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Öğretmenden Öğrenciye Yönelik Olan Fiziksel Şiddet: Nicel Bir Araştırma

Yıl 2008, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1, 105 - 118, 15.03.2016


Okulda þiddet, alanla ilgili kaynaklarda ve medyada oldukça yer almaktadýr. Fakat
bu yayýnlarda çoðunlukla öðrencilerin þiddet ve zorbalýk davranýþlarý iþlenmiþtir. Oysaki
öðretmenlerin uyguladýklarý þiddet vardýr ki konunun doðasýndan olsa gerek çok fazla kabul
görüp araþtýrýlmamýþtýr. Bu nedenle, bu çalýþmanýn amacý, dünyada yeni bir fenomen olan ,
daha önce üzerinde çok az araþtýrma yapýlan ve bizde de yeni bir konu olan, öðretmenlerden
öðrencilere yönelik fiziksel þiddet olaylarýný incelemektir. Yöntem olarak da nicel
araþtýrmalarýn bir alt boyutu olan tarihsel arþiv araþtýrmasý kullanýlmýþtýr. Bu amaçla 2001
yýlýndan 2006 yýlý sonuna kadar ulusal düzeyde yayýn yapan 16 gazete ve 11 TV kanalýnýn
internet sayfalarý taranmýþ ve öðretmenleri tarafýndan dövülen, çeþitli þekillerde fiziksel
zorbalýða uðrayan öðrenciler belirlenmiþtir. Bu baðlamda, 172 olay belirlenmiþ ve bunlar
analiz edilerek; fiziksel þiddet uygulayan öðretmenlerin, fiziksel þiddete maruz kalan
öðrencilerin cinsiyetleri, fiziksel þiddetin olduðu mekan ve fiziksel þiddeti ortaya çýkaran
nedenler araþtýrýlmýþtýr. Elde edilen bulgular daha önceki literatür verileriyle ve baþka
ülkelerde yapýlan çalýþmalarla karþýlaþtýrýlmýþ ve þiddetle ilgili duyarlýlýðýn artýrýlmasý için
gerekli önerilerde bulunulmuþtur.


  • Amanda, G. (1994). Cooping with the disruptive college student: A practical model. Asheville, NC: College Administration Publisher.
  • American Psychological Association, (1993). Violence and youth: Psychology’s response. Washington, DC: Author.
  • Benbenishty, R. Zeira, ve A., Astor (2002). Children reports of emotional, physical, and sexual maltreatment by educational staff in Israel. Child Abuse and Neglect, 26, 763-782.
  • Benbenishty, R. Zeira, A., Astor, R. A., ve Khoury-Kassabri, M. (2002). Maltreatment of primary school students by educational staff in Israel. Child Abuse and Neglect, 26, 1291-1309.
  • Chapell, M., Casey, D.,De la Cruz, C., Ferrell, J., Forman, J., Lipkin, R., Newsham, M., Sterling, M., Whittaker, S. (2004). Bullying in college by students and teachers. Adolescence, 39, 53-64.
  • Clark, C. M. (2004). Incivility in nursing education: Faculty and student perspectives. Unpublished manuscript.
  • Clark, C. M. (2005). Students’ perception of faculty incivility: A qualitative pilot study of four nursing students. Unpublished manuscript. Delfabbro, P., Winefield, T., Trainor, S., Dollard, M., Anderson, S., Metzer, J., ve
  • Hammarstorm, A. (2006). Peer and teacher bullying/victimization of South Australian secondary school students: Prevalence and psychosocial profiles. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 76, 71-90.
  • Dubanoski, R. A., Inaba, M., ve Gerkewicz, K. (1983). Corporal punishment in schools: Myths, problems and alternatives. Child Abuse and Neglect, 7 (3), 271-278. Fekkes, M., Pijpers, F. I. M., Verloove-Vanhorick, P. (2005). Bullying: who does what, when and where?. Involvement of children, teachers and parents in bullying behavior. Health Education Research, 20, 81- 91.
  • Hall, J. M. (2004). Diplling desperation in nursing education. Nursing Outlook, 52, 147-154.
  • Hart, S., ve Brassard, M., ve Germain, B. (Eds.) (1987). Proceedings of the international conference on psychological abuse of children and youth. Indianapolis. IN: Center for the Study of Psychological Rights on the Children, University of IndianaIndianapolis.
  • Hart, S., ve Brassard, M. (1987). A major treat to children’s mental health: Psychological maltreatment. American Psychologist, 42, 160-165.
  • HEGEM (2006). Okullarda þiddet ve çocuk suçluluðu. Uluslararasý Kongre. 15-17 Eylül 2006. Giresun-Trabzon.
  • Hu, P. C. (1997). Spousal violence among 200 couples. Chinese Mental Health Journal, 10,171-172.
  • Hyman, I., Clark, J. ve Zelikoff, W. (1986). ‘Educator Induced Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Concepts, Clinical Evidence and Initial Research.’ Paper presented at the Meeting of the Annual Convention of the Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, Denver, Colorado.
  • Hyman, I. (1990). Reading writing and the hickory stick: The appalling story of physical and psychological abuse of American school children. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.
  • Hyman, I. A., ve Perone, D. C. (1998). The other side of school violence. Educator policies and practices that may contribute to student misbehavior. Journal of School Psychology, 36 (1), 7-27.
  • Hyman, I., Weiler, E., Perone, D. C., Romano, L., ve Britton, G., ve Shanock, A. (1998). Victims and victimizers: The two faces of school violence. In A. Goldstein ve J. Conoly, (Eds.), the school violence intervention handbook. (pp.426-459). New York: Guilford Press: H yman, I., Zelikoff, W., ve Clark, J. (1998). Psychological and physical abuse in schools: A paradigm for understanding post-traumatic stress disorder in children. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 1, 243-267.
  • Hyman, I., Dahbany, A., Blum, M., Weiler, E., Brooks-Klein, V., ve Pokalo, M. (1997). School discipline and school violence: The teacher variance approach. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn ve Bacon.
  • Gonzales de Rivera, J. L. (2002). El maltrato psicologica. Madrid : Espasa-Calpe.
  • Gözütok, F. D. (1993). Okulda Dayak. Ankara: 72 Ofset. Gözütok, F. D., Er, K. O. Er., ve Karacaoðlu, Ö. C. (2006). Okulda Dayak: (1992 ve 2006 Yýllarý Karþýlaþtýrmasý 1) Toplumsal Bir Sorun Olarak ‘Þiddet’Sempozyumu. Eðitim Sen Yayýnlarý.
  • Gümüþ, A., Tümkaya, S., ve Dönmezer, T. (2004). Sýkýþtýrýlmýþ Okullar. Ankara: Eðitim Sen.
  • Imbrogno, A. R. (2000). Corporal punishment in America’s public schools and the U. N. Convention of the Child: A case for nonratification. Journal of Law Education, 29, 125-147.
  • Kim, D. H., Kim, K. I., Park, Y. C., Zhang, L. D., Lu, M. K. ve Li, D. G. (2000). Children experience of violence in China and Korea: A transcultural study. Child Abuse and Neglect, 24 (9), 1163-1173.
  • Kolanko, K. M, Clark, C., Heinrich, K. T., Olive, D., Serembus, J. F., ve Sifford, S. (2006). Academic dishonesty, bullying, incivility, and violence: Difficult challenges facing nurse educators. Nursing Education Perspective, 27(1), 34-43.
  • Kondrasuk, J. N., Pamplin, R. B., Grene, T., Waggoner, J., Edwards, K., Nayak-Rhodes, A. (2005). Violence affecting school employees. Education, 125, 638-647.
  • Larzelere, R. E. ve Johnson, B. (1999). Evaluations of the effects of Sweden’s spanking ban on phisical child abuses: Aliteratüre review. Psychological Reports, 85, 381-392.
  • Lambert, C. (1990). Factorial structure and reliability of a scale measuring stress response as a result of maltreatment in schools. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Temple University.
  • Lynnette, R. (2001). Corporal punishment in American public schools and the Rights of the Child. Jounral of Law Education, 30, 554-563.
  • th Mallot, R. W., Malot, M. E., ve Trojan, E. A. (2000). Elementary principles of behavior, 4 Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Mc.Millan, H. L., Boyle, M. H., Wong, M. Y. Y., Duku, F. K., Fleming, J. E. ve Walsh, C. A.
  • (1999). Slapping and spanking in childhood and its association with lifetime prevalence of psychiatric disorders in general population sample. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 161 (7), 805-809.
  • Morrissette, P. J. (2001). Reducing incivility in the university college classroom. International Electronic Journal for Leadership in Learning, 5(4), 1-12. iejll/volume5/morrissette.html.
  • North Carolina Public Schools (2004). School violence numbers improve in 2002-03. htt//
  • Olweus, D. (1996).Bullying of students by teachers. Bergen, Norway: Alma Mater Forlag.
  • Olweus, D. (1999). In P. K. Smith, Y. Morita, J. Junger-Tas, D. Olweus, R. Catalano, ve P. Slee (Eds.). The nature of school bullying (pp.28-48). London: Routledge.
  • Parkay, F. W., ve Conoley, C. (1982). Characteristics of educators who advocate corporal punishment: A brief report. Journal of Humanistic Education and Development, 21 (1), 33-36.
  • Poole, S. R., Ushokow, M. C. Nader, P. R. et al. (1991). The role of the pediatrician in abolishing corporal punishment in schools. Pediatrics, 88, 162-167.
  • Potts, A. (2006). Schools as dangerous places. Educational Studies, 32 (3), 319-330.
  • SAM (2003). Corporal punishment in schools. Position paper of the Society for Adolescent Medicine, 32, 385-393.
  • Sarno, G. (1992). Emotional distress by school teacher and administrator. 18. American rd Journal of Proof Fact 3 , 103.
  • Shumba, A. (2001). Epidemiology and etiology of reported cases of child physical abuse in Zimbabwean primary schools. Child Abuse and Neglect, 25, 265-277.
  • Straus, M. A. (1999). Is it time to ban corporal punishment of children? Canadian Medical Association Journal, 161, 821-822.
  • Straus, M. A. (1996). Spanking and the making of a violent society. Pediatrics, 98,837-831. Stuart, T., Peter, F., Frank, S., ve John, R. B. Jr. (2006). Teachers who bully students: Ahidden trauma. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 52, 187-198.
  • Thomas, S. (2003). Handling anger in the teacher-student relationship. Nursing Education Perspective, 24, 17-24.
  • Türk Eðitim Sen (2006). Þiddet ve Taciz.
  • Turkel, A. R. (2007). Sugar and Spice and Puppy Dogs’ Tails: The Psychodynamics of Bullying. Journal of American Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry, 35, 243-258. Twemlow, S., Fonagy, P., Sacco, F., Brethour, Jr. J.R. (2005). The prevalence of teachers who bully students with differing levels of behavioral problems. American Journal Psychiatry, 162, 2387-2389.
  • Twemlow, S. ve Fonagy, P. (2006). Teachers who bully students: A hidden trauma. International Journal of Social Psychiatry,
  • Valentine, P. (1995). Management of conflict: Do nurses/women handle it differently? Journal of Advance Nursing, 22,142-149.
  • Verimli, A. (2006). Okullarda Þiddet Raporu. Yeditepe Üniversitesi Týp Fakültesi Psikiyatri Bölümü.
  • Youssef, R M., Attia, R. M. ve Kamel, M. I. (1998). Children experiencing violence. II. Prevalence and determinants of corporal punishments in schools. Child Abuse and Neglect, 22 (10), 975-985.


Yıl 2008, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1, 105 - 118, 15.03.2016


School violence become a notorious theme in literature as well as in media. It is
mostly focused on student violence and bullying behaviors. However, there are also teacher
induced violence that has been not well acknowledged due to its sensitive nature. Therefore,
the purpose of this study was to only examine violence that emerged from teachers towards
their students. The study is designed as a quantitative research with an archival approach. For
this reason, 16 newspapers and 11 TV web sites were screened for violent news from the year
2001 to 2006. Then, the physically violent events have been classified and subjected to
frekans analysis. The news were limited to the violent actions that emerged from teacher
towards their students. Then, the physically violent events have been classified and subjected
to frekans analysis. One hundred and seventy two cases were identified and analyzed in order
to determine the gender of most violent teachers, the students who has frequently exposed to
violence, the palaces that most of the violence acts has taken place, and the reasons that
triggers teacher violence. Findings were also discussed with in lights of previous literature
and data from other countries. 


  • Amanda, G. (1994). Cooping with the disruptive college student: A practical model. Asheville, NC: College Administration Publisher.
  • American Psychological Association, (1993). Violence and youth: Psychology’s response. Washington, DC: Author.
  • Benbenishty, R. Zeira, ve A., Astor (2002). Children reports of emotional, physical, and sexual maltreatment by educational staff in Israel. Child Abuse and Neglect, 26, 763-782.
  • Benbenishty, R. Zeira, A., Astor, R. A., ve Khoury-Kassabri, M. (2002). Maltreatment of primary school students by educational staff in Israel. Child Abuse and Neglect, 26, 1291-1309.
  • Chapell, M., Casey, D.,De la Cruz, C., Ferrell, J., Forman, J., Lipkin, R., Newsham, M., Sterling, M., Whittaker, S. (2004). Bullying in college by students and teachers. Adolescence, 39, 53-64.
  • Clark, C. M. (2004). Incivility in nursing education: Faculty and student perspectives. Unpublished manuscript.
  • Clark, C. M. (2005). Students’ perception of faculty incivility: A qualitative pilot study of four nursing students. Unpublished manuscript. Delfabbro, P., Winefield, T., Trainor, S., Dollard, M., Anderson, S., Metzer, J., ve
  • Hammarstorm, A. (2006). Peer and teacher bullying/victimization of South Australian secondary school students: Prevalence and psychosocial profiles. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 76, 71-90.
  • Dubanoski, R. A., Inaba, M., ve Gerkewicz, K. (1983). Corporal punishment in schools: Myths, problems and alternatives. Child Abuse and Neglect, 7 (3), 271-278. Fekkes, M., Pijpers, F. I. M., Verloove-Vanhorick, P. (2005). Bullying: who does what, when and where?. Involvement of children, teachers and parents in bullying behavior. Health Education Research, 20, 81- 91.
  • Hall, J. M. (2004). Diplling desperation in nursing education. Nursing Outlook, 52, 147-154.
  • Hart, S., ve Brassard, M., ve Germain, B. (Eds.) (1987). Proceedings of the international conference on psychological abuse of children and youth. Indianapolis. IN: Center for the Study of Psychological Rights on the Children, University of IndianaIndianapolis.
  • Hart, S., ve Brassard, M. (1987). A major treat to children’s mental health: Psychological maltreatment. American Psychologist, 42, 160-165.
  • HEGEM (2006). Okullarda þiddet ve çocuk suçluluðu. Uluslararasý Kongre. 15-17 Eylül 2006. Giresun-Trabzon.
  • Hu, P. C. (1997). Spousal violence among 200 couples. Chinese Mental Health Journal, 10,171-172.
  • Hyman, I., Clark, J. ve Zelikoff, W. (1986). ‘Educator Induced Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Concepts, Clinical Evidence and Initial Research.’ Paper presented at the Meeting of the Annual Convention of the Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, Denver, Colorado.
  • Hyman, I. (1990). Reading writing and the hickory stick: The appalling story of physical and psychological abuse of American school children. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.
  • Hyman, I. A., ve Perone, D. C. (1998). The other side of school violence. Educator policies and practices that may contribute to student misbehavior. Journal of School Psychology, 36 (1), 7-27.
  • Hyman, I., Weiler, E., Perone, D. C., Romano, L., ve Britton, G., ve Shanock, A. (1998). Victims and victimizers: The two faces of school violence. In A. Goldstein ve J. Conoly, (Eds.), the school violence intervention handbook. (pp.426-459). New York: Guilford Press: H yman, I., Zelikoff, W., ve Clark, J. (1998). Psychological and physical abuse in schools: A paradigm for understanding post-traumatic stress disorder in children. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 1, 243-267.
  • Hyman, I., Dahbany, A., Blum, M., Weiler, E., Brooks-Klein, V., ve Pokalo, M. (1997). School discipline and school violence: The teacher variance approach. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn ve Bacon.
  • Gonzales de Rivera, J. L. (2002). El maltrato psicologica. Madrid : Espasa-Calpe.
  • Gözütok, F. D. (1993). Okulda Dayak. Ankara: 72 Ofset. Gözütok, F. D., Er, K. O. Er., ve Karacaoðlu, Ö. C. (2006). Okulda Dayak: (1992 ve 2006 Yýllarý Karþýlaþtýrmasý 1) Toplumsal Bir Sorun Olarak ‘Þiddet’Sempozyumu. Eðitim Sen Yayýnlarý.
  • Gümüþ, A., Tümkaya, S., ve Dönmezer, T. (2004). Sýkýþtýrýlmýþ Okullar. Ankara: Eðitim Sen.
  • Imbrogno, A. R. (2000). Corporal punishment in America’s public schools and the U. N. Convention of the Child: A case for nonratification. Journal of Law Education, 29, 125-147.
  • Kim, D. H., Kim, K. I., Park, Y. C., Zhang, L. D., Lu, M. K. ve Li, D. G. (2000). Children experience of violence in China and Korea: A transcultural study. Child Abuse and Neglect, 24 (9), 1163-1173.
  • Kolanko, K. M, Clark, C., Heinrich, K. T., Olive, D., Serembus, J. F., ve Sifford, S. (2006). Academic dishonesty, bullying, incivility, and violence: Difficult challenges facing nurse educators. Nursing Education Perspective, 27(1), 34-43.
  • Kondrasuk, J. N., Pamplin, R. B., Grene, T., Waggoner, J., Edwards, K., Nayak-Rhodes, A. (2005). Violence affecting school employees. Education, 125, 638-647.
  • Larzelere, R. E. ve Johnson, B. (1999). Evaluations of the effects of Sweden’s spanking ban on phisical child abuses: Aliteratüre review. Psychological Reports, 85, 381-392.
  • Lambert, C. (1990). Factorial structure and reliability of a scale measuring stress response as a result of maltreatment in schools. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Temple University.
  • Lynnette, R. (2001). Corporal punishment in American public schools and the Rights of the Child. Jounral of Law Education, 30, 554-563.
  • th Mallot, R. W., Malot, M. E., ve Trojan, E. A. (2000). Elementary principles of behavior, 4 Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Mc.Millan, H. L., Boyle, M. H., Wong, M. Y. Y., Duku, F. K., Fleming, J. E. ve Walsh, C. A.
  • (1999). Slapping and spanking in childhood and its association with lifetime prevalence of psychiatric disorders in general population sample. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 161 (7), 805-809.
  • Morrissette, P. J. (2001). Reducing incivility in the university college classroom. International Electronic Journal for Leadership in Learning, 5(4), 1-12. iejll/volume5/morrissette.html.
  • North Carolina Public Schools (2004). School violence numbers improve in 2002-03. htt//
  • Olweus, D. (1996).Bullying of students by teachers. Bergen, Norway: Alma Mater Forlag.
  • Olweus, D. (1999). In P. K. Smith, Y. Morita, J. Junger-Tas, D. Olweus, R. Catalano, ve P. Slee (Eds.). The nature of school bullying (pp.28-48). London: Routledge.
  • Parkay, F. W., ve Conoley, C. (1982). Characteristics of educators who advocate corporal punishment: A brief report. Journal of Humanistic Education and Development, 21 (1), 33-36.
  • Poole, S. R., Ushokow, M. C. Nader, P. R. et al. (1991). The role of the pediatrician in abolishing corporal punishment in schools. Pediatrics, 88, 162-167.
  • Potts, A. (2006). Schools as dangerous places. Educational Studies, 32 (3), 319-330.
  • SAM (2003). Corporal punishment in schools. Position paper of the Society for Adolescent Medicine, 32, 385-393.
  • Sarno, G. (1992). Emotional distress by school teacher and administrator. 18. American rd Journal of Proof Fact 3 , 103.
  • Shumba, A. (2001). Epidemiology and etiology of reported cases of child physical abuse in Zimbabwean primary schools. Child Abuse and Neglect, 25, 265-277.
  • Straus, M. A. (1999). Is it time to ban corporal punishment of children? Canadian Medical Association Journal, 161, 821-822.
  • Straus, M. A. (1996). Spanking and the making of a violent society. Pediatrics, 98,837-831. Stuart, T., Peter, F., Frank, S., ve John, R. B. Jr. (2006). Teachers who bully students: Ahidden trauma. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 52, 187-198.
  • Thomas, S. (2003). Handling anger in the teacher-student relationship. Nursing Education Perspective, 24, 17-24.
  • Türk Eðitim Sen (2006). Þiddet ve Taciz.
  • Turkel, A. R. (2007). Sugar and Spice and Puppy Dogs’ Tails: The Psychodynamics of Bullying. Journal of American Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry, 35, 243-258. Twemlow, S., Fonagy, P., Sacco, F., Brethour, Jr. J.R. (2005). The prevalence of teachers who bully students with differing levels of behavioral problems. American Journal Psychiatry, 162, 2387-2389.
  • Twemlow, S. ve Fonagy, P. (2006). Teachers who bully students: A hidden trauma. International Journal of Social Psychiatry,
  • Valentine, P. (1995). Management of conflict: Do nurses/women handle it differently? Journal of Advance Nursing, 22,142-149.
  • Verimli, A. (2006). Okullarda Þiddet Raporu. Yeditepe Üniversitesi Týp Fakültesi Psikiyatri Bölümü.
  • Youssef, R M., Attia, R. M. ve Kamel, M. I. (1998). Children experiencing violence. II. Prevalence and determinants of corporal punishments in schools. Child Abuse and Neglect, 22 (10), 975-985.
Toplam 50 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Sefa Bulut Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Mart 2016
Gönderilme Tarihi 28 Ocak 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2008 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Bulut, S. (2016). Öğretmenden Öğrenciye Yönelik Olan Fiziksel Şiddet: Nicel Bir Araştırma. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 8(1), 105-118.