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Recent Developments in Osmotic Dehydration

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 6, 24 - 28, 01.12.2010


Osmotic dehydration is an operation used for partial removal of water from foods such as fruits and vegetables. In this process, foods are placed in hypertonic osmotic solution. Three different mass transfer mechanisms occur in the osmotic dehydration; i water migration from food to the solution, ii solute migration from solution to food, and iii solute concerning product extracted to solution. Osmotically dehydrated fruits and vegetables are generally dried by hot air flow. In recent years, osmotic dehydration has been combined with various methods such as the high hydrostatic pressure, high electrical field pulses, gamma irradiation, ultrasound, vacuum and centrifugal force. These new combination methods increase mass transfer and drying rate and foods by increasing the cell membrane permeability. The operation time in the combined methods is shorter than that in traditional osmotic dehydration, causing further energy saving. In this study, recent advances in osmotic dehydration will be reviewed


  • Yucel, U., Alpas, H., Bayindirli, A., 2010. Evaluation of high pressure pretreatment for enhancing the drying rates of carrot, apple, and green bean. Journal of Food Engineering 98: 266-272.
  • Amami, E., Fersi, A., Vorobiev, E., Kechaou, N., 2007. Osmotic dehydration of carrot tissue enhanced by pulsed electric field, salt and centrifugal force. Journal of Food Engineering 83: 605-613.
  • Amami,E., Khezami, L., Vorobiev, E., Kechaou, N., 2008. Effect of pulsed electric field and osmotic dehydration pretreatment on the convective drying of carrot tissue. Drying Technology 26: 231-238.
  • Amami, E., Fersi, A., Khezami, L., Vorobiev, E., Kechaou, N., 2007. Centrifugal osmotic dehydration and rehydration of carrot tissue pre-treated by pulsed electric field. LWT 40: 1156-1166.
  • Fernandes, F.A.N., Gallão, M. I., Rodrigues, S., 2009. Effect of osmosis and ultrasound on pineapple cell tissue structure during dehydration. Journal of Food Engineering 90: 186-190.
  • Corrêa, J.L.G., Pereira, L.M., Vieira, G.S., Hubinger, M.D., 2010. Mass transfer kinetics of pulsed vacuum osmotic dehydration of guavas. Journal of Food Engineering 96: 498-504.
  • Rastogi, N.K., Raghavarao, K.S.M.S., Niranjan, K., 2005. Developments in Osmotic Dehydration. In: Emerging Technologies for Food Processing, Edited by D.W. Sun, Elsevier- Academic Press, Italy.
  • Amami, E., Vorobiev, E., Kechaou, N., 2005. Effect of pulsed electric field on the osmotic dehydration and mass transfer kinetics of apple tissue. Drying Technology 23(3): 581-595.
  • Knorr, D., Rastogi, N.K., Angersbach, A., 2000. Synergistic effect of high hydrostatic pressure pretreatment and osmotic stress on mass transfer during osmotic dehydration. Journal of Food Engineering 45: 25-31.
  • Rastogi, N.K., Niranjan, K., 1998. Enhanced mass transfer during osmotic dehydration of high pressure treated pineapple. Journal of Food Science 63(3): 508-511.
  • Taiwo, K.A., Angersbach, A., Knorr, D., 2003. Effects of pulsed electric field on quality factors and mass transfer during osmotic dehydration of apples. Journal of Food Process Engineering 26: 31-48.
  • Ngadi, M.O., Gachovska, T.K., Simpson, M.V., Raghavan, G.S.V., 2009. Pulsed electric field treatment of carrots before drying and rehydration Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 89: 2372-2376.
  • Ho, S.Y., Mittal, G.S. and Cross, J.D., 1997. Effects of high field electric pulses on the activity of selected enzymes. Journal of Food Engineering 31: 69-84.
  • Barbosa-Cánovas, G.V., Martín, O., Elez-Martínez, P., 2003. Food enzymes as affected by high intensity pulsed electric fields. IFT Annual Meeting, Paper 23-4, Chicago.
  • Ade-Omowaye, B.I.O., Rastogi, N.K., Angersbach, A., Knorr, D., 2003. Combined effects of pulsed electric field pre-treatment and partial osmotic dehydration on air drying behaviour of red bell pepper. Journal of Food Engineering 60: 89-98.
  • Tedjo, W., Taiwo, K.A., Eshtiaghi, N.M., Knorr, D., 2002. Comparison of pretreatment methods on water and solid diffusion kinetics of osmotically dehydrated mangos. Journal of Food Engineering 53: 133-142.
  • Fernandes, F.A.N., Gallão, M. I., Rodrigues, S., 2008. Effect of osmotic dehydration and ultrasound pre-treatment on cell structure: Melon dehydration. LWT 41: 604-610.
  • Silva, J.L., Stojanovic,J., 2007. Influence of osmotic concentration, ultrasound and dehydration on antioxidants, colour and chemical properties of rabbiteye blueberries. Food Chemistry 101: 898-906. high frequency
  • Fernandes, F.A.N., Rodrigues, S., 2007. Ultrasound as pre-treatment for drying of fruits: Dehydration of banana.Journal of Food Engineering 82: 261–267.
  • Simal, S., Benedito, J., Sánchez, E.S., Rosello, C., 1998. Use of ultrasound to increase mass transport rate during osmotic dehydration. Journal of Food Engineering 36: 323-336. [21] Rastogi, N.K., Suguna, K., Nayak, C.A., Raghavarao, K.S.M.S., 2006. Combined effect of γ- irradiation and osmotic pretreatment on mass transfer during dehydration. Journal of Food Engineering 77: 1059-1063.
  • Wang, J., Chao, Y., 2003. Effect of 60CO irradiation on drying characteristics of apple. Journal of Food Engineering 56: 347-351
  • Wang, J., Chao, Y., 2003b. Effect of gamma irradiation quality of dried potato. Radiat. Phys. Chem. 66: 293–297.
  • Chafer, M., Gonzalez-Martinez, C., Fernandez, B., Perez, L., Chiralt, A., 2003. Effect of blanching and vacuum pulse application on osmotic dehydration of pear. Food Science and Technology International 9: 321-328.
  • Giraldo, G., Talens, P., Fito, P., Chiralt, A., 2003. Influence of sucrose solution concentration on kinetics and yield during osmotic dehydration of mango. Journal of Food Engineering 58: 33-43.
  • González-Martínez, C., Chiralt, A., Atarés,L., 2008. Effect of solute on osmotic dehydration and rehydration of vacuum impregnated apple cylinders (cv. Granny Smith). Journal of Food Engineering 89: 49–56.
  • Corzo, O., Bracho, N., Rodrίguez, J., Gonzάlez, M., 2007. Predicting the moisture and salt contents of sardine sheets during vacuum pulse osmotic dehydration. Journal of Food Engineering 80: 781- 790.
  • Fito, P., Chiralt, A., 1997. An approach to the modeling of solid food–liquid operations: Application to osmotic dehydration. In: Food Engineering 2000, Edited by P. Fito, E. Ortega, & G. V. Barbosa- Canovas, Chapman & Hall, New Cork, pp. 231–252.
  • Chiralt, A., Fito, P.J., Castello, M.L., 2006. Effect of osmotic dehydration and vacuum impregnation on respiration rate of cut strawberries. LWT 39: 1171- 1179.

Ozmotik Kurutmada Son Gelişmeler

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 6, 24 - 28, 01.12.2010


motik kurutma, meyve ve sebzeler gibi gıdalardan suyun kısmi olarak uzaklaştırılması amacıyla kullanılan bir işlemdir. Bu işlemde, ürünler hipertonik ozmotik bir çözelti içine konur. Ozmotik kurutmada üç farklı kütle aktarım mekanizması gerçekleşmektedir; i gıdadan çözeltiye su geçişi, ii çözeltiden gıdaya çözünen madde geçişi ve iii üründeki çözünen maddelerin çözeltiye özütlenmesi. Ozmotik olarak kurutulmuş meyve ve sebzeler genellikle sıcak hava akımında kurutulurlar. Son yıllarda, ozmotik kurutma yüksek hidrostatik basınç, vurgulu elektrik alan, ışınlama, ultrason, vakum ve santrifüj kuvvet uygulamaları gibi farklı yöntemlerle kombine edilmektedir. Bu yeni yöntemler hücre zarı geçirgenliğini artırarak kütle transferi ve kurutma hızını arttırmaktadır. Kombine yöntemlerde ozmotik kurutma süresinin geleneksel ozmotik kurutma işlemine göre daha kısa olması nedeniyle enerji tasarrufu sağlanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada ozmotik kurutmadaki son gelişmeler özetlenecektir


  • Yucel, U., Alpas, H., Bayindirli, A., 2010. Evaluation of high pressure pretreatment for enhancing the drying rates of carrot, apple, and green bean. Journal of Food Engineering 98: 266-272.
  • Amami, E., Fersi, A., Vorobiev, E., Kechaou, N., 2007. Osmotic dehydration of carrot tissue enhanced by pulsed electric field, salt and centrifugal force. Journal of Food Engineering 83: 605-613.
  • Amami,E., Khezami, L., Vorobiev, E., Kechaou, N., 2008. Effect of pulsed electric field and osmotic dehydration pretreatment on the convective drying of carrot tissue. Drying Technology 26: 231-238.
  • Amami, E., Fersi, A., Khezami, L., Vorobiev, E., Kechaou, N., 2007. Centrifugal osmotic dehydration and rehydration of carrot tissue pre-treated by pulsed electric field. LWT 40: 1156-1166.
  • Fernandes, F.A.N., Gallão, M. I., Rodrigues, S., 2009. Effect of osmosis and ultrasound on pineapple cell tissue structure during dehydration. Journal of Food Engineering 90: 186-190.
  • Corrêa, J.L.G., Pereira, L.M., Vieira, G.S., Hubinger, M.D., 2010. Mass transfer kinetics of pulsed vacuum osmotic dehydration of guavas. Journal of Food Engineering 96: 498-504.
  • Rastogi, N.K., Raghavarao, K.S.M.S., Niranjan, K., 2005. Developments in Osmotic Dehydration. In: Emerging Technologies for Food Processing, Edited by D.W. Sun, Elsevier- Academic Press, Italy.
  • Amami, E., Vorobiev, E., Kechaou, N., 2005. Effect of pulsed electric field on the osmotic dehydration and mass transfer kinetics of apple tissue. Drying Technology 23(3): 581-595.
  • Knorr, D., Rastogi, N.K., Angersbach, A., 2000. Synergistic effect of high hydrostatic pressure pretreatment and osmotic stress on mass transfer during osmotic dehydration. Journal of Food Engineering 45: 25-31.
  • Rastogi, N.K., Niranjan, K., 1998. Enhanced mass transfer during osmotic dehydration of high pressure treated pineapple. Journal of Food Science 63(3): 508-511.
  • Taiwo, K.A., Angersbach, A., Knorr, D., 2003. Effects of pulsed electric field on quality factors and mass transfer during osmotic dehydration of apples. Journal of Food Process Engineering 26: 31-48.
  • Ngadi, M.O., Gachovska, T.K., Simpson, M.V., Raghavan, G.S.V., 2009. Pulsed electric field treatment of carrots before drying and rehydration Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 89: 2372-2376.
  • Ho, S.Y., Mittal, G.S. and Cross, J.D., 1997. Effects of high field electric pulses on the activity of selected enzymes. Journal of Food Engineering 31: 69-84.
  • Barbosa-Cánovas, G.V., Martín, O., Elez-Martínez, P., 2003. Food enzymes as affected by high intensity pulsed electric fields. IFT Annual Meeting, Paper 23-4, Chicago.
  • Ade-Omowaye, B.I.O., Rastogi, N.K., Angersbach, A., Knorr, D., 2003. Combined effects of pulsed electric field pre-treatment and partial osmotic dehydration on air drying behaviour of red bell pepper. Journal of Food Engineering 60: 89-98.
  • Tedjo, W., Taiwo, K.A., Eshtiaghi, N.M., Knorr, D., 2002. Comparison of pretreatment methods on water and solid diffusion kinetics of osmotically dehydrated mangos. Journal of Food Engineering 53: 133-142.
  • Fernandes, F.A.N., Gallão, M. I., Rodrigues, S., 2008. Effect of osmotic dehydration and ultrasound pre-treatment on cell structure: Melon dehydration. LWT 41: 604-610.
  • Silva, J.L., Stojanovic,J., 2007. Influence of osmotic concentration, ultrasound and dehydration on antioxidants, colour and chemical properties of rabbiteye blueberries. Food Chemistry 101: 898-906. high frequency
  • Fernandes, F.A.N., Rodrigues, S., 2007. Ultrasound as pre-treatment for drying of fruits: Dehydration of banana.Journal of Food Engineering 82: 261–267.
  • Simal, S., Benedito, J., Sánchez, E.S., Rosello, C., 1998. Use of ultrasound to increase mass transport rate during osmotic dehydration. Journal of Food Engineering 36: 323-336. [21] Rastogi, N.K., Suguna, K., Nayak, C.A., Raghavarao, K.S.M.S., 2006. Combined effect of γ- irradiation and osmotic pretreatment on mass transfer during dehydration. Journal of Food Engineering 77: 1059-1063.
  • Wang, J., Chao, Y., 2003. Effect of 60CO irradiation on drying characteristics of apple. Journal of Food Engineering 56: 347-351
  • Wang, J., Chao, Y., 2003b. Effect of gamma irradiation quality of dried potato. Radiat. Phys. Chem. 66: 293–297.
  • Chafer, M., Gonzalez-Martinez, C., Fernandez, B., Perez, L., Chiralt, A., 2003. Effect of blanching and vacuum pulse application on osmotic dehydration of pear. Food Science and Technology International 9: 321-328.
  • Giraldo, G., Talens, P., Fito, P., Chiralt, A., 2003. Influence of sucrose solution concentration on kinetics and yield during osmotic dehydration of mango. Journal of Food Engineering 58: 33-43.
  • González-Martínez, C., Chiralt, A., Atarés,L., 2008. Effect of solute on osmotic dehydration and rehydration of vacuum impregnated apple cylinders (cv. Granny Smith). Journal of Food Engineering 89: 49–56.
  • Corzo, O., Bracho, N., Rodrίguez, J., Gonzάlez, M., 2007. Predicting the moisture and salt contents of sardine sheets during vacuum pulse osmotic dehydration. Journal of Food Engineering 80: 781- 790.
  • Fito, P., Chiralt, A., 1997. An approach to the modeling of solid food–liquid operations: Application to osmotic dehydration. In: Food Engineering 2000, Edited by P. Fito, E. Ortega, & G. V. Barbosa- Canovas, Chapman & Hall, New Cork, pp. 231–252.
  • Chiralt, A., Fito, P.J., Castello, M.L., 2006. Effect of osmotic dehydration and vacuum impregnation on respiration rate of cut strawberries. LWT 39: 1171- 1179.
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Research Article

Ebru Eroglu Bu kişi benim

Hasan Yildiz Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2010
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 6

Kaynak Göster

APA Eroglu, E., & Yildiz, H. (2010). Recent Developments in Osmotic Dehydration. Akademik Gıda, 8(6), 24-28.
AMA Eroglu E, Yildiz H. Recent Developments in Osmotic Dehydration. Akademik Gıda. Aralık 2010;8(6):24-28.
Chicago Eroglu, Ebru, ve Hasan Yildiz. “Recent Developments in Osmotic Dehydration”. Akademik Gıda 8, sy. 6 (Aralık 2010): 24-28.
EndNote Eroglu E, Yildiz H (01 Aralık 2010) Recent Developments in Osmotic Dehydration. Akademik Gıda 8 6 24–28.
IEEE E. Eroglu ve H. Yildiz, “Recent Developments in Osmotic Dehydration”, Akademik Gıda, c. 8, sy. 6, ss. 24–28, 2010.
ISNAD Eroglu, Ebru - Yildiz, Hasan. “Recent Developments in Osmotic Dehydration”. Akademik Gıda 8/6 (Aralık 2010), 24-28.
JAMA Eroglu E, Yildiz H. Recent Developments in Osmotic Dehydration. Akademik Gıda. 2010;8:24–28.
MLA Eroglu, Ebru ve Hasan Yildiz. “Recent Developments in Osmotic Dehydration”. Akademik Gıda, c. 8, sy. 6, 2010, ss. 24-28.
Vancouver Eroglu E, Yildiz H. Recent Developments in Osmotic Dehydration. Akademik Gıda. 2010;8(6):24-8.

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