Araştırma Makalesi
BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster
Yıl 2023, , 821 - 842, 29.10.2023



  • Achenbach, T. M., & Edelbrock, C. S. (1986). Manual for the Teacher's Report Form and Version of the Child Behavior Profile. University of Vermont, Department of Psychiatry, Burlington VT.
  • Ademokoya, J. A., & Olujide, M. G. (2007). Typology and interventions for some social problems affecting the learning of the hearing-impaired child. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 30(1), 75-79.
  • Barker, D. H., Quittner, A. L., Fink, N. E., Eisenberg, L. S., Tobey, E. A., & Niparko, J. K. (2009). Predicting behavior problems in deaf and hearing children: The influences of language, attention, and parent–child communication. Development and Psychopathology, 21(2), 373-392.
  • Batten, G., Oakes, P. M., & Alexander, T. (2014). Factors associated with social interactions between deaf children and their hearing peers: A systematic literature review. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 19(3), 285-302.
  • Beer, J., Harris, M. S., Kronenberger, W. G., Holt, R. F., & Pisoni, D. B. (2012). Auditory skills, language development, and adaptive behavior of children with cochlear implants and additional disabilities. International Journal of Audiology, 51(6), 491-498.
  • Bigler, D., Burke, K., Laureano, N., Alfonso, K., Jacobs, J., & Bush, M. L. (2019). Assessment and treatment of behavioral disorders in children with hearing loss: A systematic review. Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, 160(1), 36-48.
  • Boons, T., De Raeve, L., Langereis, M., Peeraer, L., Wouters, J., & Van Wieringen, A. (2013). Expressive vocabulary, morphology, syntax and narrative skills in profoundly deaf children after early cochlear implantation. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34(6), 2008-2022.
  • Chao, W., Lee, L., Liu, T., Tsou, Y., Chan, K., & Wu, C. (2015). Behavior problems in children with cochlear implants. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 79(5), 648-653.
  • Choi, D. H., & Kim, J. (2003). Practicing social skills training for young children with low peer acceptance: A cognitive-social learning model. Early Childhood Education Journal, 31(1), 41-46.
  • Clark, M. (2007). A practical guide to quality interaction with children who have a hearing loss. San Diego, Oxford, Brisbane: Singular Publishing.
  • Cole, E. B., & Flexer, C. (2007). Children with hearing loss: Developing listening and talking, birth to six. San Diego, Oxford, Brisbane: Plural Publishing.
  • Cruz, I., Vicaria, I., Wang, N. Y., Niparko, J., Quittner, A. L., & CDaCI Investigative Team. (2012). Language and behavioral outcomes in children with developmental disabilities using cochlear implants. Otology and Neurotology, 33(5), 751-760.
  • De Giacomo, A., Craig, F., D’Elia, A., Giagnotti, F., Matera, E., & Quaranta, N. (2013). Children with cochlear implants: cognitive skills, adaptive behaviors, social and emotional skills. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 77(12), 1975-1979.
  • DeLuzio, J., & Girolametto, L. (2011). Peer interactions of preschool children with and without hearing loss. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 54(4), 1197-1210.
  • Dilshad, M., Noreen, Z. V., & Tanvir, N. (2016). Measuring social emotional adjustment of hearing impaired children. Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences, 36(1), 519-530.
  • Drossos, T. N. (2004). Executive function and externalizing behavior problems in preschool children. Illinois Institute of Technology.
  • Edwards, L. C. (2007). Children with cochlear implants and complex needs: A review of outcome research and psychological practice. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 12(3), 259-268.
  • Edwards, L., Khan, S., Broxholme, C., & Langdon, D. (2006). Exploration of the cognitive and behavioural consequences of paediatric cochlear implantation. Cochlear Implants International, 7(2), 61-76.
  • Erol, N. & Şimşek, Z. (2010). Okul çağı çocuk ve gençler için davranış değerlendirme ölçekleri el kitabı: Achenbach ampirik temelli değerlendirme sistemi (ASEBA). Ankara: Mentis.
  • Filipo, R., Bosco, E., Mancini, P., & Ballantyne, D. (2004). Cochlear implants in special cases: deafness in the presence of disabilities and/or associated problems. Acta Oto-Laryngologica, 124(supp.552), 74-80.
  • Friedman-Krauss, A. H., Raver, C. C., Morris, P. A., & Jones, S. M. (2014). The role of classroom-level child behavior problems in predicting preschool teacher stress and classroom emotional climate. Early Education and Development, 25(4), 530-552.
  • Göl, Z. (2017). Examination of Social Skill Levels of Hearing Impaired and Normal Children in Inclusive Preschool Classes [Unpublished master's thesis ]. Eskisehir: Anadolu University.
  • Gresham, F. M. (1997). Social competence and students with behavior disorders: Where we've been, where we are, and where we should go. Education and Treatment of Children, 20(3), 233-249.
  • Gresham, F. M., & Elliott, S. N. (1990). Social skills rating system: Manual. American Guidance Service.
  • Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., Anderson, R. E., & Tatham, R. L. (2013). Multivariate data analysis. New York: Pearson.
  • Herrera, M., & Little, E. (2005). Behaviour problems across home and kindergarten in an Australian Sample. Australian Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology, 5, 77-90.
  • Hoffman, M. F., Cejas, I., & Quittner, A. L. (2016). Comparisons of longitudinal trajectories of social competence: Parent ratings of children with cochlear implants versus hearing peers. Otology & Neurotology, 37(2), 152-159.
  • Houston, D. M., & Miyamoto, R.T. (2010). Effects of early auditory experience on word learning and speech perception in deaf children with cochlear implants: Implications for sensitive periods of language development. Otololgy and Neurotology, 31(8), 1248–1253.
  • Jang, J., Dixon, D. R., Tarbox, J., & Granpeesheh, D. (2011). Symptom severity and challenging behavior in children with ASD. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 5(3), 1028-1032.
  • Khan, S., Edwards, L., & Langdon, D. (2005). The cognition and behaviour of children with cochlear implants, children with hearing aids and their hearing peers: A comparison. Audiology and Neurotology, 10(2), 117-126.
  • Low, S., Cook, C. R., Smolkowski, K., & Buntain-Ricklefs, J. (2015). Promoting social emotional competence: An evaluation of the elementary version of second step. Journal of School Psychology, 53(6), 463-477.
  • Marschark, M. (2007). Raising and educating a deaf child: A comprehensive guide to the choices, controversies, and decisions faced by parents and educators. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Matson, J. L., Wilkins, J., & Macken, J. (2008). The relationship of challenging behaviors to severity and symptoms of autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 2(1), 29-44.
  • Mills, G. E., & Gay, L. R. (2019). Educational research: Competencies for analysis and applications. New Jersey: Pearson.
  • Miyamoto, R. T., Hay-McCutcheon, M. J., Iler Kirk, K., Houston, D. M., & Bergeson-Dana, T. (2008). Language skills of profoundly deaf children who received cochlear implants under 12 months of age: a preliminary study. Acta Oto-Laryngologica, 128(4), 373-377.
  • Moeller, M. P. (2000). Early intervention and language development in children who are deaf and hard of hearing. Pediatrics, 106(3), 1-9.
  • Most, T. (2004). The effects of degree and type of hearing loss on children's performance in class. Deafness & Education International, 6(3), 154-166.
  • Nicholas, J. G., & Geers, A. E. (2003). Personal, social, and family adjustment in school-aged children with a cochlear implant. Ear and Hearing, 24(1), 69-81.
  • Nunes, T., Pretzlik, U., & Olsson, J. (2001). Deaf children's social relationships in mainstream schools. Deafness & Education International, 3(3), 123-136.
  • Öztürk, Ö., Erermiş, S., Ercan, E. S., Gülen, F., Başay, B. K., Başay, Ö., ... & Aydın, C. (2016). Does the quality of life in autism spectrum disorder differ from other chronic disorders and healthy children. Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry, 17(5), 419-426.
  • Patterson, G. R., DeBaryshe, B. D., & Ramsey, E. (1989). A developmental perspective on antisocial behavior. American Psychological Association, 44(2), 329–335.
  • Patton, R. K. (2004). Social skills issues of mainstreaming hearing-impaired children. Unpublished master thesis. USA: Washington University.
  • Quittner, A. L., Barker, D. H., Cruz, I., Snell, C., Grimley, M. E., Botteri, M., & CDaCI Investigative Team. (2010). Parenting stress among parents of deaf and hearing children: Associations with language delays and behavior problems. Parenting: Science and Practice, 10(2), 136-155. Quittner, A. L., Barker, D. H., Snell, C., Cruz, I., McDonald, L. G., Grimley, M. E., ... & Investigative Team, C. (2007). Improvements in visual attention in deaf infants and toddlers after cochlear implantation. Audiological Medicine, 5(4), 242-249.
  • Remine, M. D., & Brown, P. M. (2010). Comparison of the prevalence of mental health problems in deaf and hearing children and adolescents in Australia. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 44(4), 351-357.
  • Simó-Pinatella, D., Mumbardó-Adam, C., Alomar-Kurz, E., Sugai, G., & Simonsen, B. (2019). Prevalence of challenging behaviors exhibited by children with disabilities: Mapping the Literature. Journal of Behavioral Education, 28(3), 323–343.
  • Squires, J. (2003). The ımportance of early ıdentification of social and emotional difficulties ın preschool children. USA: University of Oregon.
  • Stevenson, J., Kreppner, J., Pimperton, H., Worsfold, S., & Kennedy, C. (2015). Emotional and behavioural difficulties in children and adolescents with hearing impairment: a systematic review and meta-analysis. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 24, 477-496.
  • Sucuoğlu, B., & Özokçu, O. (2005). Kaynaştırma öğrencilerinin sosyal becerilerinin değerlendirilmesi. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Özel Eğitim Dergisi, 6(1), 41-57.
  • Swanwick, R., & Marschark, M. (2010). Enhancing education for deaf children: Research into practice and back again. Deafness & Education International, 12(4), 217-235.
  • Tabachnick, B. G., Fidell, L. S., & Ullman, J. B. (2013). Using multivariate statistics (6th ed.), Boston, MA: Pearson.
  • Theunissen, S. C., Rieffe, C., Kouwenberg, M., De Raeve, L. J., Soede, W., Briaire, J. J., & Frijns, J. H. (2014a). Behavioral problems in school-aged hearing-impaired children: the influence of sociodemographic, linguistic, and medical factors. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 23, 187-196.
  • Theunissen, S. C., Rieffe, C., Kouwenberg, M., De Raeve, L., Soede, W., Briaire, J. J., & Frijns, J. H. (2012). Anxiety in children with hearing aids or cochlear implants compared to normally hearing controls. The Laryngoscope, 122(3), 654-659.
  • Theunissen, S. C., Rieffe, C., Netten, A. P., Briaire, J. J., Soede, W., Kouwenberg, M., & Frijns, J. H. (2014b). Self-esteem in hearing-impaired children: the influence of communication, education, and audiological characteristics. Plos One, 9(4), e94521.
  • Tomblin, J. B., Zhang, X., Buckwalter, P., & Catts, H. (2000). The association of reading disability, behavioral disorders, and language impairment among second-grade children. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 41(4), 473-482.
  • Tüfekçioğlu, Ü. (2005). İşitme, konuşma ve görme sorunları olan çocukların eğitimi. Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi
  • Turan, Z. (2014). Teacher goals in an early intervention program for children with hearing loss. European Journal of Research on Education, 2(2), 146-153.
  • van Eldik, T. (2005). Mental health problems of Dutch youth with hearing loss as shown on the Youth Self Report. American Annals of the Deaf, 150(1), 11-16.
  • Venetz, M., Zurbriggen, C. L. A., & Schwab, S. (2019). What do teachers think about their students' inclusion? consistency of students' self-reports and teacher ratings. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 16-37.
  • Wake, M., Hughes, E. K., Collins, C. M., & Poulakis, Z. (2004). Parent-reported health related quality of life in children with congenital hearing loss: A population study. Ambulatory Pediatrics, 4(5), 411-417.
  • Walker, H. M., Seeley, J. R., Small, J., Severson, H. H., Graham, B. A., Feil, E. G., & Forness, S. R. (2009). A randomized controlled trial of the first Step to Success early intervention: Demonstration of program efficacy outcomes within a diverse, urban school district. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. 17(4), 54-87
  • Wauters, L. N., & Knoors, H. (2008). Social integration of deaf children in inclusive settings. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 13(1), 21-36.
  • Xie, Y. H., Potměšil, M., & Peters, B. (2014). Children who are deaf or hard of hearing in inclusive educational settings: A literature review on interactions with peers. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 19(4), 423-437.
  • Yavuz, H., Baran, G., & Biçakçi, M. Y. (2010). Comparison of social adjustment of children with and without hearing impairment in 9-17 age groups. Journal of Society & Social Work, 21(1), 7-23.

Behavioral Problems in Children with Hearing Loss: A Comparative Analysis with Children with Typical Development and Autism Spectrum Disorder

Yıl 2023, , 821 - 842, 29.10.2023


Research findings on the prevalence and characteristics of behavioral problems of children with hearing loss (HL) are not consistent. The aim of this study was to compare the behavioral problems of children with HL, with typical development (TD) and with autism spectrum disorder (ASD); and to determine the factors affecting behavioral problems in the HL group. Data were collected by using two scales based on the reports of 273 teachers of children with TD, HL and ASD: Child Behavior Checklist-Teacher Report Form (CBCL-TRF) and Social Skills Rating System-Problem Behaviors (SSRS-PB). ANOVA results showed that there was no difference between children with HL and TD, children with ASD had more behavioral problems than the two groups. In the HL group, children using hearing aids exhibited more behavioral problems than children with cochlear implants. Children who had additional problems displayed more behavioral problems than those who had not. Age at onset of hearing aid use and age at implantation were found to be significant predictors of behavioral problems. The findings point to the role of early intervention in preventing behavioral problems in children with HL.


  • Achenbach, T. M., & Edelbrock, C. S. (1986). Manual for the Teacher's Report Form and Version of the Child Behavior Profile. University of Vermont, Department of Psychiatry, Burlington VT.
  • Ademokoya, J. A., & Olujide, M. G. (2007). Typology and interventions for some social problems affecting the learning of the hearing-impaired child. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 30(1), 75-79.
  • Barker, D. H., Quittner, A. L., Fink, N. E., Eisenberg, L. S., Tobey, E. A., & Niparko, J. K. (2009). Predicting behavior problems in deaf and hearing children: The influences of language, attention, and parent–child communication. Development and Psychopathology, 21(2), 373-392.
  • Batten, G., Oakes, P. M., & Alexander, T. (2014). Factors associated with social interactions between deaf children and their hearing peers: A systematic literature review. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 19(3), 285-302.
  • Beer, J., Harris, M. S., Kronenberger, W. G., Holt, R. F., & Pisoni, D. B. (2012). Auditory skills, language development, and adaptive behavior of children with cochlear implants and additional disabilities. International Journal of Audiology, 51(6), 491-498.
  • Bigler, D., Burke, K., Laureano, N., Alfonso, K., Jacobs, J., & Bush, M. L. (2019). Assessment and treatment of behavioral disorders in children with hearing loss: A systematic review. Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, 160(1), 36-48.
  • Boons, T., De Raeve, L., Langereis, M., Peeraer, L., Wouters, J., & Van Wieringen, A. (2013). Expressive vocabulary, morphology, syntax and narrative skills in profoundly deaf children after early cochlear implantation. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34(6), 2008-2022.
  • Chao, W., Lee, L., Liu, T., Tsou, Y., Chan, K., & Wu, C. (2015). Behavior problems in children with cochlear implants. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 79(5), 648-653.
  • Choi, D. H., & Kim, J. (2003). Practicing social skills training for young children with low peer acceptance: A cognitive-social learning model. Early Childhood Education Journal, 31(1), 41-46.
  • Clark, M. (2007). A practical guide to quality interaction with children who have a hearing loss. San Diego, Oxford, Brisbane: Singular Publishing.
  • Cole, E. B., & Flexer, C. (2007). Children with hearing loss: Developing listening and talking, birth to six. San Diego, Oxford, Brisbane: Plural Publishing.
  • Cruz, I., Vicaria, I., Wang, N. Y., Niparko, J., Quittner, A. L., & CDaCI Investigative Team. (2012). Language and behavioral outcomes in children with developmental disabilities using cochlear implants. Otology and Neurotology, 33(5), 751-760.
  • De Giacomo, A., Craig, F., D’Elia, A., Giagnotti, F., Matera, E., & Quaranta, N. (2013). Children with cochlear implants: cognitive skills, adaptive behaviors, social and emotional skills. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 77(12), 1975-1979.
  • DeLuzio, J., & Girolametto, L. (2011). Peer interactions of preschool children with and without hearing loss. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 54(4), 1197-1210.
  • Dilshad, M., Noreen, Z. V., & Tanvir, N. (2016). Measuring social emotional adjustment of hearing impaired children. Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences, 36(1), 519-530.
  • Drossos, T. N. (2004). Executive function and externalizing behavior problems in preschool children. Illinois Institute of Technology.
  • Edwards, L. C. (2007). Children with cochlear implants and complex needs: A review of outcome research and psychological practice. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 12(3), 259-268.
  • Edwards, L., Khan, S., Broxholme, C., & Langdon, D. (2006). Exploration of the cognitive and behavioural consequences of paediatric cochlear implantation. Cochlear Implants International, 7(2), 61-76.
  • Erol, N. & Şimşek, Z. (2010). Okul çağı çocuk ve gençler için davranış değerlendirme ölçekleri el kitabı: Achenbach ampirik temelli değerlendirme sistemi (ASEBA). Ankara: Mentis.
  • Filipo, R., Bosco, E., Mancini, P., & Ballantyne, D. (2004). Cochlear implants in special cases: deafness in the presence of disabilities and/or associated problems. Acta Oto-Laryngologica, 124(supp.552), 74-80.
  • Friedman-Krauss, A. H., Raver, C. C., Morris, P. A., & Jones, S. M. (2014). The role of classroom-level child behavior problems in predicting preschool teacher stress and classroom emotional climate. Early Education and Development, 25(4), 530-552.
  • Göl, Z. (2017). Examination of Social Skill Levels of Hearing Impaired and Normal Children in Inclusive Preschool Classes [Unpublished master's thesis ]. Eskisehir: Anadolu University.
  • Gresham, F. M. (1997). Social competence and students with behavior disorders: Where we've been, where we are, and where we should go. Education and Treatment of Children, 20(3), 233-249.
  • Gresham, F. M., & Elliott, S. N. (1990). Social skills rating system: Manual. American Guidance Service.
  • Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., Anderson, R. E., & Tatham, R. L. (2013). Multivariate data analysis. New York: Pearson.
  • Herrera, M., & Little, E. (2005). Behaviour problems across home and kindergarten in an Australian Sample. Australian Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology, 5, 77-90.
  • Hoffman, M. F., Cejas, I., & Quittner, A. L. (2016). Comparisons of longitudinal trajectories of social competence: Parent ratings of children with cochlear implants versus hearing peers. Otology & Neurotology, 37(2), 152-159.
  • Houston, D. M., & Miyamoto, R.T. (2010). Effects of early auditory experience on word learning and speech perception in deaf children with cochlear implants: Implications for sensitive periods of language development. Otololgy and Neurotology, 31(8), 1248–1253.
  • Jang, J., Dixon, D. R., Tarbox, J., & Granpeesheh, D. (2011). Symptom severity and challenging behavior in children with ASD. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 5(3), 1028-1032.
  • Khan, S., Edwards, L., & Langdon, D. (2005). The cognition and behaviour of children with cochlear implants, children with hearing aids and their hearing peers: A comparison. Audiology and Neurotology, 10(2), 117-126.
  • Low, S., Cook, C. R., Smolkowski, K., & Buntain-Ricklefs, J. (2015). Promoting social emotional competence: An evaluation of the elementary version of second step. Journal of School Psychology, 53(6), 463-477.
  • Marschark, M. (2007). Raising and educating a deaf child: A comprehensive guide to the choices, controversies, and decisions faced by parents and educators. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Matson, J. L., Wilkins, J., & Macken, J. (2008). The relationship of challenging behaviors to severity and symptoms of autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 2(1), 29-44.
  • Mills, G. E., & Gay, L. R. (2019). Educational research: Competencies for analysis and applications. New Jersey: Pearson.
  • Miyamoto, R. T., Hay-McCutcheon, M. J., Iler Kirk, K., Houston, D. M., & Bergeson-Dana, T. (2008). Language skills of profoundly deaf children who received cochlear implants under 12 months of age: a preliminary study. Acta Oto-Laryngologica, 128(4), 373-377.
  • Moeller, M. P. (2000). Early intervention and language development in children who are deaf and hard of hearing. Pediatrics, 106(3), 1-9.
  • Most, T. (2004). The effects of degree and type of hearing loss on children's performance in class. Deafness & Education International, 6(3), 154-166.
  • Nicholas, J. G., & Geers, A. E. (2003). Personal, social, and family adjustment in school-aged children with a cochlear implant. Ear and Hearing, 24(1), 69-81.
  • Nunes, T., Pretzlik, U., & Olsson, J. (2001). Deaf children's social relationships in mainstream schools. Deafness & Education International, 3(3), 123-136.
  • Öztürk, Ö., Erermiş, S., Ercan, E. S., Gülen, F., Başay, B. K., Başay, Ö., ... & Aydın, C. (2016). Does the quality of life in autism spectrum disorder differ from other chronic disorders and healthy children. Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry, 17(5), 419-426.
  • Patterson, G. R., DeBaryshe, B. D., & Ramsey, E. (1989). A developmental perspective on antisocial behavior. American Psychological Association, 44(2), 329–335.
  • Patton, R. K. (2004). Social skills issues of mainstreaming hearing-impaired children. Unpublished master thesis. USA: Washington University.
  • Quittner, A. L., Barker, D. H., Cruz, I., Snell, C., Grimley, M. E., Botteri, M., & CDaCI Investigative Team. (2010). Parenting stress among parents of deaf and hearing children: Associations with language delays and behavior problems. Parenting: Science and Practice, 10(2), 136-155. Quittner, A. L., Barker, D. H., Snell, C., Cruz, I., McDonald, L. G., Grimley, M. E., ... & Investigative Team, C. (2007). Improvements in visual attention in deaf infants and toddlers after cochlear implantation. Audiological Medicine, 5(4), 242-249.
  • Remine, M. D., & Brown, P. M. (2010). Comparison of the prevalence of mental health problems in deaf and hearing children and adolescents in Australia. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 44(4), 351-357.
  • Simó-Pinatella, D., Mumbardó-Adam, C., Alomar-Kurz, E., Sugai, G., & Simonsen, B. (2019). Prevalence of challenging behaviors exhibited by children with disabilities: Mapping the Literature. Journal of Behavioral Education, 28(3), 323–343.
  • Squires, J. (2003). The ımportance of early ıdentification of social and emotional difficulties ın preschool children. USA: University of Oregon.
  • Stevenson, J., Kreppner, J., Pimperton, H., Worsfold, S., & Kennedy, C. (2015). Emotional and behavioural difficulties in children and adolescents with hearing impairment: a systematic review and meta-analysis. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 24, 477-496.
  • Sucuoğlu, B., & Özokçu, O. (2005). Kaynaştırma öğrencilerinin sosyal becerilerinin değerlendirilmesi. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Özel Eğitim Dergisi, 6(1), 41-57.
  • Swanwick, R., & Marschark, M. (2010). Enhancing education for deaf children: Research into practice and back again. Deafness & Education International, 12(4), 217-235.
  • Tabachnick, B. G., Fidell, L. S., & Ullman, J. B. (2013). Using multivariate statistics (6th ed.), Boston, MA: Pearson.
  • Theunissen, S. C., Rieffe, C., Kouwenberg, M., De Raeve, L. J., Soede, W., Briaire, J. J., & Frijns, J. H. (2014a). Behavioral problems in school-aged hearing-impaired children: the influence of sociodemographic, linguistic, and medical factors. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 23, 187-196.
  • Theunissen, S. C., Rieffe, C., Kouwenberg, M., De Raeve, L., Soede, W., Briaire, J. J., & Frijns, J. H. (2012). Anxiety in children with hearing aids or cochlear implants compared to normally hearing controls. The Laryngoscope, 122(3), 654-659.
  • Theunissen, S. C., Rieffe, C., Netten, A. P., Briaire, J. J., Soede, W., Kouwenberg, M., & Frijns, J. H. (2014b). Self-esteem in hearing-impaired children: the influence of communication, education, and audiological characteristics. Plos One, 9(4), e94521.
  • Tomblin, J. B., Zhang, X., Buckwalter, P., & Catts, H. (2000). The association of reading disability, behavioral disorders, and language impairment among second-grade children. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 41(4), 473-482.
  • Tüfekçioğlu, Ü. (2005). İşitme, konuşma ve görme sorunları olan çocukların eğitimi. Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi
  • Turan, Z. (2014). Teacher goals in an early intervention program for children with hearing loss. European Journal of Research on Education, 2(2), 146-153.
  • van Eldik, T. (2005). Mental health problems of Dutch youth with hearing loss as shown on the Youth Self Report. American Annals of the Deaf, 150(1), 11-16.
  • Venetz, M., Zurbriggen, C. L. A., & Schwab, S. (2019). What do teachers think about their students' inclusion? consistency of students' self-reports and teacher ratings. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 16-37.
  • Wake, M., Hughes, E. K., Collins, C. M., & Poulakis, Z. (2004). Parent-reported health related quality of life in children with congenital hearing loss: A population study. Ambulatory Pediatrics, 4(5), 411-417.
  • Walker, H. M., Seeley, J. R., Small, J., Severson, H. H., Graham, B. A., Feil, E. G., & Forness, S. R. (2009). A randomized controlled trial of the first Step to Success early intervention: Demonstration of program efficacy outcomes within a diverse, urban school district. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. 17(4), 54-87
  • Wauters, L. N., & Knoors, H. (2008). Social integration of deaf children in inclusive settings. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 13(1), 21-36.
  • Xie, Y. H., Potměšil, M., & Peters, B. (2014). Children who are deaf or hard of hearing in inclusive educational settings: A literature review on interactions with peers. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 19(4), 423-437.
  • Yavuz, H., Baran, G., & Biçakçi, M. Y. (2010). Comparison of social adjustment of children with and without hearing impairment in 9-17 age groups. Journal of Society & Social Work, 21(1), 7-23.
Toplam 63 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular Alan Eğitimleri
Bölüm Makaleler

Abdullah Genç 0000-0003-0648-7983

Murat Doğan 0000-0003-4942-3760

Osman Çolaklıoğlu 0000-0003-0110-5587

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 23 Ekim 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Ekim 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 18 Mayıs 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Genç, A., Doğan, M., & Çolaklıoğlu, O. (2023). Behavioral Problems in Children with Hearing Loss: A Comparative Analysis with Children with Typical Development and Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Theoretical Educational Science, 16(4), 821-842.