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Prebiotics: A Significant Food Ingredient for Metabolism

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1, 115 - 123, 01.03.2014


Prebiotics are short chain carbohydrates that are non-digestible by digestive enzymes in humans and selectively enhance the activity of some groups of beneficial bacteria. In the intestine, prebiotics are fermented by beneficial bacteria to produce short chain fatty acids. Prebiotics also render many other health benefits in the large intestine such as reduction of cancer risk and increase calcium and magnesium absorption. Prebiotics are found in several vegetables and fruits and are considered functional food components and present significant technological advantages. Their addition improves sensory characteristics such as taste and texture, and enhances the stability of foams, emulsions and mouthfeel in a large range of food applications. This contribution reviews prebiotic properties, sources, methods of prebiotic productions, safety concerns of prebiotics and health benefits


  • Huebner, J., Wehling, R.L., Hutkins, R.W., 2007. Functional activity of commercial prebiotics. International Dairy Journal 17: 770–775.
  • Huebner, J., Wehling, R.L., Parkhurst, A., Hutkins, R.W., 2008. Effect of processing conditions on the prebiotic activity of commercial prebiotics. International Dairy Journal 18: 287–293.
  • Saad, N., Delattre, C., Urdaci, M., Schmitter, J.M., Bressollier, P., 2013. An overview of the last advances in probiotic and prebiotic field. LWT - Food Science and Technology 50: 1-16.
  • Li, D., Kim, J.M., Jin, Z., Zhou, J., 2008. Prebiotic effectiveness of inulin extracted from edible burdock. Anaerobe 14: 29–34.
  • Al-Sherajia, S.H., Ismail, A., Manap, M.Y., Mustafa, S., Yusof, R.M., Hassan, F.A., 2013, Prebiotics as functional foods: A review. Journal of Functional Foods 5: 1542 –1553.
  • Phillips, G., 2013. Dietary fibre: A chemical category Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre 1: 3–9. ingredient? Bioactive
  • Gibson, G.R., 2004. Fibre and effects on probiotics (the Supplements 1: 25–31. Clinical Nutrition
  • Courtin, C.M., Swennen, K., Verjans, P., Delcour, J.A., 2009. Heat and pH stability of prebiotic arabinoxylooligosaccharides, xylooligosaccharides and fructooligosaccharides. Food Chemistry 112: 831–837.
  • Wang, Y., 2009, Prebiotics: Present and future in food science and technology. Food Research International 42: 8–12.
  • Mussatto, S.I., Mancilha, I.M., 2007. Non-digestible oligosaccharides: A review. Carbohydrate Polymers 68: 587–597.
  • Gibson, G.R., Roberfroid, M.B., 2008. Handbook of prebiotics, CRC Press.
  • Gibson, G. R., Rastall, R. A., 2006. Prebiotics: Development & Application, John Wiley & Sons.
  • Kuriki, T., Yanase, M., Takata, H., Takesada, Y., Imanaka, T., Okada, S., 1993. A new way of producing isomalto-oligosaccharide syrup by using the transglycosylation reaction of neopullulanase. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 59: 953-959.
  • Cho, S.K., Eom, H.J., Moon, J.S., Lim, S.B., Kim, Y.K., Lee, K.W., Han, N.S., 2014. An improved process of isomaltooligosaccharide production in kimchi a Leuconostoc starter and sugars. International Journal of Food Microbiology 170: 61–64. the addition of
  • Zhang, L., Jiang, Y., Jiang, Z., Sun, X., Shi, J., Cheng, W., Sun, Q., 2009. Immobilized transglucosidase in biomimetic polymer–inorganic hybrid capsules for efficient conversion of maltose to Engineering Journal 46: 186–192. Biochemical
  • Taubman, M.A, Nash, D.A., 2006. The scientific and public-health imperative for a vaccineagainst dental caries. Nat. Rev. Immunol. 6: 555-563.
  • Miyake, T., Yoshida, M., Takeuchi, K., 1981. Imparting low or anticariogenic property toorally usable Products. US Patent 4: 518,581. [18] Ishwarya, S.
  • P., Prabhasankar, P., 2013. Fructooligosaccharide – Retention during baking and its influence on biscuit quality. Food Bioscience 4: 68–80. [19] Yun, J.W., 1996.
  • Fructooligosaccharides occurance, preparation and application. Enzyme Microb. Technol.19: 107-117.
  • Hoseinifar, S.H., Khalili, M., Rostami, H.K., Esteban, galactooligosaccharide affects intestinal microbiota, stress resistance, and performance of Caspian roach (Rutilus rutilus) fry. Fish & Shellfish Immunology 35: 1416–1420. 2013. Dietary
  • Gosling, A., Stevens, G.W., Barber, A.R., Kentish, S.E., Gras, S.L., 2010. Recent advances refining galactooligosaccharide production from lactose. Food Chemistry 121: 307–318.
  • Bouhnik, Y., Flourie, B., D’Agay-Abensour, L., 1997. transgalactooligosaccharides bifidobacteria and modifies colonic fermantation metabolism in healthy humans. J. Nutrition 127: 444-448. of increases fecal
  • Debon, J., Prudêncio, E.S., Petrus, J.C.C., 2010. Rheological and physico-chemical characterization of prebiotic microfiltered fermented milk. Journal of Food Engineering 99: 128–135.
  • Apolinário, A.C., Damasceno, B.P.G.L., Beltrão, N.E.M., Pessoa, A., Converti, A., Silva, J.A., 2014. Inulin-type fructans: A review on different aspects of biochemical and pharmaceutical technology. Carbohydrate Polymers 101: 368–378.
  • Pompei, A., Cordisco, L., Raimondi, S., Amaretti, A., Pagnoni, U.M., Matteuzzi, D., Rossi, M., 2008. In vitro comparison of the prebiotic effects of two inulin-type fructans.Anaerobe 14: 280–286.
  • Roberfroid, M.B., 2000. Prebiotics and probiotics: are they functional foods? Am. J. Cli. Nutr. 71: 16825-16875.
  • German, B., Schiffrin, E. J., Reniero, R., Mollet, B., Pfeifer, A., Neeser, J.R., 1999. The development of functional foods: lessons from the gut. Tibtech. 17: 492-499.
  • Ötleş, S., 2014. Probiotics and Prebiotics in Food. Nutrition and Health, CRC Press.
  • Rastall, R. A., Maitin, V., 2002. Prebiotics and synbiotics: towards the next generation. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 13: 490–496.
  • Torres, D.P.M., Goncalves, M.D.F., Teixeira, J.A., Rodrigues, L.R., 2010. Galactooligosaccharides: production, significance as prebiotics. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 9: 438–454.
  • Panesar, P.S., Panesar, R., Singh, R. S., Kennedy, J. F., Kumar, H., 2006. Microbial production, immobilization galactosidase. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 81: 530–543. of β-D
  • Reddy, B. S., 1998. Prevention of colon cancer by pre- and probiotics: evidence from studies. Br. J. Nutr. 80: 219-223. S. laboratory
  • Lamprecht, A., Lipkin, M., 2003. Chemoprevention of colon cancer by calcium, vitamin Dand folate: molecular mechanisms. Nat. Rev. Cancer 3: 601-614.
  • Ishibashi N., Shimamura, S., 1993. Bifidobacteria: Research and development in Japan. Food Technol. 47: 126-135.
  • Coşkun, T., 2006. Pro-, Pre- ve sinbiyotikler. Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi 49: 128-14.

Prebiyotikler: Metabolizma İçin Önemli Bir Gıda Bileşeni

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1, 115 - 123, 01.03.2014


Prebiyotikler, insanlarda sindirim enzimleri tarafından sindirilemeyen ve bazı faydalı bakteri gruplarının aktivitesini seçici olarak zenginleştiren kısa zincirli karbonhidratlardır. Bağırsaklarda, prebiyotikler, kısa zincirli yağ asidi üretmek için faydalı bakteriler tarafından fermente edilirler. Prebiyotikler kanser riskinin azaltılması ve kalsiyum ve magnezyum absorpsiyonunun artırılması gibi kalın bağırsaklarda diğer birçok sağlık üzerine faydalı etkilere sahiplerdir. Prebiyotikler birçok sebze ve meyvelerde bulunur ve önemli teknolojik avantaj sağlayan fonksiyonel gıda bileşenleri olarak düşünülmektedir. Onların eklenmesiyle süt ve ekmek gibi gıda uygulamalarında çok büyük miktarda tat ve doku gibi duyusal karakterler geliştirmektedir ve köpük, emülsiyon ve ağız hissi stabilitesi artmaktadır. Bu derlemede prebiyotiklerin özellikleri, kaynakları, üretim yolları, insanlar için güvenilir dozu ve sağlık üzerine etkisi anlatılmaktadır


  • Huebner, J., Wehling, R.L., Hutkins, R.W., 2007. Functional activity of commercial prebiotics. International Dairy Journal 17: 770–775.
  • Huebner, J., Wehling, R.L., Parkhurst, A., Hutkins, R.W., 2008. Effect of processing conditions on the prebiotic activity of commercial prebiotics. International Dairy Journal 18: 287–293.
  • Saad, N., Delattre, C., Urdaci, M., Schmitter, J.M., Bressollier, P., 2013. An overview of the last advances in probiotic and prebiotic field. LWT - Food Science and Technology 50: 1-16.
  • Li, D., Kim, J.M., Jin, Z., Zhou, J., 2008. Prebiotic effectiveness of inulin extracted from edible burdock. Anaerobe 14: 29–34.
  • Al-Sherajia, S.H., Ismail, A., Manap, M.Y., Mustafa, S., Yusof, R.M., Hassan, F.A., 2013, Prebiotics as functional foods: A review. Journal of Functional Foods 5: 1542 –1553.
  • Phillips, G., 2013. Dietary fibre: A chemical category Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre 1: 3–9. ingredient? Bioactive
  • Gibson, G.R., 2004. Fibre and effects on probiotics (the Supplements 1: 25–31. Clinical Nutrition
  • Courtin, C.M., Swennen, K., Verjans, P., Delcour, J.A., 2009. Heat and pH stability of prebiotic arabinoxylooligosaccharides, xylooligosaccharides and fructooligosaccharides. Food Chemistry 112: 831–837.
  • Wang, Y., 2009, Prebiotics: Present and future in food science and technology. Food Research International 42: 8–12.
  • Mussatto, S.I., Mancilha, I.M., 2007. Non-digestible oligosaccharides: A review. Carbohydrate Polymers 68: 587–597.
  • Gibson, G.R., Roberfroid, M.B., 2008. Handbook of prebiotics, CRC Press.
  • Gibson, G. R., Rastall, R. A., 2006. Prebiotics: Development & Application, John Wiley & Sons.
  • Kuriki, T., Yanase, M., Takata, H., Takesada, Y., Imanaka, T., Okada, S., 1993. A new way of producing isomalto-oligosaccharide syrup by using the transglycosylation reaction of neopullulanase. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 59: 953-959.
  • Cho, S.K., Eom, H.J., Moon, J.S., Lim, S.B., Kim, Y.K., Lee, K.W., Han, N.S., 2014. An improved process of isomaltooligosaccharide production in kimchi a Leuconostoc starter and sugars. International Journal of Food Microbiology 170: 61–64. the addition of
  • Zhang, L., Jiang, Y., Jiang, Z., Sun, X., Shi, J., Cheng, W., Sun, Q., 2009. Immobilized transglucosidase in biomimetic polymer–inorganic hybrid capsules for efficient conversion of maltose to Engineering Journal 46: 186–192. Biochemical
  • Taubman, M.A, Nash, D.A., 2006. The scientific and public-health imperative for a vaccineagainst dental caries. Nat. Rev. Immunol. 6: 555-563.
  • Miyake, T., Yoshida, M., Takeuchi, K., 1981. Imparting low or anticariogenic property toorally usable Products. US Patent 4: 518,581. [18] Ishwarya, S.
  • P., Prabhasankar, P., 2013. Fructooligosaccharide – Retention during baking and its influence on biscuit quality. Food Bioscience 4: 68–80. [19] Yun, J.W., 1996.
  • Fructooligosaccharides occurance, preparation and application. Enzyme Microb. Technol.19: 107-117.
  • Hoseinifar, S.H., Khalili, M., Rostami, H.K., Esteban, galactooligosaccharide affects intestinal microbiota, stress resistance, and performance of Caspian roach (Rutilus rutilus) fry. Fish & Shellfish Immunology 35: 1416–1420. 2013. Dietary
  • Gosling, A., Stevens, G.W., Barber, A.R., Kentish, S.E., Gras, S.L., 2010. Recent advances refining galactooligosaccharide production from lactose. Food Chemistry 121: 307–318.
  • Bouhnik, Y., Flourie, B., D’Agay-Abensour, L., 1997. transgalactooligosaccharides bifidobacteria and modifies colonic fermantation metabolism in healthy humans. J. Nutrition 127: 444-448. of increases fecal
  • Debon, J., Prudêncio, E.S., Petrus, J.C.C., 2010. Rheological and physico-chemical characterization of prebiotic microfiltered fermented milk. Journal of Food Engineering 99: 128–135.
  • Apolinário, A.C., Damasceno, B.P.G.L., Beltrão, N.E.M., Pessoa, A., Converti, A., Silva, J.A., 2014. Inulin-type fructans: A review on different aspects of biochemical and pharmaceutical technology. Carbohydrate Polymers 101: 368–378.
  • Pompei, A., Cordisco, L., Raimondi, S., Amaretti, A., Pagnoni, U.M., Matteuzzi, D., Rossi, M., 2008. In vitro comparison of the prebiotic effects of two inulin-type fructans.Anaerobe 14: 280–286.
  • Roberfroid, M.B., 2000. Prebiotics and probiotics: are they functional foods? Am. J. Cli. Nutr. 71: 16825-16875.
  • German, B., Schiffrin, E. J., Reniero, R., Mollet, B., Pfeifer, A., Neeser, J.R., 1999. The development of functional foods: lessons from the gut. Tibtech. 17: 492-499.
  • Ötleş, S., 2014. Probiotics and Prebiotics in Food. Nutrition and Health, CRC Press.
  • Rastall, R. A., Maitin, V., 2002. Prebiotics and synbiotics: towards the next generation. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 13: 490–496.
  • Torres, D.P.M., Goncalves, M.D.F., Teixeira, J.A., Rodrigues, L.R., 2010. Galactooligosaccharides: production, significance as prebiotics. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 9: 438–454.
  • Panesar, P.S., Panesar, R., Singh, R. S., Kennedy, J. F., Kumar, H., 2006. Microbial production, immobilization galactosidase. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 81: 530–543. of β-D
  • Reddy, B. S., 1998. Prevention of colon cancer by pre- and probiotics: evidence from studies. Br. J. Nutr. 80: 219-223. S. laboratory
  • Lamprecht, A., Lipkin, M., 2003. Chemoprevention of colon cancer by calcium, vitamin Dand folate: molecular mechanisms. Nat. Rev. Cancer 3: 601-614.
  • Ishibashi N., Shimamura, S., 1993. Bifidobacteria: Research and development in Japan. Food Technol. 47: 126-135.
  • Coşkun, T., 2006. Pro-, Pre- ve sinbiyotikler. Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi 49: 128-14.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

V Hazal Özyurt Bu kişi benim

Semih Ötleş Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Özyurt, V. H., & Ötleş, S. (2014). Prebiyotikler: Metabolizma İçin Önemli Bir Gıda Bileşeni. Akademik Gıda, 12(1), 115-123.
AMA Özyurt VH, Ötleş S. Prebiyotikler: Metabolizma İçin Önemli Bir Gıda Bileşeni. Akademik Gıda. Mart 2014;12(1):115-123.
Chicago Özyurt, V Hazal, ve Semih Ötleş. “Prebiyotikler: Metabolizma İçin Önemli Bir Gıda Bileşeni”. Akademik Gıda 12, sy. 1 (Mart 2014): 115-23.
EndNote Özyurt VH, Ötleş S (01 Mart 2014) Prebiyotikler: Metabolizma İçin Önemli Bir Gıda Bileşeni. Akademik Gıda 12 1 115–123.
IEEE V. H. Özyurt ve S. Ötleş, “Prebiyotikler: Metabolizma İçin Önemli Bir Gıda Bileşeni”, Akademik Gıda, c. 12, sy. 1, ss. 115–123, 2014.
ISNAD Özyurt, V Hazal - Ötleş, Semih. “Prebiyotikler: Metabolizma İçin Önemli Bir Gıda Bileşeni”. Akademik Gıda 12/1 (Mart 2014), 115-123.
JAMA Özyurt VH, Ötleş S. Prebiyotikler: Metabolizma İçin Önemli Bir Gıda Bileşeni. Akademik Gıda. 2014;12:115–123.
MLA Özyurt, V Hazal ve Semih Ötleş. “Prebiyotikler: Metabolizma İçin Önemli Bir Gıda Bileşeni”. Akademik Gıda, c. 12, sy. 1, 2014, ss. 115-23.
Vancouver Özyurt VH, Ötleş S. Prebiyotikler: Metabolizma İçin Önemli Bir Gıda Bileşeni. Akademik Gıda. 2014;12(1):115-23.

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