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Akdeniz Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi İkinci Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Ders Çalışma Süreleri: Öğrencilerin Beyanı

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 3, 178 - 182, 01.01.2015


Amaç: Tıp Fakültesi öğrencilerinin bireysel olarak ders çalışmaya ayırdıkları süreyi ve sınav sayısı/sıklığının bu süre ile ilişkisini araştırmaktır. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Akdeniz Üniversitesi 2 sınıf öğrencilerine 2000, 2006 ve 2012 yılı eğitim döneminin sonunda iki soru sorularak ders çalışma süreleri belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır: 1- Bu öğretim yılı sırasında yaklaşık olarak bir ders kurulu sınavı için ortalama kaç gün ders çalışarak hazırlandınız? 2- Son ders kurulu sınavından 5. sonra fi nal sınavına kaç gün çalışarak hazırlandınız? İkinci sınıfta beş ders kurulu bulunmaktadır. Veri toplanan yıllardaki sınav sıklığı: 2000 yılı= beş ders kurulu sınavı, 2006 yılı= beş ders kurulu sınavı+her ders kurulu içinde ara sınav +fi nal sınavı, 2012 yılı= beş ders kurulu sınavı+fi nal sınavı Ders kurulu ve fi nal sınavı 2000 de yok için ortalama çalışma süreleri belirlenmiş, bunları toplayarak yıllık ortalama çalışma süreleri hesaplanmıştır.Bulgular: Sınav sıklığının en fazla olduğu 2006 yılında hem ders kurul içinde, hem de fi nal sınavı için ayrılan çalışma süreleri diğer yıllara göre daha yüksek bulundu. Toplam yıllık ortalama çalışma süreleri ise 2000 yılında 50±12.1 gün, 2006 yılında 175±33.4 gün ve 2012 yılında 88±18.0 gün olarak hesaplandı.Sonuç: Ölçme değerlendirme etkinliklerinin sayı ve sıklığının artırılması öğrencilerin kendi kendilerine ders çalışma sürelerini artırmaktadır. Tıp fakültelerinin bunu göz önüne alarak planlama yapmaları gerekir


  • 1. Educating Physicians A Call for Reform of Medical School and Residency. Cooke M, Irby DM, O’Brieb BC, eds. 1st ed. San Francisco:Josey-Bass, 2010.
  • 2. The Adult learner. Knowles NS, Holton EF, Swanson RA, eds. 6th ed. San Diego:Elsevier, 2005.
  • 3. Basics in Medical Education. Amin Z, Eng KH, eds. 1st ed. Singapore: World Scientifi c Publishing, 2003.
  • 4. ECTS user’s guide. tools/docs/ects-guide_en.pdf adresinden 14.08.2015 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • 5. Miller GE. Continuous assessment. Med Educ 1976;10:81–6.
  • 6. Cruickshank JK, Barrit PW, McBesag F, Waterhouse N, Goldman LH. Student views on continuo us assessment at Birmingham University Medical School.BMJ 1975;4:265–7.
  • 7. Sheehan J. Assessing learning: continuous assessment versus final examinations. Nurse Educ Today 1985; 5: 49 –55.
  • 8. van den Berg MN, Hofman WHA. Student success in university education: A multi-measurement study of the impact of student and faculty factors on study progress. High Educ 2005;50:413–46.
  • 9. Schmidt HG, Cohen-Schotanus J, van der Molen HT, Splinter TAW, Bulte J, Holdrinet R, van Rossum HJM. Learning more by being taught less: A ‘time-for-self-study’ theory explaining curricular effects on graduation rate and study duration. High Educ 2010;60:287–300.
  • 10. van Eerde W. Procrastination: Self-regulation in initiating aversive goals. Appl Psychol Int Rev 2000;49:372–89.
  • 11. van Eerde W. A meta-analytically derived nomological network of procrastination. Pers Indiv Differ 2003;35:1401–18.
  • 12. Bruinsma M, Jansen EPWA. When will I succeed in my first-year diploma? Survival analysis in Dutch higher education. High Educ Res Dev 2009;28:99–114.
  • 13. Solomon LJ, Rothblum ED. Academic procrastination: Frequency and cognitive–behavioural correlates. J Couns Psychol 1984;31 :503 –9.
  • 14. Pychyl TA, Morin RW, Salmon BR. Procrastination and the planning fallacy: An examination of the study habits of university students. J Soc Behav Pers 2000;15:135-50.
  • 15. Kachgal MM, Hansen SL, Nutter KJ. Academic procrastination/intervention: strategies and recommendations. J Dev Educ 2001;25:14–24.
  • 16. Onwuegbuzie AJ. Academic procrastination and statistics anxiety. Assess Eval High Educ 2004;29:3–19.
  • 17. Cohen-Schotanus J. Student assessment and examination rules. Med Teach 1999;21:318–21.
  • 18. Janssen T, Carton JS. The effects of locus of control and task difficulty on procrastination. J Genet Psychol 1999;160:436–42.
  • 19. Schouwenburg HC, Groenewoud JT. Study motivation under social temptation: Effects of trait procrastination. Pers Indiv Differ 2001;30:229–40.
  • 20. Cilliers FJ, Schuwirth LWT, Adendorff HJ, Herman N, van der Vleuten CPM. The mechanism of impact of summative assessment on medical students’ learning. Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract 2010;15:695–715.
  • 21. Cilliers FJ, Schuwirth LWT, Herman N, Adendorff HJ, van der Vleuten CPM. A model of the preassessment learning effects of summative assessment in Medical education. Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract 2012;17:39–53.
  • 22. Ebbinghaus H. Memory. A contribution to experimental ork, NY: Dover Publications, 1967:1–33. [Original work published in 1885]
  • 23. Roediger HL, Karpicke JD. The power of testing memory: Basic research and implications for educational practice. Perspect Psychol Sci 2006;1:181–210.
  • 24. Karpicke JD, Roediger HL. The critical importance of retrieval for learning. Science 2008;319:966–8.
  • 25. Larsen DP, Butler AC, Roediger HL III. Repeated testing improves long-term retention relative to repeated study: A randomised controlled trial. Med Educ 2009;43:1174–81.
  • 26. Olde Bekkink M, Donders R, van Muijen GNP, Ruiter DJ. Challenging medical students with an interim assessment: A positive effect on formal examination score in a randomised controlled study. Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract 2012;17:27–37.
  • 27. Pavlik PI, Anderson JR. Practice and forgetting effects on vocabulary memory: An activation-based model of the spacing effect. Cogn Sci 2005;29:559–86.
  • 28. Cepeda NJ, Pashler H, Vul E, Wixted JT, Rohrer D. Distributed practice in verbal recall tasks: A review and quantitative synthesis. Psychol Bull 2006; 132:354–80.
  • 29. Pashler H, Rohrer D, Cepeda NJ, Carpenter SK. Enhancing learning and retarding forgetting: choices and consequences. Psychon Bull Rev 2007;14:187–93.
  • 30. Cepeda NJ, Coburn N, Rohrer D, Wixted JT, Mozer MC, Pashler H. Optimising distributed practice: Theoretical analysis and practical implications. Exp Psychol 2009;56:236–46.
  • 31. Carpenter SK, Cepeda NJ, Rohrer D, Kang SHK, Pashler H. Using spacing to enhance diverse forms of learning: review of recent research and implications for instruction. Educ Psychol Rev 2012;24 :369 –78.
  • 32. Kerdjik W, ohen-Schotanus J, Mulder BF, Mumtinghe F, Tio RA. Cumulative versus end-of-course assessment: Effects on self-study time and test performance. Med Educ 2015;49:709-716.

Self-Study Time of Second Year Medical Students in Akdeni̇z University Faculty of Medicine: Students’ Self-Report

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 3, 178 - 182, 01.01.2015


Objective: To investigate self-study time spent by medical students and the relationship between this time and the number/frequency of tests.Material and Methods: Two questions were asked to second year medical students of Akdeniz University at the end of the academic years 2000, 2006 and 2012. 1- Throughout this academic year, what is the average number of days you spent to prepare yourself for block examinations? 2- What is the average number of days you self-studied after the last fi fth block examination to be prepared for the fi nal examination? Five thematic integrated blocks exist in the second year of medical education in our school. In the years data was gathered, assessment agendas were as follows: 2000= fi ve end-of-block examinations, 2006= fi ve end-of-block examinations + intermediate examinations in each block + fi nal examination, 2012= fi ve end-of-block examinations + fi nal examination.Mean self-study time for the block and fi nal examinations absent in 2000 was determined and total self-study time for a whole academic year was calculated by adding these values.Results: In 2006, during which test frequency was the highest, reported mean self-study times were higher than those of the other two years for both the block and fi nal examinations. Total self-study times for the whole academic year in 2000, 2006 and 2012 were respectively 50±12.1, 175±33.4 and 88±18.0 days. . Conclusion: Self-study times among medical students increase parallel to the number and frequency of assessment activities. Medical schools should plan their education according to this fact


  • 1. Educating Physicians A Call for Reform of Medical School and Residency. Cooke M, Irby DM, O’Brieb BC, eds. 1st ed. San Francisco:Josey-Bass, 2010.
  • 2. The Adult learner. Knowles NS, Holton EF, Swanson RA, eds. 6th ed. San Diego:Elsevier, 2005.
  • 3. Basics in Medical Education. Amin Z, Eng KH, eds. 1st ed. Singapore: World Scientifi c Publishing, 2003.
  • 4. ECTS user’s guide. tools/docs/ects-guide_en.pdf adresinden 14.08.2015 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • 5. Miller GE. Continuous assessment. Med Educ 1976;10:81–6.
  • 6. Cruickshank JK, Barrit PW, McBesag F, Waterhouse N, Goldman LH. Student views on continuo us assessment at Birmingham University Medical School.BMJ 1975;4:265–7.
  • 7. Sheehan J. Assessing learning: continuous assessment versus final examinations. Nurse Educ Today 1985; 5: 49 –55.
  • 8. van den Berg MN, Hofman WHA. Student success in university education: A multi-measurement study of the impact of student and faculty factors on study progress. High Educ 2005;50:413–46.
  • 9. Schmidt HG, Cohen-Schotanus J, van der Molen HT, Splinter TAW, Bulte J, Holdrinet R, van Rossum HJM. Learning more by being taught less: A ‘time-for-self-study’ theory explaining curricular effects on graduation rate and study duration. High Educ 2010;60:287–300.
  • 10. van Eerde W. Procrastination: Self-regulation in initiating aversive goals. Appl Psychol Int Rev 2000;49:372–89.
  • 11. van Eerde W. A meta-analytically derived nomological network of procrastination. Pers Indiv Differ 2003;35:1401–18.
  • 12. Bruinsma M, Jansen EPWA. When will I succeed in my first-year diploma? Survival analysis in Dutch higher education. High Educ Res Dev 2009;28:99–114.
  • 13. Solomon LJ, Rothblum ED. Academic procrastination: Frequency and cognitive–behavioural correlates. J Couns Psychol 1984;31 :503 –9.
  • 14. Pychyl TA, Morin RW, Salmon BR. Procrastination and the planning fallacy: An examination of the study habits of university students. J Soc Behav Pers 2000;15:135-50.
  • 15. Kachgal MM, Hansen SL, Nutter KJ. Academic procrastination/intervention: strategies and recommendations. J Dev Educ 2001;25:14–24.
  • 16. Onwuegbuzie AJ. Academic procrastination and statistics anxiety. Assess Eval High Educ 2004;29:3–19.
  • 17. Cohen-Schotanus J. Student assessment and examination rules. Med Teach 1999;21:318–21.
  • 18. Janssen T, Carton JS. The effects of locus of control and task difficulty on procrastination. J Genet Psychol 1999;160:436–42.
  • 19. Schouwenburg HC, Groenewoud JT. Study motivation under social temptation: Effects of trait procrastination. Pers Indiv Differ 2001;30:229–40.
  • 20. Cilliers FJ, Schuwirth LWT, Adendorff HJ, Herman N, van der Vleuten CPM. The mechanism of impact of summative assessment on medical students’ learning. Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract 2010;15:695–715.
  • 21. Cilliers FJ, Schuwirth LWT, Herman N, Adendorff HJ, van der Vleuten CPM. A model of the preassessment learning effects of summative assessment in Medical education. Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract 2012;17:39–53.
  • 22. Ebbinghaus H. Memory. A contribution to experimental ork, NY: Dover Publications, 1967:1–33. [Original work published in 1885]
  • 23. Roediger HL, Karpicke JD. The power of testing memory: Basic research and implications for educational practice. Perspect Psychol Sci 2006;1:181–210.
  • 24. Karpicke JD, Roediger HL. The critical importance of retrieval for learning. Science 2008;319:966–8.
  • 25. Larsen DP, Butler AC, Roediger HL III. Repeated testing improves long-term retention relative to repeated study: A randomised controlled trial. Med Educ 2009;43:1174–81.
  • 26. Olde Bekkink M, Donders R, van Muijen GNP, Ruiter DJ. Challenging medical students with an interim assessment: A positive effect on formal examination score in a randomised controlled study. Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract 2012;17:27–37.
  • 27. Pavlik PI, Anderson JR. Practice and forgetting effects on vocabulary memory: An activation-based model of the spacing effect. Cogn Sci 2005;29:559–86.
  • 28. Cepeda NJ, Pashler H, Vul E, Wixted JT, Rohrer D. Distributed practice in verbal recall tasks: A review and quantitative synthesis. Psychol Bull 2006; 132:354–80.
  • 29. Pashler H, Rohrer D, Cepeda NJ, Carpenter SK. Enhancing learning and retarding forgetting: choices and consequences. Psychon Bull Rev 2007;14:187–93.
  • 30. Cepeda NJ, Coburn N, Rohrer D, Wixted JT, Mozer MC, Pashler H. Optimising distributed practice: Theoretical analysis and practical implications. Exp Psychol 2009;56:236–46.
  • 31. Carpenter SK, Cepeda NJ, Rohrer D, Kang SHK, Pashler H. Using spacing to enhance diverse forms of learning: review of recent research and implications for instruction. Educ Psychol Rev 2012;24 :369 –78.
  • 32. Kerdjik W, ohen-Schotanus J, Mulder BF, Mumtinghe F, Tio RA. Cumulative versus end-of-course assessment: Effects on self-study time and test performance. Med Educ 2015;49:709-716.
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Mustafa Kemal Alimoğlu Bu kişi benim

Ümit Kemal Şentürk Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Alimoğlu MK, Şentürk ÜK. Akdeniz Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi İkinci Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Ders Çalışma Süreleri: Öğrencilerin Beyanı. Akd Tıp D. 2015;1(3):178-82.