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Yerel Halkın Turizmin Etkilerini Algılamalarına ve Tutumlarına Yönelik Bir Araştırma

Yıl 2006, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2, 77 - 109, 08.09.2014


Bu çalışma, iki farklı tarihte yerel halkın turizmin etkilerine ilişkin algılama ve tutumlarını belirlemeye yöneliktir. Ayrıca yerel halkın özellikleriyle turizmin etkisini algılamaları arasında anlamlı farklılık olup olmadığı ve iki dönem arasında algılamalarda ve tutumlarda bir değişim olup olmadığı araştırma kapsamında değerlendirilecektir. 600 kişinin yaşadığı Cumalıkızık kültür destinasyonuna 2001 yılında (80), 2003 yılında (80) kişinin katıldığı anket uygulanmıştır. Yerel halkın turizme ilişkin algılamalarıyla turizmin etkileri arasındaki farklılıkları tespit amacıyla, ekonomik yarar, sosyal maliyet, kültürel gelişim ve çevreye zarar olmak üzere dört etki faktörü belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca tutumların belirlenmesine yönelik olarak bölgeye gelmesi istenen turist tipi ve milliyeti, turizme yatırım fikri, aileden birinin turistik tesislerde çalışmasına onay ve turizm planlarına katılım düşüncesi ile ilgili yöre halkının fikirleri alınmıştır. Yapılan analizler sonucunda algılamalarla ilgili olarak yerel halkın özellikleriyle etki faktörleri arasında 2001 yılında yirmidokuz, 2003 yılında kırkiki anlamlı farklılık belirlenmiştir. Yerel halkın turizme yönelik tutumları her iki dönemde çoğunlukla olumludur. 2003 yılında 2001 yılına göre olumlu tutum seviyesi yükselmiştir.. Her iki dönemde algılamalarda farklılıklar saptanmış; 2003 yılında 2001 yılına göre olumsuz algılamaların azaldığı görülmüştür. Değerlendirme ve öneriler sonuç kısmında verilmektedir.


  • Akis, S., N.Peristians ve J.Warner (1996). “Residents’ Attitudes to Tourism Development: The Case of Cyprus.” Tourism Management, 17(7), 481-494.
  • Allen L., .H. R. Hafer, P.T. Long, ve R. Perdue (1994). “Rural Residents Attidutes Toward Recreation and Tourism Development.” Journal of Travel Research 3 (4): 27-33.
  • Allen, L., P.T. Long, R.R Perdue ve S. Keiselbach (1988). “The Impact Of Tourism Development on Residents’ Perception of Comminity Life”, Journal of Travel Research, 27(1):16-21.
  • Andereck, K.L ve C.A. Vogt (2000). “The Relationship Between Residents’ Attitudes Tourism and Tourism Development Options.” Journal of Travel Research 39, (August):27-36
  • Ap, J.(1990). “Residents’ Perception on The Social Impacts of Tourism”, Annals of Tourism Research,17 (4): 610-16. Ap. J.(1992). “Residents’ Perception on Tourism Impacts” Annals of Tourism Research, 19 (3): 665-90.
  • Besculides, M., E. Lee ve P. J. McCormick (2002). “Resıdents’ Perceptıons of The Cultural Benefıts of Tourısm” Annals of Tourism Research, . 29 ( 2), 303-319
  • Brougham J. E. ve R.W.A Butler (1981). “ Segmentation Analysis of Resident Attitudes to the Social Impact of Tourism” Annals of Tourism Research, 8(4),569-590
  • Brunt, P. ve P. Courtney (1999). “Host Perception of Socioculturel Impacts” Annals of Tourism Research, 26(3):493-515
  • Butler, R. W.(1980). “The Concept of a Tourist Area Cycle of Evolution: Implications for Management of Resources”, Canadian Geographer 24(1):5-12.
  • Belisle, F. J. ve D. R. Hoy (1980). “The Perceived Impact of Tourism by Residents: A Case Study in Santa Marta, Columbia”. Annals of Tourism Research 7, 83-101.
  • Davis, D., J. Allen ve R.M. Cosenza (1988). “Segmenting Local Residents By Their Attidutes,Interest and Opinions Toward Tourism.”Journal of Travel Research, 27 (fall):2-8.
  • Doxey, G.V.(1975). “ A. Causation Theory of Visitor-Resident Irrıtation: Methodology And Research Inference.” Proceedings of The 6th Annual Conference of the Travel Research Association. San Diego, CA:Travel Research Association, .195-98.
  • Esman, M.(1984). “Tourism as Ethnic Preservation: The Cajuns of Louisiana.” Annals of Tourism Research 11:451-467.
  • Evans-Pritchard, D. (1989). “How ‘They’ See ‘Us’ - Native American Images of Tourists.” Annals of Tourism Research,16:89-105
  • Getz, D. (1986). “Models in Tourism Planning: Towards Integration of Theory and Practice.” Tourism Management, 7:31-32
  • Getz, D. (1994). “Residents' Attitudes Towards Tourism.” Tourism Management, 15: 247-258.
  • Gunn, C. A. (1988). Tourism planning : Taylor and Francis Second Edition, New York
  • Gursoy, D. ve D.G. Rutherford (2004). ”Host Attitudes Toward Tourism: an Improved Structural Model,” Annals of Tourism Research, 31 (3): 495-516, Gursoy, D., C. Jurowski ve M. Uysal (2002). “Resident Attitudes: A Structural Modeling Approach.” Annals of Tourism Research 29:79-105
  • Haley, A.J., T G. Miller (2005). “The Social Impacts of Tourism A Case Study of Bath, UK,” Annals of Tourism Research, 32 (3): 647-668.
  • Haralambopoulos, N. ve A. Pizam (1996). “Perceived Impacts of Tourism: The Case of Samos.” Annals of Tourism Research 23:503-526.
  • Jafari, J. A. (1986). “SystemView of Sociocultural Dimensions of Tourism” In The President’s Commision on Americans Outdoors, 33-50.
  • Jurowski, C., M.Uysal ve D.R.Williams (1997). “A Theorical Analysis of Host Comminity Resident Reaction to Tourism.” Journal of Travel Research, 34 (2):3-11.
  • Keogh, B, (1990). “Public Participation in Community Tourism Planning” Annals of Tourism Research, 17 (3):449-465
  • King, B., A. Pizam ve A. Milman (1993). “Social Impacts of Tourism: Host Perceptions” Annals of Tourism Research 20:650-665
  • Knopp, T.B.(1980). “Tourism The Local Interests and The Function Public Lands.” Tourism Planning and Development Issues, edited By D.E. Hawkins, E.L. Shafer, and J.M.. Rovelstad. Washington, D.C.:George Washington University, ss.225-37.
  • Korça, P.(1994). “Halkın Turizmin Çevresel Etkilerini Algılaması ve Değerlendirmesi.” TUGEV Turizm Geliştirme ve Eğitim Vakfı Yayını No:31, 1-128.
  • Kousis, M.(1989). “Tourism and the Family in a Rural Cretan Community.” Annals of Tourism Research 16:318-332.
  • Lankford, S.V. (1994). “Attidutes and Perceptions Toward Tourism and Rural Regional Development.” Journal of Travel Research, 32 (3):35-43.
  • Lankford, S.V. ve D.R. Howard (1994). “Developing a Tourism Impact Attitude Scale.” Annals of Tourism Research, 21:121-139.
  • Lindberg, K. ve R.L. Johnson (1997). “ Modeling Resident Attidutes Toward Tourism.” Annals of Tourism Research,24 (2):402-24.
  • Liu, T. Var (1986). “Resident Attitudes to Turism Impacts in Hawaii.” Annals of Tourism Research,13:193-214.
  • Long, P.T. ve S.L. Richardson (1989). “Integreting Recreation and Tourism Development in Small Winter Cities.” Leisure Today:26-29. Long, P.T., R. Perdue ve L. Allen (1990). Rural Resident Tourism Perceptions and Attitudes by Community Level of Tourism. Journal of Travel Research 23(9):3-9.
  • Maddox, R.N. (1985). “Measuring Satisfaction With Tourism.” Journal of Travel Research, 23 (Winter):2-5.
  • Madrigal, R. (1993). “A Tale of Tourism in two Cities.”Annals of Tourism Research, 20:336-53.
  • Martin, B.S. ve M. Uysal (1990). “An Examination of the Relationship Between Carrying Capacity and the Tourism Lifecycle : Management and the Policy İmplications”. Journal of Environmental Management 31: 327-333.
  • McCool, S. F. ve S. R. Martin (1994). “Community Attachment and Attitudes toward Tourism Development”. Journal of Travel Research 32(3):29±34.
  • Milman, A. ve Pizam, A. (1988). “Social Impact Of Tourism On Central Florida.” Annals of Tourism Research,15 (2):191-204.
  • Murphy, P.E.(1980). “Perception and Preference of Decision-Making Groups in Tourist Centers:A Guide To Planning Strategy” In Tourism Planning and Development Issues, edited By D.E. Hawkins, E.L. Shafer, and J.M. Rovelstad. Washington, D.C.:George Washington University, 355-68.
  • Murphy, P. E. (1985). Tourism: A Community Approach. London: Routledge
  • Murphy, P. E.(1983). “Perceptions and Attitudes of Decisionmaking Groups in Tourism. Centers.” Journal of Travel Research 21(3):8-12.
  • Perdue, R.R., P.T.Long. ve L.Allen (1990). “Resident Support for Tourism Development.” Annals of Tourism Research, 17 (4): 586-599
  • Ritchie, J. R.B. (1988). “Consensus Policy Formulation in Tourism: Measuring Resident Views via Survey Research.” Tourism Management 9:199-212.
  • Perdue, R.R., P.T. Long ve L. Allen, (1990). “Resident Support for Tourism Development.” Annals of Tourism Research, 17(4): 586-99.
  • Rothman, R.A. (1978). “Residents And Transients: Community Reaction To Seasonal Visitors.” Journal of Travel Research, 16 (Winter):8-13.
  • Sethna, R. ve Richmond B., (1978). U.S. Virgin Islanders' Perceptions of Tourism : (TSM) Journal of Travel Research. Summer(1):30-31
  • Sheldon, P.J. ve T. Var (1984). “Residents Attitudes to Tourism in North Wales.” Tourism Management, 5(1): 40-48.
  • Simmons,. D.G. (1994). “Community Participation in tourism planning”, Tourism Management, 15(2):98-99
  • Thomason, P., J.l. Crompton, ve D. B. Kamp (1979). “A Study of The Attidutes Of Impacted Groups Within a Host Community Toward Prolonged Stay Tourist Visitors.” Journal of Travel Research, 17 (Winter):2-6.
  • Tortop, N. (2001). “Yerel Yönetimlerin Turizmin Gelişmesindeki Görev ve Sorumlulukları ve Çevre Korunmasının Önemi,” I. Ulusal Turizm İşletmeciliği Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, Başkent Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Kızılcahamam Ankara 2001, ss.56-68. Tosun, C. (2002). “Host Perceptions of Impacts: A Comparative Tourism Study”. Annals of Tourism Research, 29:231-253. Um, S. ve J. L. Crompton (1987). Measuring Residents' Attachment Levels in a Host Community. Journal of Travel Research 26(1):27-29.
  • Usal, ve A. Kuşluvan Z.(2002). Davranış Bilimleri: Sosyal Psikoloji, Barış Yayınları Fakülteler Kitabevi, 4.Basım İzmir.
  • Yoon, Y., Chen, J., ve Gürsoy, D. (1999). “An Investigation of The Relationship Between Tourism Impact And Host Communities’ Characteristics.” Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 10 (1), 29-44.
  • Walpole, M. J. ve Goodwin H. J. (2000). “Local Economıc Impacts Ofdragon Tourısm in Indonesıa.” Annals of Tourism Research, 27(3): 559-576
  • Var, T., K.W. Kendall ve E. Tarakçıoğlu (1985). “Resident Attidute Towards Tourists in Turkish Resort Town”, Annals of Tourism Research, 12(4): 652-658
Yıl 2006, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2, 77 - 109, 08.09.2014



  • Akis, S., N.Peristians ve J.Warner (1996). “Residents’ Attitudes to Tourism Development: The Case of Cyprus.” Tourism Management, 17(7), 481-494.
  • Allen L., .H. R. Hafer, P.T. Long, ve R. Perdue (1994). “Rural Residents Attidutes Toward Recreation and Tourism Development.” Journal of Travel Research 3 (4): 27-33.
  • Allen, L., P.T. Long, R.R Perdue ve S. Keiselbach (1988). “The Impact Of Tourism Development on Residents’ Perception of Comminity Life”, Journal of Travel Research, 27(1):16-21.
  • Andereck, K.L ve C.A. Vogt (2000). “The Relationship Between Residents’ Attitudes Tourism and Tourism Development Options.” Journal of Travel Research 39, (August):27-36
  • Ap, J.(1990). “Residents’ Perception on The Social Impacts of Tourism”, Annals of Tourism Research,17 (4): 610-16. Ap. J.(1992). “Residents’ Perception on Tourism Impacts” Annals of Tourism Research, 19 (3): 665-90.
  • Besculides, M., E. Lee ve P. J. McCormick (2002). “Resıdents’ Perceptıons of The Cultural Benefıts of Tourısm” Annals of Tourism Research, . 29 ( 2), 303-319
  • Brougham J. E. ve R.W.A Butler (1981). “ Segmentation Analysis of Resident Attitudes to the Social Impact of Tourism” Annals of Tourism Research, 8(4),569-590
  • Brunt, P. ve P. Courtney (1999). “Host Perception of Socioculturel Impacts” Annals of Tourism Research, 26(3):493-515
  • Butler, R. W.(1980). “The Concept of a Tourist Area Cycle of Evolution: Implications for Management of Resources”, Canadian Geographer 24(1):5-12.
  • Belisle, F. J. ve D. R. Hoy (1980). “The Perceived Impact of Tourism by Residents: A Case Study in Santa Marta, Columbia”. Annals of Tourism Research 7, 83-101.
  • Davis, D., J. Allen ve R.M. Cosenza (1988). “Segmenting Local Residents By Their Attidutes,Interest and Opinions Toward Tourism.”Journal of Travel Research, 27 (fall):2-8.
  • Doxey, G.V.(1975). “ A. Causation Theory of Visitor-Resident Irrıtation: Methodology And Research Inference.” Proceedings of The 6th Annual Conference of the Travel Research Association. San Diego, CA:Travel Research Association, .195-98.
  • Esman, M.(1984). “Tourism as Ethnic Preservation: The Cajuns of Louisiana.” Annals of Tourism Research 11:451-467.
  • Evans-Pritchard, D. (1989). “How ‘They’ See ‘Us’ - Native American Images of Tourists.” Annals of Tourism Research,16:89-105
  • Getz, D. (1986). “Models in Tourism Planning: Towards Integration of Theory and Practice.” Tourism Management, 7:31-32
  • Getz, D. (1994). “Residents' Attitudes Towards Tourism.” Tourism Management, 15: 247-258.
  • Gunn, C. A. (1988). Tourism planning : Taylor and Francis Second Edition, New York
  • Gursoy, D. ve D.G. Rutherford (2004). ”Host Attitudes Toward Tourism: an Improved Structural Model,” Annals of Tourism Research, 31 (3): 495-516, Gursoy, D., C. Jurowski ve M. Uysal (2002). “Resident Attitudes: A Structural Modeling Approach.” Annals of Tourism Research 29:79-105
  • Haley, A.J., T G. Miller (2005). “The Social Impacts of Tourism A Case Study of Bath, UK,” Annals of Tourism Research, 32 (3): 647-668.
  • Haralambopoulos, N. ve A. Pizam (1996). “Perceived Impacts of Tourism: The Case of Samos.” Annals of Tourism Research 23:503-526.
  • Jafari, J. A. (1986). “SystemView of Sociocultural Dimensions of Tourism” In The President’s Commision on Americans Outdoors, 33-50.
  • Jurowski, C., M.Uysal ve D.R.Williams (1997). “A Theorical Analysis of Host Comminity Resident Reaction to Tourism.” Journal of Travel Research, 34 (2):3-11.
  • Keogh, B, (1990). “Public Participation in Community Tourism Planning” Annals of Tourism Research, 17 (3):449-465
  • King, B., A. Pizam ve A. Milman (1993). “Social Impacts of Tourism: Host Perceptions” Annals of Tourism Research 20:650-665
  • Knopp, T.B.(1980). “Tourism The Local Interests and The Function Public Lands.” Tourism Planning and Development Issues, edited By D.E. Hawkins, E.L. Shafer, and J.M.. Rovelstad. Washington, D.C.:George Washington University, ss.225-37.
  • Korça, P.(1994). “Halkın Turizmin Çevresel Etkilerini Algılaması ve Değerlendirmesi.” TUGEV Turizm Geliştirme ve Eğitim Vakfı Yayını No:31, 1-128.
  • Kousis, M.(1989). “Tourism and the Family in a Rural Cretan Community.” Annals of Tourism Research 16:318-332.
  • Lankford, S.V. (1994). “Attidutes and Perceptions Toward Tourism and Rural Regional Development.” Journal of Travel Research, 32 (3):35-43.
  • Lankford, S.V. ve D.R. Howard (1994). “Developing a Tourism Impact Attitude Scale.” Annals of Tourism Research, 21:121-139.
  • Lindberg, K. ve R.L. Johnson (1997). “ Modeling Resident Attidutes Toward Tourism.” Annals of Tourism Research,24 (2):402-24.
  • Liu, T. Var (1986). “Resident Attitudes to Turism Impacts in Hawaii.” Annals of Tourism Research,13:193-214.
  • Long, P.T. ve S.L. Richardson (1989). “Integreting Recreation and Tourism Development in Small Winter Cities.” Leisure Today:26-29. Long, P.T., R. Perdue ve L. Allen (1990). Rural Resident Tourism Perceptions and Attitudes by Community Level of Tourism. Journal of Travel Research 23(9):3-9.
  • Maddox, R.N. (1985). “Measuring Satisfaction With Tourism.” Journal of Travel Research, 23 (Winter):2-5.
  • Madrigal, R. (1993). “A Tale of Tourism in two Cities.”Annals of Tourism Research, 20:336-53.
  • Martin, B.S. ve M. Uysal (1990). “An Examination of the Relationship Between Carrying Capacity and the Tourism Lifecycle : Management and the Policy İmplications”. Journal of Environmental Management 31: 327-333.
  • McCool, S. F. ve S. R. Martin (1994). “Community Attachment and Attitudes toward Tourism Development”. Journal of Travel Research 32(3):29±34.
  • Milman, A. ve Pizam, A. (1988). “Social Impact Of Tourism On Central Florida.” Annals of Tourism Research,15 (2):191-204.
  • Murphy, P.E.(1980). “Perception and Preference of Decision-Making Groups in Tourist Centers:A Guide To Planning Strategy” In Tourism Planning and Development Issues, edited By D.E. Hawkins, E.L. Shafer, and J.M. Rovelstad. Washington, D.C.:George Washington University, 355-68.
  • Murphy, P. E. (1985). Tourism: A Community Approach. London: Routledge
  • Murphy, P. E.(1983). “Perceptions and Attitudes of Decisionmaking Groups in Tourism. Centers.” Journal of Travel Research 21(3):8-12.
  • Perdue, R.R., P.T.Long. ve L.Allen (1990). “Resident Support for Tourism Development.” Annals of Tourism Research, 17 (4): 586-599
  • Ritchie, J. R.B. (1988). “Consensus Policy Formulation in Tourism: Measuring Resident Views via Survey Research.” Tourism Management 9:199-212.
  • Perdue, R.R., P.T. Long ve L. Allen, (1990). “Resident Support for Tourism Development.” Annals of Tourism Research, 17(4): 586-99.
  • Rothman, R.A. (1978). “Residents And Transients: Community Reaction To Seasonal Visitors.” Journal of Travel Research, 16 (Winter):8-13.
  • Sethna, R. ve Richmond B., (1978). U.S. Virgin Islanders' Perceptions of Tourism : (TSM) Journal of Travel Research. Summer(1):30-31
  • Sheldon, P.J. ve T. Var (1984). “Residents Attitudes to Tourism in North Wales.” Tourism Management, 5(1): 40-48.
  • Simmons,. D.G. (1994). “Community Participation in tourism planning”, Tourism Management, 15(2):98-99
  • Thomason, P., J.l. Crompton, ve D. B. Kamp (1979). “A Study of The Attidutes Of Impacted Groups Within a Host Community Toward Prolonged Stay Tourist Visitors.” Journal of Travel Research, 17 (Winter):2-6.
  • Tortop, N. (2001). “Yerel Yönetimlerin Turizmin Gelişmesindeki Görev ve Sorumlulukları ve Çevre Korunmasının Önemi,” I. Ulusal Turizm İşletmeciliği Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, Başkent Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Kızılcahamam Ankara 2001, ss.56-68. Tosun, C. (2002). “Host Perceptions of Impacts: A Comparative Tourism Study”. Annals of Tourism Research, 29:231-253. Um, S. ve J. L. Crompton (1987). Measuring Residents' Attachment Levels in a Host Community. Journal of Travel Research 26(1):27-29.
  • Usal, ve A. Kuşluvan Z.(2002). Davranış Bilimleri: Sosyal Psikoloji, Barış Yayınları Fakülteler Kitabevi, 4.Basım İzmir.
  • Yoon, Y., Chen, J., ve Gürsoy, D. (1999). “An Investigation of The Relationship Between Tourism Impact And Host Communities’ Characteristics.” Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 10 (1), 29-44.
  • Walpole, M. J. ve Goodwin H. J. (2000). “Local Economıc Impacts Ofdragon Tourısm in Indonesıa.” Annals of Tourism Research, 27(3): 559-576
  • Var, T., K.W. Kendall ve E. Tarakçıoğlu (1985). “Resident Attidute Towards Tourists in Turkish Resort Town”, Annals of Tourism Research, 12(4): 652-658
Toplam 53 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Orhan Akova Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 8 Eylül 2014
Gönderilme Tarihi 8 Eylül 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2006 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Akova, O. (2014). Yerel Halkın Turizmin Etkilerini Algılamalarına ve Tutumlarına Yönelik Bir Araştırma. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi, 1(2), 77-109.

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