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Yıl 2005, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 3, 3 - 7, 01.06.2005


Accumulation of biogenic amines in fermented meat products is caused by some factors such as qualitativequantitative composition of microflora, physicochemical differences, and hygienic conditions during production. The formation of biogenic amines and influencing factors are reviewed in this study


  • Anlı, E., Vural, N. Ve Bayhan , A. 2002. Kırmızı şaraplarda biyojen aminlerin saptanması. Türkiye 7. Gıda Kongresi. 22-24 Mayıs. 449-452. Ankara
  • Ayhan, K., Kolsarıcı, N., Özkan, G.A., 1999. The effects of a starter culture on the formation of biogenic amines in Turkish soudjoucks. Int. J. of Food Mic. 53,183 188.
  • Bardocz, S., 1995. Polyamines in foods and their consequences for food quality and human health. Trends in Food Science, & Technology, 6, 341 346.
  • Bover-Cid, S., Holzapfel, W.H., 1999. Improved screening procedure for biogenic amine production by lactic acid bacteria. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 59, 391 396.
  • Bover-Cid, S., Schoppen, S., Izquierdo-Pulido, M., Vidal-Carou, M.C., 1999. Relationship between biogenic amine contents and the size of dry fermented sausages. Meat Science, 51,305 311.
  • Bover-Cid, S., Izquierdo-Pulido, M., Vidal-Carou, M.C., 2000c. Changes in biogenic amine and polyamine content in slightly fermented sausages manufactured with and without sugar. Meat Science, 57, 215 221.
  • Bover-Cid, S., Hugas, M., Izquierdo-Pulido, M., Vidal-Carou, M.C., 2001a. Amino acid decarboxylase activity of bacteria isolated from fermented pork sausages. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 66, 185 189.
  • Bover-Cid, S., Migue´lez-Arrizado, J., Vidal-Carou, M.C., 2001b. Biogenic amine accumulation in ripened sausages affected by the addition of sodium sulphite. International.Journal of Food Microbiology, 46, 95 104.
  • Chander, H., Batish, V.H., Babu, S., Singh, R.S., 1989. Factors affecting amine production by a selected strain of Lactobacillus bulgaricus. Journal of Food Science, 54, 940 942.
  • Choudhury, N., Hansen, W., Engesser, D., Hammes, W.P., Holzapfel, W.H., 1990. Formation of histamine and tyramine by lactic acid bacteria in decarboxylase medium. Letters in App. Mic. 11, 278 281.
  • Coşansu, S. ve Ayhan, K. 2002. Ankara'da satışa sunulan sucukların biyojen amin içeriği. Türkiye 7. Gıda Kongresi. 22-24 Mayıs. 453. Ankara
  • Çolak, H, ve Uğur, M. 2002. Farklı muhafaza sıcaklığı ve süresinin fermente sucuklarda biyojen aminlerin oluşumu üzerine etkisi. Doğa Veteriner ve Hayvancılık Bilimleri Dergisi, 26(4):779-784.
  • Dapkevicius, M.L.N.E., Nout, M.J.R., Rombouts, F.M., Houben, J.H., Wymenga, W., 2000. Biogenic amine formation and degradation by potential fish silage starter microorganisms. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 57, 107 114. de Llano, D.G., Cuesta, P., Rodriguez, A., 1998. Biogenic amine production by wild lactococcal and leuconostoc strains. Letters in App. Mic. 26, 270274.
  • Diaz-Cinco, M.E., Fraijo, G., Grajeda, P., Lozano-Taylor, J., Gonzalezde Meja, E., 1992. Microbial and chemical analysis of Chihuahua cheese and relationships to histamine. Journal of Food Science, 57, 355365.
  • Durlu-Özkaya, F., Ayhan, K., Vural, N., 2001. Biogenic amine produced by enterobacteriaceae isolated from meat products. Meat Science, 58, 163 166.
  • Eerola, S. H., Maijala, R. L., Roig-Sague´s, A.X., Salminen, M., Hirvi, T.K., 1998. Biogenic amines in dry sausages as affected by starter culture and contaminant amine-positive Lactobacillus. Journal of Food Science, 61, 1243 1246.
  • Ercoşkun, H., Çon, A. H. Ve Gökalp, H.Y. 2000. Biyojen aminler ve gıdalarda mikroorganizmalarca üretimi. Standard, 39, (457), 56-61.
  • Erginkaya, Z. ve Var, I. 1989. Et ve Et ürünlerinde biyojen aminler. Gıda 14(3), 171-174.
  • Gardini, F., Martuscelli, M., Caruso, M.C., Galgano, F., Crudele, M.A., Favati, F., Guerzoni, M.E., Suzzi, G., 2001. Effects of pH, temperature and NaCl concentration on the growth kinetics, proteolytic activity and biogenic amine production of Enterococcus faecalis. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 64, 105 117.
  • Gökoğlu, N. ve Varlık, C. 1995. Sardalya konservelerinin histasmin biyojen amini yönünden incelenmesi. Gıda, 20(5), 273-279.
  • Halasz, A., Barath, A., Simon-Sarkadi, L., Holzapfel, W., 1994. Biogenic amines and their production by micro-organisms in food. Trends in Food Science, & Technology, 5, 42 48.
  • Henry Chin, K.D., Koehler, P.E., 1986. Effects of salt concentration and incubation temperature on formation of histamine, phenethylamine. Tryptamine and tyramine during miso fermentation. Journal of Food Protection, 49, 423427.
  • Hernandez-Jover, T., Izquierdo-Pulido, M., Veciana-Nogues, M.T., Vidal-Carou, M.C., 1996a. Biogenic amine sources in cooked cured shoulder pork. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 44, 3097 3101.
  • Hernandez-Jover, T., Izquierdo-Pulido, M., Veciana-Nogue´s, M.T., Vidal-Carou, M.C., 1996b. Ion pair liquid chromatographic determination of biogenic amines in meat and meat products. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 44, 2710 2715.
  • Hernandez-Jover, T., Izquierdo-Pulido, M., Veciana-Nogue´s, M.T., Marine´-Font, A., Vidal-Carou, M.C., 1997. Biogenic amine and polyamine contents in meat and meat products. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 45, 2098 2102.
  • Hocalar, B. ve Turantaş, F. 2000. Peynir ve şaraplarda biyojen amin içeriğini etkileyen faktörler. 4. Uluslararası Tarım ve Gıda Fiziği Konferansı, 16-20 Mayıs, 94s, İstanbul.
  • Jorgensen, L.V., Huss, H.H., Dalgaard, P., 2000. The effect of biogenic amine production by single bacterial cultures and metabiosis on cold-smoked salmon. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 89, 920 934.
  • Komprda, T., Neznalova, J., Standara, S., Bover-Cid, S., 2001. Effect of starter culture and storage temperature on the content of biogenic amines in dry fermented sausages. Meat Science, 59, 267 276.
  • Lehane, L., Olley, J., 2000. Histamine fish poisoning revisited. International Journal. of Food Microbiology, 58, 1 37.
  • Leuschner, R.G.K., Hammes, W.P., 1998. Tyramine degradation by micrococci during ripening of fermented sausages. Meat Science, 49, 289296.
  • Leuschner, R.G.K., Heidel, M., Hammes, W.P., 1998. Histamine and tyramine degradation by food fermenting microorganisms. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 39, 1 10.
  • Maijala, R. L., 1993. Formation of histamine and tyramine by some lactic acid bacteria in MRS-broth and modified decarboxylation agar. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 17, 4043.
  • Maijala, R. L., Eerola, S. H., Aho, M. A. and Hırn, J. A. 1993. The effect of GDL- induced pH decrease on the formation of biogenic amines in meat. Journal of Food Protection, 56, 125-129.
  • Maijala, R. L., 1994. Histamine and tyramine production by a Lactobacillus strain subjected to external pH decrease. Journal of Food Protection, 57, 259262.
  • Maijala, R. L., Eerola, S. H., Lievonen, S., Hill, P., Hirvi, T., 1995a. Formation of biogenic amines during ripening of dry sausages as affect by starter cultures and thawing time of raw materials. Journal of Food Science, 69, 1187 1190.
  • Maijala, R.L., Nurmi, F., Fischer, A., 1995b. Influence of processing temperature on the formation of biogenic amines in dry sausages. Meat Science, 39, 19 22.
  • Martuscelli, M., Crudele, M.A., Gardini, F., Suzzi, G., 2000. Biogenic amine formation and oxidation by Staphylococcus xylosus strains from artisanal fermented sausages. Letters in App. Mic. 31, 228 232.
  • Masson, F., Johansson, G., Montel, M.C., 1999. Tyramine production by a strain of Carnobacterium divergens inoculated in meat-fat mixture. Meat Science, 52, 65 69.
  • Masson, F., Talon, R., Montel, M.C., 1996. Histamine and tyramine production by bacteria from meat products. Int. J. of Food Mic. 32, 199 207.
  • Paulsen, P., Bauer, F., 1997. Biogenic amines in fermented sausages: 2. Factors influencing the formation of biogenic amines in fermented sausages. Fleischswirtsch. Int. 77, 32 34
  • Parente, E., Martuscelli, M., Gardini, F., Grieco, S., Crudele, M.A., Suzzi, G., 2001. Evolution of microbial populations and biogenic amine production in dry sausages produced in Southern Italy. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 90, 882 891.
  • Pereira, C.I., Barreto Crespo, M.T., San Roma˜o, M.V., 2001. Evidence for proteolytic activity and biogenic amines production in Lactobacillus curvatus and Lactobacillus homohiochii. Int. J. of Food Mic. 68, 211 216.
  • Rawles, D. D., Flick, G. J. and Martin, R. E. 1995. Biogenic amines in fish and shellfish. Food Research, 39, 329-335.
  • Rodriguez-Jerez, J.J., Colavita, G., Giaccone, V., Parisi, E., 1994a. Bacillus macerans, a new potential histamine producing bacteria isolated from Italian cheese. Food Microbiology, 11, 409 415.
  • Rodriguez-Jerez, J.J., Mora-Ventura, M.T., Lo´pez-Sabater, E.I., Herna´ndez- Herrero, M.M., 1994b. Histidine, lysine and ornithine decarboxylase bacteria in salted semi-preserved anchovies. Journal of Food Protection, 57, 784 787.
  • Roig-Sague´s, A.X., Herna´ndez-Herrero, M., Lo´pez-Sabater, E.I., Rodriguez- Jerez, J.J., Mora-Ventura, M.T., 1996. Histidine decarboxylase activity of bacteria isolated from raw and ripened Salsichon, a Spanish cured sausage. Journal of Food Protection, 59, 516520.
  • Shalaby, A.R., 1996. Significance of biogenic amines to food safety and human health. Food Research International, 29, 675690.
  • Santos, M.H. S. 1996. Biogenic amines: their importance in foods. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 29, 213 231.
  • Santos, M.H. S. 1998. Amino acid decarboxylase capability of microorganisms isolated in Spanish fermented meat products. Int. J. of Food Mic. 39, 227 230.
  • Sumner, S.S., Speckhard, H.W., Somers, E.B., Taylor, S.L., 1990. Factors controlling histamine production in Swiss cheese inoculated with Lactobacillus buchneri. Journal of Dairy Science, 73, 3050 3058.
  • Stratton, J.E., Hutkins, R.W., Taylor, S.L., 1991. Biogenic amine in cheese and other fermented foods. Journal of Food Protection, 54, 460 470.
  • Şenöz, B. 1997. Türk sucuklarında biyojen aminlerin araştırılması. Mersin Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Gıda Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı Yüksek Lisans Tezi 73s. Mersin
  • Trevino, E., Beil, D., Steinhart, H. 1997. Formation of bioorganic amines during the maturity process of raw meat products, for example of cervelat sausages. Food Chemistry, 60, 521526.
  • Ünlütürk, A. ve Ünlütürk, Y. 1981. Gıdalarda histamin oluşumu ve histamin zehirlenmesi. Gıda, 6(1-2), 7-9.
  • Yalçın, S., ve Kolsarıcı, N. 1995. Türk fermente sucuğunun olgunlaşması sırasında tyramin düzeyindeki değişiklikler. Gıda, 20(6), 353-355

Fermente Et Ürünlerinde Biyojen Aminler

Yıl 2005, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 3, 3 - 7, 01.06.2005


Fermente et ürünlerinde biyojen amin birikimi; mikrobiyel floranın nicel ve nitel kompozisyonu, fizikokimyasal farklılıklar ve üretim sırasında uygulanan hijyenik koşullar gibi faktörlerden kaynaklanmaktadır. Bu derlemede fermente et ürünlerinde biyojen aminlerin oluşumları ve bunu etkileyen faktörler ele alınmıştır


  • Anlı, E., Vural, N. Ve Bayhan , A. 2002. Kırmızı şaraplarda biyojen aminlerin saptanması. Türkiye 7. Gıda Kongresi. 22-24 Mayıs. 449-452. Ankara
  • Ayhan, K., Kolsarıcı, N., Özkan, G.A., 1999. The effects of a starter culture on the formation of biogenic amines in Turkish soudjoucks. Int. J. of Food Mic. 53,183 188.
  • Bardocz, S., 1995. Polyamines in foods and their consequences for food quality and human health. Trends in Food Science, & Technology, 6, 341 346.
  • Bover-Cid, S., Holzapfel, W.H., 1999. Improved screening procedure for biogenic amine production by lactic acid bacteria. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 59, 391 396.
  • Bover-Cid, S., Schoppen, S., Izquierdo-Pulido, M., Vidal-Carou, M.C., 1999. Relationship between biogenic amine contents and the size of dry fermented sausages. Meat Science, 51,305 311.
  • Bover-Cid, S., Izquierdo-Pulido, M., Vidal-Carou, M.C., 2000c. Changes in biogenic amine and polyamine content in slightly fermented sausages manufactured with and without sugar. Meat Science, 57, 215 221.
  • Bover-Cid, S., Hugas, M., Izquierdo-Pulido, M., Vidal-Carou, M.C., 2001a. Amino acid decarboxylase activity of bacteria isolated from fermented pork sausages. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 66, 185 189.
  • Bover-Cid, S., Migue´lez-Arrizado, J., Vidal-Carou, M.C., 2001b. Biogenic amine accumulation in ripened sausages affected by the addition of sodium sulphite. International.Journal of Food Microbiology, 46, 95 104.
  • Chander, H., Batish, V.H., Babu, S., Singh, R.S., 1989. Factors affecting amine production by a selected strain of Lactobacillus bulgaricus. Journal of Food Science, 54, 940 942.
  • Choudhury, N., Hansen, W., Engesser, D., Hammes, W.P., Holzapfel, W.H., 1990. Formation of histamine and tyramine by lactic acid bacteria in decarboxylase medium. Letters in App. Mic. 11, 278 281.
  • Coşansu, S. ve Ayhan, K. 2002. Ankara'da satışa sunulan sucukların biyojen amin içeriği. Türkiye 7. Gıda Kongresi. 22-24 Mayıs. 453. Ankara
  • Çolak, H, ve Uğur, M. 2002. Farklı muhafaza sıcaklığı ve süresinin fermente sucuklarda biyojen aminlerin oluşumu üzerine etkisi. Doğa Veteriner ve Hayvancılık Bilimleri Dergisi, 26(4):779-784.
  • Dapkevicius, M.L.N.E., Nout, M.J.R., Rombouts, F.M., Houben, J.H., Wymenga, W., 2000. Biogenic amine formation and degradation by potential fish silage starter microorganisms. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 57, 107 114. de Llano, D.G., Cuesta, P., Rodriguez, A., 1998. Biogenic amine production by wild lactococcal and leuconostoc strains. Letters in App. Mic. 26, 270274.
  • Diaz-Cinco, M.E., Fraijo, G., Grajeda, P., Lozano-Taylor, J., Gonzalezde Meja, E., 1992. Microbial and chemical analysis of Chihuahua cheese and relationships to histamine. Journal of Food Science, 57, 355365.
  • Durlu-Özkaya, F., Ayhan, K., Vural, N., 2001. Biogenic amine produced by enterobacteriaceae isolated from meat products. Meat Science, 58, 163 166.
  • Eerola, S. H., Maijala, R. L., Roig-Sague´s, A.X., Salminen, M., Hirvi, T.K., 1998. Biogenic amines in dry sausages as affected by starter culture and contaminant amine-positive Lactobacillus. Journal of Food Science, 61, 1243 1246.
  • Ercoşkun, H., Çon, A. H. Ve Gökalp, H.Y. 2000. Biyojen aminler ve gıdalarda mikroorganizmalarca üretimi. Standard, 39, (457), 56-61.
  • Erginkaya, Z. ve Var, I. 1989. Et ve Et ürünlerinde biyojen aminler. Gıda 14(3), 171-174.
  • Gardini, F., Martuscelli, M., Caruso, M.C., Galgano, F., Crudele, M.A., Favati, F., Guerzoni, M.E., Suzzi, G., 2001. Effects of pH, temperature and NaCl concentration on the growth kinetics, proteolytic activity and biogenic amine production of Enterococcus faecalis. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 64, 105 117.
  • Gökoğlu, N. ve Varlık, C. 1995. Sardalya konservelerinin histasmin biyojen amini yönünden incelenmesi. Gıda, 20(5), 273-279.
  • Halasz, A., Barath, A., Simon-Sarkadi, L., Holzapfel, W., 1994. Biogenic amines and their production by micro-organisms in food. Trends in Food Science, & Technology, 5, 42 48.
  • Henry Chin, K.D., Koehler, P.E., 1986. Effects of salt concentration and incubation temperature on formation of histamine, phenethylamine. Tryptamine and tyramine during miso fermentation. Journal of Food Protection, 49, 423427.
  • Hernandez-Jover, T., Izquierdo-Pulido, M., Veciana-Nogues, M.T., Vidal-Carou, M.C., 1996a. Biogenic amine sources in cooked cured shoulder pork. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 44, 3097 3101.
  • Hernandez-Jover, T., Izquierdo-Pulido, M., Veciana-Nogue´s, M.T., Vidal-Carou, M.C., 1996b. Ion pair liquid chromatographic determination of biogenic amines in meat and meat products. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 44, 2710 2715.
  • Hernandez-Jover, T., Izquierdo-Pulido, M., Veciana-Nogue´s, M.T., Marine´-Font, A., Vidal-Carou, M.C., 1997. Biogenic amine and polyamine contents in meat and meat products. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 45, 2098 2102.
  • Hocalar, B. ve Turantaş, F. 2000. Peynir ve şaraplarda biyojen amin içeriğini etkileyen faktörler. 4. Uluslararası Tarım ve Gıda Fiziği Konferansı, 16-20 Mayıs, 94s, İstanbul.
  • Jorgensen, L.V., Huss, H.H., Dalgaard, P., 2000. The effect of biogenic amine production by single bacterial cultures and metabiosis on cold-smoked salmon. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 89, 920 934.
  • Komprda, T., Neznalova, J., Standara, S., Bover-Cid, S., 2001. Effect of starter culture and storage temperature on the content of biogenic amines in dry fermented sausages. Meat Science, 59, 267 276.
  • Lehane, L., Olley, J., 2000. Histamine fish poisoning revisited. International Journal. of Food Microbiology, 58, 1 37.
  • Leuschner, R.G.K., Hammes, W.P., 1998. Tyramine degradation by micrococci during ripening of fermented sausages. Meat Science, 49, 289296.
  • Leuschner, R.G.K., Heidel, M., Hammes, W.P., 1998. Histamine and tyramine degradation by food fermenting microorganisms. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 39, 1 10.
  • Maijala, R. L., 1993. Formation of histamine and tyramine by some lactic acid bacteria in MRS-broth and modified decarboxylation agar. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 17, 4043.
  • Maijala, R. L., Eerola, S. H., Aho, M. A. and Hırn, J. A. 1993. The effect of GDL- induced pH decrease on the formation of biogenic amines in meat. Journal of Food Protection, 56, 125-129.
  • Maijala, R. L., 1994. Histamine and tyramine production by a Lactobacillus strain subjected to external pH decrease. Journal of Food Protection, 57, 259262.
  • Maijala, R. L., Eerola, S. H., Lievonen, S., Hill, P., Hirvi, T., 1995a. Formation of biogenic amines during ripening of dry sausages as affect by starter cultures and thawing time of raw materials. Journal of Food Science, 69, 1187 1190.
  • Maijala, R.L., Nurmi, F., Fischer, A., 1995b. Influence of processing temperature on the formation of biogenic amines in dry sausages. Meat Science, 39, 19 22.
  • Martuscelli, M., Crudele, M.A., Gardini, F., Suzzi, G., 2000. Biogenic amine formation and oxidation by Staphylococcus xylosus strains from artisanal fermented sausages. Letters in App. Mic. 31, 228 232.
  • Masson, F., Johansson, G., Montel, M.C., 1999. Tyramine production by a strain of Carnobacterium divergens inoculated in meat-fat mixture. Meat Science, 52, 65 69.
  • Masson, F., Talon, R., Montel, M.C., 1996. Histamine and tyramine production by bacteria from meat products. Int. J. of Food Mic. 32, 199 207.
  • Paulsen, P., Bauer, F., 1997. Biogenic amines in fermented sausages: 2. Factors influencing the formation of biogenic amines in fermented sausages. Fleischswirtsch. Int. 77, 32 34
  • Parente, E., Martuscelli, M., Gardini, F., Grieco, S., Crudele, M.A., Suzzi, G., 2001. Evolution of microbial populations and biogenic amine production in dry sausages produced in Southern Italy. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 90, 882 891.
  • Pereira, C.I., Barreto Crespo, M.T., San Roma˜o, M.V., 2001. Evidence for proteolytic activity and biogenic amines production in Lactobacillus curvatus and Lactobacillus homohiochii. Int. J. of Food Mic. 68, 211 216.
  • Rawles, D. D., Flick, G. J. and Martin, R. E. 1995. Biogenic amines in fish and shellfish. Food Research, 39, 329-335.
  • Rodriguez-Jerez, J.J., Colavita, G., Giaccone, V., Parisi, E., 1994a. Bacillus macerans, a new potential histamine producing bacteria isolated from Italian cheese. Food Microbiology, 11, 409 415.
  • Rodriguez-Jerez, J.J., Mora-Ventura, M.T., Lo´pez-Sabater, E.I., Herna´ndez- Herrero, M.M., 1994b. Histidine, lysine and ornithine decarboxylase bacteria in salted semi-preserved anchovies. Journal of Food Protection, 57, 784 787.
  • Roig-Sague´s, A.X., Herna´ndez-Herrero, M., Lo´pez-Sabater, E.I., Rodriguez- Jerez, J.J., Mora-Ventura, M.T., 1996. Histidine decarboxylase activity of bacteria isolated from raw and ripened Salsichon, a Spanish cured sausage. Journal of Food Protection, 59, 516520.
  • Shalaby, A.R., 1996. Significance of biogenic amines to food safety and human health. Food Research International, 29, 675690.
  • Santos, M.H. S. 1996. Biogenic amines: their importance in foods. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 29, 213 231.
  • Santos, M.H. S. 1998. Amino acid decarboxylase capability of microorganisms isolated in Spanish fermented meat products. Int. J. of Food Mic. 39, 227 230.
  • Sumner, S.S., Speckhard, H.W., Somers, E.B., Taylor, S.L., 1990. Factors controlling histamine production in Swiss cheese inoculated with Lactobacillus buchneri. Journal of Dairy Science, 73, 3050 3058.
  • Stratton, J.E., Hutkins, R.W., Taylor, S.L., 1991. Biogenic amine in cheese and other fermented foods. Journal of Food Protection, 54, 460 470.
  • Şenöz, B. 1997. Türk sucuklarında biyojen aminlerin araştırılması. Mersin Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Gıda Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı Yüksek Lisans Tezi 73s. Mersin
  • Trevino, E., Beil, D., Steinhart, H. 1997. Formation of bioorganic amines during the maturity process of raw meat products, for example of cervelat sausages. Food Chemistry, 60, 521526.
  • Ünlütürk, A. ve Ünlütürk, Y. 1981. Gıdalarda histamin oluşumu ve histamin zehirlenmesi. Gıda, 6(1-2), 7-9.
  • Yalçın, S., ve Kolsarıcı, N. 1995. Türk fermente sucuğunun olgunlaşması sırasında tyramin düzeyindeki değişiklikler. Gıda, 20(6), 353-355
Toplam 55 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Hüdayi Ercoşkun Bu kişi benim

İsra Toptancı Bu kişi benim

Aslı Yorulmaz Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2005
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2005 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Ercoşkun, H., Toptancı, İ., & Yorulmaz, A. (2005). Fermente Et Ürünlerinde Biyojen Aminler. Akademik Gıda, 3(3), 3-7.
AMA Ercoşkun H, Toptancı İ, Yorulmaz A. Fermente Et Ürünlerinde Biyojen Aminler. Akademik Gıda. Haziran 2005;3(3):3-7.
Chicago Ercoşkun, Hüdayi, İsra Toptancı, ve Aslı Yorulmaz. “Fermente Et Ürünlerinde Biyojen Aminler”. Akademik Gıda 3, sy. 3 (Haziran 2005): 3-7.
EndNote Ercoşkun H, Toptancı İ, Yorulmaz A (01 Haziran 2005) Fermente Et Ürünlerinde Biyojen Aminler. Akademik Gıda 3 3 3–7.
IEEE H. Ercoşkun, İ. Toptancı, ve A. Yorulmaz, “Fermente Et Ürünlerinde Biyojen Aminler”, Akademik Gıda, c. 3, sy. 3, ss. 3–7, 2005.
ISNAD Ercoşkun, Hüdayi vd. “Fermente Et Ürünlerinde Biyojen Aminler”. Akademik Gıda 3/3 (Haziran 2005), 3-7.
JAMA Ercoşkun H, Toptancı İ, Yorulmaz A. Fermente Et Ürünlerinde Biyojen Aminler. Akademik Gıda. 2005;3:3–7.
MLA Ercoşkun, Hüdayi vd. “Fermente Et Ürünlerinde Biyojen Aminler”. Akademik Gıda, c. 3, sy. 3, 2005, ss. 3-7.
Vancouver Ercoşkun H, Toptancı İ, Yorulmaz A. Fermente Et Ürünlerinde Biyojen Aminler. Akademik Gıda. 2005;3(3):3-7.

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