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Sızıntı Suyu Arıtımı Yapan Membran Biyoreaktörlerde Membran Kirlenmesine Etki Eden Faktörler ve Tıkanma Kontrolü

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 2, 571 - 579, 31.08.2017


Katı atıkların arazide depolanması yüksek kirlilikte sızıntı suyu oluşumuna neden olduğu için yüzeysel ve yeraltı su kaynakları için önemli bir tehdit oluşturmaktadır. Diğer biyolojik arıtma yöntemleriyle karşılaştırıldığında, membran biyoreaktörler (MBR) ile yüksek kalitede arıtılmış su elde edilebildiğinden, MBR’lerin sızıntı suyu arıtımında son yıllarda daha çok tercih edildiği görülmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı sızıntı suyu arıtımı yapan MBR’lerde tıkanma nedenlerinin ortaya konulması ve tıkanmayı azaltmak için en uygun metodun belirlenmesidir. Sızıntı suyu arıtımı yapan tam ölçekli iki MBR tesisi (MBR-1 ve MBR-2) kıyaslandığında; karbonhidrat bazlı çözünmüş mikrobiyal ürünler (ÇMÜk) değeri MBR-2 tesisinde MBR-1’e göre yaklaşık 5 kat daha fazladır. Her iki tesis için hücre dışı polimerik maddeler (HPM) miktarında ÇMÜ miktarı kadar fark olmamakla birlikte, MBR-2’de MBR-1’e göre HPM miktarı daha yüksektir. Bu durum MBR-2’de görülen tıkanma problemlerinde, ÇMÜ’nün başlıca rol oynadığını göstermektedir. Tıkanma kontrolü ile ilgili deneysel sonuçlar dikkate alındığında, membran tıkanmasını azaltacak en uygun yöntemin 50 mg/L konsantrasyonda toz aktif karbon (TAK) eklenmesi olduğu belirlenmiştir.


  • Al-Halbouni, D., Traber, J., Lyko, S., Wintgens, T., Melin, T., Tacke, D., Janot, A., Dott, W. and Hollender, J., 2008. Correlation of EPS content in activated sludge at different sludge retention times with membrane fouling phenomena. Water Research, 42, 1475-1488.
  • APHA, 2005. Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater. 21st ed., American Public Health Association, USA.
  • Barker, D.J. and Stuckey, D.C., 1999. A review of soluble microbial products (SMP) in wastewater treatment systems. Water Research, 33(14), 3063-3082.
  • Bohdziewicz, J., Neczaj, E. and Kwarciak, A., 2008. Landfill leachate treatment by means of anaerobic membrane bioreactor. Desalination, 221, 559-565.
  • Bulc, T.G., 2006. Long term performance of a constructed wetland for landfill leachate treatment. Ecological Engineering, 26, 365-374.
  • Chian, E.S.K., 1977. Stability of organic matter in landfill leachates. Water Research, 11(2), 225-232.
  • Dereli, R.K., Ersahin, M.E., Ozgun, H., Koyuncu, I. and Yildiz, S., 2010. Performance evaluation of a full-scale membrane bioreactor and nanofiltration system treating landfill leachate. in: IWA Regional Conference and Exhibition on Membrane Technology and Water Reuse, Istanbul, Turkey, 18-22 October.
  • Drews, A., Mante, J., Iversen, V., Vocks, M., Lesjean, B. and Kraume, M., 2007. Impact of ambient conditions on SMP elimination and rejection in MBRs. Water Research, 41, 3850-3858.
  • Dreywood, R., 1946. Qualitative test for carbohydrate material. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Analytical Edition, 18(8), 499.
  • Frolund, B., Griebe, T. and Nielsen, P.H., 1995. Enzymatic activity in the activated-sludge floc matrix. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 43, 755-761.
  • Gao, D., Fu, Y., Tao, Y., Wu, W., An, R. and Li, X., 2009. Current research and development of controlling membrane fouling of MBR. African Journal of Biotechnology, 8(13), 2993-2998.
  • Germain, E., Stephenson, T. and Pearce, P., 2005. Biomass characteristics and membrane aeration: toward a better understanding of membrane fouling in submerged membrane bioreactors (MBRs). Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 90(3), 316-322.
  • Harmsen, J., 1983. Identification of organic compounds in leachate from a waste tip. Water Research, 17(6), 699-705. J ang, N., Ren, X., Kim, G., Ahn, C., Cho, J. and Kim, I.S., 2007. Characteristics of soluble microbial products and extracellular polymeric substances in the membrane bioreactor for water reuse. Desalination, 202, 90-98.
  • Janus, T. and Ulanicki, B., 2010. Modeling SMP and EPS formation and degradation kinetics with an extended ASM3 model. Desalination, 261, 117-125.
  • Justin, M.Z. and Zupancic, M., 2009. Combined purification and reuse of landfill leachate by constructed wetland and irrigation of grass and willows. Desalination, 246, 157-168.
  • Koyuncu, I., Kayaalp, N. and Atay, B., 2009. The Evaluation of Operating Conditions for Odayeri and Komurcuoda Leachate Treatment Plants (MBR+NF) Project Report (in Turkish). Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Kulikowska, D. and Klimiuk, E., 2008. The effect of landfill age on municipal leachate composition. Bioresource Technology, 99, 5981-5985.
  • Le-Clech, P., Chen, V. and Fane, A.G.T., 2006. Fouling in membrane bioreactors used in wastewater treatment. Journal of Membrane Science, 284, 17-53.
  • Lowry, O.H., Rosebourgh, N.J., Farr, A.R. and Randall, R.J., 1951. Protein measurement with the folin phenol reagent. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 193, 265-175.
  • Meng, F., Zhang, H., Yang, H., Li, Y., Xiao, L. and Zhang, X., 2006. Effect of filamentous bacteria on membrane fouling in submerged membrane bioreactor. Journal of Membrane Science, 272, 161-168.
  • Munz, G., Gori, R., Mori, G. and Lubello, C., 2007. Powdered activated carbon and membrane bioreactors (MBR-PAC) for tannery wastewater treatment: long term effect on biological and filtration process performances. Desalination, 207, 349-360.
  • Noguera, D., Araki, N. and Rittmann, B., 1994. Soluble microbial products (SMP) in anaerobic chemostats. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 44(9), 1040-1047.
  • Rosenberger, S., Laabs, C., Lesjean, B., Gnirss, R., Amy, G., Jekel, M. and Schrotter, J.C., 2006. Impact of colloidal and soluble organic material on membrane performance in membrane bioreactors for municipal wastewater treatment. Water Research, 40, 710-720.
  • Sadri, S., Cicek, N. and Van Gulck, J., 2008. Aerobic treatment of landfill leachate using a submerged membrane bioreactor-prospects for on-site use. Environmental Technology, 29(8), 899-907.
  • Tan, T.W., Ng, H.Y., Ong, S.L., Toh, C.A. and Loo, Z.P., 2005. Effects of short solids retention time on performance and membrane fouling of submerged anoxic/oxic membrane bioreactors. in: Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation, WEFTEC 2005, Washington, USA, 2119-2127, 29 October-2 November.
  • Trussell, R.S., Merlo, R.P., Hermanowicz, S.W. and Jenkins, D., 2007. Influence of mixed liquor properties and aeration intensity on membrane fouling in a submerged membrane bioreactor at high mixed liquor suspended solids concentrations. Water Research, 41, 947-958.
  • Trussell, R.S., Merlo, R.P., Hermanowicz, S.W. and Jenkins, D., 2006. The effect of organic loading on process performance and membrane fouling in a submerged membrane bioreactor treating municipal wastewater. Water Research, 40(14), 2675-2683.
  • Tsuneda, S., Jung, J., Hayashi, H., Aikawa, H., Hirata, A. and Sasaki, H., 2003. Influence of extracellular polymers on electrokinetic properties of heterotrophic bacterial cells examined by soft particle electrophoresis theory. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 29(2), 181-188.
  • Visvanathan, C., Choudhary, M.K., Montalbo, M.T. and Jegatheesan, V., 2007. Landfill leachate treatment using thermophilic membrane bioreactor. Desalination, 204, 8-16.
  • Wichitsathian, W., 2004. Application of membrane bioreactor systems for landfill leachate treatment. PhD Thesis, School of Environment, Resources and Development, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand.
  • Wingender, J., Neu, T.R. and Flemming, H.C., 1999. Microbial Extracellular Polymeric Substances: Characterization, Structures and Function. first ed., Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany.
  • You, H.S., Huang, C.P., Pan, J.R. and Chang, S.C., 2006. Behavior of membrane scaling during crossflow filtration in the anaerobic MBR system. Separation Science and Technology, 41, 1265-1278.
Yıl 2017, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 2, 571 - 579, 31.08.2017



  • Al-Halbouni, D., Traber, J., Lyko, S., Wintgens, T., Melin, T., Tacke, D., Janot, A., Dott, W. and Hollender, J., 2008. Correlation of EPS content in activated sludge at different sludge retention times with membrane fouling phenomena. Water Research, 42, 1475-1488.
  • APHA, 2005. Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater. 21st ed., American Public Health Association, USA.
  • Barker, D.J. and Stuckey, D.C., 1999. A review of soluble microbial products (SMP) in wastewater treatment systems. Water Research, 33(14), 3063-3082.
  • Bohdziewicz, J., Neczaj, E. and Kwarciak, A., 2008. Landfill leachate treatment by means of anaerobic membrane bioreactor. Desalination, 221, 559-565.
  • Bulc, T.G., 2006. Long term performance of a constructed wetland for landfill leachate treatment. Ecological Engineering, 26, 365-374.
  • Chian, E.S.K., 1977. Stability of organic matter in landfill leachates. Water Research, 11(2), 225-232.
  • Dereli, R.K., Ersahin, M.E., Ozgun, H., Koyuncu, I. and Yildiz, S., 2010. Performance evaluation of a full-scale membrane bioreactor and nanofiltration system treating landfill leachate. in: IWA Regional Conference and Exhibition on Membrane Technology and Water Reuse, Istanbul, Turkey, 18-22 October.
  • Drews, A., Mante, J., Iversen, V., Vocks, M., Lesjean, B. and Kraume, M., 2007. Impact of ambient conditions on SMP elimination and rejection in MBRs. Water Research, 41, 3850-3858.
  • Dreywood, R., 1946. Qualitative test for carbohydrate material. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Analytical Edition, 18(8), 499.
  • Frolund, B., Griebe, T. and Nielsen, P.H., 1995. Enzymatic activity in the activated-sludge floc matrix. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 43, 755-761.
  • Gao, D., Fu, Y., Tao, Y., Wu, W., An, R. and Li, X., 2009. Current research and development of controlling membrane fouling of MBR. African Journal of Biotechnology, 8(13), 2993-2998.
  • Germain, E., Stephenson, T. and Pearce, P., 2005. Biomass characteristics and membrane aeration: toward a better understanding of membrane fouling in submerged membrane bioreactors (MBRs). Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 90(3), 316-322.
  • Harmsen, J., 1983. Identification of organic compounds in leachate from a waste tip. Water Research, 17(6), 699-705. J ang, N., Ren, X., Kim, G., Ahn, C., Cho, J. and Kim, I.S., 2007. Characteristics of soluble microbial products and extracellular polymeric substances in the membrane bioreactor for water reuse. Desalination, 202, 90-98.
  • Janus, T. and Ulanicki, B., 2010. Modeling SMP and EPS formation and degradation kinetics with an extended ASM3 model. Desalination, 261, 117-125.
  • Justin, M.Z. and Zupancic, M., 2009. Combined purification and reuse of landfill leachate by constructed wetland and irrigation of grass and willows. Desalination, 246, 157-168.
  • Koyuncu, I., Kayaalp, N. and Atay, B., 2009. The Evaluation of Operating Conditions for Odayeri and Komurcuoda Leachate Treatment Plants (MBR+NF) Project Report (in Turkish). Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Kulikowska, D. and Klimiuk, E., 2008. The effect of landfill age on municipal leachate composition. Bioresource Technology, 99, 5981-5985.
  • Le-Clech, P., Chen, V. and Fane, A.G.T., 2006. Fouling in membrane bioreactors used in wastewater treatment. Journal of Membrane Science, 284, 17-53.
  • Lowry, O.H., Rosebourgh, N.J., Farr, A.R. and Randall, R.J., 1951. Protein measurement with the folin phenol reagent. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 193, 265-175.
  • Meng, F., Zhang, H., Yang, H., Li, Y., Xiao, L. and Zhang, X., 2006. Effect of filamentous bacteria on membrane fouling in submerged membrane bioreactor. Journal of Membrane Science, 272, 161-168.
  • Munz, G., Gori, R., Mori, G. and Lubello, C., 2007. Powdered activated carbon and membrane bioreactors (MBR-PAC) for tannery wastewater treatment: long term effect on biological and filtration process performances. Desalination, 207, 349-360.
  • Noguera, D., Araki, N. and Rittmann, B., 1994. Soluble microbial products (SMP) in anaerobic chemostats. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 44(9), 1040-1047.
  • Rosenberger, S., Laabs, C., Lesjean, B., Gnirss, R., Amy, G., Jekel, M. and Schrotter, J.C., 2006. Impact of colloidal and soluble organic material on membrane performance in membrane bioreactors for municipal wastewater treatment. Water Research, 40, 710-720.
  • Sadri, S., Cicek, N. and Van Gulck, J., 2008. Aerobic treatment of landfill leachate using a submerged membrane bioreactor-prospects for on-site use. Environmental Technology, 29(8), 899-907.
  • Tan, T.W., Ng, H.Y., Ong, S.L., Toh, C.A. and Loo, Z.P., 2005. Effects of short solids retention time on performance and membrane fouling of submerged anoxic/oxic membrane bioreactors. in: Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation, WEFTEC 2005, Washington, USA, 2119-2127, 29 October-2 November.
  • Trussell, R.S., Merlo, R.P., Hermanowicz, S.W. and Jenkins, D., 2007. Influence of mixed liquor properties and aeration intensity on membrane fouling in a submerged membrane bioreactor at high mixed liquor suspended solids concentrations. Water Research, 41, 947-958.
  • Trussell, R.S., Merlo, R.P., Hermanowicz, S.W. and Jenkins, D., 2006. The effect of organic loading on process performance and membrane fouling in a submerged membrane bioreactor treating municipal wastewater. Water Research, 40(14), 2675-2683.
  • Tsuneda, S., Jung, J., Hayashi, H., Aikawa, H., Hirata, A. and Sasaki, H., 2003. Influence of extracellular polymers on electrokinetic properties of heterotrophic bacterial cells examined by soft particle electrophoresis theory. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 29(2), 181-188.
  • Visvanathan, C., Choudhary, M.K., Montalbo, M.T. and Jegatheesan, V., 2007. Landfill leachate treatment using thermophilic membrane bioreactor. Desalination, 204, 8-16.
  • Wichitsathian, W., 2004. Application of membrane bioreactor systems for landfill leachate treatment. PhD Thesis, School of Environment, Resources and Development, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand.
  • Wingender, J., Neu, T.R. and Flemming, H.C., 1999. Microbial Extracellular Polymeric Substances: Characterization, Structures and Function. first ed., Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany.
  • You, H.S., Huang, C.P., Pan, J.R. and Chang, S.C., 2006. Behavior of membrane scaling during crossflow filtration in the anaerobic MBR system. Separation Science and Technology, 41, 1265-1278.
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Hale Özgün

Mustafa Evren Erşahin Bu kişi benim

Recep Kaan Dereli Bu kişi benim

Burcu Atay Bu kişi benim

Necati Kayaalp Bu kişi benim

İsmail Koyuncu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ağustos 2017
Gönderilme Tarihi 13 Ekim 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 17 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Özgün, H., Erşahin, M. E., Dereli, R. K., Atay, B., vd. (2017). Sızıntı Suyu Arıtımı Yapan Membran Biyoreaktörlerde Membran Kirlenmesine Etki Eden Faktörler ve Tıkanma Kontrolü. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 17(2), 571-579.
AMA Özgün H, Erşahin ME, Dereli RK, Atay B, Kayaalp N, Koyuncu İ. Sızıntı Suyu Arıtımı Yapan Membran Biyoreaktörlerde Membran Kirlenmesine Etki Eden Faktörler ve Tıkanma Kontrolü. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. Ağustos 2017;17(2):571-579.
Chicago Özgün, Hale, Mustafa Evren Erşahin, Recep Kaan Dereli, Burcu Atay, Necati Kayaalp, ve İsmail Koyuncu. “Sızıntı Suyu Arıtımı Yapan Membran Biyoreaktörlerde Membran Kirlenmesine Etki Eden Faktörler Ve Tıkanma Kontrolü”. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 17, sy. 2 (Ağustos 2017): 571-79.
EndNote Özgün H, Erşahin ME, Dereli RK, Atay B, Kayaalp N, Koyuncu İ (01 Ağustos 2017) Sızıntı Suyu Arıtımı Yapan Membran Biyoreaktörlerde Membran Kirlenmesine Etki Eden Faktörler ve Tıkanma Kontrolü. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 17 2 571–579.
IEEE H. Özgün, M. E. Erşahin, R. K. Dereli, B. Atay, N. Kayaalp, ve İ. Koyuncu, “Sızıntı Suyu Arıtımı Yapan Membran Biyoreaktörlerde Membran Kirlenmesine Etki Eden Faktörler ve Tıkanma Kontrolü”, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 17, sy. 2, ss. 571–579, 2017.
ISNAD Özgün, Hale vd. “Sızıntı Suyu Arıtımı Yapan Membran Biyoreaktörlerde Membran Kirlenmesine Etki Eden Faktörler Ve Tıkanma Kontrolü”. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 17/2 (Ağustos 2017), 571-579.
JAMA Özgün H, Erşahin ME, Dereli RK, Atay B, Kayaalp N, Koyuncu İ. Sızıntı Suyu Arıtımı Yapan Membran Biyoreaktörlerde Membran Kirlenmesine Etki Eden Faktörler ve Tıkanma Kontrolü. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. 2017;17:571–579.
MLA Özgün, Hale vd. “Sızıntı Suyu Arıtımı Yapan Membran Biyoreaktörlerde Membran Kirlenmesine Etki Eden Faktörler Ve Tıkanma Kontrolü”. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 17, sy. 2, 2017, ss. 571-9.
Vancouver Özgün H, Erşahin ME, Dereli RK, Atay B, Kayaalp N, Koyuncu İ. Sızıntı Suyu Arıtımı Yapan Membran Biyoreaktörlerde Membran Kirlenmesine Etki Eden Faktörler ve Tıkanma Kontrolü. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. 2017;17(2):571-9.

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