, 54(2), 162–197.
- Kumari, A. ve Sharma, A. K. (2017a). Infrastructure financing and development: A bibliometric review, International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, 16, 49-65.
- Kumari, A. ve Sharma, A. K. (2017b). Physical & social infrastructure in India & its relationship with economic development, World Development Perspectives, 5, 30-33.
- Kuştepeli, Y., Gülcan, Y. ve Akgüngör, S. (2012). Transportation infrastructure investment, growth and international trade in Turkey, Applied Economics, 44(20), 2619–2629.
- Levin, A., Lin, C. F. ve Chu, C. S. J. (2002). Unit root tests in panel data: asymptotic and finite-sample properties, Journal of Econometrics, 108(1), 1-24.
- Maddala, G. S. ve Wu, S. (1999). A comparative study of unit root tests with panel data and a new simple test, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 61(S1), 631-52.
- Maparu, T. S. ve Mazumder, T. N. (2017). Transport infrastructure, economic development and urbanization in India (1990–2011): Is there any causal relationship?, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 100, 319–336.
- Mohmand, Y. T., Wang, A. ve Saeed, A. (2017). The impact of transportation infrastructure on economic growth: empirical evidence from Pakistan, Transportation Letters, 9(2), 63–69.
- Moon, H. R. ve Perron, B. (2004). Testing for a unit root in panels with dynamic factors, Journal of Econometrics, 122(1), 81-126.
- Munnell, A. H. (1992). Policy watch: infrastructure investment and economic growth, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 6(4), 189-198.
- Öztürk, S. (2018). Türkiye'de İşgücüne Katılımda Bölgesel Farklılıklar, Sosyoekonomi, 26(35), 153-168.
- Pan, J., Wang, P., Qin, X. ve Zhang, S. (2013). Disparity and convergence: Chinese provincial government health expenditures, Plos One, 8(8), e71474.
- Pereira, A. M. ve Andraz, J. M. (2011). On the Economic and Fiscal Effects of Investments in Road Infrastructures in Portugal, International Economic Journal, 25(3), 465–492.
- Pereira, A. M. ve Andraz, J. M. (2013). On the economic effects of public infrastructure investment: A survey of the international evidence, Journal of Economic Development, 38(4), 1-37.
- Persyn, D. ve Westerlund, J. (2008). Error Correction Based Cointegration Tests for Panel Data, Stata Journal, 8(2), 232-41.
- Pesaran, M. H. (2004). General diagnostic tests for cross section dependence in panels, Cambridge Working Papers in Economics, 0435, University of Cambridge, Faculty of Economics.
- Pesaran, M. H. (2007). A simple panel unit root test in the presence of cross‐section dependence, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 22(2), 265-312.
- Pesaran, M. H., Smith, L. V. ve Yamagata, T. (2013). Panel unit root tests in the presence of a multifactor error structure, Journal of Econometrics, 175(2), 94-115.
- Qin, X. ve Hsieh, C. R. (2014). Economic growth and the geographic maldistribution of health care resources: Evidence from China, 1949-2010, China Economic Review, 31, 228-246.
- Rodríguez-Oreggia, E. ve Rodríguez-Pose, A. (2004). The regional returns of public investment policies in Mexico, World Development, 32(9), 1545-1562.
- Rodríguez‐Pose, A., Psycharis, Y. ve Tselios, V. (2012). Public investment and regional growth and convergence: Evidence from Greece, Papers in Regional Science, 91(3), 543-568.
- Romano, A. A. ve Scandurra, G. (2011). Dynamics of economic growth and electricity consumption at regional level: the Italian case, Energy Systems, 2(2), 143-150.
- Romp, W. ve De Haan, J. (2007). Public Capital and Economic Growth: A Critical Survey, Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, 8(S1), 6-52.
- Röller, L. ve Waverman, L. (2001). Telecommunications infrastructure and economic development: A simultaneous approach, American Economic Review, 91(4), 909–923.
- Sarafidis, V. , Yamagata, T. ve Robertson, D. (2006). A Test of Cross Section Dependence for a Linear Dynamic Panel Model with Regressors, Mimeo, University of Cambridge.
- Warner, M. ve Liu, Z. (2006). The importance of child care in economic development: A comparative analysis of regional economic linkage, Economic Development Quarterly, 20(1), 97-103.
- Westerlund, J. (2007). Testing for Error Correction in Panel Data, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 69(6): 709-48.
- Wu, W. (2010). Urban infrastructure financing and economic performance in China, Urban Geography, 31(5), 648-667.
- Yu, N. ; De Jong, M. ve Storm, S. ; Mi, J. (2012). Transport Infrastructure, Spatial Clusters and Regional Economic Growth in China, Transport Reviews, 32(1), 3–28.
Yıl 2019,
Cilt: 21 Sayı: 3, 737 - 756, 16.12.2019
Mustafa Kızıltan
Anna Golovko Kızıltan
Ahmet Burçin Yereli
- Aschauer, D. A. (1989). Is public expenditure productive?. Journal of Monetary Economics, 23(2), 177-200.
- Bai, J. ve Ng, S. (2004). A Panic attack on unit roots and cointegration. Econometrica, 72(4), 1127-77.
- Barro, R. J. (1990). Government spending in a simple model of endogeneous growth. Journal of Political Economy, 98(5, Part 2), S103-S125.
- Breitung, J. ve Pesaran, M.H. (2005). Unit Roots and Cointegration in Panels. Cambridge Working Papers in Economics, 0535, University of Cambridge, Faculty of Economics.
- Breitung, J. (2000). The Local Power of Some Unit Root Tests for Panel Data, in Advances in Econometrics, Vol. 15: Nonstationary Panels, Panel Cointegration, and Dynamic Panels, JAI.
- Breusch, T. S. ve Pagan, A. R. (1980). The Lagrange multiplier test and its applications to model specification in econometrics, The Review of Economic Studies, 47(1), 239-53.
- Celbis, M. G. ve Crombrugghe, D. De. (2014). Can internet infrastructure help reduce regional disparities? Evidence from Turkey, (No: 2014-078) UNU‐MERIT Working Paper Series.
- Chen, Z. ve Haynes, K. E. (2015). Regional Impact of Public Transportation Infrastructure: A Spatial Panel Assessment of the U.S. Northeast Megaregion, Economic Development Quarterly, 29(3), 275–291.
- Choi, I. (2001). Unit root tests for panel data, Journal of International Money and Finance, 20(2), 249-72.
- Chudik, A. ve Pesaran, M. H. (2013). Large panel data models with cross-sectional dependence: a survey, Cesifo Working Paper, 4371.
- Chudik, A., Pesaran, M. H. ve Tosetti, E. (2011). Weak and strong cross‐section dependence and estimation of large panels, The Econometrics Journal, 14(1), C45-C90.
- Cutanda, A., ve Paricio, J. (1994). Infrastructure and regional economic growth: The Spanish case, Regional Studies, 28(1), 69-77.
- Dash, R. K., ve Sahoo, P. (2010). Economic growth in India: the role of physical and social infrastructure, Journal of Economic Policy Reform, 13(4), 373-385.
- De Hoyos, R. E., ve Sarafidis, V. (2006). Testing for cross-sectional dependence in panel-data models, Stata Journal, 6(4), 482.
- Dumitrescu, E. I., ve Hurlin, C. (2012). Testing for Granger non-causality in heterogeneous panels, Economic Modelling, 29(4), 1450-60.
- Elburz, Z., Nijkamp, P. ve Pels, E. (2017). Public infrastructure and regional growth: Lessons from meta-analysis, Journal of Transport Geography, 58, 1-8.
- Eruygur, A., Kaynak, M. ve Mert, M. (2012). Transportation–Communication Capital and Economic Growth: A VECM Analysis for Turkey, European Planning Studies, 20(2), 341–363.
- Farhadi, M. (2015). Transport infrastructure and long-run economic growth in OECD countries, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 74, 73–90.
- Frees, E. W. (1995). Assessing cross-sectional correlation in panel data, Journal of Econometrics, 69(2), 393-414.
- Frees, E. W. (2004). Longitudinal and panel data: analysis and applications in the social sciences, Cambridge University Press.
- Friedman, M. (1937). The use of ranks to avoid the assumption of normality implicit in the analysis of variance, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 32(200), 675-701.
- Gezici, F. ve Hewings, G. J. D. (2004). Regional Convergence and the Economic Performance of Peripheral Areas in Turkey, RURDS, 16(2), 113–132.
- Gnade, H., Blaauw, P. F. ve Greyling, T. (2017). The impact of basic and social infrastructure investment on South African economic growth and development, Development Southern Africa, 34(3), 347-364.
- Granger, C. W. (1969). Investigating causal relations by econometric models and cross-spectral methods, Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 424-38.
- Hadri, K. (2000). Testing for stationarity in heterogeneous panel data, The Econometrics Journal, 3(2), 148-61.
- Hansen, N. M. (1965a). The structure and determinants of local public investment expenditures, Review of Economics and Statistics, 47, 150–162.
- Hansen, N. M. (1965b). Unbalanced growth and regional development, Western Economic Journal, 4, 3–14.
- Im, K. S., Pesaran, M. H. ve Shin, Y. (2003). Testing for unit roots in heterogeneous panels, Journal of Econometrics, 115(1), 53-74.
- Kara, M.A., Taş, S. ve Ada, S. (2016). The Impact of Infrastructure Expenditure Types on Regional Income in Turkey, Regional Studies, 50(9), 1509-1519.
- Karahasan, B. C., Dogruel, F. ve Dogruel, A. S. (2016). Can Market Potential Explain Regional Disparities in Developing Countries? Evidence from Turkey, The Developing Economies, 54(2), 162–197.
- Kumari, A. ve Sharma, A. K. (2017a). Infrastructure financing and development: A bibliometric review, International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, 16, 49-65.
- Kumari, A. ve Sharma, A. K. (2017b). Physical & social infrastructure in India & its relationship with economic development, World Development Perspectives, 5, 30-33.
- Kuştepeli, Y., Gülcan, Y. ve Akgüngör, S. (2012). Transportation infrastructure investment, growth and international trade in Turkey, Applied Economics, 44(20), 2619–2629.
- Levin, A., Lin, C. F. ve Chu, C. S. J. (2002). Unit root tests in panel data: asymptotic and finite-sample properties, Journal of Econometrics, 108(1), 1-24.
- Maddala, G. S. ve Wu, S. (1999). A comparative study of unit root tests with panel data and a new simple test, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 61(S1), 631-52.
- Maparu, T. S. ve Mazumder, T. N. (2017). Transport infrastructure, economic development and urbanization in India (1990–2011): Is there any causal relationship?, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 100, 319–336.
- Mohmand, Y. T., Wang, A. ve Saeed, A. (2017). The impact of transportation infrastructure on economic growth: empirical evidence from Pakistan, Transportation Letters, 9(2), 63–69.
- Moon, H. R. ve Perron, B. (2004). Testing for a unit root in panels with dynamic factors, Journal of Econometrics, 122(1), 81-126.
- Munnell, A. H. (1992). Policy watch: infrastructure investment and economic growth, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 6(4), 189-198.
- Öztürk, S. (2018). Türkiye'de İşgücüne Katılımda Bölgesel Farklılıklar, Sosyoekonomi, 26(35), 153-168.
- Pan, J., Wang, P., Qin, X. ve Zhang, S. (2013). Disparity and convergence: Chinese provincial government health expenditures, Plos One, 8(8), e71474.
- Pereira, A. M. ve Andraz, J. M. (2011). On the Economic and Fiscal Effects of Investments in Road Infrastructures in Portugal, International Economic Journal, 25(3), 465–492.
- Pereira, A. M. ve Andraz, J. M. (2013). On the economic effects of public infrastructure investment: A survey of the international evidence, Journal of Economic Development, 38(4), 1-37.
- Persyn, D. ve Westerlund, J. (2008). Error Correction Based Cointegration Tests for Panel Data, Stata Journal, 8(2), 232-41.
- Pesaran, M. H. (2004). General diagnostic tests for cross section dependence in panels, Cambridge Working Papers in Economics, 0435, University of Cambridge, Faculty of Economics.
- Pesaran, M. H. (2007). A simple panel unit root test in the presence of cross‐section dependence, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 22(2), 265-312.
- Pesaran, M. H., Smith, L. V. ve Yamagata, T. (2013). Panel unit root tests in the presence of a multifactor error structure, Journal of Econometrics, 175(2), 94-115.
- Qin, X. ve Hsieh, C. R. (2014). Economic growth and the geographic maldistribution of health care resources: Evidence from China, 1949-2010, China Economic Review, 31, 228-246.
- Rodríguez-Oreggia, E. ve Rodríguez-Pose, A. (2004). The regional returns of public investment policies in Mexico, World Development, 32(9), 1545-1562.
- Rodríguez‐Pose, A., Psycharis, Y. ve Tselios, V. (2012). Public investment and regional growth and convergence: Evidence from Greece, Papers in Regional Science, 91(3), 543-568.
- Romano, A. A. ve Scandurra, G. (2011). Dynamics of economic growth and electricity consumption at regional level: the Italian case, Energy Systems, 2(2), 143-150.
- Romp, W. ve De Haan, J. (2007). Public Capital and Economic Growth: A Critical Survey, Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, 8(S1), 6-52.
- Röller, L. ve Waverman, L. (2001). Telecommunications infrastructure and economic development: A simultaneous approach, American Economic Review, 91(4), 909–923.
- Sarafidis, V. , Yamagata, T. ve Robertson, D. (2006). A Test of Cross Section Dependence for a Linear Dynamic Panel Model with Regressors, Mimeo, University of Cambridge.
- Warner, M. ve Liu, Z. (2006). The importance of child care in economic development: A comparative analysis of regional economic linkage, Economic Development Quarterly, 20(1), 97-103.
- Westerlund, J. (2007). Testing for Error Correction in Panel Data, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 69(6): 709-48.
- Wu, W. (2010). Urban infrastructure financing and economic performance in China, Urban Geography, 31(5), 648-667.
- Yu, N. ; De Jong, M. ve Storm, S. ; Mi, J. (2012). Transport Infrastructure, Spatial Clusters and Regional Economic Growth in China, Transport Reviews, 32(1), 3–28.