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Tannins Chemistry, their Occurence in Foods and Effects of Food Processing Technologies on Tannins

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2, 96 - 108, 01.06.2012


The scientific interest on tannins has been increased because of their high antioxidant activities and therapeutic effects on some diseases during the last two decade. Many studies in the literature have been focused on the tannin contents of foods and the effects of processing on tannins. This article reviews the description, classification, chemistry and occurrence of tannins in foods and the effects food processing technologies on tannins


  • [1] Khanbabaee, K., van Ree, T., 2001. Tannins: classification and definition. Natural Product Reports 18: 641-649.
  • [2] Deshpande, S.S., Cheryan, M., Salunkhe, D.K., 1986. Tannin analysis of food products. CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 24(4): 401-449.
  • [3] Tinkılıç, N., Uyanık, A., 2001. Spectrophotometric determination of the tanin contents of various Turkish black tea, beer and wine samples. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition 52: 289-294.
  • [4] Deshpande, S.S., 2002. Handbook of Food Toxicology. Marcel Dekker Incorporated, New York.
  • [5] Amarowicz, R., 2007. Tannins: the new natural antioxidants. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology 109: 549–551.
  • [6] Haslam, E., 1989. Plant Polyphenols, Vegetable Tannins Revisited. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • [7] Freudenberg, K., 1920. Die Chemie der Naturlichen Garbstoffe. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
  • [8] Serrano, J., Puupponen-Pimi, R., Dauer, A., Aura, A.M., Saura-Calixto, F., 2009. Tannins: current knowledge of food sources, intake, bioavailability and biological effects. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 53: S310-329.
  • [9] Hagerman, A.E., 2011. The Tannin Handbook. Miami University, Oxford, OH.
  • [10] Naczk, M., Shahidi, F., 2004. Extraction and analysis of phenolics in food. Journal of Chromatography A 1054: 95–111.
  • [11] Xie, D.Y., Dixon, R.A., 2005. Proanthocyanidin biosynthesis – still more questions than answers. Phytochemistry 66 (18): 2127-2144.
  • [12] Santos-Buelga, C., Scalbert, A., 2000. Proanthocyanidins and tannin-like compounds– nature, occurrence, dietary intake and effects on nutrition and health. Journal of Science of Food and Agriculture 80: 1094–1117.
  • [13] Porter, L.J., 1993. Flavans and Proanthocyanidins. In The Flavonoids: Advances in Research Since 1986, Edited by J.B. Harborne, Chapman& Hall, London, 23–55 p.
  • [14] Ferreira, D., Slade, D., Marais, J.P.J., 2006. Flavans and Proanthocyanidins. In Flavonoids Chemistry, Biochemistry and Applications, Edited by Ø.M. Andersen and K.R. Markham, CRC Pres, Boca Raton, FL, 553-656 p.
  • [15] Puech, J.L., Feuillat, F., Mosedale, J.R., 1999. The tannins of oak heartwood: structure, properties, and their influence on wine flavor. International Symposium on Oak in Winemaking / American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 50(4): 469-478.
  • [16] Rasmussen, S.E., Frederiksen, H., Krogholm, K.S., Poulsen, L., 2005. Dietary proanthocyanidins: occurrence, dietary intake, bioavailability, and protection against cardiovascular disease. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 49: 159 – 174.
  • [17] De Pascual-Teresa, S., Santos-Buelga, C., RivasGonzalo, J.C., 2000. Quantitative analysis of flavan-3-ols in Spanish foodstuffs and beverages. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 48: 5331-5337.
  • [18] Li, H.J., Deinzer, M.L., 2006. Structural identification and distribution of proanthocyanidins in 13 different hops. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 54: 4048-4056.
  • [19] De Freitas, V.A.P., Glories, Y., 1999. Concentration and compositional changes of procyanidins in grape seeds and skin of white Vitis vinifera varieties. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 79: 1601-1606.
  • [20] González-Manzano, S., Rivas-Gonzalo, J.C., Santos-Buelga, C., 2004. Extraction of flavan-3-ols from grape seed and skin into wine using simulated maceration. Analytica Chimica Acta 513: 283–289.
  • [21] Fuleki, T., da Silva, J.M.R., 1997. Catechin and procyanidin composition of seeds from grape cultivars grown in Ontario. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 45: 1156–1160.
  • [22] Kennedy, J.A., Matthews, M.A., Waterhouse, A.L., 2000. Changes in grape seed polyphenols during fruit ripening. Phytochemistry 55: 77-85.
  • [23] Gabetta, B., Fuzzati, N., Griffini, A., Lolla, E., Pace, R., Ruffilli, T., Peterlongo, F., 2000. Characterization of proanthocyanidins from grape seeds. Fitoterapia 71(2): 162-175.
  • [24] Gris, E.F., Mattivi, F., Ferreira, E.A., Vrhovsek, U., Pedrosa, R.C., Bordignon-Luiz, M.T., 2011. Proanthocyanidin profile and antioxidant capacity of Brazilian Vitis vinifera red wines. Food Chemistry 126: 213-220.
  • [25] Oszmianski, J., Romeyer, F.M., Sapis, J.C., Macheix, J.J., 1986. Grape seed phenolics: extraction as affected by some conditions occuring during wine processing. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 37(1): 7-12.
  • [26] Barón, R., Mayén, M., Mérida, J., Medina, M., 1997. Changes in phenolic compounds and browning during biological aging of sherry-type wine. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 45: 1682–1685.
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  • [28] Wang, H., Provan, G.J., Helliwell, K., 2000. Tea flavonoids: their functions, utilisation and analysis. Trends in Food Science and Technology 11 (4-5): 152-160.
  • [29] Jiang, H.Y., Shii, T., Matsuo, Y., Tanaka, T., Jiang, Z.H., Kouno, I., 2011. A new catechin oxidation product and polymeric polyphenols of postfermented tea. Food Chemistry 129: 830–836.
  • [30] Dou, J., Lee, V.S.Y., Tzen, J.T.C., Lee, M.R., 2007. Identification and comparison of phenolic compounds in the preparation of oolong tea manufactured by semifermentation and drying processes. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 55: 7462-7468.
  • [31] Hammerstone, J.F., Lazarus, S.A., Mitchell, A.E., Rucker, R., Schmitz, H.H., 1999. Identification of procyanidins in cocoa (Theobroma cacao) and chocolate using high-performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 47: 490-496
  • [32] Adamson, G.E., Lazarus, S.A., Mitchell, A.E., Prior, R.L., Cao, G., Jacobs, P.H., Kremers, B.G., Hammerstone, J.F., Rucker, R.B., Ritter, K.A., Schmitz, H.H., 1999. HPLC Method for the quantification of procyanidins in cocoa and chocolate samples and correlation to total antioxidant capacity. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 47(10): 4184–4188.
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Tanenlerin Kimyası, Gıdalardaki Varlığı ve Gıda İşlemenin Tanenler Üzerine Etkisi

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2, 96 - 108, 01.06.2012


Yüksek antioksidan aktivitesi ve birçok hastalığın tedavisinde etkili olabilmeleri nedeniyle tanenlere karşı duyulan ilgi son 20 yılda artmıştır. Tanenlerin gıdalardaki varlığı ve gıda işleme tekniklerinin bu bileşikler üzerine etkisini araştıran birçok çalışma yapılmıştır. Bu derlemede tanenlerin tanımlanması, sınıflandırılması, kimyası, gıdalardaki varlığı ve işleme tekniklerinin tanenler üzerine etkisine ait veriler derlenmiştir


  • [1] Khanbabaee, K., van Ree, T., 2001. Tannins: classification and definition. Natural Product Reports 18: 641-649.
  • [2] Deshpande, S.S., Cheryan, M., Salunkhe, D.K., 1986. Tannin analysis of food products. CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 24(4): 401-449.
  • [3] Tinkılıç, N., Uyanık, A., 2001. Spectrophotometric determination of the tanin contents of various Turkish black tea, beer and wine samples. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition 52: 289-294.
  • [4] Deshpande, S.S., 2002. Handbook of Food Toxicology. Marcel Dekker Incorporated, New York.
  • [5] Amarowicz, R., 2007. Tannins: the new natural antioxidants. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology 109: 549–551.
  • [6] Haslam, E., 1989. Plant Polyphenols, Vegetable Tannins Revisited. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • [7] Freudenberg, K., 1920. Die Chemie der Naturlichen Garbstoffe. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
  • [8] Serrano, J., Puupponen-Pimi, R., Dauer, A., Aura, A.M., Saura-Calixto, F., 2009. Tannins: current knowledge of food sources, intake, bioavailability and biological effects. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 53: S310-329.
  • [9] Hagerman, A.E., 2011. The Tannin Handbook. Miami University, Oxford, OH.
  • [10] Naczk, M., Shahidi, F., 2004. Extraction and analysis of phenolics in food. Journal of Chromatography A 1054: 95–111.
  • [11] Xie, D.Y., Dixon, R.A., 2005. Proanthocyanidin biosynthesis – still more questions than answers. Phytochemistry 66 (18): 2127-2144.
  • [12] Santos-Buelga, C., Scalbert, A., 2000. Proanthocyanidins and tannin-like compounds– nature, occurrence, dietary intake and effects on nutrition and health. Journal of Science of Food and Agriculture 80: 1094–1117.
  • [13] Porter, L.J., 1993. Flavans and Proanthocyanidins. In The Flavonoids: Advances in Research Since 1986, Edited by J.B. Harborne, Chapman& Hall, London, 23–55 p.
  • [14] Ferreira, D., Slade, D., Marais, J.P.J., 2006. Flavans and Proanthocyanidins. In Flavonoids Chemistry, Biochemistry and Applications, Edited by Ø.M. Andersen and K.R. Markham, CRC Pres, Boca Raton, FL, 553-656 p.
  • [15] Puech, J.L., Feuillat, F., Mosedale, J.R., 1999. The tannins of oak heartwood: structure, properties, and their influence on wine flavor. International Symposium on Oak in Winemaking / American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 50(4): 469-478.
  • [16] Rasmussen, S.E., Frederiksen, H., Krogholm, K.S., Poulsen, L., 2005. Dietary proanthocyanidins: occurrence, dietary intake, bioavailability, and protection against cardiovascular disease. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 49: 159 – 174.
  • [17] De Pascual-Teresa, S., Santos-Buelga, C., RivasGonzalo, J.C., 2000. Quantitative analysis of flavan-3-ols in Spanish foodstuffs and beverages. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 48: 5331-5337.
  • [18] Li, H.J., Deinzer, M.L., 2006. Structural identification and distribution of proanthocyanidins in 13 different hops. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 54: 4048-4056.
  • [19] De Freitas, V.A.P., Glories, Y., 1999. Concentration and compositional changes of procyanidins in grape seeds and skin of white Vitis vinifera varieties. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 79: 1601-1606.
  • [20] González-Manzano, S., Rivas-Gonzalo, J.C., Santos-Buelga, C., 2004. Extraction of flavan-3-ols from grape seed and skin into wine using simulated maceration. Analytica Chimica Acta 513: 283–289.
  • [21] Fuleki, T., da Silva, J.M.R., 1997. Catechin and procyanidin composition of seeds from grape cultivars grown in Ontario. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 45: 1156–1160.
  • [22] Kennedy, J.A., Matthews, M.A., Waterhouse, A.L., 2000. Changes in grape seed polyphenols during fruit ripening. Phytochemistry 55: 77-85.
  • [23] Gabetta, B., Fuzzati, N., Griffini, A., Lolla, E., Pace, R., Ruffilli, T., Peterlongo, F., 2000. Characterization of proanthocyanidins from grape seeds. Fitoterapia 71(2): 162-175.
  • [24] Gris, E.F., Mattivi, F., Ferreira, E.A., Vrhovsek, U., Pedrosa, R.C., Bordignon-Luiz, M.T., 2011. Proanthocyanidin profile and antioxidant capacity of Brazilian Vitis vinifera red wines. Food Chemistry 126: 213-220.
  • [25] Oszmianski, J., Romeyer, F.M., Sapis, J.C., Macheix, J.J., 1986. Grape seed phenolics: extraction as affected by some conditions occuring during wine processing. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 37(1): 7-12.
  • [26] Barón, R., Mayén, M., Mérida, J., Medina, M., 1997. Changes in phenolic compounds and browning during biological aging of sherry-type wine. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 45: 1682–1685.
  • [27] Amidor, T., 2009. Wholesome Green Tea. wholesome-green-tea.aspx (21 September 2010).
  • [28] Wang, H., Provan, G.J., Helliwell, K., 2000. Tea flavonoids: their functions, utilisation and analysis. Trends in Food Science and Technology 11 (4-5): 152-160.
  • [29] Jiang, H.Y., Shii, T., Matsuo, Y., Tanaka, T., Jiang, Z.H., Kouno, I., 2011. A new catechin oxidation product and polymeric polyphenols of postfermented tea. Food Chemistry 129: 830–836.
  • [30] Dou, J., Lee, V.S.Y., Tzen, J.T.C., Lee, M.R., 2007. Identification and comparison of phenolic compounds in the preparation of oolong tea manufactured by semifermentation and drying processes. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 55: 7462-7468.
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Toplam 90 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Emre Bakkalbaşı Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Bakkalbaşı, E. (2012). Tanenlerin Kimyası, Gıdalardaki Varlığı ve Gıda İşlemenin Tanenler Üzerine Etkisi. Akademik Gıda, 10(2), 96-108.
AMA Bakkalbaşı E. Tanenlerin Kimyası, Gıdalardaki Varlığı ve Gıda İşlemenin Tanenler Üzerine Etkisi. Akademik Gıda. Haziran 2012;10(2):96-108.
Chicago Bakkalbaşı, Emre. “Tanenlerin Kimyası, Gıdalardaki Varlığı Ve Gıda İşlemenin Tanenler Üzerine Etkisi”. Akademik Gıda 10, sy. 2 (Haziran 2012): 96-108.
EndNote Bakkalbaşı E (01 Haziran 2012) Tanenlerin Kimyası, Gıdalardaki Varlığı ve Gıda İşlemenin Tanenler Üzerine Etkisi. Akademik Gıda 10 2 96–108.
IEEE E. Bakkalbaşı, “Tanenlerin Kimyası, Gıdalardaki Varlığı ve Gıda İşlemenin Tanenler Üzerine Etkisi”, Akademik Gıda, c. 10, sy. 2, ss. 96–108, 2012.
ISNAD Bakkalbaşı, Emre. “Tanenlerin Kimyası, Gıdalardaki Varlığı Ve Gıda İşlemenin Tanenler Üzerine Etkisi”. Akademik Gıda 10/2 (Haziran 2012), 96-108.
JAMA Bakkalbaşı E. Tanenlerin Kimyası, Gıdalardaki Varlığı ve Gıda İşlemenin Tanenler Üzerine Etkisi. Akademik Gıda. 2012;10:96–108.
MLA Bakkalbaşı, Emre. “Tanenlerin Kimyası, Gıdalardaki Varlığı Ve Gıda İşlemenin Tanenler Üzerine Etkisi”. Akademik Gıda, c. 10, sy. 2, 2012, ss. 96-108.
Vancouver Bakkalbaşı E. Tanenlerin Kimyası, Gıdalardaki Varlığı ve Gıda İşlemenin Tanenler Üzerine Etkisi. Akademik Gıda. 2012;10(2):96-108.

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