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Yıl 2010, Sayı: 13, 161 - 180, 01.06.2010


The study aims at determining whether or not framing affects the process of decision making. The study is based on the hypotheses that people are risk averse and prefer certain gains when the case is framed in terms of gain, and people prefer risk seeking when the case is framed in terms of sure losses. For this aim, two separate surveys, framed in terms of gain and loss, were applied to 196 students of Akdeniz University, Faculty of Communication. The results show that except for the political issues, students choose certain gains when the case is framed in terms of gain and students choose risk seeking when the case is framed in terms of loss


  • Banks, Sara M. ve vd. (1995). “The Effects of Message Framing on Mammography Utilization”. Health Psychology. 14: 177-184.
  • Barnett, Barbara (2008). “Framing Rape: An Examination of Public Relations Strategies in the Duke University Lacrosse Case”. Communication, Culture&Critique. 1: 179-202.
  • Carragee, Kevin, M. ve Roefs, Wim (2004). “The Neglect of Power in Recent Framing Research Preview”. Journal of Communication. 54 (2): 214-233.
  • Curtin, Patricia A. (1999). “Reevaluating Public Relations İnformation Subsidies: Market-Driven Journalism and Agenda-Building Theory and Practice”. Journal of Public Relations Research. 11 (1): 53-90.
  • Danowski, James A. (2008). “Short-term and Long-term Effects of A Public Relations Campaign on Semantic Network of Newspaper Content: Priming or Framing?”. Public Relations Review. 34: 288-290.
  • David, Prabu ve vd. (2005). “Corporate Social Responsibility Practices, Corporate Identity, and Purchase Intention: A Dual-process Model”. Journal of Public Relations Research. 17: 291-313.
  • Grewal, Dhruv ve vd. (1994). “The Moderating Effects of Message Framing and Source Credibility on The Price-Perceived Risk Relationship”. Journal of Consumer Research. 21 (1): 145-153.
  • Güldü, Özgür ve Kart, Müge Ersoy (2009). “Toplumsal Cinsiyet Rolleri Ve Siyasal Tutumlar: Sosyal Psikolojik Bir Değerlendirme”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi. 64 (3): 97-116.
  • Güreşçi, Ertuğrul (2006). “Türkiye–Avrupa Birliği (AB) İlişkileri Sürecinde Kamuoyunun Tutumu Ve Değerlendirilmesi”. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi. 7 (1): 72- 85.
  • Hallahan, Kirk. (1999). “Seven Models of Framing: Implications for Public Relations”. Journal of Public Relations Research. 11 (3): 205-242.
  • Hiebert, Ray E. (2003). “Public Relations and Propaganda in Framing The Iraq War: A Preliminary Review”. Public Relations Review. 29: 243-255.
  • Kahneman, Daniel ve Tversky, Amos (1984). “Choices, Values and Frames”. Ameriacan Psychologist. 39: 341-350.
  • Knight, Myra G. (1999). “Getting Past The Impasse: Framing As A Tool For Public Relations”. Public Relations Review. 25 (3): 381-398.
  • Kodaman, Timuçin ve vd. (2008). “Avrupa Birliği Bilinç Düzeyinin Ölçülmesi: Isparta İli Örneği”. SDÜ Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 17: 201- 227.
  • Lundy, Lisa K. (2006). “Effect of Framing on Cognitive Processing in Public Relations”. Public Relations Review. 32: 295-301.
  • Maheswaran, Durairaj ve Meyers-Levy, Joan (1990). “The Influence of Message Framing and Issue Involvement”. Journal of Marketing Research. 27: 361- 367.
  • Manheim, Jarol B. ve Albritton, Robert B. (1984). “Changing National Images: International Public Relations and Media Agenda Setting”. American Political Science Review. 77: 641-657.
  • Martinez, Jr., Belio A. (2006, Ocak). “Public Relations Development Campaign Strategies for Mobilizing Florida Latinos: Political Framing of Healthcare Coverage Issue.” Confrerence Papers – International Communication Association, Dresden International Congress Centre, Dresden, Germany.
  • Nitz, Michael ve Ihlen, Oyvind (2006, Ocak). “Oil and Gas As Natural Riches or Environmental Problems: Framing Contests in Public Relations.” Conference Papers – International Communication Association, Dresden International Congress Centre, Dresden, Germany.
  • Pan, Zhongdang ve Kosicki, Gerald M. (1993). ”Framing Analysis: An Approach to News Discourse”. Political Communication. 10: 55-75.
  • Reber, Bryan H. ve Berger Bruce K. (2005). “Framing Analysis of Activist Rhetoric: How The Sierra Club Succeeds or Fails at Creating Salient Messages”. Public Relations Review. 31: 185-195.
  • Redelmeier, Donald A. ve Tversky, Amos (1992). “On The Framing of Multiple Prospects”. American Psychological Society. 3 (3): 191-193.
  • Ryan, Charlotte ve vd. (2001). “Framing, The News Media, and Collective Action”. Journal of Broadcasting&Electronic Media. 45 (1): 175-182.
  • Sallot, Lynne M. ve Johnson, Elizabeth A. (2006). “Investigating Relationships Between Journalists and Public Relations Practitioners: Working Together to Set, Frame and Build The Public Agenda, 1991-2004”. Public Relations Review. 32: 151-159
  • Scheufele, Bertram (2006). “Frames, Schemata, and News Reporting”. Communications: The European Journal of Communication Research. 31: 65-83.
  • Simon, Adam ve Xenos, Michael (2000). “Media Framing and Effective Public Deliberation”. Political Communication. 17: 363-376.
  • Tversky, Amos ve Kahneman, Daniel (1986). “Rational Choice and The Framing of Decisions”. Journal of Business. 59 (4): 251-278.
  • Vujnovic, Marina (2006, Ocak). “Framing Professionalism and Ethics of Journalism and Public Relations: The Case of Armstrong Williams”. Conference Papers – International Communication Association, Dresden International Congress Centre, Dresden, Germany.
  • Wang, Alex (2007). “Priming, Framing, and Position on Corporate Social Responsibility”. Journal of Public Reseach. 19 (2): 123-145.
  • Whitney, Paul ve vd. (2008). “Framing Effects Under Cognitive Load: The Role of Working Memory in Risky Decisions”. Psychonomic Bulletin Review. 15 (6): 1179-1184.


Yıl 2010, Sayı: 13, 161 - 180, 01.06.2010


Bu çalışma, çerçevelemenin (framing) karar verme süreçlerine etki edip etmediğini belirleme amacını taşımaktadır. Çalışma, kazanç açısından çerçevelenen durumlarda insanların riskten kaçınarak kesin kazancı, kayıp açısından çerçevelenen durumlarda ise kesin kayıptan kaçınarak risk almayı tercih ettikleri varsayımına dayanmaktadır. Bu amaçla Akdeniz Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi’nde öğrenim gören 196 öğrenciye kayıp ve kazanç açısından çerçevelenen iki farklı anket uygulanmıştır. Araştırmanın sonucunda politik meseleler hariç diğer durumlarda öğrencilerin durum kazanç açısından çerçevelendiğinde kesin kazancı, durum kayıp açısından çerçevelendiğinde ise kesin kayıptan kaçınarak risk almayı tercih ettiği ortaya çıkmıştır


  • Banks, Sara M. ve vd. (1995). “The Effects of Message Framing on Mammography Utilization”. Health Psychology. 14: 177-184.
  • Barnett, Barbara (2008). “Framing Rape: An Examination of Public Relations Strategies in the Duke University Lacrosse Case”. Communication, Culture&Critique. 1: 179-202.
  • Carragee, Kevin, M. ve Roefs, Wim (2004). “The Neglect of Power in Recent Framing Research Preview”. Journal of Communication. 54 (2): 214-233.
  • Curtin, Patricia A. (1999). “Reevaluating Public Relations İnformation Subsidies: Market-Driven Journalism and Agenda-Building Theory and Practice”. Journal of Public Relations Research. 11 (1): 53-90.
  • Danowski, James A. (2008). “Short-term and Long-term Effects of A Public Relations Campaign on Semantic Network of Newspaper Content: Priming or Framing?”. Public Relations Review. 34: 288-290.
  • David, Prabu ve vd. (2005). “Corporate Social Responsibility Practices, Corporate Identity, and Purchase Intention: A Dual-process Model”. Journal of Public Relations Research. 17: 291-313.
  • Grewal, Dhruv ve vd. (1994). “The Moderating Effects of Message Framing and Source Credibility on The Price-Perceived Risk Relationship”. Journal of Consumer Research. 21 (1): 145-153.
  • Güldü, Özgür ve Kart, Müge Ersoy (2009). “Toplumsal Cinsiyet Rolleri Ve Siyasal Tutumlar: Sosyal Psikolojik Bir Değerlendirme”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi. 64 (3): 97-116.
  • Güreşçi, Ertuğrul (2006). “Türkiye–Avrupa Birliği (AB) İlişkileri Sürecinde Kamuoyunun Tutumu Ve Değerlendirilmesi”. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi. 7 (1): 72- 85.
  • Hallahan, Kirk. (1999). “Seven Models of Framing: Implications for Public Relations”. Journal of Public Relations Research. 11 (3): 205-242.
  • Hiebert, Ray E. (2003). “Public Relations and Propaganda in Framing The Iraq War: A Preliminary Review”. Public Relations Review. 29: 243-255.
  • Kahneman, Daniel ve Tversky, Amos (1984). “Choices, Values and Frames”. Ameriacan Psychologist. 39: 341-350.
  • Knight, Myra G. (1999). “Getting Past The Impasse: Framing As A Tool For Public Relations”. Public Relations Review. 25 (3): 381-398.
  • Kodaman, Timuçin ve vd. (2008). “Avrupa Birliği Bilinç Düzeyinin Ölçülmesi: Isparta İli Örneği”. SDÜ Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 17: 201- 227.
  • Lundy, Lisa K. (2006). “Effect of Framing on Cognitive Processing in Public Relations”. Public Relations Review. 32: 295-301.
  • Maheswaran, Durairaj ve Meyers-Levy, Joan (1990). “The Influence of Message Framing and Issue Involvement”. Journal of Marketing Research. 27: 361- 367.
  • Manheim, Jarol B. ve Albritton, Robert B. (1984). “Changing National Images: International Public Relations and Media Agenda Setting”. American Political Science Review. 77: 641-657.
  • Martinez, Jr., Belio A. (2006, Ocak). “Public Relations Development Campaign Strategies for Mobilizing Florida Latinos: Political Framing of Healthcare Coverage Issue.” Confrerence Papers – International Communication Association, Dresden International Congress Centre, Dresden, Germany.
  • Nitz, Michael ve Ihlen, Oyvind (2006, Ocak). “Oil and Gas As Natural Riches or Environmental Problems: Framing Contests in Public Relations.” Conference Papers – International Communication Association, Dresden International Congress Centre, Dresden, Germany.
  • Pan, Zhongdang ve Kosicki, Gerald M. (1993). ”Framing Analysis: An Approach to News Discourse”. Political Communication. 10: 55-75.
  • Reber, Bryan H. ve Berger Bruce K. (2005). “Framing Analysis of Activist Rhetoric: How The Sierra Club Succeeds or Fails at Creating Salient Messages”. Public Relations Review. 31: 185-195.
  • Redelmeier, Donald A. ve Tversky, Amos (1992). “On The Framing of Multiple Prospects”. American Psychological Society. 3 (3): 191-193.
  • Ryan, Charlotte ve vd. (2001). “Framing, The News Media, and Collective Action”. Journal of Broadcasting&Electronic Media. 45 (1): 175-182.
  • Sallot, Lynne M. ve Johnson, Elizabeth A. (2006). “Investigating Relationships Between Journalists and Public Relations Practitioners: Working Together to Set, Frame and Build The Public Agenda, 1991-2004”. Public Relations Review. 32: 151-159
  • Scheufele, Bertram (2006). “Frames, Schemata, and News Reporting”. Communications: The European Journal of Communication Research. 31: 65-83.
  • Simon, Adam ve Xenos, Michael (2000). “Media Framing and Effective Public Deliberation”. Political Communication. 17: 363-376.
  • Tversky, Amos ve Kahneman, Daniel (1986). “Rational Choice and The Framing of Decisions”. Journal of Business. 59 (4): 251-278.
  • Vujnovic, Marina (2006, Ocak). “Framing Professionalism and Ethics of Journalism and Public Relations: The Case of Armstrong Williams”. Conference Papers – International Communication Association, Dresden International Congress Centre, Dresden, Germany.
  • Wang, Alex (2007). “Priming, Framing, and Position on Corporate Social Responsibility”. Journal of Public Reseach. 19 (2): 123-145.
  • Whitney, Paul ve vd. (2008). “Framing Effects Under Cognitive Load: The Role of Working Memory in Risky Decisions”. Psychonomic Bulletin Review. 15 (6): 1179-1184.
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Zuhal Gök Demir Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2010
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010 Sayı: 13

Kaynak Göster

APA Demir, Z. G. (2010). ÇERÇEVELEMENİN KARAR VERME SÜRECİNE ETKİSİ. Akdeniz Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi(13), 161-180.

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