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Importance of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Pickle Production

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1, 70 - 76, 01.03.2012


Pickle is a product that has gradually increased its importance due to the growing consumer demand for natural and additive-free products in recent years, and pickle production is one of the important processes in which lactic acid fermentation takes place. Lactic acid bacteria LAB are found in the natural flora of fermented food products. In addition, LAB are used as starter cultures in the production of certain foods, can produce exopolysaccharide and exhibit probiotic properties. Some fermented foods are formed as a result of lactic acid fermentation by LAB. After fermentation, new products with unique aroma and flavor characteristics are formed, shelf life of the raw materials is prolonged and also growth of undesired microorganisms causing deterioration of foods is prevented. In this review, lactic acid bacteria used in pickle production and their important functions in the lactic acid fermentation process are summarized


  • Borgstorm, G., 1986. Principal of food science, Vol 2. Food Microbiology and Biochemistry. New York, Macmillian, pp. 625.
  • Beukes, E.M., Bester, B.H., Mostert, F., 2001. The microbiology of South African traditional fermented milks. International Journal of Food Microbiology 63: 189-197.
  • Hutkins, R. W. 2006. Microbiology and Technology of Fermented Foods. Blackwell Publishing, 473, Oxford, UK.
  • Çon, Gökalp, H.Y., 2000. Laktik Asit Bakterilerinin Antimikrobiyal Metabolitleri ve Etki Şekilleri. Türk Mikrobiyoloji Cemiyeti Dergisi 30: 180-190.
  • Aktan, N., Yücel, U., Kalkan, H. 1998. Turşu Teknolojisi. Ege Üni. Ege Meslek Yüksek Okulu Yayınları, 23, 138 s., İzmir.
  • Steinkraus, K.H., 1983. Lactic acid fermentation in the production of foods from vegetables, cereals and legumes. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek 49: 337- 348.
  • Fleming, H.P., McFeeters, R.F., Daeschel, M.A., 1992. Fermented and Acidified Vegetables. In: C. Vanderzant Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of foods (3rd Ed.), American Public Health Association, 929-952, Washington D. C.
  • Luckow, T., Delahunty, C., 2004. Consumer acceptance of orange juice containing functional ingredients. Food Research International 37: 805- 814.
  • Muñoz, R., Rodríguez, H., Curiel, J.A., Landete, J.M., Rivas, B., Felipe, F.L., Gómez-Cordovés, C., Mancheño, J.M., 2009. Food phenolics and lactic acid bacteria. International Journal of Food Microbiology 132: 79-90.
  • Gobbetti, M., Angelis, M., Corsetti, A., Cagno, R., 2005. Biochemistry and physiology of sourdough lactic acid bacteria. Trends in Food Science and Technology 16: 57-69.
  • Botina, S.G., Tsygankov, Yu. D., Sukhodolets, V.V., 2006. Identification of industrial strains of lactic acid bacteria by methods of molecular genetic typing, Russian Journal of Genetics R. 1367-1379.
  • Stiles, E.M., Holzaphel, W.H., 1997. Lactic Acid Bacteria of Foods and Their Current Taxonomy. International Journal of Food Microbiology 36: 1-29.
  • Hansen, E.B., 2002. Commercial bacterial starter cultures for fermented foods of the future. International Journal of Food Microbiology 78: 119- 131.
  • Yörük, G.N., Güner, A., 2011. Laktik asit bakterilerinin sınıflandırılması ve Weissella türlerinin gıda mikrobiyolojisinde önemi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Vet. Bil. Derg. 6(2): 163-176.
  • Carr, F.J., Chill, D., Maida, N., 2002. The lactic acid bacteria: a literature survey. Critical Reviews in Microbiology 28: 281-370.
  • Karasu, N., 2006. Turşu ve zeytinden antagonistik ve probiyotik özellikte laktik starter kültür eldesi. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 88s., Denizli.
  • Fleming, H.P., Andersson, R.E., Daeschel, M.A., 1987. Microbial ecology of fermenting plant materials. FEMS Microbiology Reviews 46: 357- 367.
  • Etchells, J.L., Fleming, H.P., Bell, T.A., 1975. Factor influencing the growth of lactic acid bacteria during brine fermentation of cucumbers. In: J.G. Carr, C.V. Cutting and G.C. Whiting Ed., Lactic Acid Bacteria in Beverages and Food, Academic Press, 281-305, New York.
  • Palop, L., Sánchez, I., Ballestenos, C., 2000. Biochemical characterization of lactic acid bacteria isolated from spontaneous fermentation of ‘Almagro’ eggplants. International Journal of Food Microbiology 59: 9-17.
  • Daeschel, M.A., Fleming, H.P., 1987. Achieving pure culture cucumber fermentations: a review. Development in Industrial Microbiology Pierce. G.E. Society for Industrial Microbiology Arlington, V.A., 28, 141-148.
  • Özçelik, F., İç, E., 1996. Hıyar turşusu üretiminde kontrollü fermantasyon. Gıda 21(1): 49-53.
  • Pederson, C.S., Albury, M.N., 1950. Effect of temperature upon bacteriological and chemical changes in fermenting cucumbers. N. Y. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bull., 744.
  • Etchells, J.L., Costilow, R.N., Anderson, T.E., Bell, T.A., 1964. Pure culture fermentation of brined cucumbers. Applied Microbiology 12(6): 523-535.
  • Stiles, M.E., 1996. Biopreservation by lactic acid bacteria. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek 70: 331-345.
  • Konings, W.N., Kok, J., Kuipers, O.P., Poolman, B., 2000. Lactic acid bacteria: the bugs of the new millenium. Current Opinion in Microbiology 3: 276- 282.
  • Fitzgerald, G.F., Caplice, E., 1999. Food fermentations: role of microorganisms in food production and preservation. International Journal of Food Microbiology 50: 131-149.
  • Kim, J., Chun, J., Han, H.U., 2000. Leuconostoc kimchii sp. nov., a new species from kimchii. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiology 50: 1915-1919.
  • Adams, M.R., Nicolaides, L., 1997. Review of the sensitivity of different food-borne pathogens to fermentation. Food Control 8: 227-239.
  • Montville, T.J., Lewus, C.B., Kaiser, A., 1991. Inhibition of food-borne bacterial pathogens by bacteriocins from lactic acid bacteria isolated from meat. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 6: 1683-1688.
  • Akkoç, N., Şanlıbaba, P., Akçelik, M., 2009. Bakteriyosinler: alternatif gıda koruyucuları. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 25(1-2): 59-70.
  • Nout, M.J.R., Rombouts, F.M., 1992. Fermentative preservation of plant foods. Journal of Applied Bacteriology Symposium Supplement 73: 13-147.
  • Şanlıbaba, P., Sungur, B., 2009. Probiyotik Gıdalar, I. Uluslararası 5. Ulusal Meslek Yüksekokulları Sempozyumu, 27-29 Mayıs, Konya, s: 678-683.
  • Balcázar, J.L., Blas, I., Ruiz-Zarzuela, I., Cunnigham, D., Vendrell, D., Mşzquiz, J.L., 2006. The role of probiotics in aquaculture. Veterinary Microbiology 114: 173-186.
  • Halasz, A., Barath, A., Holzapfel, W.H., 1999. The influence of starter culture selection on sauerkraut fermentation. Z. Lebensm Unter Frosch. A. 208: 434-438. [35] Vuysta, L., Degeest, Heteropolysaccharides from lactic acid bacteria. FEMS Microbiology Reviews 23: 153-177. 1999.
  • Ruas-Madiedo, P., Reyes-Gavilán, C.G., 2005. Invited Review: Methods for the screening, isolation and produced by lactic acid bacteria. American Dairy Science Association 88: 843-856.

Turşu Üretiminde Laktik Asit Bakterilerinin Önemi

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1, 70 - 76, 01.03.2012


Turşu, günümüzde tüketicilerin doğal ve katkısız ürünlere gösterdikleri talep artışı dolayısıyla önemini giderek artıran bir ürün olup; laktik asit fermantasyonunun gerçekleştiği önemli proseslerden biridir. Laktik asit bakterileri LAB , tüketiciler tarafından sıklıkla tüketilen fermente gıda maddelerinin doğal florasında bulunmasının yanında, gıdaların üretiminde starter kültür olarak da kullanılmakta, ekzopolisakkarit üretmekte ve probiyotik özellik gösterebilmektedir. Bazı fermente gıdalar LAB tarafından gerçekleştirilen laktik asit fermantasyonu sonucu oluşturulmaktadır. Fermantasyon işleminden sonra karakteristik aroma ve tatlara sahip yeni ürünler meydana gelmekte, ham materyallerin raf ömrü uzatılmakta ve gıdalarda bozulmalara sebep olan organizmaların gelişmesi de önlenmektedir. Bu derlemede, turşu üretiminde kullanılan laktik asit bakterileri ve bu bakterilerin laktik asit fermantasyonu sürecindeki önemli işlevleri özetlenmiştir


  • Borgstorm, G., 1986. Principal of food science, Vol 2. Food Microbiology and Biochemistry. New York, Macmillian, pp. 625.
  • Beukes, E.M., Bester, B.H., Mostert, F., 2001. The microbiology of South African traditional fermented milks. International Journal of Food Microbiology 63: 189-197.
  • Hutkins, R. W. 2006. Microbiology and Technology of Fermented Foods. Blackwell Publishing, 473, Oxford, UK.
  • Çon, Gökalp, H.Y., 2000. Laktik Asit Bakterilerinin Antimikrobiyal Metabolitleri ve Etki Şekilleri. Türk Mikrobiyoloji Cemiyeti Dergisi 30: 180-190.
  • Aktan, N., Yücel, U., Kalkan, H. 1998. Turşu Teknolojisi. Ege Üni. Ege Meslek Yüksek Okulu Yayınları, 23, 138 s., İzmir.
  • Steinkraus, K.H., 1983. Lactic acid fermentation in the production of foods from vegetables, cereals and legumes. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek 49: 337- 348.
  • Fleming, H.P., McFeeters, R.F., Daeschel, M.A., 1992. Fermented and Acidified Vegetables. In: C. Vanderzant Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of foods (3rd Ed.), American Public Health Association, 929-952, Washington D. C.
  • Luckow, T., Delahunty, C., 2004. Consumer acceptance of orange juice containing functional ingredients. Food Research International 37: 805- 814.
  • Muñoz, R., Rodríguez, H., Curiel, J.A., Landete, J.M., Rivas, B., Felipe, F.L., Gómez-Cordovés, C., Mancheño, J.M., 2009. Food phenolics and lactic acid bacteria. International Journal of Food Microbiology 132: 79-90.
  • Gobbetti, M., Angelis, M., Corsetti, A., Cagno, R., 2005. Biochemistry and physiology of sourdough lactic acid bacteria. Trends in Food Science and Technology 16: 57-69.
  • Botina, S.G., Tsygankov, Yu. D., Sukhodolets, V.V., 2006. Identification of industrial strains of lactic acid bacteria by methods of molecular genetic typing, Russian Journal of Genetics R. 1367-1379.
  • Stiles, E.M., Holzaphel, W.H., 1997. Lactic Acid Bacteria of Foods and Their Current Taxonomy. International Journal of Food Microbiology 36: 1-29.
  • Hansen, E.B., 2002. Commercial bacterial starter cultures for fermented foods of the future. International Journal of Food Microbiology 78: 119- 131.
  • Yörük, G.N., Güner, A., 2011. Laktik asit bakterilerinin sınıflandırılması ve Weissella türlerinin gıda mikrobiyolojisinde önemi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Vet. Bil. Derg. 6(2): 163-176.
  • Carr, F.J., Chill, D., Maida, N., 2002. The lactic acid bacteria: a literature survey. Critical Reviews in Microbiology 28: 281-370.
  • Karasu, N., 2006. Turşu ve zeytinden antagonistik ve probiyotik özellikte laktik starter kültür eldesi. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 88s., Denizli.
  • Fleming, H.P., Andersson, R.E., Daeschel, M.A., 1987. Microbial ecology of fermenting plant materials. FEMS Microbiology Reviews 46: 357- 367.
  • Etchells, J.L., Fleming, H.P., Bell, T.A., 1975. Factor influencing the growth of lactic acid bacteria during brine fermentation of cucumbers. In: J.G. Carr, C.V. Cutting and G.C. Whiting Ed., Lactic Acid Bacteria in Beverages and Food, Academic Press, 281-305, New York.
  • Palop, L., Sánchez, I., Ballestenos, C., 2000. Biochemical characterization of lactic acid bacteria isolated from spontaneous fermentation of ‘Almagro’ eggplants. International Journal of Food Microbiology 59: 9-17.
  • Daeschel, M.A., Fleming, H.P., 1987. Achieving pure culture cucumber fermentations: a review. Development in Industrial Microbiology Pierce. G.E. Society for Industrial Microbiology Arlington, V.A., 28, 141-148.
  • Özçelik, F., İç, E., 1996. Hıyar turşusu üretiminde kontrollü fermantasyon. Gıda 21(1): 49-53.
  • Pederson, C.S., Albury, M.N., 1950. Effect of temperature upon bacteriological and chemical changes in fermenting cucumbers. N. Y. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bull., 744.
  • Etchells, J.L., Costilow, R.N., Anderson, T.E., Bell, T.A., 1964. Pure culture fermentation of brined cucumbers. Applied Microbiology 12(6): 523-535.
  • Stiles, M.E., 1996. Biopreservation by lactic acid bacteria. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek 70: 331-345.
  • Konings, W.N., Kok, J., Kuipers, O.P., Poolman, B., 2000. Lactic acid bacteria: the bugs of the new millenium. Current Opinion in Microbiology 3: 276- 282.
  • Fitzgerald, G.F., Caplice, E., 1999. Food fermentations: role of microorganisms in food production and preservation. International Journal of Food Microbiology 50: 131-149.
  • Kim, J., Chun, J., Han, H.U., 2000. Leuconostoc kimchii sp. nov., a new species from kimchii. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiology 50: 1915-1919.
  • Adams, M.R., Nicolaides, L., 1997. Review of the sensitivity of different food-borne pathogens to fermentation. Food Control 8: 227-239.
  • Montville, T.J., Lewus, C.B., Kaiser, A., 1991. Inhibition of food-borne bacterial pathogens by bacteriocins from lactic acid bacteria isolated from meat. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 6: 1683-1688.
  • Akkoç, N., Şanlıbaba, P., Akçelik, M., 2009. Bakteriyosinler: alternatif gıda koruyucuları. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 25(1-2): 59-70.
  • Nout, M.J.R., Rombouts, F.M., 1992. Fermentative preservation of plant foods. Journal of Applied Bacteriology Symposium Supplement 73: 13-147.
  • Şanlıbaba, P., Sungur, B., 2009. Probiyotik Gıdalar, I. Uluslararası 5. Ulusal Meslek Yüksekokulları Sempozyumu, 27-29 Mayıs, Konya, s: 678-683.
  • Balcázar, J.L., Blas, I., Ruiz-Zarzuela, I., Cunnigham, D., Vendrell, D., Mşzquiz, J.L., 2006. The role of probiotics in aquaculture. Veterinary Microbiology 114: 173-186.
  • Halasz, A., Barath, A., Holzapfel, W.H., 1999. The influence of starter culture selection on sauerkraut fermentation. Z. Lebensm Unter Frosch. A. 208: 434-438. [35] Vuysta, L., Degeest, Heteropolysaccharides from lactic acid bacteria. FEMS Microbiology Reviews 23: 153-177. 1999.
  • Ruas-Madiedo, P., Reyes-Gavilán, C.G., 2005. Invited Review: Methods for the screening, isolation and produced by lactic acid bacteria. American Dairy Science Association 88: 843-856.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Mehmet Tokatlı Bu kişi benim

Derya Dursun Bu kişi benim

Nurdan Arslankoz Bu kişi benim

Pınar Şanlıbaba Bu kişi benim

Filiz Özçelik Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Tokatlı, M., Dursun, D., Arslankoz, N., Şanlıbaba, P., vd. (2012). Turşu Üretiminde Laktik Asit Bakterilerinin Önemi. Akademik Gıda, 10(1), 70-76.
AMA Tokatlı M, Dursun D, Arslankoz N, Şanlıbaba P, Özçelik F. Turşu Üretiminde Laktik Asit Bakterilerinin Önemi. Akademik Gıda. Mart 2012;10(1):70-76.
Chicago Tokatlı, Mehmet, Derya Dursun, Nurdan Arslankoz, Pınar Şanlıbaba, ve Filiz Özçelik. “Turşu Üretiminde Laktik Asit Bakterilerinin Önemi”. Akademik Gıda 10, sy. 1 (Mart 2012): 70-76.
EndNote Tokatlı M, Dursun D, Arslankoz N, Şanlıbaba P, Özçelik F (01 Mart 2012) Turşu Üretiminde Laktik Asit Bakterilerinin Önemi. Akademik Gıda 10 1 70–76.
IEEE M. Tokatlı, D. Dursun, N. Arslankoz, P. Şanlıbaba, ve F. Özçelik, “Turşu Üretiminde Laktik Asit Bakterilerinin Önemi”, Akademik Gıda, c. 10, sy. 1, ss. 70–76, 2012.
ISNAD Tokatlı, Mehmet vd. “Turşu Üretiminde Laktik Asit Bakterilerinin Önemi”. Akademik Gıda 10/1 (Mart 2012), 70-76.
JAMA Tokatlı M, Dursun D, Arslankoz N, Şanlıbaba P, Özçelik F. Turşu Üretiminde Laktik Asit Bakterilerinin Önemi. Akademik Gıda. 2012;10:70–76.
MLA Tokatlı, Mehmet vd. “Turşu Üretiminde Laktik Asit Bakterilerinin Önemi”. Akademik Gıda, c. 10, sy. 1, 2012, ss. 70-76.
Vancouver Tokatlı M, Dursun D, Arslankoz N, Şanlıbaba P, Özçelik F. Turşu Üretiminde Laktik Asit Bakterilerinin Önemi. Akademik Gıda. 2012;10(1):70-6.

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