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Decentralization Policies in Sweden

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 2, 457 - 484, 30.08.2021



  • Bjorna, H. ve Jenssen, S. (2006). Prefectoral systems and central-local government relations in Scandinavia. Scandinavian Political Studies, 29(4), 308-332.
  • Castell, P. (2016). Institutional framing of citizen initiatives: A challenge for advancing public participation in Sweden. International Planning Studies, 21(4), 305-316.
  • Ehn, P. (1998). I Skärningspunkten – Landshövdingarna och den centrala och regionala samord-ningen. Rapport til Den Parlamentariska regionkommitten (PARK). Stockholm: PARK.
  • Elander, I. ve Montin, S. (1990). Decentralisation and control: Central-local government relations in Sweden. Policy and Politics, 18(3), 165-180.
  • Feltenius, D. (2007). Relations between central and local government in Sweden during the 1990s: Mixed patterns of centralization and decentralization. Regional and Federal Studies, 17(4), 457-474.
  • Feltenius, D. (2016). Subnational government in a multi-level perspective. J. Pierre (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Swedish Politics (ss. 383-398). New York: Oxford University Press Inc.
  • Government Commission Reports (SOU) 1996:169.
  • Hall, P. (2016). The Swedish administrative model. J. Pierre (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Swedish Politics (ss. 299-314). New York: Oxford University Press Inc.
  • Hedlund, G. ve Montin, S. (2009). Governance på svenska. Stockholm: Santérus Academic Press.
  • Hendriks, F. (2010). Vital democracy: A theory of democracy in action. New York: Oxford University Press Inc.
  • Hertting, N. ve Kugelberg, C. (2018). Representative democracy and the problem of institutionalizing local participatory governance. N. Hertting ve C. Kugelberg (Eds.), Local Participatory Governance and Representative Democracy. New York and London: Routledge.
  • Hilson, M. (2008). The Nordic model, Scandinavia since 1945. London: Reaktion Books.
  • Hooghe, L. ve Marks, G. (2001). Multi-level governance and European integration. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
  • Hörnström, L. (2013). Strong regions within the unitary state: The Nordic experience of regionalization. Regional & Federal Studies, 23(4), 427-443.
  • John, P. (1996). Centralization, decentralization and the EU: The dynamics of triadic relationships. Public Administration, 74(2), 293-313.
  • John, P. (2001). Local governance in Western Europe. London: Sage.
  • Karlbom, R. (1985). Revolution Eller Reformer- Studier i SAP: Historia 1889-1902 (Revolution or Reforms- Studies in the History of the Social Democratic Party of Sweden, 1889-1902). Göteborg: Historia, Högskolan i Karlstad.
  • Kjellberg, F. (1988). Local government and the welfare state: Reorganization in Scandinavia. B. Dente ve F. Kjellberg (Eds.), The Dynamics of Institutional Change, Local Government Reorganization in Western Democracies. London: Sage.
  • Kommun-Aktuellt, 1988.
  • Lewin, L. (1994). The rise and decline of corporatism: The case of Sweden. European Journal of Political Research, 26(1), 59-79.
  • Lidstörm, A. (2001). The end of the Swedish model?. J. Loughlin (Ed.), Subnational Democracy in the European Union, Challenges and Opportunities. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Lidström, A. (2010a). The Swedish regions and the European Union. R. Scully ve R. Whn Jones (Eds.), Europe, Regions and European Regionalism (ss. 155-171). Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Lidström, A. (2010b). Swedish local and regional government in a European context. J. Pierre (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of Swedish Politics (ss. 383-398). New York: Oxford University Press Inc.
  • Lijphart, A. (1999). Patterns of democracy: Government forms and performances in thirty-six countries. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
  • Loughlin, J. (2001). Introduction: The transformation of the democratic state in western Europe. J. Loughlin (Ed.), Subnational Democracy in the European Union, Challenges and Opportunities. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Montin, S. (1989). Decentralizing the welfare state: Local institutional change and local autonomy in Sweden. Paper for the workshop Local Self Government: Economic and Political Challenges to Local Autonomy, European Consortium for Poltical Research (ECPR), Paris.
  • Montin, S. (1999). Central state governmental reforms in Sweden. Country Report, Paper for the Project Central State Governmental Reforms, Science Center Berlin.
  • Montin, S. (2000). Between fragmentation and co-ordination: The changing role of local government in Sweden. Public Management: An International Journal of Research and Theory, 2(1), 1-24.
  • Montin, S. ve Elander, J. (1995). Citizenship, consumerism and local government in Sweden. Scandinavian Political Studies, 18(1), 25-51.
  • Montin, S. ve Granberg, M. (2007). Local governance in Sweden. Örebro: Örebro University Centre for Urban and Regional Studies (CUReS) Pubs.
  • Murray, R. (1985). Central control of the local government sector in Sweden. E.M. Gramlich ve B.-C, Ysander (Eds.), Control of Local Government (ss. 195-345). Stockholm: The Industrial Institute for Economic and Social Research.
  • Page, E. ve Goldsmith, M. (1987). Centre and locality: Functions, access and discretion. E. Page ve M. Goldsmith (Eds.), Central and Local Government Relations: A Comparative Analysis of West European Unitary States (ss. 1-11). London: Sage.
  • Rhodes, R.A.W. (1981). Control and power in central-local government relations. Aldershot: Gover.
  • Sharpe, L.J. (1988). The growth and decentralisation of the modern democratic state. European Journal of Political Research, 16(4), 365-380.
  • SKL (Sveriges kommuner och landsting/ The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions) (2008). Lyssna och lyssna igen: medborgardialoger i fem kommuner (Listen and Listen Again: Citizen Dialogues in Five Municipalities). Stockholm: Sveriges kommuner och landsting.
  • Statistics Sweden, (Erişim tarihi: 11.05.2020).
  • Statskontoret (1996).
  • Stockholm Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services, (, Stockholm Statistic Sweden, ( (Erişim tarihi: 11.05.2020).
  • Strömberg, L. (1980). Sweden. D.C. Rowat (Eds.), International Handbook on Local Government Reorganization: Contemporary Developments (ss. 308-320). London: Aldwych Press.
  • Strömberg, L. ve Westerstahl, J. (1984). The new Swedish communes: A summary of local government research. Gothenburg: University of Gothenburg. Swedish Local Government Act, 1991.
  • Tahvilzadeh, N. (2015). Understanding participatory governanvce arrangements in urban politics: Idealist and cynical perspectives on the politics of citizen dialogues in Goteborg, Sweden. Urban Research & Practice, 8(2), 238-254.
  • Vestbro, D.U. (2012). Citizen participation or representative democracy? The case of Stockholm, Sweden. Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 29(1), 5-17.
  • Walling, G. (1980). Proposals for Sweden. D.C. Rowat (Eds.), International Handbook on Local Government Reorganization: Contemporary Developments (ss. 174-183). London: Aldwych Press.
  • Wolman, H. (1988). Decentralization: What it is and why we should care. Paper Prepared for Presentation at International Conference on Intergovernmental Decentralization, Washington D. C., Feb. 22-24, 1988.

İsveç’te Yerelleşme Politikaları

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 2, 457 - 484, 30.08.2021


İsveç’te yerel yönetimler, modern anlamda ilk kez 1862’de düzenlenmiştir. Yerel yönetimler üniter devlet sistemi içinde merkeziyetçi bir vesayet altında varlık gösterirken, 1950’lerde sosyal devlet politikaları doğrultusunda yapılan yerel reformlarla merkezden bağımsız ve özerk kurumlar haline getirilmiştir. Bu dönemde yerel yönetimler, sosyal devletin yereldeki en güçlü ortağı ve büyüme motoru olarak görülmüş ve sosyal devlet anlayışına paralel biçimde yetki ve görevleri artırılmıştır. Nitekim 1960-1970’lerde devreye sokulan yeni düzenlemelerle yerel yönetimlere yerel düzeyde vergi koyma yetkisi verilerek, hem siyasal hem de ekonomik anlamda güçlendirilmiştir. Böylece, yerel yönetimlerin gelişmesi sosyal devlet mantığına entegre edilmiştir. Bu durum, İsveç’in 1995’te Avrupa Birliği’ne (AB) üyeliğinden sonra değişmeye başlamıştır. Bu dönemde AB’nin bölgesel kalkınma odaklı bölgeselleşme ve yerelleşme politikalarına adapte edilmeye başlayan yerel yönetimler, uzun yıllar süren siyasal tartışmaların merkezine taşınmıştır. Temel olarak AB’nin bölgesel kalkınma, bölgesel ve yerel rekabet mantığı ile İsveç’in sosyal devlet politikalarına dayandırılmış yerel yönetim mantığının nasıl bağdaştırılacağı üzerine yürütülen bu tartışmalar, bir tür orta yol bulma çabasını içermiştir. Bu çalışmanın ana amacı, İsveç’te merkez-yerel yönetim ilişkilerini yerel yönetimler ve sosyal devlet olguları üzerinden irdelemektir. Bu doğrultuda, İsveç’te yerel yönetimlerin merkezi yönetimle ilişkileri, yerel yönetimlerin tarihsel arka planı ve 1995’te AB üyeliği sonrası yerelleşme ve bölgeselleşme tartışmaları ve düzenlemeleri ele alınmıştır.


  • Bjorna, H. ve Jenssen, S. (2006). Prefectoral systems and central-local government relations in Scandinavia. Scandinavian Political Studies, 29(4), 308-332.
  • Castell, P. (2016). Institutional framing of citizen initiatives: A challenge for advancing public participation in Sweden. International Planning Studies, 21(4), 305-316.
  • Ehn, P. (1998). I Skärningspunkten – Landshövdingarna och den centrala och regionala samord-ningen. Rapport til Den Parlamentariska regionkommitten (PARK). Stockholm: PARK.
  • Elander, I. ve Montin, S. (1990). Decentralisation and control: Central-local government relations in Sweden. Policy and Politics, 18(3), 165-180.
  • Feltenius, D. (2007). Relations between central and local government in Sweden during the 1990s: Mixed patterns of centralization and decentralization. Regional and Federal Studies, 17(4), 457-474.
  • Feltenius, D. (2016). Subnational government in a multi-level perspective. J. Pierre (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Swedish Politics (ss. 383-398). New York: Oxford University Press Inc.
  • Government Commission Reports (SOU) 1996:169.
  • Hall, P. (2016). The Swedish administrative model. J. Pierre (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Swedish Politics (ss. 299-314). New York: Oxford University Press Inc.
  • Hedlund, G. ve Montin, S. (2009). Governance på svenska. Stockholm: Santérus Academic Press.
  • Hendriks, F. (2010). Vital democracy: A theory of democracy in action. New York: Oxford University Press Inc.
  • Hertting, N. ve Kugelberg, C. (2018). Representative democracy and the problem of institutionalizing local participatory governance. N. Hertting ve C. Kugelberg (Eds.), Local Participatory Governance and Representative Democracy. New York and London: Routledge.
  • Hilson, M. (2008). The Nordic model, Scandinavia since 1945. London: Reaktion Books.
  • Hooghe, L. ve Marks, G. (2001). Multi-level governance and European integration. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
  • Hörnström, L. (2013). Strong regions within the unitary state: The Nordic experience of regionalization. Regional & Federal Studies, 23(4), 427-443.
  • John, P. (1996). Centralization, decentralization and the EU: The dynamics of triadic relationships. Public Administration, 74(2), 293-313.
  • John, P. (2001). Local governance in Western Europe. London: Sage.
  • Karlbom, R. (1985). Revolution Eller Reformer- Studier i SAP: Historia 1889-1902 (Revolution or Reforms- Studies in the History of the Social Democratic Party of Sweden, 1889-1902). Göteborg: Historia, Högskolan i Karlstad.
  • Kjellberg, F. (1988). Local government and the welfare state: Reorganization in Scandinavia. B. Dente ve F. Kjellberg (Eds.), The Dynamics of Institutional Change, Local Government Reorganization in Western Democracies. London: Sage.
  • Kommun-Aktuellt, 1988.
  • Lewin, L. (1994). The rise and decline of corporatism: The case of Sweden. European Journal of Political Research, 26(1), 59-79.
  • Lidstörm, A. (2001). The end of the Swedish model?. J. Loughlin (Ed.), Subnational Democracy in the European Union, Challenges and Opportunities. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Lidström, A. (2010a). The Swedish regions and the European Union. R. Scully ve R. Whn Jones (Eds.), Europe, Regions and European Regionalism (ss. 155-171). Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Lidström, A. (2010b). Swedish local and regional government in a European context. J. Pierre (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of Swedish Politics (ss. 383-398). New York: Oxford University Press Inc.
  • Lijphart, A. (1999). Patterns of democracy: Government forms and performances in thirty-six countries. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
  • Loughlin, J. (2001). Introduction: The transformation of the democratic state in western Europe. J. Loughlin (Ed.), Subnational Democracy in the European Union, Challenges and Opportunities. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Montin, S. (1989). Decentralizing the welfare state: Local institutional change and local autonomy in Sweden. Paper for the workshop Local Self Government: Economic and Political Challenges to Local Autonomy, European Consortium for Poltical Research (ECPR), Paris.
  • Montin, S. (1999). Central state governmental reforms in Sweden. Country Report, Paper for the Project Central State Governmental Reforms, Science Center Berlin.
  • Montin, S. (2000). Between fragmentation and co-ordination: The changing role of local government in Sweden. Public Management: An International Journal of Research and Theory, 2(1), 1-24.
  • Montin, S. ve Elander, J. (1995). Citizenship, consumerism and local government in Sweden. Scandinavian Political Studies, 18(1), 25-51.
  • Montin, S. ve Granberg, M. (2007). Local governance in Sweden. Örebro: Örebro University Centre for Urban and Regional Studies (CUReS) Pubs.
  • Murray, R. (1985). Central control of the local government sector in Sweden. E.M. Gramlich ve B.-C, Ysander (Eds.), Control of Local Government (ss. 195-345). Stockholm: The Industrial Institute for Economic and Social Research.
  • Page, E. ve Goldsmith, M. (1987). Centre and locality: Functions, access and discretion. E. Page ve M. Goldsmith (Eds.), Central and Local Government Relations: A Comparative Analysis of West European Unitary States (ss. 1-11). London: Sage.
  • Rhodes, R.A.W. (1981). Control and power in central-local government relations. Aldershot: Gover.
  • Sharpe, L.J. (1988). The growth and decentralisation of the modern democratic state. European Journal of Political Research, 16(4), 365-380.
  • SKL (Sveriges kommuner och landsting/ The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions) (2008). Lyssna och lyssna igen: medborgardialoger i fem kommuner (Listen and Listen Again: Citizen Dialogues in Five Municipalities). Stockholm: Sveriges kommuner och landsting.
  • Statistics Sweden, (Erişim tarihi: 11.05.2020).
  • Statskontoret (1996).
  • Stockholm Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services, (, Stockholm Statistic Sweden, ( (Erişim tarihi: 11.05.2020).
  • Strömberg, L. (1980). Sweden. D.C. Rowat (Eds.), International Handbook on Local Government Reorganization: Contemporary Developments (ss. 308-320). London: Aldwych Press.
  • Strömberg, L. ve Westerstahl, J. (1984). The new Swedish communes: A summary of local government research. Gothenburg: University of Gothenburg. Swedish Local Government Act, 1991.
  • Tahvilzadeh, N. (2015). Understanding participatory governanvce arrangements in urban politics: Idealist and cynical perspectives on the politics of citizen dialogues in Goteborg, Sweden. Urban Research & Practice, 8(2), 238-254.
  • Vestbro, D.U. (2012). Citizen participation or representative democracy? The case of Stockholm, Sweden. Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 29(1), 5-17.
  • Walling, G. (1980). Proposals for Sweden. D.C. Rowat (Eds.), International Handbook on Local Government Reorganization: Contemporary Developments (ss. 174-183). London: Aldwych Press.
  • Wolman, H. (1988). Decentralization: What it is and why we should care. Paper Prepared for Presentation at International Conference on Intergovernmental Decentralization, Washington D. C., Feb. 22-24, 1988.
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Ana Bölüm

Pınar Akarçay 0000-0002-5231-0567

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Ağustos 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 23 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Akarçay, P. (2021). İsveç’te Yerelleşme Politikaları. Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 23(2), 457-484.