The objective of this study was to produce a
strained dairy product made from organic milk using yogurt culture and kefir
grains as a new product development. Strained dairy product was analyzed for carbohydrates,
organic acids, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), basic chemical composition as
well as overall acceptability at 1, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days of refrigerated
storage. While galactose content in dairy products increased, lactose and glucose
contents decreased on 14th day of storage. The main VOC was ethanol,
accounted for about 58% of total volatiles. An increase in succinic acid (from 312
mg/kg to 638 mg/kg), acetic acid (632 mg/kg-843 mg/kg), ethyl octanoate (1.07%-4.15%)
and a decrease in viscosity (5754 mPas-1050 mPas) and total solids (24.33%-20.64%)
towards the end of storage were observed. Refrigerated storage for more than 21
days could not be recommended since the product was found unacceptable by the
panelists but the product consumption at the first 21 days of storagemay be an
advantage for lactose intolerance humans due to its low lactose level.
T.R. Prime Ministry State Planning Organization (DPT)
Proje Numarası
02 K 120860
The authors wish to thank Arzu Zeynep Çalı, Burcu Mungan, Melis Ozguner, Bilge Sengul for technical assistance in laboratory. GC-MS and HPLC in this work were supported by the T.R. Prime Ministry State Planning Organization (DPT) project (Project no: 02 K 120860).
[2] Gronnevik, H., Falstad, M., Narvhus, J.A. (2011). Microbiological and chemical properties of Norwegian kefir during storage. International Dairy Journal, 21, 601-606.
[3] Leite, A.M.O., Leite, D.C.A., Del Aguile, E.M., Alvares, T.S., Peixota, R.S., Miguel, M.A.L., Silva, J.T., Paschoalin, V.M.F. (2013). Microbiological and chemical characteristics of Brazilian kefir during fermentation and storage processes. Journal of Dairy Science, 96, 4149-4159.
[4] Guler, Z., Sanal, H. (2009). The essential mineral concentration of Torba yoghurts and their wheys compared with yoghurt made with cows’, ewes’ and goats’ milks. International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, 60, 153-164.
[5] Brady, L.J., Gallaher, D.D. (2000). The role of probiotic cultures in the prevention of colon cancer. The Journal of Nutrition, 130, 410-414.
[6] Aghlara, A., Mustafa, S., Manap, Y.A., Mohamad, R. (2009). Characterization of headspace volatile flavor compounds formed during kefir production: application of solid phase microextraction. International Journal of Food Properties, 12, 808-818.
[7] Beshkova, D.M., Simova, E.D., Frengova, G.I., Simov, Z.I., Dimitrov, Z.H.P. (2003). Production of volatile aroma compounds by kefir starter cultures. International Dairy Journal, 13, 529-535.
[8] Guzel-Seydim, Z.B., Seydim, A.C., Greene, A.K. (2000). Organic acids and volatile flavour components evolved during refrigerated storage of kefir. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 83, 275-277.
[9] Guler, Z., Tasdelen, A., Senol, H., Kerimoğlu, N., Temel, U. (2009). The determination of volatile compounds in set-type yoghurts by using static headspace gas chromatographic method. The Journal of Food, 3, 137-142.
[10] Guler, Z. (2013). Organic acid and carbohydrate changes in carrot and wheat bran fortified set-type yoghurts at the end of refrigerated storage. Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences, 1, 1-6.
[11] Guler, Z., Gursoy-Balci, A. (2011). Evaluation of volatile compounds and free fatty acids in set types yogurts made of ewes’, goats’ milk and their mixture using two different commercial starter cultures during refrigerated storage. Food Chemistry, 127, 1067-1071.
[12] Guler, Z., Park, Y.W. (2011). Characteristics of physico-chemical properties, volatile compounds and free fatty acid profiles of commercial set-type Turkish yoghurts. Open Journal of Animal Sciences, 1, 1-9.
[13] Lucey, J.A., Singh, H. (1998). Formation and physical properties of acid milk gels: A review. Food Reviews International, 7, 529-542.
[14] Behannis, M., Kayanush, J.A. (2012). Influence of ethanol on probiotic and culture bacteria Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus within a therapeutic product. Open Journal of Medical Microbiology, 2, 70-76.
[15] Guler, Z., Tekin, A., Park, Y.W. (2016). Comparison of biochemical changes in kefirs produced from organic and conventional milk at different inoculation rates of kefir grains. Journal of Food Science and Nutrition Therapy, 2, 8-14.
[16] AOAC (2003). Official Methods of Analysis. Vol.I.17th ed. Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington, DC, USA.
[17] Fernandez-Garcia, E., McGregor, J.U. (1994). Determination of organic acids during the fermentation and cold Storage of yoghurt. Journal of Dairy Science, 77, 2934-2939.
[18] Guler, Z., Karaca, F., Yetisir, H. (2013). Volatile compounds in the peel and flesh of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) grafted onto bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria) rootstock. The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 88, 123-128.
[19] Felfoul, I., Borchani, M., Samet-Bali, O., Attia, H., Ayadi, M.A. (2017). Effect of ginger (Zingiber officinalis) addition on fermented bovine milk: Rheological properties, sensory attributes and antioxidant potential. Journal of New Sciences, Agriculture and Biotechnology, 44, 2400-2409.
[20] Bodyfelt, F.W., Tobias, J., Trout, G.M. (1988). The Sensory Evaluation of Dairy Products. p. 227, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.
[21] Coakes, S.J., Steed, L.G., Ong, C. (2009). Analysis without anguish using SPSS Version 17.0 for windows. John Willey and Sons, London, UK.
[22] Zourari, A., Accolas, J.P., Desmazeaud, M.J. (1992). Metabolism and biochemical characteristics of yogurt bacteria. A review: Lait, 72, 1-34.
[23] Musaiger, A.A., Al-Saad, J.A., Al-Hooti, D.S., Khunji, Z.A. (1998). Chemical composition of fermented dairy products consumed in Bahrain. Food Chemistry, 61, 49-52.
[24] Robinson, R.K., Tamime, A.Y., Wszolek, M. (2002). Microbiology of fermented milks. In Dairy microbiology handbook, Edited by R.K. Robinson, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, pp. 367-430.
[25] Kesenkas, H., Dinkci, N., Seckin, K., Kinik, O., Gonc, S., Ergonul, G.P., Kavas, G. (2011). Physicochemical, microbiological and sensory characteristics of soymilk kefir. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 5, 3737-3746.
[26] Kregiel, D. (2012). Succinate dehydrogenase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae –the unique enzyme of TCA cycle – current knowledge and new perspectives. In Dehydrogenases, Edited by R.A. Canota, In Tech, Rijeka, Croatia, pp. 211-235.
[27] Rotstein, O.D., Pruett, T.L., Fiegel, V.D., Nelson, R.D., Simmons, R.L. (1985). Succinic acid, a metabolic by-product of bacteroides species, inhibits polymorphonuclear leukocyte function. Infection and Immunity, 48, 402-408.
[28] Ostlie, H.M., Helland, M.H., Narvhus, J.A. (2003). Growth and metabolism of selected strains of probiotic bacteria in milk. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 87, 17-27.
[29] Mena, B., Aryana, K.J. (2012). Influence of ethanol on probiotic and culture bacteria Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus within a therapeutic product. Open Journal of Medicinal Microbiology, 2, 70-76.
[30] Sable, S., Cottenceau, G. (1999). Current knowledge of soft cheeses flavor and related compounds. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 47, 4825-4836.
[31] McSweeney, P.L.H., Sousa, M.J. (2000). Biochemical pathways for the production of flavor compounds in cheese during ripening: A review. Lait, 80, 293-324.
[32] Guler, Z. (2007). Changes in salted yogurt during storage. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 42, 235-237.
[33] Gupta, A., Rawat, S. (2010). Synthesis and Cyclization of Benzothiazole: Review. Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Research, 3, 13-23.
[34] Irigoyen, A., Arana, I., Castiella, M., Torre, P., Ibanez, F.C. (2005). Microbiological, physicochemical, and sensory characteristics of kefir during storage. Food Chemistry, 90, 613-620.
[35] Ergin, F., Öz, G., Özmen, Ü., Erdal, Ş., Çavana, E., Küçükçetin, A. (2017). Effect of homogenization of milk on physicochemical and microbiological properties of kefir. Akademik Gıda, 15, 368-376.
[36] Kaneuchi, C., Seki, M., Komagata, K. (1988). Production of succinic acid from citric acid and related acids by lactobacillus strains. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 54, 3053-3056.
Kefir Tanesi ve Yoğurt Kültürü ile Organik Sütten Üretilen Süzme Süt Ürününün Soğuk Depolanması Sırasında Kimyasal Değişimler
Yoğurt kültürü ve kefir tanesi,
organik süt kullanılarak üretilen; süzme yeni bir ürün üretimi amaçlanmıştır. Süzülmüş
üründe depolama boyunca (1., 7., 14., 21., 28. günlerde) karbonhidrat ve organik
asit içeriği, uçucu bileşenler, temel kimyasal kompozisyon analizleri yapılmış ve
genel kabul edilebilirlik değerlendirilmiştir. Depolamanın 14. gününde galaktoz
miktarı artarken, laktoz ve glukoz miktarları azalmıştır. Üründe en fazla oranda
belirlenen uçucu bileşen etanol olup; toplam uçucu bileşenlerin yaklaşık
%58’ini oluşturmuştur. Depolamanın sonuna doğru süksinik asit (312 mg/kg’dan 638
mg/kg’a), asetik asit (632 mg/kg’dan 843 mg/kg’a) ve etil oktanoatta (%1.07’den
%4.15’e) önemli düzeyde bir artma; viskozite (5754-1050 mPas) ve toplam
kurumaddede (%24.33-%20.64) bir azalma gözlemlenmiştir. Yirmi bir günden daha
uzun süre depolanan ürün panelistler tarafından kabul edilemez olarak
değerlendirilmiştir. Ancak depolamanın 21. gününe kadar ürünün tüketimi, düşük
laktoz içeriği nedeniyle laktoz intoleransı insanlar için bir avantaj olarak
[2] Gronnevik, H., Falstad, M., Narvhus, J.A. (2011). Microbiological and chemical properties of Norwegian kefir during storage. International Dairy Journal, 21, 601-606.
[3] Leite, A.M.O., Leite, D.C.A., Del Aguile, E.M., Alvares, T.S., Peixota, R.S., Miguel, M.A.L., Silva, J.T., Paschoalin, V.M.F. (2013). Microbiological and chemical characteristics of Brazilian kefir during fermentation and storage processes. Journal of Dairy Science, 96, 4149-4159.
[4] Guler, Z., Sanal, H. (2009). The essential mineral concentration of Torba yoghurts and their wheys compared with yoghurt made with cows’, ewes’ and goats’ milks. International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, 60, 153-164.
[5] Brady, L.J., Gallaher, D.D. (2000). The role of probiotic cultures in the prevention of colon cancer. The Journal of Nutrition, 130, 410-414.
[6] Aghlara, A., Mustafa, S., Manap, Y.A., Mohamad, R. (2009). Characterization of headspace volatile flavor compounds formed during kefir production: application of solid phase microextraction. International Journal of Food Properties, 12, 808-818.
[7] Beshkova, D.M., Simova, E.D., Frengova, G.I., Simov, Z.I., Dimitrov, Z.H.P. (2003). Production of volatile aroma compounds by kefir starter cultures. International Dairy Journal, 13, 529-535.
[8] Guzel-Seydim, Z.B., Seydim, A.C., Greene, A.K. (2000). Organic acids and volatile flavour components evolved during refrigerated storage of kefir. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 83, 275-277.
[9] Guler, Z., Tasdelen, A., Senol, H., Kerimoğlu, N., Temel, U. (2009). The determination of volatile compounds in set-type yoghurts by using static headspace gas chromatographic method. The Journal of Food, 3, 137-142.
[10] Guler, Z. (2013). Organic acid and carbohydrate changes in carrot and wheat bran fortified set-type yoghurts at the end of refrigerated storage. Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences, 1, 1-6.
[11] Guler, Z., Gursoy-Balci, A. (2011). Evaluation of volatile compounds and free fatty acids in set types yogurts made of ewes’, goats’ milk and their mixture using two different commercial starter cultures during refrigerated storage. Food Chemistry, 127, 1067-1071.
[12] Guler, Z., Park, Y.W. (2011). Characteristics of physico-chemical properties, volatile compounds and free fatty acid profiles of commercial set-type Turkish yoghurts. Open Journal of Animal Sciences, 1, 1-9.
[13] Lucey, J.A., Singh, H. (1998). Formation and physical properties of acid milk gels: A review. Food Reviews International, 7, 529-542.
[14] Behannis, M., Kayanush, J.A. (2012). Influence of ethanol on probiotic and culture bacteria Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus within a therapeutic product. Open Journal of Medical Microbiology, 2, 70-76.
[15] Guler, Z., Tekin, A., Park, Y.W. (2016). Comparison of biochemical changes in kefirs produced from organic and conventional milk at different inoculation rates of kefir grains. Journal of Food Science and Nutrition Therapy, 2, 8-14.
[16] AOAC (2003). Official Methods of Analysis. Vol.I.17th ed. Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington, DC, USA.
[17] Fernandez-Garcia, E., McGregor, J.U. (1994). Determination of organic acids during the fermentation and cold Storage of yoghurt. Journal of Dairy Science, 77, 2934-2939.
[18] Guler, Z., Karaca, F., Yetisir, H. (2013). Volatile compounds in the peel and flesh of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) grafted onto bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria) rootstock. The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 88, 123-128.
[19] Felfoul, I., Borchani, M., Samet-Bali, O., Attia, H., Ayadi, M.A. (2017). Effect of ginger (Zingiber officinalis) addition on fermented bovine milk: Rheological properties, sensory attributes and antioxidant potential. Journal of New Sciences, Agriculture and Biotechnology, 44, 2400-2409.
[20] Bodyfelt, F.W., Tobias, J., Trout, G.M. (1988). The Sensory Evaluation of Dairy Products. p. 227, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.
[21] Coakes, S.J., Steed, L.G., Ong, C. (2009). Analysis without anguish using SPSS Version 17.0 for windows. John Willey and Sons, London, UK.
[22] Zourari, A., Accolas, J.P., Desmazeaud, M.J. (1992). Metabolism and biochemical characteristics of yogurt bacteria. A review: Lait, 72, 1-34.
[23] Musaiger, A.A., Al-Saad, J.A., Al-Hooti, D.S., Khunji, Z.A. (1998). Chemical composition of fermented dairy products consumed in Bahrain. Food Chemistry, 61, 49-52.
[24] Robinson, R.K., Tamime, A.Y., Wszolek, M. (2002). Microbiology of fermented milks. In Dairy microbiology handbook, Edited by R.K. Robinson, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, pp. 367-430.
[25] Kesenkas, H., Dinkci, N., Seckin, K., Kinik, O., Gonc, S., Ergonul, G.P., Kavas, G. (2011). Physicochemical, microbiological and sensory characteristics of soymilk kefir. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 5, 3737-3746.
[26] Kregiel, D. (2012). Succinate dehydrogenase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae –the unique enzyme of TCA cycle – current knowledge and new perspectives. In Dehydrogenases, Edited by R.A. Canota, In Tech, Rijeka, Croatia, pp. 211-235.
[27] Rotstein, O.D., Pruett, T.L., Fiegel, V.D., Nelson, R.D., Simmons, R.L. (1985). Succinic acid, a metabolic by-product of bacteroides species, inhibits polymorphonuclear leukocyte function. Infection and Immunity, 48, 402-408.
[28] Ostlie, H.M., Helland, M.H., Narvhus, J.A. (2003). Growth and metabolism of selected strains of probiotic bacteria in milk. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 87, 17-27.
[29] Mena, B., Aryana, K.J. (2012). Influence of ethanol on probiotic and culture bacteria Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus within a therapeutic product. Open Journal of Medicinal Microbiology, 2, 70-76.
[30] Sable, S., Cottenceau, G. (1999). Current knowledge of soft cheeses flavor and related compounds. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 47, 4825-4836.
[31] McSweeney, P.L.H., Sousa, M.J. (2000). Biochemical pathways for the production of flavor compounds in cheese during ripening: A review. Lait, 80, 293-324.
[32] Guler, Z. (2007). Changes in salted yogurt during storage. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 42, 235-237.
[33] Gupta, A., Rawat, S. (2010). Synthesis and Cyclization of Benzothiazole: Review. Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Research, 3, 13-23.
[34] Irigoyen, A., Arana, I., Castiella, M., Torre, P., Ibanez, F.C. (2005). Microbiological, physicochemical, and sensory characteristics of kefir during storage. Food Chemistry, 90, 613-620.
[35] Ergin, F., Öz, G., Özmen, Ü., Erdal, Ş., Çavana, E., Küçükçetin, A. (2017). Effect of homogenization of milk on physicochemical and microbiological properties of kefir. Akademik Gıda, 15, 368-376.
[36] Kaneuchi, C., Seki, M., Komagata, K. (1988). Production of succinic acid from citric acid and related acids by lactobacillus strains. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 54, 3053-3056.
Guler, Z., Tekin, A., & Dursun, A. (2019). Chemical Changes in Strained Dairy Product Produced with Organic Milk by Using Kefir Grains and Yogurt Culture during Refrigerated Storage. Akademik Gıda, 17(3), 306-316.
Guler Z, Tekin A, Dursun A. Chemical Changes in Strained Dairy Product Produced with Organic Milk by Using Kefir Grains and Yogurt Culture during Refrigerated Storage. Akademik Gıda. Kasım 2019;17(3):306-316. doi:10.24323/akademik-gida.647693
Guler, Zehra, Ali Tekin, ve Ahmet Dursun. “Chemical Changes in Strained Dairy Product Produced With Organic Milk by Using Kefir Grains and Yogurt Culture During Refrigerated Storage”. Akademik Gıda 17, sy. 3 (Kasım 2019): 306-16.
Guler Z, Tekin A, Dursun A (01 Kasım 2019) Chemical Changes in Strained Dairy Product Produced with Organic Milk by Using Kefir Grains and Yogurt Culture during Refrigerated Storage. Akademik Gıda 17 3 306–316.
Z. Guler, A. Tekin, ve A. Dursun, “Chemical Changes in Strained Dairy Product Produced with Organic Milk by Using Kefir Grains and Yogurt Culture during Refrigerated Storage”, Akademik Gıda, c. 17, sy. 3, ss. 306–316, 2019, doi: 10.24323/akademik-gida.647693.
Guler, Zehra vd. “Chemical Changes in Strained Dairy Product Produced With Organic Milk by Using Kefir Grains and Yogurt Culture During Refrigerated Storage”. Akademik Gıda 17/3 (Kasım 2019), 306-316.
Guler Z, Tekin A, Dursun A. Chemical Changes in Strained Dairy Product Produced with Organic Milk by Using Kefir Grains and Yogurt Culture during Refrigerated Storage. Akademik Gıda. 2019;17:306–316.
Guler, Zehra vd. “Chemical Changes in Strained Dairy Product Produced With Organic Milk by Using Kefir Grains and Yogurt Culture During Refrigerated Storage”. Akademik Gıda, c. 17, sy. 3, 2019, ss. 306-1, doi:10.24323/akademik-gida.647693.
Guler Z, Tekin A, Dursun A. Chemical Changes in Strained Dairy Product Produced with Organic Milk by Using Kefir Grains and Yogurt Culture during Refrigerated Storage. Akademik Gıda. 2019;17(3):306-1.