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Decontamination Techniques of Pesticide Residues before Food Processing or Consumption

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2, 69 - 74, 01.06.2012


Food is the basic necessity of life, and foods contaminated with toxic pesticides are associated with severe adverse effects on the human health. Therefore, there is a need of certain techniques for eliminating these pesticide residues on fresh produce for safe consumption. The washing of raw materials is the simplest way to reduce the pesticide residue in the final product. The more effective and convenient alternative could be used with dilute solutions of other chemicals such as chlorine, chlorine dioxide, hydrogen peroxide, ozone, acetic acid and sodium chloride depending upon the type of food. An important point to be considered is that these chemical may produce byproducts as a result of reactions between chemical and pesticides in raw material. Therefore, suitable chemicals and controlled dose should be considered when using these chemicals. The purpose of this review is to present recent research about the influence of some washing treatment on pesticide residues


  • (ppm) 72 Acetic acid 1% Chinese-Kale Methomyl Carbaryl Profenofos 40 46 48 61 0 8 4 9 6 3 0 8 8 0 0 57 50 19 24 33 18 84 85 41 2 0 3 1 35 15 22 4 3 05 68 68 27 27 90 77 Carbaryl Water Water Bitter Gourds Mango Fruit Water Chinese-Kale 72 82 Water Cabbage Chlorpyrifos p,p-DDT Cypermethrin Chlorothalonil 12 2 REFFERENCES Solomon, G., Ogunseitan, O.A., Kirsch, J., 2000.
  • Pesticides and human health. A resource for health care responsibility and Californians for pesticide reform. San Francisco, USA, 60p. for social Claeys, W.L., Schmit, J.F., Bragard, C., Maghuin- Rogister, G., Pussemier, L., Schiffers, B., 2011.
  • Exposure of several Belgian consumer groups to pesticide residues through fresh fruit and vegetable consumption. Food Control 22: 508-516. Christensen, H.B., 2004. Fungicides in food analytical and food safety aspects. Ph.D. Thesis.
  • The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen. Denmark.149p. IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer), 1983. Chemicals, industrial processes and industries associated with cancer in humans. IARC
  • Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans Supplement 4: 128–130. Kontou, S., Tsipi, D., Tzia, C., 2004. Kinetics of
  • Maneb degradation during thermal treatment of tomatoes. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 52: 1212-1219.
  • Hwang, E.S., Cash, J.N., Zabik, M.J., 2001. Ozone and hydrogen peroxyacetic acid treatment to reduce or remove EBDCs and ETU residues in a solution. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry : 5689-5694.
  • Krol, W.J., Arsenault, T.L., Pylypiw, H.M., Jr., Incorvia Mattina, M.J., 2000. Reduction of pesticide residues on produce by rinsing. Journal of
  • Agriculture and Food Chemistry 48: 4666–4670.
  • Abou-Arab, A.A.K., 1999. Behavior of pesticides in tomatoes during commercial and home preparation. Food Chemistry 65: 509–514.
  • Cengiz, M.F., Certel, M., Karakaş, B., Göçmen, H., Residue contents of DDVP (Dichlorvos) and diazinon greenhouses and their reduction by duration of a pre-harvest interval and post-harvest culinary applications. Food Chemistry 98: 127–135. in Cengiz, M.F., Certel, M., Karakaş, B., Göçmen, H., Residue contents of captan and procymidone applied on tomatoes grown in greenhouses and their reduction by duration of a pre-harvest interval and post-harvest culinary applications. Food Chemistry 100: 1611–1619.
  • Soliman, K.M., 2001. Changes in concentration of pesticide residues in potatoes during washing and home preparation. Food and Chemical Toxicology (8): 887–891.
  • Reina, L.D., Fleming, H.P., Humphries, E.G., 1995.
  • Microbial control of cucumber hydrocooling water with chlorine dioxide. Journal of Protection 58: 541- Dychdala, G.R., 1991. Chlorine and chlorine compounds. In Disinfection, Sterilization, and Preservation; USA.157-182p. Febiger: Philadelphia
  • Croue, J.P., Reckhow, D.A., 1989. Destruction of chlorination byproducts with sulfite. Environmental
  • Science & Technology, 23: 1412-1419.
  • Ong, K.C., Cash, J.N., Zabik, M.J., Siddiq, M., Jones, A.L., 1996. Chlorine and ozone washes for pesticide removal from apples and processed applesauce. Food Chemistry 55: 153-160.
  • U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 1997.
  • Substances generally recognized as safe, proposed rule. Federal Register 62 (74):18937-18964.
  • Rice, R.G., Netzer, A., 1984. Handbook of ozone technology and applications. Vol. 2. Ozone for drinking water treatment. Butterworth, Stoneham, MA. 50p.
  • Razumovski, S.D., Zaikov, G.E., 1984. Ozone and its reactions with organic compounds. Elsevier, New York, USA, 25p.
  • Nickols, D., Varas, A.J., 1992. Ozonation. In
  • Disinfection Alternatives for Safe Drinking Water. Bryant, E.A., Fulton, G. P., and Budd, G. C. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York. USA. 197-258p. Beltran, F.J., 2004. Ozone Reaction Kinetics for
  • Water and Wastewater Systems. CRC press, USA. p. Richardson, S.D., Thruston, A.D., Jr.; Collette, T.W., Patterson, K.S., Lykins, W., Jr., Majetich, G., Zhang, Y. 1998. Multispectral identification of chlorine dioxide disinfection byproducts in drinking water. Environmental Science & Technology 28: 599.
  • Bohner, H.F., Bradley, R.L., 1991. Corrosivity of chlorine dioxide used as sanitizer in ultrafiltration systems. Journal of Dairy Science 74: 3348-3352.
  • Abdel-Rahman, M.S., Couri, D., Bull, R.J., 1985.
  • Toxicity of chlorine dioxide in drinking water. Journal of Environmental Pathology & Toxicology 6: 113. Sapers, G.M. and Simmons, G., 1998. Hydrogen peroxide disinfection of minimally processed fruits and vegetables. Food Technology 52: 48-52.
  • Klapes, N.A., Vesley, D., 1990. Vapor-phase hydrogen peroxide as a surface decontaminant and sterilant. Applied Environmental Microbiology 56(2): 506.
  • Klinhom, P., Halee, A., Methawiwat, S., 2008. The effectiveness of household chemicals in residue removal of methomyl and carbaryl pesticides on
  • Chinese-kale. Kasetsart Journal-Natural Science : 136 - 143
  • Radwan, M.A., Abu-Elamayem, M. M., Shiboob, M.H., Abdel-Aal, A., 2005. Residual behaviour of profenofos on some field-grown vegetables and its removal using various washing solutions and household Toxicology 43: 553–557. Food and Chemical
  • Chai Mee Kin, C.M., Huat, T.G., 2010. Headspace solid-phase microextraction for the evaluation of pesticide residue contents in cucumber and strawberry after washing treatment. Food Chemistry : 760–764.
  • Zhang, Z. Y., Liu, X. J. and Hong, X. Y. 2007.
  • Effects of home preparation on pesticide residues in cabbage. Food Control 18: 1484–1487.
  • Hwang, E.S., Cash, J.N., Zabik, M.J., 2002.
  • Chlorine and chlorine dioxide treatment to reduce or remove EBDCs and ETU residues in a solution. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 50: 4742.
  • Nath, G. and Agnihotri, S. 1984. Removal of endosulfan from bitter gourds by home processings. Pesticides 18(8): 13–15. Awasthi, M.D., Decontamination of insecticide residues on mango by washing and peeling. Journal of Food Science Technology 30(2): –133.

Gıda İşleme veya Tüketimi Öncesi Tarım İlacı Kalıntılarını Arındırma Teknikleri

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2, 69 - 74, 01.06.2012


Gıda hayatın temel ihtiyacıdır ve zehirli tarım ilaçları ile bulaşmış gıdalar insan sağlığı üzerine ciddi olumsuz etkiler ile ilişkilendirilmiştir. Dolayısıyla, taze ürünlerde bu tarım ilacı kalıntılarını gidermek amacıyla güvenli tüketim için bazı tekniklere ihtiyaç vardır. Hammaddelerin yıkanması son üründeki tarım ilacı kalıntısını azaltmak için en basit yoldur. Bununla birlikte klor, klor dioksit, hidrojen peroksit, ozon, asetik asit ve sodyum klorürün seyreltik çözeltileri gibi daha etkili ve uygun alternatifler gıdaya bağlı olarak kullanılabilmektedir. Bu kimyasallar kullanıldığı zaman göz önünde bulundurulması gereken önemli bir nokta, hammaddedeki kimyasallar ile tarım ilacı arasında gerçekleşen reaksiyonlar sonucu olarak ara ürünlerin oluşabilmesidir. Bu nedenle, bu kimyasallar kullanıldığı zaman uygun kimyasallar ve kontrol edilmiş dozlar dikkate alınmalıdır. Bu makalenin amacı bazı yıkama uygulamalarının tarım ilacı kalıntıları üzerine etkisini değerlendirmek için yakın zamandaki araştırmaları derlemektir


  • (ppm) 72 Acetic acid 1% Chinese-Kale Methomyl Carbaryl Profenofos 40 46 48 61 0 8 4 9 6 3 0 8 8 0 0 57 50 19 24 33 18 84 85 41 2 0 3 1 35 15 22 4 3 05 68 68 27 27 90 77 Carbaryl Water Water Bitter Gourds Mango Fruit Water Chinese-Kale 72 82 Water Cabbage Chlorpyrifos p,p-DDT Cypermethrin Chlorothalonil 12 2 REFFERENCES Solomon, G., Ogunseitan, O.A., Kirsch, J., 2000.
  • Pesticides and human health. A resource for health care responsibility and Californians for pesticide reform. San Francisco, USA, 60p. for social Claeys, W.L., Schmit, J.F., Bragard, C., Maghuin- Rogister, G., Pussemier, L., Schiffers, B., 2011.
  • Exposure of several Belgian consumer groups to pesticide residues through fresh fruit and vegetable consumption. Food Control 22: 508-516. Christensen, H.B., 2004. Fungicides in food analytical and food safety aspects. Ph.D. Thesis.
  • The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen. Denmark.149p. IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer), 1983. Chemicals, industrial processes and industries associated with cancer in humans. IARC
  • Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans Supplement 4: 128–130. Kontou, S., Tsipi, D., Tzia, C., 2004. Kinetics of
  • Maneb degradation during thermal treatment of tomatoes. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 52: 1212-1219.
  • Hwang, E.S., Cash, J.N., Zabik, M.J., 2001. Ozone and hydrogen peroxyacetic acid treatment to reduce or remove EBDCs and ETU residues in a solution. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry : 5689-5694.
  • Krol, W.J., Arsenault, T.L., Pylypiw, H.M., Jr., Incorvia Mattina, M.J., 2000. Reduction of pesticide residues on produce by rinsing. Journal of
  • Agriculture and Food Chemistry 48: 4666–4670.
  • Abou-Arab, A.A.K., 1999. Behavior of pesticides in tomatoes during commercial and home preparation. Food Chemistry 65: 509–514.
  • Cengiz, M.F., Certel, M., Karakaş, B., Göçmen, H., Residue contents of DDVP (Dichlorvos) and diazinon greenhouses and their reduction by duration of a pre-harvest interval and post-harvest culinary applications. Food Chemistry 98: 127–135. in Cengiz, M.F., Certel, M., Karakaş, B., Göçmen, H., Residue contents of captan and procymidone applied on tomatoes grown in greenhouses and their reduction by duration of a pre-harvest interval and post-harvest culinary applications. Food Chemistry 100: 1611–1619.
  • Soliman, K.M., 2001. Changes in concentration of pesticide residues in potatoes during washing and home preparation. Food and Chemical Toxicology (8): 887–891.
  • Reina, L.D., Fleming, H.P., Humphries, E.G., 1995.
  • Microbial control of cucumber hydrocooling water with chlorine dioxide. Journal of Protection 58: 541- Dychdala, G.R., 1991. Chlorine and chlorine compounds. In Disinfection, Sterilization, and Preservation; USA.157-182p. Febiger: Philadelphia
  • Croue, J.P., Reckhow, D.A., 1989. Destruction of chlorination byproducts with sulfite. Environmental
  • Science & Technology, 23: 1412-1419.
  • Ong, K.C., Cash, J.N., Zabik, M.J., Siddiq, M., Jones, A.L., 1996. Chlorine and ozone washes for pesticide removal from apples and processed applesauce. Food Chemistry 55: 153-160.
  • U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 1997.
  • Substances generally recognized as safe, proposed rule. Federal Register 62 (74):18937-18964.
  • Rice, R.G., Netzer, A., 1984. Handbook of ozone technology and applications. Vol. 2. Ozone for drinking water treatment. Butterworth, Stoneham, MA. 50p.
  • Razumovski, S.D., Zaikov, G.E., 1984. Ozone and its reactions with organic compounds. Elsevier, New York, USA, 25p.
  • Nickols, D., Varas, A.J., 1992. Ozonation. In
  • Disinfection Alternatives for Safe Drinking Water. Bryant, E.A., Fulton, G. P., and Budd, G. C. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York. USA. 197-258p. Beltran, F.J., 2004. Ozone Reaction Kinetics for
  • Water and Wastewater Systems. CRC press, USA. p. Richardson, S.D., Thruston, A.D., Jr.; Collette, T.W., Patterson, K.S., Lykins, W., Jr., Majetich, G., Zhang, Y. 1998. Multispectral identification of chlorine dioxide disinfection byproducts in drinking water. Environmental Science & Technology 28: 599.
  • Bohner, H.F., Bradley, R.L., 1991. Corrosivity of chlorine dioxide used as sanitizer in ultrafiltration systems. Journal of Dairy Science 74: 3348-3352.
  • Abdel-Rahman, M.S., Couri, D., Bull, R.J., 1985.
  • Toxicity of chlorine dioxide in drinking water. Journal of Environmental Pathology & Toxicology 6: 113. Sapers, G.M. and Simmons, G., 1998. Hydrogen peroxide disinfection of minimally processed fruits and vegetables. Food Technology 52: 48-52.
  • Klapes, N.A., Vesley, D., 1990. Vapor-phase hydrogen peroxide as a surface decontaminant and sterilant. Applied Environmental Microbiology 56(2): 506.
  • Klinhom, P., Halee, A., Methawiwat, S., 2008. The effectiveness of household chemicals in residue removal of methomyl and carbaryl pesticides on
  • Chinese-kale. Kasetsart Journal-Natural Science : 136 - 143
  • Radwan, M.A., Abu-Elamayem, M. M., Shiboob, M.H., Abdel-Aal, A., 2005. Residual behaviour of profenofos on some field-grown vegetables and its removal using various washing solutions and household Toxicology 43: 553–557. Food and Chemical
  • Chai Mee Kin, C.M., Huat, T.G., 2010. Headspace solid-phase microextraction for the evaluation of pesticide residue contents in cucumber and strawberry after washing treatment. Food Chemistry : 760–764.
  • Zhang, Z. Y., Liu, X. J. and Hong, X. Y. 2007.
  • Effects of home preparation on pesticide residues in cabbage. Food Control 18: 1484–1487.
  • Hwang, E.S., Cash, J.N., Zabik, M.J., 2002.
  • Chlorine and chlorine dioxide treatment to reduce or remove EBDCs and ETU residues in a solution. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 50: 4742.
  • Nath, G. and Agnihotri, S. 1984. Removal of endosulfan from bitter gourds by home processings. Pesticides 18(8): 13–15. Awasthi, M.D., Decontamination of insecticide residues on mango by washing and peeling. Journal of Food Science Technology 30(2): –133.
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Research Article

Mehmet Fatih Cengiz Bu kişi benim

Muharrem Certel Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Cengiz, M. F., & Certel, M. (2012). Decontamination Techniques of Pesticide Residues before Food Processing or Consumption. Akademik Gıda, 10(2), 69-74.
AMA Cengiz MF, Certel M. Decontamination Techniques of Pesticide Residues before Food Processing or Consumption. Akademik Gıda. Haziran 2012;10(2):69-74.
Chicago Cengiz, Mehmet Fatih, ve Muharrem Certel. “Decontamination Techniques of Pesticide Residues before Food Processing or Consumption”. Akademik Gıda 10, sy. 2 (Haziran 2012): 69-74.
EndNote Cengiz MF, Certel M (01 Haziran 2012) Decontamination Techniques of Pesticide Residues before Food Processing or Consumption. Akademik Gıda 10 2 69–74.
IEEE M. F. Cengiz ve M. Certel, “Decontamination Techniques of Pesticide Residues before Food Processing or Consumption”, Akademik Gıda, c. 10, sy. 2, ss. 69–74, 2012.
ISNAD Cengiz, Mehmet Fatih - Certel, Muharrem. “Decontamination Techniques of Pesticide Residues before Food Processing or Consumption”. Akademik Gıda 10/2 (Haziran 2012), 69-74.
JAMA Cengiz MF, Certel M. Decontamination Techniques of Pesticide Residues before Food Processing or Consumption. Akademik Gıda. 2012;10:69–74.
MLA Cengiz, Mehmet Fatih ve Muharrem Certel. “Decontamination Techniques of Pesticide Residues before Food Processing or Consumption”. Akademik Gıda, c. 10, sy. 2, 2012, ss. 69-74.
Vancouver Cengiz MF, Certel M. Decontamination Techniques of Pesticide Residues before Food Processing or Consumption. Akademik Gıda. 2012;10(2):69-74.

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